WESTERN RAILWAY P.S. No.1 1/2014 No. EP/DARy3O8/14I5 Headquarter Office, Churchgate, Mumbai-20 Vol.ll Dale:12.o2.2014 To, All DR[/s / CWMS & Units lncharge, c/- cenl. Secy., WREU-GTR / WRMS-BCT. c/- zcs-All lndia SC/ST Rly Employees. Assn,'W'Zone, Mumbai C/- ZGS-All lndia OBC Rly Empl. Assn, Mumbai. Sub: Determination of date ot increment after expiry of duration of penalties of withholding of increments/ reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding. A copy of Railway Board's letter No.E(D&A)| 2008 RG 6-36 d1.15.01.2014 (RBE No.09/2014) is sent herewith for information, guidance and necessary action. Encl: As above. Ur*@arltf w"\ I (N. M. Kamdlfi sPo(Ho) ) For General Nlanager (E) RBE GOVERN!.I:NT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(D&A) 2008 RG6-36 No. 7 /2014 New Delhi, 16 /oL/2oL4 The General I\4anage.(9) All Indian Railways and ,Production Units etc. (As per standard list). S!b: Determination ol date of increment after expiry of duration of penalties of withholding of lncrements/reduction to lower stage imposed fo. Iess than a year regardlng. Ministry of Railways have receiv€d a few ref€rences regaading certain penalties of rule 6 of Railway Servants (Discipline And Appeal) Rules, 1968 which are having pay element imposed for lels. than a year, In one cage, the penalty of withholding of increments was impdsed on 24,3.2008 for a period of six months with cumulative efteca and in the other case the penalty of reduction to lower stage was imposed on 9.2.2009 for a peridd of six months with noncumulative effect, 2, The question of date of lelease of inc.ement in the above cases on expiry of the penalty, in the context of fixing of Ist luly as the date of incremenl uniformally for all Ggvernment servants followlng VIth CPC/ has been examined in consultatlon with the Department of Personnel & Training. It is advised that fixihg of Ist July as the date of increment for all Government servants under the Revised Pay Rules iollowing the acceptance of the aecommendatign of the VIth CPC, is relevant only in respecl of Annual increment, This prdvision is not applicable where the inc.ement ls withheld as a rneasure of penalty. In cases where the inc.ement is wi:hheld as a penalty for a specifled pedod restoration of the witirhe:d increment would be at tae end of the currency of the penalty and not postponed to the next Ist July, The person concerned may even be entitled to the next.increment on the Ist July lollowing the expiry of the currency of the penalty, (nolwithstanding the fact that the penalty imposed on him was having poatponing effect on his future increments), :f he has net qualifying service of slx months prior to the relevant Ist July, 3, Likewise, where the penalty of redLiction to lower stage ivas imposed/ the pay will be restored immediately on expiry of the currency ofthe penalty, In so far as release of next increment is concemgd, tf.!e same may also be allovled immediately on.restoration :i the person concerned has rendered net qualiryihg service of six months on the :st luly preceding the date of the expiry of the currencY of the penaltv 4. Please acknowledge .eceipt. ,a) \ \ )16'- rfH-arish Chander) Dy. Dlrector Es*. (DM) Raiiway Board sr$+ d. 7 /201a gr{a €{6R (ffi *t) Ti. fi@ 4ETcdrr6 af 2008 3Tr{*6-36 iffi, ffaki5.to1/zola (srfr) F$' srR-fr-q' td ('E sicl{d' {4r{qi 3TrrE, (arfr6 qm 3r{sr0 t t trvq; !q. ad t 6"rr 4r sraft sar€ fr( firr Ek {H/Frs-d Fd{ q{ 3l{dfa t ffia enffi d* * c?+ iffi EE +r drtrs 6la*{q c{drl '-' Y *c-4. (3{€sn-{-d 3{t{ 3rff'fi) F-rlfi, 1968 +-fr4ff o 61 3B' td rnffi, i+a qr silr s#t d s* a4 d q'q 6t:rqfr R! $Rffa 6r "r* d' *drr d'gB artra cI€ Eq Hl a* arqi 4 24.8.2a08 +i dq$ va+rq + €rir 6: 816 ?fr a'qT ('fi 3rfl El,r* fr 9.2.2009 +} +{-€-ES RT idd 1tr {rF't Sr rnfu arr€ l-d d"r.rq dt, td ffi * t * t Tsrrd * €Fr 6r FE q{ 3r+dfr €r anfr aarl r€ {.t * frs Fr+A F{ "€ *ffi 2. t fi R-s s4la 5c Afrd 1a Es *-frq a-irfr sirdtr * 3ldsl{ sBfr wqt *i artro r gd€ ftfna di + dq* fr 3q${d aradt 4 srk sqr"fr di q{ ifrd 1A ;rrtl F{* €r arts * cra di fiffi+' lti c'feleFr E:tr"r * qrraq? 5s d:ia* $ aia 6r d €r6R ffi(' srt k iTf tr qE qBa F4-cr srai' t i+ 68 *frq i{d 3{r*.r fi qra.drifud id-4 * fr(' 1 E-dtf 61 id-r 1G *r 3iir4"d €m scqlt art€ * sq Aiffta- F{dr *{q EFlr 1G * Rc {i?Ta FI Td crqqa, ra emd d' ad wFa sc fr ftr;r 1R q{ d* F4r€ sidl t qt er{ afi drar tt trS qrfd' 4 fr67 trfi rr$ *ird qq Fltqa s{q Rs a-{t 1R sf wiia dq er rlqr anr t' qR dt effiil 6I Trq-q' qtITE # + --* qlElq q6rfi 6-{ Aqr 6R'rn 3}r Fs 344-e t gag FFrd a€i F qr mt'mr crfr anlR fr a-Efr sqr-d dlA * a:q srn 3{ri Erdl td t1-ce i- o: qr6 fi Bnlld 3{*-6. tqr 3{ffid e-* fi t a} cr erR 1 gdT* -s Ar'-rcfr sfira, elA Erq .:rd 3{ri qrdr;i EflT€ 6} 3rrT-& itrd 1R cri qI €EER !fi i * f M * silffi t * ffid * t Mrn ffi -7( Fs' :+q * qT-d-qr FrfiTriIffi 93fld qr) drdrT $ fr ts qtf arT* "r€ anfr' qr s'F€l s{lff if,d 1a'di cT I ra.t qt r+aR €t qnk c:rnt 4f d, E61 $Ft *r $aR + sslq ff; cr r6ra iira +i cera f*-qr on'"n'r a-o irfi' 3rtrfr id-fi qE aft a'd ar *iiiir t, T6 elr wk €t 3rcfu fr sfi-rFa + rfrq clqK mra 6-1 6 qK'4r qf6 diiF-d qfu e anFd Sr ffi €EI€ Fti fr dlts t T4 1 EeTt *) e: qr6 fi frefffrd 3ifi6 3. FS F{6 *', Bd ffi **XtanffRt 4. Eiqqr credr el -'-'=; L--t (€&Tqtr) sc *A:ffi rqrqdr €r G g w*t
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