MRW News Monthly Newsletter of the Moore Republican Women SEPTEMBER, 2014 MARY ANN MANNING, EDITOR Pantano to Headline September Meeting Ilario Pantano, Assistant Secretary for the North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs, will address the Moore Republican Woman at their Sept. 8 meeting at the Pinehurst Country Club. He will discuss his work assisting veterans and their families in obtaining benefits, providing nursing care and coordinating with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Pantano is a former Marine, combat veteran and author. He enlisted in U.S. Marine Corps at age 17 and fought in the Gulf War in 1991. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant and led an elite Scout/Sniper team in support of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in ex-Yugoslavia. Following his discharge, he returned to his native New York, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business, at night, while working as a commodity (electricity) trader for Goldman Sachs. On September 11, 2001, as the World Trade Center collapsed, Four World Trade Center, a building where he had worked, was destroyed and many of his colleagues were killed. Pantano immediately began the process of re-enlisting in the Marines, and after seeking age waivers, he earned a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 32. He led a platoon of Infantry Marines in the first fight for Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. After receiving an honorable discharge, Pantano continued serving his community as a Sheriff's Deputy, a Red Cross Volunteer following Hurricane Katrina and a veterans’ advocate. His first book, “Warlord: Broken by War, Saved by Grace,” details his experiences in Iraq and his spiritual salvation through Christ. His second book, which details the American Revolutionary War in the South, will be released in 2015. The September menu is slow-roasted pork loin with Applejack and cream sauce, sweet and russet potato hash, roasted asparagus and carrots and lemon tart. Registration begins at 11:30 with the meeting to start at noon. Valet parking is available. Register at [email protected] or call Kay Wildt at 910-978-7766. GOP Headquarters to Open Sept. 5 The Moore County GOP Headquarters is holding a Grand Opening and Open House on Friday, Sept. 5 from 4-7 p.m. The headquarters is located in the Cam Square Plaza, Old U.S. Highway One, Southern Pines (Cared For Canine and Linderella’s Quilt Shop are in this plaza). Plan to stop by Moore County GOP Headquarters. Sign up to volunteer your time. We need your help to win in November! President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . Kay Wildt Cassandra from Greek mythology could foretell the future, but was cursed that no one believed her. Conservatives, like present-day Cassandras, try to warn our fellow citizens of the dangers, both imminent and clear and present, that we see resulting from the strategies of this regime. But like the good citizens in the Greek myth, will any listen? Our Republic is in grave danger, due to failure after failure of the press to tell the truth, or by their collusion with the regime. Most citizens are either blissfully unaware of those perils, or do not want to be disturbed in their day-to-day lives. By this time, it should be crystal clear to all but the die-hard, that this regime will neither protect you nor your loved ones. The oath, “and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” rings hollow. After almost six years of observing a well-crafted plan to weaken our nation and expose us to the onslaught of our enemies, how can one come to any other conclusion but that to rescue America, we must win both houses of Congress in November. Thom Tillis can stand on his record. He has ably led North Carolina out from under many years of Democrat control. Owing to his leadership, teacher salaries are raised, our indebtedness is reduced, jobs are created, and tax burdens are lowered. Mr. Tillis is a decent, hard-working man, one who squarely faces challenges and accomplishes his objectives. He will be a credit to NC in the U.S. Senate. Renee Ellmers, our Representative since 2010 in the 2nd District, sits on several important committees and holds a positive rating in the business community for her voting record. MRW is behind Ms. Ellmers all the way. Returning to Greece for the categorical syllogism, thank you, Aristotle, here is mine: Officials of this Democrat regime favor the jihadist. Kay Hagan is an official of this Democrat regime. Therefore, Kay Hagan favors the jihadist. For that reason alone, the power of this regime must be opposed, and that will only happen if we vote for Thom Tillis and win the U.S. Senate and retain the House of Representatives. So what can you do to help win in November? You have options: work in the GOP Headquarters to keep it staffed, make telephone calls there, go door to door, visit or telephone friends and relatives with our Republican message. And there is another option that is proven successful: a letter-writing campaign. Beginning in September, MRW will develop a list of members willing to write letters. We will provide sample letters and talking points for those preferring to draft their own message. The GOP will supply us with a list of potential voters to target. Personal contact is very effective, and statistics show a solid success rate when it is employed. Almighty God blessed America with Liberty; we must fight to keep it. American soldiers pay with their blood and their lives. All we have to do is expend an effort to awaken the people to the inconvertible truth, our country is in peril; we must act or perish. Membership . . . . . . . Meg Lindenberger The MRW membership renewals begin on September 1, 2014. Renewals may be made at the luncheon meetings or by sending your check for $30, payable to MRW, P.O. Box 3654, Pinehurst, NC 28374. If you have any questions, please email Membership Chair, Meg Lindenberger, at [email protected] or call/text her cell phone 910-603-5505. Welcome to our new members: Marilyn Bridgeman, Julie Kellam, Kim Tackett. Please be sure to welcome our new members. They are wearing nametags with shiny stars. Legislative Update . . . . . . . . . . . . Peggy Smetana Don’t be distracted! The media has focused recently on the events in Ukraine, Israel, and Iraq. While these are significant events and need our attention, the media has chosen to focus on them, virtually ignoring other, equally serious issues that still need our attention and action. These issues have been ongoing for some time, and despite the media’s attempt to distract us, they have not gone away. In addition to demanding that our Senators and Representatives take action on Ukraine, Israel and Iraq, we must also continue to press them on the other issues. Illegal Immigration – Obama is proceeding with plans to expand his DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals) amnesty program, even though it caused the recent border crisis. He aims to vastly expand amnesty to parents and family members (5 million) of DACA recipients (illegal aliens 30 years old or younger who were brought to the U.S. as minors). Before the August recess, the House passed HR 5272 to cut funding for the DACA program and stop future expansion of it. Call Senators Burr and Hagan and urge them to pass HR 5272. Benghazi – Let Representatives know that you will never forget and that you support the House Special Committee, chaired by Representative Trey Gowdy, to investigate and reveal the truth. Lois Lerner and the IRS – targeting conservative groups applying for 501©(4) status – demanding donor lists (and subsequently conducting personal tax audits) – and harassing the groups with questions not asked of liberal groups. There needs to be prosecution of those issuing the order to suppress free speech. ACA – Obama administration unilaterally changing or delaying provisions of the Affordable Care Act, in violation of the law. VA Hospital Scandal – having a secret waiting list where veterans died while waiting for an appointment with a doctor. An audit showed that 57,000 veterans had been waiting more than 90 days for an appointment. Doctors in the VA system see an average of 10 patients a day, about half as many as doctors in private practice. Other ongoing crises: Fast and Furious The release of 5 high-level Gitmo terrorists in exchange for alleged deserter Bowe Bergdahl The Keystone XL Pipeline Other items worthy of our attention: Let the Export-Import Bank Expire -- Tell Senators Burr and Hagan to oppose S.2709 Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2014. Tell Representative Ellmers to oppose H.R. 4950 Protecting American Jobs and Exports Act. Tell them to oppose extending Ex-Im for 6 months, and tell them to oppose adding reauthorization as an amendment to another bill or to a continuing resolution. This is a golden opportunity to get rid of a special interest law. If Congress does nothing, Ex-Im Bank’s charter will expire on Sept. 30. Ex-Im Bank is an excellent example of big business cronyism with big government, as well as an example of waste, fraud, and abuse. Incorporated in 1934 by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt to finance trade with the Soviet Union, Ex-Im is not needed today. There is no shortage of private financing for exports. The Furor Over “Fracking” -- The NC Mining and Energy Commission has the responsibility for writing rules for “fracking” (hydraulic fracturing) and horizontal drilling. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling were passed into law on July 2, 2012, but permitting was delayed until rules were written and approved by the General Assembly (unlike our U.S. Congress). A year ago U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said that problems associated with natural gas fracturing are manageable. The NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued its report in May, 2012, that said that hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling could be done safely in NC, as long as the right Continued on next page Legislative Update, cont. protections are in place and if NC adopts regulatory standards specifically adapted to conditions in NC and invests sufficient resource in compliance and enforcement. We can write to the Mining and Energy Commission to support fracturing, with reasonable rules to protect health, the environment, and property rights. Mining & Energy Commission ATTN: Oil and Gas Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Imagine the impact if each of us called one Senator or Representative! House and Senate Members get tally sheets each day of the calls for that day. We can make a tremendous impact as they meet with other Members of Congress. We must find our voice and tell our Representatives and Senators what we want them to do. They work for us. Senator Kay Hagan 202-224-6342 Senator Richard Burr 202-224-3154 Representative Renee Ellmers 202-225-4531 Americanism . . . . . . . . . Nancy Fiorillo I am a Republican and a Conservative and there are a few things I just don't understand. *How can people equate immigrants coming to the United States at Ellis Island with the thousands of illegal immigrants being sent here by their parents from South American countries? In the late 1800's we were BUILDING our country. In the 21st Century we're trying to SAVE our country from financial ruin and a sensible, enforceable immigration policy is essential to protecting our citizens and their interests. *Let's just admit it - we squandered our progress in Iraq by President Obama's announcement of when American troops would leave. There is no going back. The ISIS genie is out of the bottle and likely can never be reined in. *The Middle East and Northern Africa are now in the hands of brutal Islamist terrorists. Obama has abandoned America's global leadership in favor of his desire for global adoration. Not working President Obama. *Israel is willing to fight for its very survival. They have no choice. Thank God they have strong leadership we do not. *And speaking of Israel, why do we spend so much time on trying to negotiate a cease fire? Let the Israelis win! I believe they can and in doing so will destroy Hamas which has no respect for life - only life in the hereafter. I wish the future were brighter. Member and Friend Support for the Military Personal donations of $250 from MRW members and friends were sent to MMIA in August. Personal donations of $200 in July from members and friends were given to the Fort Bragg Fisher House. MRW Donations to Candidates and Judicial Races Federal election rules limit us to a total contribution of $1000 to candidates for federal offices, either shared by both or to given to only one. This year, MRW contributed the entire $1000 to Thom Tillis, since he does not have the benefit of being an incumbent, and we must defeat Kay Hagan and win that U.S. Senate seat. Sen. Jerry Tillman, our representative in NC Senate District 29, has an opponent, so MRW contributed $500 to his re-election campaign. Governor McCrory recently appointed NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Mark Martin to fill the seat of the retiring Chief Justice. With the Martin seat open, the Governor named Judge Robert N. Hunter Jr. as NC Supreme Court Associate Justice to fill that vacancy. Congratulations to both. While the NC GOP is donating to NC Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Martin, who must win his seat in November’s election, our bylaws do not permit us to contribute to him, since he has a Republican opponent. There are five judicial candidates to whom we gave $1000 each. They are as follows: NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Candidate: Associate Justice Robert N. Hunter NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Candidate: Judge Eric Levinson NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Candidate: Mike Robinson NC Court of Appeals Candidate: Judge Bill Southern NC Court of Appeals Candidate: Judge Paul Holcombe In the District 19B race between William Heafner and Steve Bibey, both are Republicans, so we are not permitted to contribute to one over the other. The following elected officials and judges have no opponents, so we did not allot any funds to them: NC Rep. Jamie Boles, NC Rep. Allan McNeill, Judge Donna Stroud, and Judge Jayrene Maness. A late resignation of a Court of Appeals Chief Judge led to 19 candidates filing earlier this month to run for the seat. We are leaving that one totally alone. In cases where two Republicans are opponents and the club may not donate to them, MRW urges its members to be as generous as possible in personally supporting the candidate of your choice. Thank you, NC Legislators! Congratulations to our NC Legislators on a very successful session. You accomplished your agenda, and thanks to you, now North Carolina has: 6th lowest debt in the nation 3rd in tech-sector job growth 4th in the nation's most business-friendly states Largest drop in unemployment in the nation Largest pay raise in state history for North Carolina teachers Salary increases for all state employees College credits offered to those with military training 300 Club Fundraiser – It’s Even Better! We made it even better. We added a $1,000 winner! Winners of the Moore Republican Women’s "300 Club" fundraiser will be drawn at our December 2014 Brunch. Your $25 ticket could have a big payoff! We’ll draw one $1,000 winner; two $500 winners and five $100 winners. Purchase chances at our September 8th meeting and at the meetings in October, November and December. Buy early to reserve your favorite numbers. Proceeds from the MRW 300 raffle will support candidates in the election and our military and literacy projects. Plan to Attend this Important GOP Forum on Military Preparedness Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, USAF, (Ret.) is coming to Moore County to discuss the crucial topic of Military Preparedness on Monday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m. in the Sandhills Community College Owens Auditorium. McInerney, now a FOX News military analyst, will speak on the impact of downsizing of our military. He will address whether the United States is prepared for military actions today and in the future. The Moore County Republican Party sponsors the meeting. Admission is free and reservations are not required. The Fundamental Transformation of America The following, by County GOP Chair John Rowerdink, appeared in The Pilot newspaper. Over the past couple of months, as we celebrated Memorial Day and Independence Day, I saw many reminders of the greatness and uniqueness of America, our proud history and the indispensable role our country has played in world events over the last several decades. These things caused me to reflect on whether America can perform the same role today and in the future. I think it’s questionable. In less than six years, President Obama has presided over a serious weakening of our country from which it will difficult, but not impossible to recover. Most of all, he has weakened America by an alarming increase in our national indebtedness. Our national debt increased 70%, to more than $17 trillion, during the Obama presidency. His record budget deficits have no parallel in U.S. history. As future interest rates rise, as they inevitably will, the cost of servicing this debt will rise dramatically and crowd out other essential spending. President George W. Bush didn’t help this either. Between them, Presidents Bush and Obama have overseen more than a tripling of the debt that our country accumulated during its first 224 years. We’re in big trouble on this one. President Obama has weakened America by failing to address the solvency of our entitlement programs while adding a huge new entitlement program, Obamacare, on top of the ones we already have and can’t pay for. We’re only beginning to see the chaos that Obamacare will inflict upon our country. The worst is still coming. Meanwhile, Social Security and Medicare face solvency issues which threaten their survival. The federal government’s budget problems can’t be solved without addressing our entitlement programs. He has weakened America by presiding over a weak, dangerous foreign policy. Our friends and allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. Dangerous events are playing out all over the world; a world which is desperate for American leadership. Remember Obama’s “reset” with Russia and his comment to thenRussian president Medvedev, “Tell Vladimir (Putin) that I will have more flexibility after the election”? Continued on next page Rowerdink, continued In Ukraine, we’re seeing what Putin thinks of Obama’s “flexibility.” In Iraq, he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and he seems to be trying to do the same in Afghanistan. Bad guys all over the world are ignoring his “red lines”. In virtually every part of the world, our international relations are worse than before President Obama took office. He has weakened America by making huge cutbacks in our national defense capabilities, just as our enemies are increasing theirs. While we are reducing U.S. Army personnel to pre-World War II levels and slashing military programs, China increased its military spending TENFOLD between 2006 and 2012. China now has 2.2 million active duty military personnel, America has 1.4 million. Russia’s military is also growing while ours is shrinking. He has weakened America’s industrial strength through excessive, uncompetitive corporate taxation and out of control government regulation. This has come at a cost of millions of American jobs and reduced competitiveness of American companies. His Justice Department has declared war on American companies, confiscating billions from Wall Street firms and other companies through punitive law suits. His EPA has declared war on the coal and other industries. More and more American companies are moving their headquarters operations to other countries to escape America’s increasingly hostile business climate. The jobs they create in the future will be there, not here. He has weakened America by failing to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders. We have chaos and a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. Legal immigration has always been good for our country. Illegal immigration is threatening it. He has weakened America by diminishing the American spirit of self-sufficiency by dramatically expanding food stamps and unemployment benefits. The cost of food stamps increased 216% to more than $80 billion annually during Obama’s less than six years in office. He has weakened America by poisoning the political atmosphere in Washington. He is the most partisan president in memory and has consistently refused to work with the other party. For that matter, he hasn’t established good working relationships even within his own party. All presidents face political opposition. Effective leaders find a way to work with their opponents. President Obama just gripes about it. He has weakened America by failing to effectively manage the federal government. We have huge budget deficits, massive problems with the VA medical system, illegal targeting of American citizens by the IRS, crony capitalism subsidies to industries he likes (i.e. Solyndra) and the disaster in Benghazi, in which four Americans were killed by terrorists. No part of our federal government seems to function as it should. Our enemies around the world see a weak and ineffective America and respond accordingly. He has weakened America by damaging our constitutional form of government through his abuse of executive authority and his failure to work with Congress and the judicial branch. How ironic is it that the president who taught constitutional law has done so much to weaken it? He has weakened America by failing to improve our education system. This didn’t start with President Obama but the problem is growing worse. America can’t be competitive if our students don’t measure up. He has weakened America by abandoning our leadership position in space exploration. Forty-five years ago, we put men on the moon. Now we depend on Russia to transport our astronauts to and from the international space station. What an embarrassment. Is this what candidate Obama meant in 2008 when he said he wanted to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”? Is this what you thought he meant? I wish none of this was true, but it is. If we want to get our country back on track, “We the People” will have to do it. This is no time to be apathetic; we must be bold. We have an election in November. “We the People” must take charge. Our country’s future is at stake. Fill the Footlockers for Troops kicks off MRW is once again helping Military Missions in Action with their Fill the Footlocker program for our troops and military dogs! Members may pick up empty boxes, and lists of suggested items to put in them, at the September meeting. The filled boxes are to be returned at the October lunch meeting. Also, if you have hotel-provided shampoos, soaps, mouthwashes, etc. from your summer travels, please bring them to our meeting, and Military Missions in Action will distribute them to homeless veterans. GOP raffle underway The Moore County GOP is raffling a Media bundle consisting of an LG42” Smart Television; Toshiba Laptop Computer and HP Officejet Pro 8610 Printer. Winner takes all: The television, laptop, and printer will be used at the Moore County NC Republican Headquarters until Nov. 4. Drawing will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 4, at Moore County GOP 2014 Election Headquarters. You do not have to be present to win! Tickets are $12 each or 2/$20. Only 400 will be sold. Ways & Means . . . . . . . . . . Mariann Benway WIN $1,000! Buy a number for $25 for a chance to win $1,000! We will also be awarding two 500-dollar prizes and five 100-dollar prizes. Winners will be chosen at the December brunch. NEW! We have red/white/blue hand-beaded flag bracelets with magnetic clasps for sale. Be sure to stop by the Ways and Means table and purchase one of these lovely bracelets! NUTS! Terri Lynn catalogues will be available for pick-up at the September lunch. Please make sure you pick one up and complete your order to hand in at the October lunch. In order to get the order in by the middle of November, we must submit our order in early in October. Teenage Republican representatives attend conference Robert Bahner and Alexandra Bailey, seniors at Pinecrest High School, and members of the school’s Teenage Republicans (TARS) attended the National TAR Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, in July. They were among almost 100 students from around the country who attended one of the largest TAR Leadership Conferences to date. MRW was one of the groups who sponsored their trip. In addition to taking part in group discussions with focuses on membership, fundraising, messaging and community service, the pair met with Rep. Renee Ellmers and Sen. Richard Burr. Ellmers provided passes to the House Gallery at the Capitol where the students were able to watch a vote in the House take place. Letter campaign to Get Out the Vote kicks off MRW is planning a letter-writing campaign to spread the word about GOP candidates. Members are asked to participate in the campaign by writing personal letters to friends, neighbors, and other voters, giving facts about particular candidates and urging them to get out and vote for the Republican candidates in November. Letters will go to targeted voters via a list provided by the GOP. MRW will provide sample letters and fact sheets to help members who prefer to craft their own letters. Barbara Para, our Campaign Chair and top campaign telephone caller, will lead the letter-writing campaign. She is asking for a team of volunteers to assist her in identifying and motivating members to write. More information will be available at the September and October meetings. From the editor’s desk . . . . . . . . Mary Ann Manning It’s time for a reality check. We know that North Carolina’s race is pivotal to gaining a Republican majority in the Senate. Despite the contentious primary, most of us are hoping to regain the GOP majority in the Senate and in so doing, tossing Harry Reid out of the majority leader’s seat. However, there is a persistent undercurrent of dissatisfaction towards the GOP Establishment that has manifested itself as distrust – and genuine dislike – of Thom Tillis. This grassroots movement is growing in momentum. You need look no further than recent postings by The Daily Haymaker, a Moore County online Conservative blog; on social media sites like FreedomPAC which is pushing John Rhodes as a write-in candidate; and in conversations with well-respected, right-leaning Conservatives. Many of these dissatisfied voters are planning to send the GOP Establishment and Karl Rove a loud message in November. They plan to vote for the write-in candidate, vote for Hagan or won’t vote at all. Unfortunately, it’s the same scenario for Renee Ellmers. Alarmingly, there’s some support for Clay Aiken among this group, not so much because they like his politics but because they feel the party deserves to lose this one. Ellmers aside, any way you look at it, these are lost votes for Tillis and the GOP and gained votes for Hagan. The argument that we must unseat Harry Reid doesn’t wash with the disgruntled. They are furious with the party, angry that the GOP has dissed the TEA Party and in so doing ticked off a large portion of the Conservative voters; and are generally feeling unwanted and abandoned by both the party and the incumbent Republicans. Where this all leaves the Republican Party is something that needs to be sorted out, but not until after the November election. To my way of thinking, now is not the time to vote against the GOP just to make a point, no matter how you feel about the Establishment and Thom Tillis. Getting rid of Harry Reid should take precedence over all else and is paramount if we have any chance at stopping our country’s slide into the abyss. However we can’t underestimate the power of the opposition from within our own party. They are firm in their resolve, and I know from experience that arguing with them or trying to change their minds is futile. Therefore, it’s imperative that we gain as many Republican votes as we can because we can’t count on all the voters who supported Greg Brannon, Mark Harris and Heather Grant in the primary to swing Tillis’ way. Bottom line: now is not the time to sit back and let others do the job of getting out the vote. The work starts in our own neighborhoods, among our own circles of friends, co-workers and acquaintances. It’s not always about making phone calls at the GOP headquarters, although that work needs to be done. It’s also about arming ourselves with factual information about our candidates and spreading this information to others, talking about our candidates and encouraging people who have not voted to get out there and do so! The MRW letter writing campaign is another excellent way to help. Remember, these dissatisfied voters are out there, they are many, and they aren’t changing their minds. If you think someone else is going to do the work required to win in November, prepare yourself for two more years of Harry Reid and Kay Hagan. If this scenario doesn’t sit well with you, there’s a job waiting with your name on it. Important election dates for 2014 SEPT. 5: First day to request an absentee ballot by mail for the general election OCT. 10: Voter registration books close for the general election OCT. 23: One-stop early voting begins NOV. 1: Last day to vote early for the election, ends at 1 p.m. NOV. 4: General election TROOPONS® Debbie Spelman will clip, sort, and bag for MRW and send them in. Just bring in the pages of coupons. Remember that coupons expired two months ago can be used. 1. Bring in your manufacturer’s coupons. 2. Coupons may be: a. Expired. Not expired more than 2 months. b. Unexpired. At least two months of life left. 3. These are the four types of coupons accepted: a. Food items b. Non-food items c. Baby food/items d. Pet items (like dog food) 4. Debbie Spelman will clip, sort, bag and send them to SOT: Only "Manufacturer's Coupons" can be used. They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them. No assistance vouchers. No food stamps. No store coupons. No restaurant coupons. No Internet coupons. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our military troops and their families!
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