CO問 剛朗抽,7Aと No.乃 ど 。 R忙/D.As伊 9o Do 。 207イ F「o船 Tho ReglisrrOr′ と 胡,ore ttth cour与 と ohoた . To Arr fhe DFs静 た,&Sessお ns JwJges, Fn fhe Punicb. StraJFC推 Deqr Sir, I om direcfrEdfo reler to fhe subl'ecfcifud obove ond io scry that in ,ln light of omended Rule t 2(2) of fha Puniob GovernmenfServqrfs (Conducfl Rules1966, it is mondotory for every GovqrnnrcnfServonf io submifon onnuol declorofibn of inconn, ocsefsond expensasfor tl:e financiol por endingon 3orrr Jvne,reflectrng ony i'ncreoseor decreoseof proprty os shown in fhe declorolion lor ile lost annual refurn under sub-rule (l) of Ruleibrd. 2. lncome & Yov are, tlrcrefore, colled upon fo forward your own Declorotionof Asscfs for fhe fitrcrrtcial year ending g@ !wp, 2or4 POltzAl4l on ftc prescn'bedproformo (atter lilling-ineoch columnoccordingfo its scop€ & spirit), ond of oll fhe Jvdiciotoffiaers (AD&SiJ, Senior Crvit Judges & Civil Judges) qt wet, ss Supenniendenfs,SessrbnCouds, working ur/1er your odmrhr'sfrotivecontrol, duly showrng ony increoseor dacreosein proprty occurrad during fhe sold finoncisl yeor olong with funk sMement(s) ond other relq6 documentary evidence . posFtteヶ yours ttfttful町 -/" profornoofD.As y./Encl : Prescribad や fFHAQAN BABA印 DrSTRrCT a SFSSrONS JUDCFrFSl席 ., for RFCrSTRAR 駒 法比用。I逸 タ ンRに /DAr2CrrP DgraJた gme,ぉ .ユジ TJufyfttrィ Copy forworded to oll lfp ltd/iciot officers working on Ex'Codre posfs in fhe Puniob for necessory ocfion ond complionce in leh{er& sprnL DrS 撫 微封鵡;▼ uDCど rFS門 や ︼ LAHORE モ ギ︺ LAHORE HttGH COURT &EttENDHLttES DECLARAT10N OF ASSETS ALONGWITH NCOM岡 STATEIMENT(TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE JUDICIAL OFFttCttRS, EMPLOYEES OF LJAHORE ttGH CO AND SUBORDNATE 20 . COURTS)FOR THE FNANCIAL YEAR 20 ‐ S/o__二 ____NIC NO. I. Narnewith parentage II. Dnte crscining sewice III(O Present Post hdd Basicpay scale& net salary in the last financial year. (b) Incomethrough other sourcs$. (C) Total! .-,...,, - . . ., ,,,,- Expenditrrres during the last financinl ycnn IV visited t 3 Country 守 n i押p s d u r i n g leaas職 (a) P お叫t e f o r e竹 dates. with m“ sdfand mゃ 蛇 里虻里豊塾里塁と_二 _ (b) Educntion Instttution attended Nぉme of Chindren Total fee paid Telephone Utilitt BttlS (d) Approximate expenditure. 職hip lfClと塁立 Memい 。 Nanes ofCitわ(ゆ_ Expenditures (e) Household€xponditures (0 Total:- , , ,, ....-,-*.-- -., ,.,.... .. .., ← F ___上 _____― ― ― 占 __― ― ― ― H― ― ― ― ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ― ! i F ■, │ 十士 i l : l iユ 1品 品 ( 韓 品品ゃ 晶 ,品 properties,openplots of all types) ゑ Year of acqui,rition VI MOVABLE ASSETSは busittss carpid etc.) あsh h handl mottr唯 ReLtionship wath the Oracial 瓶cles,jeWl。 呼,household items,eqttpmcnt, Mode of acqulsition & velue rt that time ASSETS HELD AS ATTORNEY ature of poヤ er of llギ C,ttorney(revocahle/ frrevocable VIII ▲竪婆駆登週四翌至澄E豊運四狙週理阻翌巡堅担HEYEAR Identificntion & nature of asset(s) Date of disposa Amount received as saleproceed (Rs.) Whether pelHnission of the High Court obtained beforc disposal ―― ‐ Ⅸ 蜘 避!田MENTS(BOnds,Shares,c朝 3‐ 拭点cates,DepositぎAdvances,Loansl軍 mted e悔 .) fnvestment B●nd No冬ゅ If 統 ●xcess of Rs. 1,00,900/a, Whether peHmissiOn of the H鞄 出 Court obtained. DenominationRs. X (cunsnt,saving,DepositA/c & F.c. A/cs) Year of opening ︲ ︲ ︲ X X TOTtt ASSETS付 的 L酪 田l s cep鶴 Net Worth・ As on 30。 6120. Rs__ Ma油 glource cf deposlts FApp的 nalance on 30.6.20 斌m a t e l v b . 血 側 t就脇 nk Loans,Over drtts,Mongages seowed,pttvate lo撫 Rs. み Rs. s etc.) 仰賄p t t x 血 劇戯v b , Signature Name ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ―‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐Ⅲ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 電い …‐ ‐ L‐ ‐ "“ ‐ ‐ Ⅲ Dlesignatiolは ‐‐ …Ⅲ ………… ……‐ …… Nane ofthe organ協 就阻Deptt.…… 。 ぃ い 。 。 ‐ """‐ 中 ‐ “ """'中 n_… Ⅲ ‐ ""噂 ‐ ‐ ‐ 中 ‐ … … Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Pnace ゃ ぃ Dlat● ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ い ‐ ‐ 。 い “ 。 ntぃ oぃ o_""‐ ‐ 3由 ‐ "“ ‐ Ⅲ … 。 “ … … は ,‐ ‐ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱llll11111111日1日日日日︱ ■ ︱︱ロー■︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ■︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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