CFRE Jfil I tlj Sample Test Question Answers and Rationales llueslion: I tuntent*-!rep; ne$ fiildjna lasfi A The MOST impodont step in the process of setting up donor reseorch progromme A. B, C. D, ff UUSTDI\ ?L ', is o prospective to; design stondordlsed profit formots ond trocking reports. creote procedures for o centrolfiling system of poper documents. set torgets for the number of prospective donors to be identified, esioblish confidentioliiy ond ethics policies, Answer ralionale lor Oueslion I Ihe coruect answer is D: When beginning to estoblish o prospective donor reseorch process, fundroisers con become bogged down in the detoils ond excitement of getting o progromme up ond running thot importont principles ond elements con be missed, The is the best onswer becouse it estoblishes solid policies regording ethics ond confidentiolity thot will govern every ospect of the reseorch process, importont to o successful dotobose; however, these elements ore octuolly port of the initiol dotobose design, not the reseorch process, ond they ore orguobly not the most impodont step. Answer B is not coreol. con eosily be eliminoted becouse most donor records ore now This onswer stored electronicolly, Answer G is not Gorrecl. onswer moy olso seem ottroctive ot first glonce, but the end torget gool should not drive the meons for setting up the reseorch process, This Answer A is not correct. o deceptively ottroctive onswer becouse these elements ore This is *& How to Prepare For The Certilied Fund Raising Executiue Credential 48 Setting Standords in Philanthropg rs . , 0ueslion:2 Gontent Area: Relationship Building, Task B ::.) , , : , ' : :: : Which ospect of on orgonisotion's history is MOST often effectively ,sed in oppeoling to donors? A. The externol foctors thot impocted the orgonisotion. B. The identity of the orgonisotion's chief executive officers, C, The inougurotion of vorious deportments or new services, D, The role of mojor donors in developing the current strengths of the orgonisotion. il itt' i1I a: Answer ralionale lor Oueslion 2 D: lhe conecl answel is The long ierm strength of chorities is the humon link between their mojor donors ond the progrommes ond services they hove suppofied on beholf of the community, By telling the personol most relotionships, orgonisotions con instil pride ond confidence in the true sociol volue of philonthropy, provide role models for ' others to get involved, ond ' demonstrote the losting impoct ihot I individuolgiffs con moke, ' , histories of these t ! I Answer A is not Gorect. inftuenced by exomptes to which they con relote personolly, Answer B is not correct. Fundroising is donor-centred. While the identity of on orgonisotion's chief executive officers builds confidence in its leodership, donors ore motivoted more by their own sociol ond emotionol needs ond by the exomples of other donors, I Answet C is not GoIleGt. lnouguroting new orgonisoiionol services ond deportments ore legitimote couse for celebrotion but .Whiletheexternolfoctorsinfluencingtheyorenotportofthehistory' , on orgonisotion's history ore importont HoweveL it is when these ltneydonotoftenoddresstheneedsinougurotionsorelinkedtoihe I ond motivotions of individuol donors: histories of other donors ond , the need to belong, the need to volunteers, who mode such ' moke o difference, the need to feel exponsions possible, thot they ,, opplecioted, Donors ore more become effective fundroising tools, : ', *F How to Prepare For The Certified Fund Roising Executioe Credentiol CFRE,rt' *.F Question:3 Gontent Atea: Uolunleel lnvoluement, Ias[ A An individuol is the first fundroiser of on orgonisotion with no volunteer fundroising structure. To set up the structure, the individuol should: * A, B. C, select members from the existing boord, ond stori io recruit them, osk for interested persons to volunteer, by publicising the need. osk the CEO to identify people, ond immediotely recruit the CEO's D, selections. toke the time to identify potentiolvolunteers for ihe orgonisotion, ond then recruit them. x * * $ ? I I t ffi * I I t I I I I I I I I Answs ralionale lot Oueslion 3 I Ihe correct ansurer is D: The fundroising portnership is defined os o cooperotive ond coordinoted orrongement in which stoff, boord <rnd volunteers work together to ensure on orgonisotion's success. Finding, troining ond supporting volunteer fundroisers is o key port of thot process. This is coordinoted by the professionol fundroiser, who is responsible for oll functions of the fundroising office, Answer A is not corueBt. The principol responsibility of boord members is for the leodership ond governonce of the orgonisotion ond the stewordship of mojor ond plonned giving donors. Professionol fundroisers need to recruit new volunteers to meet other orgonisotionol needs, Answer B is not correcl. Publicly osking for volunteers risks ottrocting individuols with either the wrong skills or the wrong motivotions. Toking the time to recruit volunteers with the right skills ond bockground will improve orgonisotionol success ond public profile, Answer C is not Golrect. Acting directly on the CEO's direci recommendotion moy or moy not result in the best volunteer condidotes for the iob, Drowing up o coreful profile of the desired volunteer skills ond ottributes, ond o cleor description of duties, will improve condidote selection, !I It I & I I I I I I r ! l r I I l I & * x * E t $ +S' How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credential 50 Setting Stondards fu Philanthroltg +..+ Queslion:4 Gonlent Area: Uoluntes lnuoluemenl, Iask A * Which of the following is the BEST volunteer recruitment source for o plonned giving / bequest progromme? I I ' g I A, Clients ond porticiponts in post ond current progrommes, B. Users of orgonisotionol services, C, Members, clients ond/or olumni, D. Boord members, mojor donors, ond finonciol professionols, t $ 3 t Answer rationale lor Queslion: 4 Ihe correct answer is D: Volunteers recruited for on orgonisotion's plonned giving / bequest progromme need to be both highly committed to the orgonisotion ond copoble of promoting some of the more complex ospects of plonned gifts, Boord members ond mojor donors represent the most experienced volunteers on orgonisotion con drow upon, ond the ones most likely to moke o plonned giftthemselves, Finonciol professionols offer the necessory tox ond insuronce expertise to ossist donors in understonding their best giving options, Answer B is not corect. Plonned giving ond bequests often represent the ultimote level of giving on individuol con moke to on orgonisotion. Subscribing to, or simply using, on orgonisotion's services does not normolly imply this level of commitmeni, t It I I Answer G is not colrect. Agoin, this cotegory is very brood I I I ond does not represent the depth of knowledge or commitment thot plonned giving / bequest volunteers ideolly should hove. Answer A is not corect. While there moy be some potentiol plonned giving i bequest volunteers within this cotegory, the cotegory is too brood ond unspecific to be helpful in identifying them. t'"q How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credential 5l CFRE," '+F Ouestion:5 Contenl Area: Gurenl and Prospectiue Bonor Reseatch, Task B & { a w ln setting up o fundroising progromme focused on foundotions for o new orgonisotion, the FIRST step is to: ? A, B, C, moke oppointments for key volunteers to meet with foundotion boord members. moke on oppointment for the chief executive office to meet with foundotion heods, coll on oll foundotions previously deolt with to let them know of the NEW COUSE. D, reseorch foundotions thot give to similor orgonisotions, ond follow up, Answer rationale lor Queslion: 5 ftr ry : i r ,' ii ' , lhe conecl answer is D: Sefiing up o progromme involves identifying foundotions most likely to be interested in, ond copoble ol funding your orgonisotion's proposed needs, The key to this is coreful reseorch, This is the best onswer becouse it is bosed on the octuol experience of other orgonisotions similor to your own ond it ollows you to focus your reseorch in o procticol "first" storling point. Answel A is not collect. Answer A is premoture becouse it the volunteer before been osks volunteer solicitors for orgonisotion to meet with foundotion boord members ony bockground reseorch hos cornpleted to oscertoin whether or not there is either ony compotible interest or finonciol copocity to give, Answer B is nol correct. on oppropriote step to toke ofter your initiol reseorch hos been completed ond o cose-bosed proposol hos been creoted; it is, however, not the first siep, This is Answel G is nol correcl. Item C con eosily be eliminoted becouse the new orgonisoiion is not likely be of interest to ollthe orgonisotions previously deolt with. This "scotter gun" opprooch with foundotions con be very time consuming ond is usuolly only effective by chonce. t:i} -{ }How to Prcpore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credentiol 5) *& Ouestion:6 Gontenl Area: Curenl and Prospectiue Donor Research, Iask The MOST successful B method of roising funds from foundotions is to submit: A, B. C. : D. proposols for multi-yeor funding to reduce odministrotive burden on the foundotion. requests for gronts to foundotions operoting in the some geogrophic oreo os the orgonisotion, requests to foundoiions whose interests ond finonciol doto identify them os prospective donors, o letler of inquiry before o formol proposol is prepored for the foundotion, i I I I I Arsurs rationale lor Question 6 tr Ihe eorrect answer is C: Most foundotions ore inundoted with requests for funding ond tend to olign their giving decisions with their choritoble mission ond finonciol copocity, Determining whether your proposolfolls within their oreo of interesi ond finonciol copocity ore two importont determinonts of potentiol success, For exomple, submitting o copitol building request to o foundotion thot primorily supporfs environmentol couses, or requesting o $.l0,000 gront when the previous moximum foundotion gronts hove been $2,500, will not likely be commitments of the outset, Knowing thot o foundotion is interested in your cose for support ond hos the finonciol copocity to support you for o single yeor necessorily precedes o multiyeor request. Answer B is not coilect. con be eliminoted becouse, with the exception of rore exomples (such os smollcommunitybosed foundotions which only support locol initiotives), geogrophy is not normolly the determining foctor in whether your couse is o good fit for o porticulor foundotion, This onswer I successful. Answer 0 is nol Gorect. Answer A is not Gorleol. Multi-yeor proposols moy seem odministrotively ottroctive; however, mony foundotions rely on fluctuoting onnuol investment returns ond ore reluctont to commit to longer term Sending o letter of inquiry prior to sending o formol proposol is o good strotegy in deoling with foundotions; but this octivity in itself will not roise ony funds ond therefore would not be o successful fundroising method, *F How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Roising Execrtiue Credentiol 53 CFRE,, *F , 0ueslion:7 Gontent Atea: Management,Iask G An onolysis of the bosic doto (porticiponts, income, ond expense) from o direct moil solicitotion hos been completed. ln order determine the key performonce meosurements ond effectively evoluote the direct moilprogromme, you will need to to exomine the: A. B, C, : . ', i ifi size, ciza net nat income, innnma percent porticipotion, overoge gift overoge cost per gift, cost of fundroising, ond return, hierorchy of gifts os compored io gift totol, ond gift totol os compored to roted potentiol, budget income projections os compored to octuol income from the direct moil progromme, D.performonceofthisyeor,sdirectmoildonorsoScomporedtolost yeor's donors who did not give this yeor, , 1 :: Ansurer rationale lor Question 7 i?'1- Ihe conect answer is A: These six criticol meosurements will not only ollow you to ossess the performonce of your moiling, they will ollow you to moke objective comporisons to future moilings, Ihe number of returns ond the relotive percentoge of oudience Answer B is not colrect. While gifttotol is on importont meosure, the "hierorchy of gifts" ond their "roted potentiol" ore not Common meosurements in direct moil, AnSWef G iS nOt C0lleGl. Budgets ore o doy{o doy foct of porticipon1sbothmeosuretheorgonisotionol|ife;however,theyore sUCcessfulpenetrotionofthenormollybosedonfiscolprojections , oudience, cost return ond expressed The o o moiling within its torget The rotio between the overoll of fundroising ond the net ofter these costs ore deducted meosure cost effectiveness, this con be individuolly oS the overoge cost per gift. overoge gift iize con be both meosurement of success ond weolth indicotor, How to Prepare For The Certified Fund Raising Executioe Credential ond, os such, ore not objective meosurement tools for direct moil progrommes, AnSWef D iS nOt G0ffeBl. Comporing direct moildonors from yeor to yeor is o usefulexercise in determining donor ottrition potterns, but this represents only one performonce meosuremeni for direct moil progrommes, 54 Oueslion:8 Before beginning to write the cose for support for on upcoming compoign, it is MOSI importont to: A. B. C. D. ocquire on understonding of the vorious donor torgef morkets. budget on odequote omount for design, writing, printing, ond disseminotion. obtoin on outline opproved by the key people of the orgonisotion, design the piece with the other cunent orgonisotionol printed moteriol in mind. Answs rationale lor Ouestion r# tltr ! I I Ihe conect answel is A: Professionolfundroising is bosed on relotionship buildlng. Wthout ocquiring o bosic understonding of the torget morkets being opprooched, voluoble time ond efforl moy be misdirected or ineffective, The cose for support speoks to the orgonisotion's key torget oudiences ond its preporotion logicolly begins with the ocquisition of o better understonding of whot the interests, predispositions, ond motivotions within these morkets might be when it comes io moking o gift to your couse, By using volid morket informotion to develop your cose stotement, you will be more successful in your oppeols. Answer B is not Golrect. Understonding your torget morkets precedes wrifing, ond writing ond editing necessorily precedes design ond production, While circumstonce might require you to budget unknown costs for writing ond produciion in odvonce, onswer A is inherently more importont thon onswer B in the context of developing o cose for support for on upcoming compoign, Answer G is not coreot. informotion moy be helpful in compiling the orgonisotion's own gools ond directions, but is does not necessorily reflect the views ond expectotions of the torget donors you hope to opprooch. Torgeted donor informotion needs to be ocquired objectively ond directly, This Answer D is not Golrect. The design ond production of the printed piece con proceed only ofter it its content hos been written, Designing it to fit other existing printed moteriols moy or moy not be suitoble depending on its content, originolity, desired impoct, overlopping torget oudiences, etc, _{ *x+ -< )}. How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Roising Executiue Credential 55 CFRE,, *-rF Question:9 A person is the fundroiser for o new not-for-profit orgonisotion, Now thot the first fundroising compoign hos produced donors, one of the primory responsibiliiies of the fundroising office is to retoin the donors so thot they will continue giving, The BEST course of oction to occomplish this is to: A. recognise the donors publicly of events. B. include the donors in upgrode efforts such os donor clubs. C, invite new donors to contribute to other projects thoi need funds. D, ploce the donors on the orgonisotion's moiling list. Answer ralionale lor Oueslion r4 ng I lhe corect ansurct is B: The best opportunities to retoin their them for , " . , , :r " , , , i i donors ond to encouroge renewed giving is to give incentives to renew their support your couse in woys thot ore personol ond meoningful, Donor clubs provide o sense of belonging to o choriioble orgonisotion os well providing creotive opportunities upgrode levels of giving. lt hos estimoted thot 40-60/" of donors renew their gifts if osked, ond significont number will increose giving levelthrough o donor * Answer A is not correct. help os to been will o their club, + . , G is not Golrect. lnviiing new donors is olso on imporl'ont fundroising octivity; however, the question specificolly refers to the best course of oction to retoin existing donors "so thot they will continue giving." Answer importont Public recognition is on port of retoining donors, but recognition olone will not retoin o donor's willingness to give ogoin, Hou, to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credentiol Answer D is not Golrsot. Plocing donors on the orgonisotion's moiling list to ensure they receive updoted moilings willgenerote some response but will not likely result in the best response becouse it is indirect ond impersonol, Donor clubs ollow the individuolto select individuol opportunities ond giving strotegies thot ore toilored to their personol needs ond volues, 56 Setting Standards in Philanthtol:y Queslion: l0 Gonlenl Area: Gurrent and Prospecliue 4 llonu Reseatch, Iask The process of estoblishing the finonciol ronge of gifts thot will reosonobly consider is referred to os: Z t fl tI D 6 i o donor 4 fr A. roting. * r B. determinotion, & (-. reseorch. cultivoting. K *g D. E 4 * & & L tr Answer rationale lor 0uestion l0 !. * , a * lhe correct answer is A: Roting is the term used to describe the process, through reseorch ond diologue, of moving o prospect into the reolm of being oble to moke reosonoble recommendotions regording copocity ond potentiol for moking o cedoin sized gift, Roting prospects is impodont both in identifying their individuol oreos of personol offinity for specific projects, os well o relotive gift size, Answer B is not GoreGl. term could eosily be eliminoted meoning hos no direct opplicotion in fundroising, This os its Answer G is not correct. ociivity is o key component thot supports roting but "reseorch" con involve mony more ospects thon simply estoblishing the finonciol ronge of gifts, including providing informotion on personol bockground, educotion, donor history, professionol ond community octivities, etc. This Answer D is nol GoreGI. "Cultivoting" is olso o legitimote fundroising term but refers to the process of mointoining personol contoct ond engoging the direct involvement of the donor in your orgonisotion's octivities to build greoter oworeness ond loyolty, +s How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Rriising Executiue Credenlial CFRE't\' +_,p r Ouestion: l1 t ,'i i I : : At o celebrotory compoign dinner for donors, the newly hired ossistont director of fundrqising for the EYZ orgonisotion is osked to sit next to o long time donor, Not hoving seen biogrophicol informotion oheod of time, ond not knowing the individuol, the tundroising professionol's BEST course would be to guide the conversotion to the donor's: A. fomily ond personoltopics. B, other philonthropic interests, C, interest in the compoign, I i . i : $ffif [' , I I ' : . : r , li. , , I, lr- O, involvement in the orglonisotion, Ansurer ralionale lor Oueslion 11 0: lhe COrteCt ansurel iS Stewordship is the ethicol core monogement of the tongible intongible ossets of o orgonisotion, especiolly the mointenonce of its long time donor relotionships, ln the obsence of briefing informotion, the professionol con engoge the In discussion on common tfrot will ollow him or her to r-nore obout the donor's involvemenl onO the interests ond volues motivote it, Such understonding involuoble to on orgonisotion ond give the professionol on opportunity ond ond non-profit ony donor ground leorn thot is will to ocknowledge the donor's contributions in person, oddress ony fundroising misunderstondings or clorify informotion, ir ,, Answer A is not correct. the obsence of ony bockground informotion, which the long stonding In donor would expect the professionol fundroiser io know focusing on fomily or personoltopics moy reveol the emborrossing lock of preporotion, Answer B is not Gorect. The best time to deepen o donor's feeling for your orgonisotion is when you ore meeting in person to celebrote the very commitment thot donors moke to your couse. Focusing the conversotion on "other philonthiopic interests" diffuses ihot opportunity, Answer C is not Gorect. onswer is closer, but is nonowly focused on one compoign ond runs ihe risk thot the long time donor moy not be involved with, or not like, the compoign in question, Asking obout involvement in the orgonisotion is o sofer opprooch. This c-ra, -{ }Hour fo Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executioe Credential 58 Setting Standards in Philanthropy tts} lluestion:12 Gonlenl Area: Managemenl,Iask A Effective strotegic plonning for on orgonisotion must initiolly include: A. B. C. D. hiring o consultont os the orgonisotion's plonning process monoger, engoging key stokeholders in the plonning process, determining the orgonisotion's direction, mission, ond vision, conducting morket reseorch to ossess potentiol opportunities. Answer rationale lor (luestion12 x Ihe corect ansurer is B: Engoging key stokeholders eorly in the plonning process generotes understonding ond ownership, ond builds loyolty ond occepionce of the mission ond vision. From o fundroising perspective, involving key constituents from the storl is criticol, since donors who understond ond ore engoged in developing the strotegic direction of on orgonisotion will likely become donors, Answer A is not correct. Although it is importont to hove o plonning process monoger io guide the plonning process, prepore meeting ogendos, communicotion moteriols, ensure thot odvonce moteriols ore ovoiloble, ond prepore meeting summories, it is not necessory thot o consultont be hired, While some orgonisotions use o consuliont mony orgonisotions use the CEO or other stoff persons for this role. Answer C is not corleol. The process of strotegic plonning determines the orgonisotion's direction, mission, ond vision. Thot is the end result of strotegic plonning, not on initiolstep or presumption ot the stort, Consequently, involving stokeholders in the plonning process comes first. Answer D is not Goreot. Some stokeholders should olso hove on octive role in reviewing morket reseorch to help moke decisions regording potentiol opportunities, ond in some coses they moy provide importont informotion to odd to the reseorch, Thus, once ogoin, involving sfokeholders in the plonning process comes first, # How to Prepare For The Certified Fund Roising Executioe Credentiol 59 CFRE,, tr $ ? 0ueslion:13 Gonlent Area: Curenl and Prospecliue llonor Reseatch,Iask B * z il Foundotion prospects for on orgonisotion ore best identified by the geogrophic scope of the foundotion, its gronting criterio, ond the t * foundotion's: * t 4 1 $ A, * f B. $ * C, i D, boqrd. previous giving record. reseorch gronts of record, copocity for gronts. { * { u a { * , Answer ralionale lor Queslion 13 * ffi I[e correct answer is B: A foundotion's previous giving record is on indicotor of its propensity to give to on orgonisotion, The giving record will show whether it supports similor orgonisotions ond provide insight to the kinds of progrommes it funds. Additionolly, knowing the size of giffs the foundotion hos mode to other orgonisotions will be helpful in positioning your request, Answer A is not correct. Mony foundotions hove pollcies discouroging direct contoct with their boord, Where contoct is permitted, knowing the boord moy be helpful but only loter in the gront process, ofter hoving estoblished thot it supports your kind of orgonisotion. is not Gorecl. ldentifying the fou ndotion's reseorch gronts of record will not initiolly be helpful if their funding guidelines ond priorities do not include your type of institution or progrommes, lt is best to first oscertoin whether the foundotion gives to your kind of orgonisotion ond is o vioble prospect for you. Answer G Answer Il is not Gorrecl. While knowing o foundotion's copocity for gronts is on indicotor of their obility to moke gronts, once ogoin, it will not confirm thot the foundotion's giving priorities ore oligned with your orgonisotion ond projects in need of funding. *F How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credentiol 60 Setting Standords in Philanthroptl *tb Queslion:14 Gontenl Ar-ea: Belalionship Building, Iask A - When developing o comprehensive fundroising progromme, it is importont to remember thot the individuol MOST responsible for monoging the process of constituency development is the: A. B. C. D, chief executive officer of the orgonisotion. choirperson of the fundroising committee/foundotion boord, choirperson of the orgonisotion's boord of trustees/directors, fundroising executive of the orgonisotion, Answer rationale lor Question 14 r::*r/ tH Ihe correct ansuler is D: lt is the professionolstoff's responsibility to orticulote the fundroising progromme in detoil ond to plon ond conduct its overoll operotion, Monoging relotionship building is on operotionol funcfion, which is oppropriotely monoged by Answer B is not Golrecl. While the choirperson of the fundroising committeefoundotion boord should hove fundroising os o primory responsibility ond should be involved in the process of for fundroising, the formotion of o : plonning , plon ond monogement of thefundroisingexecutiveofonprogrommesisostoffresponsibility. orgonisotion, i G0llecl. Answer A is not Although the chief executive of on orgonisotion spends o officer Answer G is not Gorreot. Just os in onswer B, responsibilities of l on orgonisotion's boord of directors ond irustees, including the significontomountoftimewithchoirperson,oretogivedirectionto fundroising octivities, the fundroising executive supports him or her in function, Since the operotionol of the fundroising progromme is professionol stoff, ond constituency developmeni is on this core the operotionol the orgonisotion, determine policy, ond provide ouireoch to the community, lndividuol boord members, including the boord choir, do help corry out relotionship building octivities but do not . function,itisoppropriotelymonogedmonogetheprocess. by the fundroising executive, tF How to Prepare For The Certified Fund Raising Executioe Credentiol 6' CFRE *,F " Oueslion:15 Content Atea; Management,Iask G Morket segmentotion is best defined os: A. B, C. D. geogrophicol boundories where the services ore offered, submorkets or segments of the public. determinotion of services for specific public sectors, segmenting the public by oge groups. Answet talionale lot Oueslion 15 , ll , Answer is nol Gorrect. Ihe correct answer is B: Morket segmentotion is dividing your constituencies into distinct subgroups, eoch of which hos something in common, thereby ollowing you to torget those you wont to reoch, the some reosons os A, C is not correcl since it olso deols with the institution's services, determining which services to offer io specific sectors, rother thon segmenting on orgonisotion's constituencies, Answer A is not Golreot. It is not correct, since it deols Answer D is not Goffecl. Since it describes one woy of with G For the institution's services, determining dividing the morket but does not define whot morket segmentoiion which services to offer to specific sectors ond where they ore offered, rother thon segmenting constituencies into subgroups, is, l Cfl> -{ }Hou to Prepare For The Certilied Futrd Raising Executiue Credential 6l Setting Standords in Philonthropy ++ Oueslion: l6 Gonlent Area: Relalionship Building,Iask A As A, B. C. D. o generol rule, whot is the best woy to cultivote mojor gifis? Appoint prospective donors to the boord, Orgonise o series of events for prospective donors, Develop informed repeot donors. Think like on investor while developing the request. Answs rationale lor Ouestion 16 Ihe correct answer is C: The best mojor gift prospects ore those with o present ond prior relotionship with on orgonisotion, including involvement ond o giving history, ond estoblished contocts with the orgonisotion's leoders, volunteers ond stoff, Thus, the best woy to cultivote mojor gifts is to develop informed repeot donors. Answer A is not correct. Boord members ore usuolly selected from o pool of individuols who hove engogement with ond ore current donors of on orgonisotion, ln oddition, oppointments to the boord ore mode for o number of other importont reosons, including the skills ond expertise they bring to the orgonisotion. Answet B is nol Goffeot. Orgonising o series of events for prospective donors con be steps in mojor gift cultivotion, However, they work best with individuols who olrecrdy hove o history of involvement ond giving with the orgonisotion, Answer D is not corect. While thinking like on investor when developing the request, moy be o good woy to position mojor gift proposols, it is not the best woy to cultivote mojor gifts. Mojor gifts result from donors who ore consistent givers ond thot hove o high level of involvement with the insiitution, *.-F How to Prepore Far The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credential 63 CFRE,, +..& 4 * 4 Queslion:17 Gontent Area: Relationship Building,Iask B , * I t 4 t $ * { , { I w When o donor wishes to moke o plonned gift / bequest to the endowment fund, the fundroising officer should first: A, offer to contoct the donor's finonciol orgonisotion ond odvisor. B, explore whot the donor wishes to occomplish with the gift, C, identify ond shore with the donor the orgonisotion's future needs, D. introduce the donor to vorious plonned giving options, Answer rationale lot 0uestion l7 * Ihe corect ansuret is: B Fundroising officers thot ore successful in roising mojor gifts recognise their role os helping prospective donors fulfill their gools ond ospirotions in moking o gift, Thus, onswer B is correct; the first step in this scenorio is to discover whot the donor wishes to occomplish with the gift, Answer G is not GolrBGl. While the fundroising officer moy hove mony needs of the orgonisotion to shore with the donor, the first step is not to sell the orgonisotion's needs but to first determine whot the donor wonts. lt is most impodont to focus on the donor's needs first, Answer 0 is not colrect. Answer A is not correcl. Contocting the donor's finonciol odvisor or orgonisotion moy be helpful loter in the gift process, if the donor deems it oppropriote, but it is not the first step, ln mony coses, the donor wonts consult with the odvisor himself ond does not wish the fundroising officer involved of oll, the fundroising officer first understonds ihe donor's needs ond wishes, it would be premoture to shore plonned giving / bequest options, These ore usuolty developed ofter understonding the donor's needs ond finonciol situotion. Unless t & 6 & ,: H z & * x *,p How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credentiol 64 Setting Standods h Philanthroql +Hl , 0ueslion:18 Gonlent Atea: Curuenl and Prospecliue llonor Reseatch,Iask The first step in developing donors for o gift A. B, C, D. is B o strotegy for opprooching prospective to: reseorch the chorocteristics of current donors, evoluote results of former compoigns. use direct moilto ottroci repeot donors. set gools, strotegies, ond priorities, & g x tr Answer rationale lor Question 18 x 6 x Ihe corecl answer is A: By reseorching the chorocteristics of current donors, on orgonisotion con develop o profile of their donors ond identify those likely to give to your orgonisotion. Reseorching your current donors will provide insight into their motivotions for giving, identify their interest in your orgonisotion's mission, ond is helpful in discovering the common chorocteristics they shore, Knowing this informotion is the first step in developing strotegies for gift solicitotions, Answer G is not correot. Using direct moilto ottroct repeot donors is one of severolfundroising vehicles thot con be used for soliciting gifts, ln order to select on oppropriote fundroising vehicle, however, you must first know your donors' chorocteristics, Answer D is not correct. Similorly, in order to set gools, stroiegies ond priorities, it is first necessory to hove sufficient informotion obout your donors; by reseorching the chorocteristics of current donors, Answer B is not G011eGt. Evoluoting results of former compoigns, while helpful for identifying giving trends, will not provide knowledge to on individuol's motivotion for giving, *-F How to Prepore For The Certified Fund Raising Executiue Credential 65 CFRE *Fr " Ouestion: l9 Ggntent AJea: hlunteet lmoluemenl,Ialk E .. ihe outcome of working with volunteer leodership, it is most importont for the stoff io: To moximise A. B. C. D. obtoin o list of likely prospects from volunteers, prepore o detoiled job description for volunteers, provide for effective use of volunteer time ond skills, present o strong cose for support using volunteers. Answer ralionale lor Oueslion 1g W I1i lhe corect answer is C: Volunteers ore only os effective os stoff enoble them to be, By respecting o volunteer's role with your orgonisotion ond involving them in meoningful octivities thot ore directly reloted to your mission, you volidote the time they spend with your institution, People give their time ond money to meet personol needs ond fulfill their visions, They wont to perform wellond moke o voluoble contribution, Stoff must recognise this ond olign volunteers' interests ond skills with ihe orgonisotion's needs, Answer A is not conecl. While it moy be importont for the development officer to obtoin o list of prospects from volunteers, porticipoting in fundroising moy not be o primory motivotor for some volunteers. Volunteers con be useful to on orgonisotion in mony other woys, including wiih strotegic plonning, policy development, etc, ln moximising your volunteer's involvement, it is importont to olign their skills with the right octivities. * t a Answer B is not Goruecl. II While B is on ottroctive onswer it is not conect, lt is importont to hove job descriptions for volunteers but it is more importont thot o volunteer's skills ore used oppropriotely ond thot their time is used in woys they find I! productive ond meoningful, Answu D is not Goreol. A cose for support is useful for recruiting volunteers. However, whot motivotes volunteers to oction, is knowing thot their involvement ond work is moking o meoningful contribution to the orgonisotion. I II I I I ! I tI I I I a T I & I ! I I r I I t I t & *F How to Prepare For The Certified Funtl Roising Executiue Credential 66
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