Herald Statesman, Yonkers, N . Y . , Sat.; Nov. 2, 1957 MEET THE CANDIDATES Patterson And Slater Are Vying With Kristensen For Mayor's Job Attention " . ' • ', — . Yonkers . — . * Voters! " YONKERS AND WESTCHESTER DESERVE THE VERY BEST! THESE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES INTEGRITYREPUBLICAN JUDICIAL CANDIDATES KRISTEN KKISTENSE^V WILLIAM E. SLATER • SCHUYLER B. PATTERSON' William E. Slater of- 536 Mc- Schuyler B. Patterson of 828 Mayor Kristen Kristensen of 324 Riverdale Ave.. Republican candi- Lean Ave., Liberal Party candidate |Bronx River Rd.. Democratic candate for reelection to a fifth term,;for Mayor, is in the real estate;djdate for Mayor, is public reconducts hiw own insurance busi- '.and insurance business at 916 !lafions assistant to the State ness at 20 S. Broadway. ; Housing Commissioner. McLean Ave Mr. Kristensen, president of the * Patterson, former DemoMr. Slater was 9th Ward Alder c r Mr. New York State Conference "of man from 1932 to 1939. having b e e n ; a t i c candidate for County ExMayor and Other Municipal Of- elected on the Democratic ticket ective. also is a vice president of ficials, was born in Denmark in and was unsuccessful Democratic John T. Casey Associates and an 3889, attended schools there and candidate for 9th Ward Supervisor I associate of the . Terrill Belknap came, to this country jn 1907. He I in 1939. He is the author of Yon- Marsh Advertising Agency in New York City. is a graduate of Wyoming Semi- kers' anti-shorts law. nary in Kingston, Penn., and WesA native of New York City, he A native* of New York City, he was born 59 years ago and atleyan University. was bom Nov... 16, 1890. attended In World War I, he entered serv- schools in New Haven, Conn., and tended schools there and Powder ice .with the YMCA at Camp Up- night classes at the New York Point School in Duxbury. Mass.; ton and served there until March, Preparatory School and Pace a'nd Pennington, N.J., Seminary and 1919. He came to Yonkers in 1920 Pace School of Law and Account- Yale University. He formerly \vas on the editoras industrial and Americanization ancy in New York City. ial staff of the New York Times, secretary for the YM here, was Before coming to Yonkers in news editor of the American immigration secretary for the Y's 1927, Mr. Slater was a practicing Broadcasting Co. and publicity international committee at Ellis Island and opened his Insurance public accountant in New York. director for the Brewers Board He is a former president of the of Trade. In 1938 and 1939 he was business in. 1924. old Suburban Bus Co. Inc. here publicity chairman for the former He has conducted weekly Americanization classes here for- the and former representative of the City Manager League. American West Indies Tobacco A resident of Yonkers for more foreign born for 36 years. than .30 years, he served in the Mr. Kristensen was Republican Co. He is a member of La Rabida U.S. Army Intelligence Service in candidate for City Comptroller .in 1933, was Yonkers Outstanding Council, Knights of Columbus; St. World War I and was a lieutenMan of 1940 and headed the Yon- Barnabas and St. Paul's Churches, ant commander in the Navy in kers War Council and its civilian Kimball Crest Taxpayers' Assn. World-War II and holds the rank mobilization program in World and the 9th Ward Civic Assn. and of lieutenant commander in the a former member of the Yonkers Navy Reserves. War II. : Mr. Patterson is a member of He is a former secretary of the Lodge of Elks. Mr. Slater married the former Leonard Morange Post, American Recreation Commission, past vice chairman of the City . Planning Miss Pearl Barnett and they have Legion in' Bronxville, the Gramatan Lodge of Masons, the BronxBoard, former chairman of the three daughters. ville Legion Glee .Club, BronxCity Review and Advisory Labor ville Reformed Church, EastBoard, chairman of the reorganichester Kiwanis Club and the zation . committee of the Yonkers Silurians. - Red Cross in 1947, a*nd former • member of the Yonkers Public He married the former Helen Ann Koutsky in 1935. Library Advisory Council. Mr. Patterson has three childHe also is a past distinct depren. Dorothil Desmond Patterson, uty' .grand master of the First WHITE P L A I N S advertising manager of a Jamaica Westchester - Putnam District of The Board of Elections has .an- L.I., department store; Mrs. RobMasons, past president and commissioner of the Yonkers Boy nounced the official total of West- ert Goodwin of Garden City, L.I.. Scout Council, holder, of the Sil- chester voters . registered for next and Gilbert Schuyler, pilot for Pan American Airways. ver Beaver award from the Na- Tuesday's election as 334,134. tional Boy Scout Council, past That figure is being certified president of the Yonkers Lions to the Secretary of State. It was Club and past deputy district gov- arrived at after checking and rechecking of registration records. ernor of the Lions. A former president of the New- During' this it was diseovered that York State Assn. of L,ife Under- 22.992 of the punch cards had been writers, he is a charter member "misplaced," resulting in their beand past president of the Life ing counted twice. • Underwriters' .Assn.* of Westehest- When registration ended on Oct. f er, former president of the Indus- 12.it was estimated that 326,586 One hundred persons at the 2nd trial Baseball League here, was a vcere registered, but almost im- Ward Republican organization's member of the organization com- mediately errors were discovered closing campaign rally at the mittee of the Yonkers Welfare and the total was revised upwai'd Irish Center, 58 N. Broadway, Federation, forerunner of the Unit- to a high of about 360,000. Still heard a group of speakers urge ed Givers Fund; former president more mistakes were found. Finally a solid GOP front to elect a Reof the Young. Men's Republican the board, fixed on 334,134 as the publican Councilman and Supervisor in the ward. . Club here and an organizer of the actual number. Westchester Young Men's Repub- Election officials ascribed the J a m e s - M . O'Donnell. campaign lican Club. mistakes to a combination of fac- manager for Gilbert M. Landy, Mr. Kristensen attends the Cen- tors. This is the first year of per- GOP candidate for City Judge, tral Methodist Church. He mar- manent personal registration, with conducted the meeting. Speakers included former Counried the former Bernice More and new forms being used to register they have three children and four voters. Further, the tabulating, ty Executive William F. Bleakley, grandchildren. . soiling and distribution of the rec- Yonkers GOP Chairman Edward ords, with intricate machines be- J. Ganter, Mayor Kristen Kristening used for most -of the work, sen, and Justices of the. Peace. was divided among three compan- Jules Bornstein and. Eustace J. ies under contract with the county. Farley, candidates for re-election. Sheriff John E. Hoy and Herbert Axel rod and Mrs. Pearl Hayes, the ward candidates foi Councilman and Supervisor re spectively. NEW YORK Ifv—Robert Moses County Voters At 334,134 Justice of the . SUPREME COURT SURROGAT COUNTY JUDGE FRANK H. JUDICIAL CAND Justice of the Peace City Judge Justice of the Peace 2dWardG.O.P. In Closing Rally Urges Solid Front Moses Slaps At Convention declares he is opposed to the calling of a state constitutional convention in 1959 on the ground it would produce nothing of value. The chairman of the State Power Authority and various commissions said .there was nothing urgently requiring change and that a convention would lead to "bitter ideological, sectional and political controversies at a time when we need to be united." "Unless you like controversy, oratory and'vaudeville, my advice on this issue is to vote 'No,' " he said. Supervisor Edward O. Sullivan Jr. "and Councilman William J. Tully, 8th Ward Republican candidates for those posts, notified this newspaper this morning that their supporters have removed all their campaign posters which had been affixed to poles and trees. The GOP candidates acted earlier this week after this newspaper published a news article pointing out that such posting of -political posters violates a city ordinance, r" NEW YORK WV-An airline employe *vas fatally injured 1oday when an airliner under which he was working fell on him. Part,Authority police at LaGuardia field identified the victim as David Duncan, twenty-three, a mechanic. He wa£ working under a Trans World AirtTrttrs Constellation on the ramp in front of hanger No. 4 when the gear reported! v retracted and the plane dropped on him. *§\ Pull Down Levers 9A and IDA and Leove Them' Down ALBERT A. CORYDON B. Qualified Attorneys 35^ YONKf * • H I PUBLICAN CITY eOMfctTTtf, RDWAKD jfOANT^ft, CHAIRMAN ARLEY •$ftft§S$S HON. Mayor Kris Kristensen has tailed for a solid Republican vote at the polls, November 5th. Yonkers deserves.the b e s t . . . Give Mayor Kris a Republican Council. It's your city, you live here, p a y your taxes here a n d send your children to school h e r e . . . VOTE HERE! A s C o u n t y Executive, E d Michaelian will need a solid Republican Board o f Supervisors. "Republican Westchester needs a Republican Y o n k e r s " Westchester and Yonkers d e serve the best. wm KRISTEN KRISTENSEN EDWIN G. MICHAELIAN They Will Make A Great Team WARD COUNCILMEN They Will Make A Great Team SUPERVISORS 1 8 10 11 12 MORTON ABRAHAMS PEARL HAYES CORYDON B. DUNHAM THOMAS F. MARTIN PAULINE SERNIAK MARGUERITE W . DOYLE ROCCO FALCONE EDWARD O. SULLIVAN, JR. JAMES DOWNES JOSEPH C FARANPA, JR. ROBERT S. HORSLEY CHRISTIAN H. ARMBRUSTER t O W A ^ l A TO 1 0 A - THE REPUBLICAI '"'It's Up To You And You And Especially Youl * . for VOT* ROW A — 1A to 1 0 A — THE REPUBLICAN WAY LANDY FOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE MAYOR DUNHAM Supervisor GILBERT M. mil iinnum in ROBERT J. MCCARTHY HERBERT AXELROD ALBERT A, WALSH, JR. FRANK WARTUR STEPHEN E. THOMAS MAURICE R. O'BRIEN JOHN A. VERGARII WILLIAM J. TULLY SAMUEL S. WEINER MERRITT A. CLINE ARTHUR W . RICHARDSON ALICE M. ALLEN For Vigorous and Intelligent Representation Councilman •IIMIIII—'i iw i Fatal To Plane Workman VOTE FOR A GREAT TEAM . 0RNSTEIN Sullivan A ndTully Order Removal Of Campaign Posters Airport Mishap THIRD WARD VOTERS! ~for JULES Untitled Document • TH,NK • TAlK VOTE REPUBLICAN Yonkers Republican City CommiWeiT— Tclward J. Ganter, Chairman Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com -
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