THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 VI STARRING POPEYE OW.fZZATALL?! OSCAJ^ CWLL <*OU WNPLV UP THE P E R I S C O P E ? , I "THOUGHT VA UJAS TRVNA SMOKE US OUT BRINGING UP FATHER W H A T "TIME WIU_ TVlE BOBBV i© GiVIN© A U ^ T L E P A R T Y T O H E R PtTrEMO© T O D A V A M O I V-JAhJT V Q b "TO M A K E T H E M P G ^ L . AT M O M E - i KAUGrr 6 0 0 U 1 " - GICUS 8e MERE * > Cyt l»M. Knf Tnr-jt* fyUxttt TMEV ARE ><7r G I R L S ' TVigvRE THE80VS OJ= M V i RXTTBAL.L T E A M // |ty BLONDIE C.Y.O. Baseball Champions Are Feti Irish To Pla Alumni Gam On Wednes< Mount Carmel, St. Joseph's TeamsHonored The annual alumni game Mount Carmel's C.Y.O. Archdio- j Monastery Church of the j cesan Junior Baseball Champions | Heart, which precedes th< iwere feted last night at a dinnering of Sacred H e a r t ' s has •held at the home of Joseph Cerseason, under the direct • r a t o. Recreation Commissioner, Coach J a m e s F . McCrudd* j 131 Park Hill Avenue. be played Wednesday, Nov Among the speakers were the 9 P . M., following a preli i Rev. Mario J. Ponsiglione. pastor court contest between the By GEORGE McMANUS jof Mount Carmef Church; t h e ! and reserves at Sacred Hea I Re\-. William F. Guido. assistant I at 8 P. M. | pastor; the Rev. Daniel J. Hurley.! The feature battle will C.Y.O. county moderator who is I FOOTBAU-PV-AVER^the fourteenth annual hon i assistant pastor of the Church of! EH ? WELL - I ' U . ing of the Alumni qUinte | the Immaculate Conception (St ; BE PREPARED'/ 20 Games Scheduled Mary's), and William R. Miley A schedule of 20 games C.Y.O. regional director. includes nine home conte! Speaking of the armed forces.; been compiled, Coach McC the Rev. Ponsiglione said that the reports. The, complete li reason we're winning on all fronts j be.released later. is because our fighting men are | Returning team membe displaying the same determination J a m e s McFarlane, John Re they displayed a t home as athThomas Keating. "Wimpj letes. x "\Y'hen Germany started Farlane, who is sixteen, this war they knew we were unone year of jayvee baskett prepared buS.didn't take into reckfore being taken on the oning the spirit of the American team as a forward last y athlete.'' Johnny, Ross, who has twi Awards a r e to be presented ONE SHOT from n .30 caliber Winchester rifle fired by of varsity experience, is a team members on Saturday night, Ralph J. Miele of 77 Lamnrtine Avenue, right, killed this black 11*17 teen-year-old guard, who i« Nov. 25. when the church presents bear last Friday in New Brunswick, Can. Mr. Miele was accomin netting baskets with By CHIC YOUNG "Victory P a r a d e " an original mupanied by James E. Hall of 66 Main Street, also pictured above, hand. sical comedy a t the Polish Comon his ten-day hunting trip. The fatal shot entered the neck of Tom Keating, sixteen-y munity Center on Waverly Street. the bear which had been hanging In front of the Miele Pet Shop, center, was moved u p frc During its '44 season, the Mount l i Riverdale Avenue, for the past few days. jayvees to the varsity last Carmel champions won nine out Other team members a of 10 games with Ray Chirugi on ward Dunn, George SirilU the mound. Team members were rick O'Harat J a m e s Dc Rocco Bisaccia. Raymond DiDoNorman Clark. J a m e s Russ nato, Vincent Rubeo, Michael LaH a r r y Cameron. AT ROOSEVELT FIELD, 2:30 P. M. (W.I.A.A.) caprara, Nick Rienzi, Robert RacMeet Salesian Nov. 29 ioppi, F r a n k Iannucci, John ManThe Irish will play agj GORTON ROOSEVELT cuso. James Petrizzo. Anthony Wednesday, Nov. 29, again Hans Dreissnack (59) Rosato and Joseph Bentavenga. j LE—Tom Racek (151 lesian High School of Ne Ed Linton (28) A great deal of credit for Mount LT—Tom Tierney (17) chelle a t the Gorton gym Peter Ryan (57) LG—Vito DeStasio <6> •Carmel's successful s e a s o n was P, M. With the excepti Bill Bradley (52) j C —William Doyle (16) j given to John Rienzi of Ash Street. the Alumni game, all skir Sal Galle (25) ! RG—Jim Thompson HO) team manager, and Dominick Ianwill be decided at Gorton. Phil Taylor (42) j nocone, coach. Robert Belenchia ! RT—Henry Weiman (18) Richard Lynn (58) j RK— Richard Sarno (8) was the team's mascot. Harold Davidson (50) St. Joseph's C.Y.O. Parochial I QB—John Hogan (11) Capt. Bill Romano (53) | LH—Waldrnn Swentzel (7) j Baseball League champions were Bill O'Brien (54) j feted Wednesday night at a din- ! R H - C a p t . Dick Simons (12) Lester Palmer (51) or FB—Roy Porter (14) ! ner given by the St. Joseph Holy By WALT DISNEY i Name Society at the church hall. John Harrington (62) DOBBS FERRY—Both I Approximately 350 attended. SUBS—ROOSEVELT: Thomas, Wilson, Mathews. David Ander- ings and Dobbs F e r r y High | S p e a k e r s included the Rev. son, Murphy, Diafiera. Monaco. Paul Anderson and Ballard. GORTON: elevens will be a t full st ; Daniel J. Hurley, the Rev. Henry Fleck, Sutherland, Sullivan, Figura, Tripodi, Serniak, Koblash and for their traditional meetii ! Morton, parish administrator; Mr. Murphy. morrow afternoon in E ! Miley, John O'Brien of the Young Gould Park, Coaches RonaL ! Counciling Agency in New York; demann and Ward K. Jones ' 'John Sullivan of the St. Joseph AT GORTON FIELD, 2:30 P. M. two squads, reported today | Holy Name Society. Both teams went through ! YONKERS SAUNDERS Individual awards and a team I practice session in the rai Emil Prestamo (11) trophy were presented. Gifts from\\ L£—Walter Barchyshyn (83> mud yesterday and a s th Bill Brozman (13) t h e H o l y N a m e Society were LT—Russell Johnson (75) coaches explained the siti Richard Hargraves (22) awarded to team members by the j LG—Anthony Daranzio (91) I "We want the boys to be ; r hU D bkin <7S) Bruce Posey, cocapt. (8) for anything." Rev. Hurley. ' ! S^"~^ ^ r. ,° Fred Semp (3) Dobbs F e r r y h a s been u : RG—John Kinlock (87) Rudy Gayzur (15) down alternately throughoi „ , ~ |RT—Ralph Bove (88) Bill Jones (18) , season and on the basis o: I QB—Robert Hutter (82) Mario DeSantis (4) form the Jonesmen shoulc LH—Norman Oxlev (75) Julius Cortese (6) this week. And in support RH—Oswald Volenti (76) Eugene Hopper (10) odds favoring Hastings is th FB—Capt. Paul Odornirok (85) John Vergari, cocapt. (7) j that the Yellow J a c k e t s ai d eate< i this season but S U B S - C O N K E R S : Sivik. Santos, Cassell, Al Komar, John ° f LEW FALK and PHIL DAVIS : Komar, Weiss, Asian, Romagnoloi, Romano, Bozo. Nuccitelli. Dushock. high scoring team. Marking the initial competi Kickoff time tomorrow v tion of inter-shop players, Mainte- Clapp. Staples, Petrizzo, Attile, Fagnano. Morelli and Welge a t 2:30 P . M. and arrange NARDA/LOTHAR CAREFUL, RAHTOL. THERE'S S A U N D E R S K m e t z , McKay, Russell, Seelback, Giuliano, Pasciuccc nance won over Checkers, 33-25, MANDRAKE HOW. DON'T H "M GLAO YOU'RE are being made to handle th and Controllers edged out Ma- and Sloan. gest gridiron gathering o FORGET WE'RE SUPPOSED BOTH SAFE/ chinists, 2 3 - 2 0 , in basketball season. TO BE NARDA AND games of the Elevatormen's ond period—bringing the score at L0THAR/ League played Wednesday night the half to 12-9. at Saunders Trades School. i *In the third quarter, however, League play will be staged Test netted 13 points to PaperWednesday evenings at Saunders (NEXT T I M E ORD Vulcs' 10—again entangling the with the first game s t a r t i n g at score. The victors pulled away . . . SIEBERT'S 7:30 o'clock, J a m e s Vece, direcTest, defending champion in t h e ' i n the final stanza in the closing tor, announces. Cable Basketball League, was I minutes of play, The lineups: beaten by the Paper-Vulcs l a s t ! Rosato, Helwig ,and Tocco Checkers G. F. P. night, 38-30, in a savagely-fought j shared high-scoring honors for, Bazuky. f 2 1 5 ga ,Tr e u a t ^ S a u n d c r s Trades School. t h e Paper-Vulcs with 10 points ( Siers, f 4 4 12 With Tocco, Ragone and Fusco j each. Durkins of Test netted 11 Krajeski, c 3 1 - 7 setting the pace, the Paper-Vulcs ; tallies Neschis, g 0 1 1 gave the titliits plenty of trouble ! ' Vlllr_ r P a Schurk, g 0 0 0 throughout. The^ winning quintet j R F. oSto, f _3 4 Totals . 7 .18 255 ! worked out of a 6-6 tie in the sec- Helwig* f __ By FRANK H. RENTFROW, U . S . M . C . .5 0 Maintenance F. G. Ragone. f _ <AS .1 1 Kardash, f _ _ . 0 0 0 j fink. Timer, J. Dolhon. Scorer, Fusco, c _ -0 0 Kahn. f . 2 0 4 ! J. Dolhon. Tocco, g _5 0 Ennis. c . 6 0 12 j Machinists G. F. Zumpano, g -1 1 Manning, g _ 0 . 1 2 :D. Vece, f . 1 2 4 Aptowitz, g CALL: _o 0 Dauterman, g . 7 1 15 j Dohlan. f . 1 3 1 _'Lohrfink, c . 3 0 6 Totals .16 ~6 Totals .32 kers 3 3 ! J. O'Lear, g _ . 3 0 6 Test G. F. Score by periods: . 0 Burleigh, g 1 1 Durkins. f . _5 3 PROMPT DELIVER* Checkers —_— 8 12 18 25} Skidgell. f . _2 2 Maintenance 4 12 2fi NEW HOCKS: 33 i Totals _ -~8 20 Welch, f __ 4 -0 0 DIIIT I A . K t o i r . I L Referee, J. Vece. Umpire, Lohr- Controllers G. F. P . ! Alukonis, c S»turd»j» t A. M. to 11 r. I 0 0 i Maxwell, f . 1 0 2 | DiConte. g . _3 1 jBoryk. f _ . 5 3 13 i Kohrs, g 0 .3 Popovic. c . 1 0 2 Beckman. g . . 2 0 4 Totals 12 6 30 iKokinchak. g . 1 0 2 SCORE BY PERIODS Paper Vulcs _ 6 12 22 38—38 Totals _ _.10 io 3 23 Test __ 6 9 22 30—30 |L*rjr«t Rome Keg Distribu Referee. J. Vece. Umpire. S. Referee^—Moore. Timer—-Bazu861 Yonkers Ave. Yonki Siers. Timer, M. Carroll. Scorer, By BRANDON WALSH ky. Scorer—Florin. Missed fouls J. Dolhon. Opposite Empire Track —Test, 10; Paper Vulcs, 10. Lineups For Tomorrow's Games Hastings,Dobbs F< Play Tomorrow DONALD DUCK D O N A L D DUCK'S UH-lFllNSSeiEP i SPECIAL SALE ^Ml&ft! Ccfr V/H. ViU h l e v a t o r m e n Open RE-wiiuam Fisher (79) Basketball League At Saunders Gym £>VWJ fre&rftfWS MANDRAKE THE M A G I C I A N L0THAR AND NARDA MUST BE SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE - I MUST FIND THEM/ Test Defeated By Paper-Vulcs KEG BEER s^ftV£. SERGEANT STONY CRAIG P.J' 5057] Vs - VA • Vi Byre LEADERSHIP E. Sieberl you get the most for your dollar LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY YOU HAVE BR0U6«r ME GOOD LUCK, ANNIE. AFTER PLAYING THE PART OF SPEECHLESS i ATLASTIHAVEA5MALL 9 SPEAKING PART, A \ F'ENDlSH,MISERLY, | ^MALIGNANT MANIAC.! GEE, AC TORS ARE NO.YOUNGSTfP, FUNNY. THEY'D ACTORS ARE RATHER PL AY A HUMANBAD MAN THAN A GOOD MAN. THEY LIKE TO EAT REGUIARLYTHAT'S WHY mtV PQEFEQ PLAY ING A 8AD MAN FOR 6000 MONEY THAN A GOOD MAN FOR 8A0 MONEY. SWEET-ORR union mod* OVERALLS WORK PANTS W O R K SHIRKS Halsted Plays Today Against C. V. '11' ADVERTISEMENT Halsted's gridders meet Children's Village today a t Gorton Field at 3:30 P. M. D i s t r i c t One M e e t Set T o d a y A t T i b b e t t s Park The fifth tnnual New York S t a t e Public High School District One c m s country championsHip will be held today a t TibbetU Brook P a r k a t 4 P. M. with 10 Westchester County teams in competition including Roosevelt. Gorton and Saundett of Yonkers. Albert Leonard of New R©chelle Is defmding champion. M Rayoa * Wool and All Wool SPORT SHIRTS are rMlly something *pec!il for Chrtntmaa! -JWJftT.ORR" Work Clothes Heodquortera Georges Sport Shop ,WO«H AVB (tPOSTWXAB oeiffti B*T »n< Gin s««tt n*<«H*r« 17 Main Street Vonkerm N. V. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 5.45-7.95'-9.95 *WO} CAILT! 0»«»*»u Urn* •! l H r t i t « u kt MANOR MF V s AND BOYS' <HOr . ^ nukjti r u x t a SI Neetk Ikr«««way " N « « H O M we l u i troceelee, I'll take (AM Next Mfne yoo lag grocerie*. take home two or three boxes of Wheaties. You 11 take to tho*e big whole wheat nskes — when their . Whmtimr "second helping* flavor meets with yonr appetite. Tske on lot* milk, fruit, end Wheatieji, "Br*j fsst of Oiemptens," erery mora*
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