JANUARY, 2015 TWRW President’s Message Meeting Minutes Board Information Membership Form PAGE 2 PAGE 3-4 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 THE WOODLANDS REPUBLICAN WOMEN NEWS January TWRW Meeting Jody Rushton will be the guest speaker at the January TWRW meeting. Jody is the president of the Texas Federation of Republican Women. The Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) is a volunteer army unmatched by any other women's organization. TFRW makes it possible for women to influence how local, state, and federal government manages such critical issues as health, crime, education, taxes and financial security. The TFRW's long-standing goals of education, training, participation in government, electing Republicans and encouraging Republican women to run for office has helped create a powerful organization that is over 10,000 members strong with 164 Local Clubs across the state of Texas. !1 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW Presidents Message Thanks for electing me as your president for the next two years. I hope we can accomplish some great things in this time. This is a good time to be a Republican. We are looking forward to a new year and a new Republican Majority in the Senate and the House and the Texas legislature. We already have a strong Republican Majority in Montgomery county and we will give it our all this year to keep it so. This is the time to attract new members to the Republican cause and to gear up to get those who agree with us out to vote in 2016. I first joined a Republican Women’s Club 30 years ago because I went to vote and realized that I was not familiar with many of the names on the ballot. The involvement with the clubs has given me the opportunity to meet and learn about the candidates and the elected officials. Volunteering with campaigns and conventions has given me good knowledge about how the county, state and federal election process works and the relevance of all of our votes. The friendships I have made over the years with the strongest women in town have been great. I am looking forward to my tenure as president for the next two years. My goal is to grow the membership and get us out into the community with voter registration and education, civic involvement, and fundraising for our candidates. We are part of The Texas Federation of Republican Women. It is a large and committed organization. Learn more about it at our January meeting where we will have Jody Rushton, TFRW president speak. If you want to get more involved let me know. We need to utilize all the talent in our club. Amy Van Horn TWRW January Meeting The Woodlands Republican Women meet on January 14 (the second Wednesday of each month) from 11 am – 1 pm at Landry’s Seafood Restaurant, 1212 Lake Robbins Drive. Lunch is $20 payable at the door. Please RSVP to Ann Herbek aherbek814@att. net TWRW January Meeting The Woodlands Republican Women Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 27 from 3-4 pm at the SouthCounty Community Center, 2235 Lake Robbins Drive. !2 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW Minutes for the Woodlands Republican Women’s General Meeting Held Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at Landry’s Restaurant General Meeting The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM by Acting President Ann Herbek. She then introduced Chaplain Mary Stewart, who led in prayer and the pledges. Herbek asked elected officials to introduce themselves. She then introduced the speaker, Representative Steve Toth. Toth defined human trafficking as involving forced prostitution, creation of pornography, involuntary servitude and/or debt bondage. He said that the estimated income for human trafficking in our state is between $9 and $32 billion. Using slides, he indicated that the major southern entry route is on the Texas border that bounds the Rio Grande. Others joining Toth’s presentation included Constable Ryan Gable from Montgomery County Precinct 3, our own Vicki Tompkins and a representative from an organization offering shelter and support to victims of human trafficking located in College Station. Business Meeting Our Christmas meeting will be held on December 10, 2014 at Landry’s. We will not have a speaker but we will have a group of children singing as our entertainment. Herbek announced that Donna Gossett donated the book, Regan’s Life in Letters to the Montgomery County Library on be half of The Woodlands Republican Women. Herbek expressed the group’s appreciation to Gossett for her generosity. It was announced that Linda Fox has a form for members to record the hours they have worked on behalf of TWRW so she can turn in the hours to the Texas Federation of Republican Women. Members may contact Linda for a copy of the form. The slate of officers for TWRW Board of Directors for 2015 – 2017 that was selected by the nominating committee was announced by the committee chair Donna Gossett: President: Amy Van Horn First Vice President/Programs: Pat Truesdale Second Vice President/Membership: Teresa Bolen Secretary: Joy Powell Treasurer: Margie Dixon Herbek called for additional nominations from the floor, there being none, Herbek declared the nominations closed. A motion to accept the slate was made, seconded and approved by unanimous consent. The installation of officers will take place at our December meeting. Amy Van Horn reported that the balance on hand was $2,817.21 There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pat Truesdale, Secretary !3 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW Minutes for the Woodlands Republican Women’s General Meeting Held Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at Landry’s Restaurant General Meeting Herbek then gave a special recognition and presented a gift to TWRW Past President Maureen Cromeans. The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM by Acting President Ann Herbek. Chaplain Mary Stewart led in prayer and the pledges. Business Meeting Herbek asked elected officials to introduce themselves. Herbek announced that the group that was scheduled to sing would not be able to perform. She said several of our elected officials had agreed to speak to us in their absence. Herbek introduced Steve Toth who spoke about the newly proposed high speed railway to be constructed from Houston to Dallas. He said the railway could not be constructed along the same route as I45 for technical reasons. He said the land required for the railway would instead cross what is now farm land. This land would need to be appropriated by means of “imminent domain.” Toth said a hearing was recently held in which there was a great out-pouring of opposition from those whose property would be impacted. President Amy Van Horn announced that the first meeting of the new TWRW Board of Directors will be held at The Woodlands Community Building on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 3 pm. All previous board members, newly elected board members, and committee chairs that Van Horn has asked to serve on the board for the coming year should plan to attend. The next general meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 14 at 11 am at Landry’s Restaurant. There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pat Truesdale Herbek introduced Texas Federation of Republican Women Representative, Pearl Maggio, who led the induction ceremony for the newly elected Board of Directors officers, including: President: Amy Van Horn First Vice President/Programs: Pat Truesdale Second Vice President/Membership: Teresa Bolen Secretary: Joy Powell Treasurer: Margie Dixon Just a reminder that your membership dues should be paid to Teresa Bolen for 2015. !4 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW TWRW Board President Amy Van Horn, [email protected] Vice President/Programs Pat Truesdale, [email protected] Vice President/Membership Teresa Bolen, [email protected] Treasurer Margie Dixon, [email protected] Recording Secretary Joy Powell, [email protected] Committees & Appointments Americanism Garnet Bouldrey Awards Donna Gossett, [email protected] Campaign Activities Linda Fox, [email protected] Chaplain Judy Rutledge, [email protected] Community Outreach Gena Cook, [email protected] Events Victoria D’Angelo Tompkins, [email protected] Greater Houston Council Shelley Rollins, [email protected] Hospitality Mary Klepaida, [email protected] Legislatived Affairs Tammy McRae, jeff[email protected] Literacy Carol Beech, [email protected] Newsletter Lori Jacobsen, [email protected] PAC Treasurer Janice Burkholder, [email protected] Publicity Shelley Rollins, [email protected] Reservations Ann Herbek, [email protected] Social Media Laura Fillault, [email protected] Website Linda Fox, [email protected] The Woodlands Republican Women is an affiliate of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. Political Advertising paid for by The Woodlands Republican Women, Margie Dixon, Treasurer. Contributions are not federally tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate contributions are not permitted. The information listed herein is not an endorsement of any candidate and is intended for informational purposes only. !5 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW Photo Album !6 JANUARY, 2015 TWRW ! !7
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