一 一 ︱ ; ︲ ; ︲ ︲ ︲ l- ; ︲ ︲ Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs utrectorate General Border Secu;iry Force (pers Directorate: ^. nu.ruttr"nt.sJ.tilni lll 1 aDvERrrsEMENt /// II,IPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 8order secu"ty Force wⅢ pOst Of ⊆さと上L≦ l`gη baused ¨ … 2014-15 蜻酢 膳靭1鼎 輔軍 ― ‐‐ビPo,t υ i 護 尭 濡 iデ 号 基 う ビ 繰 ′ ※ 滸車 面 」 ゴ恒 蘇 毀師爾 薦 識 i黎 椰 li軍 Wii藷 ょ 瀞 :凡億 諏 層 撻 饒甫 鱗 rFユ ]1鶏 串 ∝ :蝋 週 mn琺 踏 漁 耗 温 蘊 温 予辛 w躙 讚 椰 閻 涸 写 躙詰 肥∫ よ "S・ =蒋 ^繊 踏 ぶiふ 認TE静:鷺 鵞 k‖ Fげ a“ 銹 型 :£ 雷 商 疏 疏 爾 而 The recruitment wil be dOne On Al lnda Bas` ― Seimed∽ nddate 駆珊 w‖ be governed by BsF Act and Ruに E満 品 百モ¬ 肩 ■肩 E鵡 I鼈 :1幕 s ― ― ―ヽヽ ‐ヽ ヽ‐ ‐y 鋤ifi薇 liiifi嘱 l:[よ :i:ま ――――___________J __― ――――――― 一 ―― __¬ 2‐ nentatiOn i矯 「 tes h suppOは tO thdr ddms 密邸 ∫ 留Ⅷ 鵠 闘酬∫ ョ l]t庶 崎 ve"flcation at a ln,`rO,ぅ _ admissbn to the test lf On 』 い品 紳瘍曇曇曇曲曲贔凸還 i‖ =胤 .._ =● :_“ ^ __│^● I器 曰 瑯選鵠 薄梅椰隆 翻 薗 囮服 漱 ∽ 獅 庭 出 LT「 £ 1la認 苺 蕊Ⅲ 麒 器 IFま mertは advetti蟹 as peは Iさ quЫ n“ 副 the even、 。Fthe c e nnalin a‖ 編鰐 甲 T面 ng lnsutu● 1熙 Ons Of Bζ “ maters cOnnoied 糧F獅 艦 1路 〕型 '蔦 尋 rl招llttF鵬 :麗 f:浩 : 『 e b be tnnhated 塁 扇き 「 bЫ :ふ :e:… :「 「 ピ 喘 :『 寓 智 就 Lよ ご ‖ ご ‖ 徊 … I11:I:‖ 骰 g to the Physに a‖ y Handicapped categOry are NoT ELICIBLE tO appけ ′or wrOno deiivan/ 黒擬l PAN cad et b thさ exammaloF′ c語 は appearin the Examinauon. ` ege′ [諦 島 ]1襦 IncOme Tax ittniVesity/cO‖ ey shali not be al:。 wed tO 『 聯 1鶉1酬椰 Trade OBC Total SC 04 ST 01 &EXS l・len‐ 1 Pay Band-1 06 03 01 23 &EX S Men-1 25 Vacandes are suり Pay Scale 22 ^ 5 Avbnics にりOry ●● ecnanical UR ︵υ IⅥ ___ ^ Z い 物 Fleet 11 0フ Rs 5′ 200-20′ 200 +GP Rs 2′ 800/― 45 to change(may hcrease Or decuse) “ 螺計:期 」濡 闇 ed up frOm nOn― Ex S蝉 lli濡 韮i珊品IM兄ld鋼響譜鼎 y be pum輌 On∝ F ttb● 。 耐 に 油nddaに 引 n mo「 。 艦留 に ,aに wn hに 乳胤 requested :器 響 oら 澤 」 tti品1lζ‖昌 ξ i罵 馬 ru“ ates “‖ W‖ ibe n‖ l [は ― ― ―― ― ― ― ―― ― ―― ――― ―― _J -3- 111 EDuCA■ oNAL ouALIFICATIoN:_ Essentlal:‐ °°麗 胤1留餞滉 :wa relevant trade recognレ h me ed by the DirectOrate Or (b)Group` x″ Dip10ma ssued by the indbn Air Force, ll PreFerablソ ξ]L」 梶瀾 1鶉 虞 rV e,κ "“ ence aFte′ ∞ m●etOn OF a口 Oma = a)ACE li“ rr:_Notexceeding28yearsOFageasOniastdateOfreceiptOFapplicatOn b)RELAXATIoNS ARE AS u"DER: u2Er寵 さ]需 戸 SOST∽ tegory 扇稲 昴百 再 扇 晨扁 OBC category 雖:f 墨 ngdali CClntinu。 櫛 暇 ― こ ξ皇品L´ C]i aξ up to the age gSLn I ¨C品 Ⅷ Ex servicemen(General categOry) ― 咆 乳ぷ 上 Up to the age or ls@rs- 弊買囁 聴 臨 聴 L iJL£ °nl%mrT "あ 魔需:1雷inW詭 留ぃ寧 ° ]露盤・ お 0・ 1、 躙 o-iftarr on the closing date. 墨 墨 避 Up to the age OF 40 years 16お おJl‖ L諾 ° nttmR に 響 軍 i980 3 jl∬ Lお 1:叫 ・ し 1里 13Ю oe years 1o- lO years yrs+o:l$ (OS yrs+OS yrg 澁計囮曰喩 品 [8高ξ 淵 猛塁 闇 1盤]ふ #雷 :籠 勒 弔 ぎy:よ 昴::沼 腱 窪:翡 nt・ 6[8「 孟 oa years loSlE+O: yrg :』 勒 y占 ぎ 猛[だ 諸雹 酔rt rotS 6「 品 10 years(o5yrs+o5yrs) ‐ 4‐ 棚 影螺鰈 *" :当 ::j.-:L. -t h』 1luⅧ譴 *."i,"a'it""ill1i 麒瑞ぎ1麒 ° 軋 」 師 ° aF n。 た おお 留 出」 鰍 1.ど d“ ル 馳*t器‰ 』 ,lu酬露 卵 ." i".,liii"j'"iiEu,Ji :lg^:l: "^里 roti:i.il'tr"l;HT:,m1g;.;"::mbatant or non-combatant ih the "'ll,i:i[H,Hirfff,%i:x1tifl**;1ff o) ",ffi Il""r,,li,i,"ft released frcm such service as a #:H",ilTJ::T:r resurt of reduction in or D ffi"g$-P;,pfr#5m*[i't'-i1,l+*ltffi 鯨T計 ょ棚 蜆uttm 『 I昴 iV) 1賀 mAmy%su“ Ⅳ にぉ r mOに ぬ ¨敬mm鷹 Or GallantryawardwinnersOftheArmedForcesindudingpersOnne10fTerltOra:Army7 NOTE-1:Minimum requirement OF Character w‖ be` Good′ ∽ tegory 輔 灘 紳 瀾 職 樵 讚 酬蜃 椰 d) ‐ 5‐ **ffiSm{,t,.*.*,it#fr tlfi:1g1$u:xTr**:,:,f V PHYSICAL STANDARDS TEST (PST) n l 歯[:鮮 f O 杷1:]島 跳譜]出n出 lt置〔 馴m昴 1周器叩為:訂勒 譜 酬誕 la“ 器 榔I鳳 守 ξ ∬躍i鴨 f fFl塁 Ψ£聰臨t出 "*{; The Minimum physical Standards requircments are as follows:_ Hdgn shtt n― 出 [‖ 』 !:e no requirement Of chest Ex- Servicemen are not required to undergo pST. VI 粽 麟猟ll熾副蠅 醤i讐指1測操聾 硝:騰階 MEDICAL STANDAltDS O E"s晰 ﹂ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︲ ∞ に い。 6 md o9げ }ll器 :R躍 網 彗 1:尊 」 賊h eyes mmm ① 蒲 rcose vdn∝ 鋼 J"heぃ 譜臨洲 醤選:蹄 』鮮愧 諦晴叫 い ① l認 げ 糊T寵 肥臨TH::席鵬‖羅摯I』 Rき 回deFect o VII DISouALIFECAnON 鰤 3ientredぃ ::T° 櫻 鍵 o or aDntracted a marnage mth a persc n ha● ng spOuse ¨ e Mn,ms entに dhb¨ 成 。 cted a m■ lage mh 剖憶 輩馴蜆 ∫ 鳳 騨 駆冒買 質β■選輝 操翼き 瑞 よ 認讐悲 も Oto such眸 such persOn 60n and andthemeothρ dher"∼ r nハi尋 ハ′林 ヽ__│___ Ome●^^mari:geandttξ conviction b/Iifdiftii-G Olsmissat from Covemnrent - serviE Termination from ESf during probatior,, :計 N PROCEDURE The selectiOn prOcedure will be as unde「 :― (A)FIRST P"ASE 器磐 7糠壼袴 『 』酬欄 轟]酬乳 哺 撫讐淵濡 1縦 1貞 - 25 Marks - 25 Marks - 25 Marks 25 Questions 25 Questions 25 Questions 25 Questions ‐ 25 Marks 100 Ma「 ks 0)OUALIFVING MARKS oF WRrTTEN EXAM % % 伸 ︹ ︺ rp r υ ′” 3諄 ξ 剛 鶴駆協響datS I LABuS OF WRrITEN EXAMINATION IS S uNDERト )S‐ 喘 堤 1]ffよ 1をLge of varouS themOdソ namiC lil:││llil!::111]l醤 ︱︱ ︱︱︱ 1.2 3. :′ (a) DeFnitiOn 8芦饗 Ш 1セ ttlbaЫ cs9 (1) CompressOr 01)CombustOn chanber (″ )Turbhes (V)Exhaust nOz2に 4 ユ [13譜 1抱lil[i誕 。 :錦d“ n cemp7 pressure7 却 ttude′ Piston cngine R織拙出社拙器γ “ (1) Crank shaFt 〔 ")P`ton (iり ConnectOr Rod 航薄藷贈lT&∞ ﹃︱︱︰︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ∼ , ︱ ︱ イ ーーーー︰ ︱︱︱︱︰︱︱ ︱︱︱ ︱︱ ︰︱︱ ︰ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱11 ,︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︰︱︱︰︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︰︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︰ 一 ‐ 6‐ は つ 噂 Hundty etcl on 6. ,. propellers (a) Definitions (b) Type - fixed pitch /variabte oikh filili (a) i:1"', (b) (c) .. ::H,ITon Definiubn Properties Uses - lfloi,'uffiloont (a) and operation physical & chemicrt handrins lubricants 'n General definitrbns in meta umv Fiffl $trirt";bout castiron, steerand other mebrs. [:i 9. H€al Tr€atment (a) Various definitions (b) General knowledge about varior heat beabnent process like case nardening, nitridino etc (c) Various heat treatment process€!r to improve quality of steet or other metaB. 10. Aerodynamics (a) Easic definition like Aero foil, tift' drag. thrust, weight (Aercdynamic rorce). (b) NeMon,s laws of motion (c) General physiG terms (i) Temperature (ii) Pressure (,ii) volume (iv) Boyles taws (v) Chades laws equahon or gas equation I:il Thermodynamic (vri) Match No. (viiD Wave formation (d) production of lifting, drag and other forces on an aircraft. B 1. 2. 3, a, Advantages oetails of {: cells in serjes and parallel. (a) Closed circuit (b) Open circuit (c) Short circuit P-N-junction-s in a semiconductor and effect of depletion laver. gperation of circutts in which diodes are used (aJ 5. o. of connecting (b) Bridge rectifiers Fult and Hatf wave rectifiers. Operation of kansformers, explanation of transformer losses. (rnstruction and working of a Cathode RayTube. i3l',,lii?il,i."f. jg#:'lf: :H;;:j,i$il i; i;?X"3ili J'Jril,f"T:ff ff rr. secondary Emission and :fl ,:H;,""' its advantaoes. i.r: XE _.El?"?ff .,rns resistance an-d inductive reactance. 14. Amplifiers, Generators. 15. FET & MOSFET and their apDlication_ ]:. lnteSlated Circuits and Lhei; appticaLions. r/. ul potes, Antennas, reflectors and directors. Eovars rawand charres! raw il: iitr?;i:#r:l;lltifn' ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ﹃ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ 一 一 r ll︲︲︲︲︰︲ ;︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱∼ 11,︱︱︰︱︱ ︱︱ ︰ ︱︱;︱︱︱︱ ︱︱ 11∼︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱;︱︱︱︱︱︱ -7- ‐ │ 8- 案 ;IIi畢邸 湿 露 色 』 ‖ 囃琴鳥綿 [li聯 識 ξ 聰 :精 i ∞m"k為:器 1需:l酬 指馴需肥乱讐瀧]齢 品盤latandumenxedbyhe (r) pllYSIcAL STANDARDS TESr`PSr) 謄 珈』 星 ]粗酬蠅脚懲 譜lw:麒 躙 需S:i踏 譜冊雷ぶ &皆:問 寵 ‐ Ex=腱 Serv∝ men∽ nddates ac not requred b undeり O PsT(PhyscЫ 七ぉ 1■ PHYSICAL EFF=CIENCY TEST`PET〕 0ウ Phぃ に Ы 鶴滉 器::ぉ3胤 Events Female NOTE‐ One M‖ e Run 8 Minutes 12 Minutes n:Pqnan"試 "ぃ h br 躇黒酬 織譜ftty!晩 pu mЮ “ Standing 4 Feet 6 1nch 3 Feet Clear the Ditch 6 Feet 4 Feet Jump and reach 7 Ft (Excludinq 1 feet reach) 6 Ft(Exdud llg l feet reaと h) ぉ r遣 i鰍 呵ded 暉濁電 肥脈押製 躍 躍室 “ me umeび P師 :器 1よ冨錦lldat剛 (iV) i:lI"「 Eroad lumD Mae i:』 lNTERVIEW r肝 認椒腿1鞘粥IⅧ靴蜘 酬鴇 難 no m“ mum qudttng: 鵬胤馴Taに (V) -- s● ndaに : MED=CAL EXAMINAT10N --candidates who quarify a[ the above stages ie. written Examination, Do(umentatron, o:yl"1.r*l_rr,".ini-ti.o *nu, ・ *irr'#?d'iiil"0 ov lT;,jfll,Ty'::.:,1_:l*?: IF any candida nn [^′ ;^I M^"│^ヽ 三 聖]1ln.,I¨ 高己■Ⅲ品‖饉 ま 言 高 言 も 晟 菟 計 i清械 勤 品 高 曇 き ま ま 都 キポ昇 TFぎ 言 are onり agamst an` ERROR OF JuDGMENT″ medical bOard ハぃぃ0● o^、 ′ , i三 Of the BOard on acceptance OF ―― ― Medical ――― ― Ψ,,・ ヽ cP,● :` こ Ol the trlC ― │‐=ず ・ヽ Review Medical ExaminatiOn w‖ l be conducted and the decisiOn of Review Medical Board wll be nnal No appeaソ representatbn against the decisiOn oF the Reviav Medi∽ ●いい‐ ヽ1 appeal′ 0^:^… 、′^ヵ l^^, 8oard wtt be entertained 1_ ‐ __ │ │ , -9_ 1 IX MODE OF PAYMENT i郡 徹i出椰郡FI卜 Ъ聾::TT性 ]僻11■ 計望留ly 樋性僻笛 l{OTE-It 蜘 曇 Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances, ffi"f,ffi j:f i:,,ffi X PREPARATIOI{ OF MERTT * A #fi *%H,i',Hiy.ii.J".;iitiff D RESOLUTIOI{ OF TIE CASES ["j,] :1?:1i:.H#,1&T ff:lg_,llhe resotued "" as under by (i) (iD (iii) ,*"tf :jy;:fl ar events or examinat]bn wir be prepared apr-,,6; ;d;;:il".;""T:;ff[rtr,,,ffi""T,y;.I;,ffjli *,,, Mark obtained in Written Examination. " Date of Birth, with older candidate ptaced higher. Alphabetacal order in which the first names of the candidates appear. Xl HOW TO ApPLY: 瘍 取 覇鷲織Tぶ‖ Mら NttD臨 :i搬 臥。 甜酔輻 !OfE: - 66nks 66. aaaduct of exam mav i :hange at any stage of examinatjon, reasons. ro aomrnrstrative 塁 el鷹 温 ず 器 庸蹂 if required, due me ap● ● ¨n one 」型 話 器∴∫ 翻やは に。 、 1嶋 :哩 寓晶 『 Ll:: ギ each th ph拙 phd"mph b“ ahx“ 8R :1野 11空 1“ F■ C甲 I==:`i臨 enttbぃ of` s,2e Of 25対 enveIOpes ′ 23 Yl,21驚 ´ぃ。 ム ^^´ ● ^, _● _ atached with the anniirハ │^h IFliご f躍 nttLttT撃 bOuに ttet Ъ s、 APliI`i 摯 ■ :躙 =望 、 た。 Ⅲ申 ,^,i■ 織 ポL酬¶rttS:: 譜 瓢認薫酢囃れ ど』『 雪 溜噌¶ │ ― ― ― ― ―― 」 - XII. 10- CHECK LISTS Before sending application, the crndidates must ensure following:_ a) b) c) Application and Admit Card duty filled up and signed by the candidate. Two latest identical passport size photograph; (one each pasted on applicataon and admit card). Examination fee Rs. 5O/- 0000 0 D in the shape of Demand Draffi/Ipo in the case of male GeneraI/OBC candidates. Copy of Matriculation/School Leaving certificate or equivalent certificate as proof of aoe. LopEs of technical educational qualification certificates. Copies of experience certificates or wherever required. Two envelopes with postage stamp worth Rs. 39/- duly affixed on each .s€lf-addressed envelops. Age relaxation certificate of candidate belonging J & K during the period from 01 lan 1980 to 31 Dec 1989 issued by Lhe Competent Authority. Ю り Age relaxation certiflcate of fhe children and dependent family membeB of those who the communal riots of rhe year 1984 at pun;ab ind 2OO2 at Gu;aiai riots rssued Dy rhe competent authority. Copy of Discharge Service Certificate in case of Ex-servicemen candidate. All photocopies of certificates should be E€lf-ettestea Oy tfre canAiaite.' I:TliM., D Singh) ,Aoecember 2014 Annexure‐ ` A′ Government of India l4inistry of Home AffaiB Directorate General Border Securiw Force (Pers Ote: Recruitment Se.fi6n l IN BSF AIR W="G:2014‐ 1 梶囃 熙蔀 瀧 椰曇磯鸞酵 I酬淵蝋き 1稲 RECT NO 下obe nled by the Ofrce) ROLL NO (TO be● ::ed by the candidate) POST APPLEED FOR 1 Fu‖ Name 3.5 x4.5 Gns ) 歯認盟i胤誡 2 equ“ lent orllate) la“ nα 3 Fathers name (In GpitaHetters) COrrespondence address (Wth PIN Code) MOble No 4 Pemanent address (With PIN Code) MObile No , Nauonalty a Religon ス Qtegory(cen/OBC/SC/η & Sex , Matttai status 0 1 Visibie ldent Fca● on 11 Marks Date of Birth(According tO chttsuan Era as reccrded in the,4atricuiation or Equiva ent certincate) : In wcrds : In 12 Educational Qualifi cation Fioures I t -t2^ J Details of examinations passd from Matriculation onwards:- Examination passed Year Name of university/ Board of ExaminatiOns of Percentage Of marks Obtained Passino 4 5 Technical qualification (in which apptied) Years_l\4onths_Days Experience ´0 (Exp€hence Certificnte be Attach€d with the appticatjon) :淮 S Whether Ex-Servicemen I Ю fTICk“ If so, mentlbn following details (Attach copy of discharge certmcate) Date of enrolment Date of retirement/ Total discharqe 17 8 9 20 length of service "山 ‐Ыo lYedical Reasons Gteoorv release/ discharqe for Particulars of prcsent employment If any, with post and personal number/ Department etc. DD/IPO No with issuing date & amount List of enclosures with application DECUIRATION l hcreby deciatt that entrics made in this Fom as abOve are tue and correct tO thc best of my knO、 vlcdge and belier in the event OF aly infOnnatiOn being Found falsc Or incOrrcct Or hduЫ H,bdng dOectd beb“ Or aner i`´ 高↓ 僣 島 こ薔誌ど 鳥 『 t淵 1:騒 nicI:よ 葛 i鵬 蹴 掘1lill榊i購鼈 静 織11豊 1構勢 掛 冨難t瀞詰 =ヽ : Date : .............._....... Pla@: ...................... lUnsisned ウ :蹄 appticatioiiiifEE;Ed j 硼ぎ乱f響∬粘富肝∬]認 酬 皓a beumeび dOcumenぃ 10n andい oMew Non produф On oF 『●● °認没 i Submt ttr ap口 。 n● Ю ugh proper● annd N∝ 輌 1“ 輌 ured o prOd順 ま he 潟出品 翼瑞‖ _13_ Annexure rB, Government of India f4inistry of Home AFfairs Urrectorate General Border Secuity Force (Pers Dte: Recruitment Section) 越 sI辮 辮 鼎 製 弊 ¨ … _15 RECT N0 ROLL NO (TO be nled by∽ nddate) l Pate lere a Fu‖ Name 程嵩躙』常寵 utton : 2 階譴誦緊∝面n.。 3 gttξ鷲器 guに , : trに 4. (Approx 1.5 \4.s c.ns) ′ _ Correspondenceaddress (Wth PIN Code) MObile No 5. 6 Category(Gen/OBC/SC/ST) Persona mark ofldenun∽ tbnり (Signature of Candidate) (For oftice use only) Centre of Examinattbn Date & T'ime of : Examinatbn i ―____― 「 ――― ― ― 1 │ ___― ― -14_ 1 ― ―――_____― FORMOFCAsTEcFRTIFIcATEFORsc′ 1 sT ‖ attrnlat7Kttrこ 翌ギ 型 型 ↓ ずhe 二 ` c′ Annexure‐ ==_げ ====「 ――一 、 ―― 1 te/un鼈 、需 綴 ぶ ヂ “ Uに d・ St・ /,h“ u“ Daughterび j研 .。 ボ 、 ====」 =昴 'Stn″ as a scheduled 翌 曙ょ 鑑 Fu“ gfvillage/row;; 飾 n/Shlmvnma百 摯 and/。 Dnd/1 腱﹄ ふ m me Tribes Certificate issued to State7union TerritOry* rn ure staEunlin lated 2 鮨 ℃ 前 gЮ 国 “ s肝£ ]h 淵 w“ n l 「eCOOnlzed pers。 ¨ f O :1ル sh]‖ :結 iS "Sued On the basis oF ●e ,hr/Shttmat/Kuma■ ¬ 略 *」楓 げ 錮 γ.認 冊 CЫe,7● be ヽvhich is Temtory* iscuert by the reSd“ 9 h Ⅷ "e/Town* Signature Designahon (With seal of Offid State/Union Tenitory 垂 i翼 寝 i掘鮮 蘇 ][恥 ti督 a"口 fi翠 笛Tbdい 臨 '情 deて ,usec heに 副ha℃ he mme m‐ Ⅲ ng as■ sec10n 20ゴ ¨Repr‐ lb¨ nd he ■le Folbttng oFcers are auぃ Юn2ed to ssue catt catfrate: 1 魁誌γ 棚綿島i:『 "13稿 島1渕 糀 踪::器酬淵 甜翻署盤ilη 踏 ]鋼 笞 躙 el絶 ﹂ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︰ 2 3 4 5 6 │lilli:il][lil[│││]lt]i][linedbyい Adm nistratOrs′ ,κ に● ry tO Adminiorator(LaQ,d ve′ M ncOy andん η nd M Is andsl │ 《│ 一一 鑑ξ 聴繭 IML惟 搬1聯職 艦 島 │ e Distnd Mag Slrate
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