THE DAILY ARGUS, Murder Law Change Asked iter-Church Lenten Ites Planned State Bill Would Permit Sentences for Life Joint Services T o B e H e l d at First B a p t i s t Special Music P r o g r a m Protestant churches of Mount ion will cooperate in an inter" turch pre-Lenten service at the Baptist Church tomorrow at fp. M., sponsored by the Mount Ternon Ministerial Fellowship. The include First Methodist, eter Hill Methodist, Asbury lunity, Community church at Circle, First Reformed, First Brian, Vernon Heights Conjational, and Lutheran Church the Good Shepherd. The Rev. Dr. C. Jeffares McCombe, pastor of the Methodist Church of St. Paul, New York City, (BUtt Photo) and a member of the National FORMER SUPERVISOR Herbert W. Aronson will work for Uncle Sam after tomorrow, when he will Christian Mission, who now is touring under auspices of the Federal be Inducted into the Army for a year's service. Friends gave him a send-off last night at the Broad Street Tavern. Left to right, above, are Dr. William Lippman, chairman of arrangements; former Council of Churches of Christ in Supreme Court Justice Sydney Syme, Mayor William H. Husaey, Mr. Aronson and former Mayor Leslie America, will deliver the principal address on the theme "My Need V. Bateman. of Christ." Conducting the service will be the Rev. Dr. Elmer A. Love, pastor of the entertaining parish. The Rev. Charles Hart of Asbury Church, chairman of the Ministerial Fellowship, will r e a d the WASHINGTON, (AP)—The CivScripture lesson. ilian Conservation Corps announced A program of special music will today it would enroll 21,000 young be presented by Tom C. Weaver, Former Supervisor Is Recipient of Gifts men by Feb. 28 to fill junior vaorganist-director of the First Bapcancies. tist Church, and by a speciallyat Dinner—60 Attend Affair at Tavern This, it said, was an intermediate formed choir of singers from the enrolment of the type which would various participating churches as, Former Supervisor Herbert W. Mr, Cribarl, entertainment and be held four times a year to suppleunder the direction of the Rev. Aronson, who will be inducted to- David Rubin, publicity. Fred A. Mills, assistant pastor of morrow into the United States Mr. Aronson will be one of the ment regular January, April, July First Methodist Church. Mr. Mills Army for a year's training, was group of 16 from Local Board 741 and October enrolments. also will conduct congregational given a send-off by 80 of his which leaves at 8:52 A. M. tomorsinging. ' friends last night at a dinner in row. He is a member of the law The Rev. Dr. Hubert D. Jones the Broad Street Tavern. Arm of Aronson, Hecht and Yules. of the Chester Hill Methodist Dr. William Lippman, chairman,, Mr. Aronson also is a certified pubChurch heads the committee on arrangements, Introduced Wol- lic accountant. arrangements, while Dr. Love and of fango E. Cribarl, who served as He was elected to the Board of Mr. Mills are members. toastmaster. Speakers were Mayor Supervisors in 1931. He has been William H. Hussey, former Supreme active in Democratic Party affairs Court Justice Sydney Syme, for- and Is a district leader. mer Mayor Leslie V. Bateman, Supervisor Chairman Raphael A. Carretta, City Judge Jacob A. Bernstein, Democratic City ChairNEW YORK—Otto Paschkes of man Charles McEntee, Adlermanlc 457 East Sidney Avenue, Mount President David Conn, Stanley A debate between two teams of Vernon, is named as a defendant Book, Arthur C. Saunders, Robert New York University and Yeshiva in s patent infringement suit com- Roth, Frank Palmison, Philip E. College will be held tonight at the menced in Federal Court. Anderson, Erwin Savelson, Assistant Jewish Center of Mount Vernon, Mr. Paschkes, who la sued In- Corporation • Counsel Henry Hecht, 230 South Columbus Avenue. The dividually, Is president of the Solar Acting Chief Inspector Herman affair was arranged by Paul Manufacturing Corporation, also s Mattes, J. Morris Yules, Harold Shapiro, a member of the congredefendant, as is Paul Hetenyi of Blass and f o r m e r Supervisor gation and of the N.Y.U. team. New York, its first vice-president. George M. Martin. The debate will be on whether The complaint filed by the Con- Mr. Martin presented Mr. Aron- the States and nations of denser Corporation of America al- son with a radio, the gift of Jimmy the United Western Hemisphere should leges that Mr. Paschkes and Mr. Ring, proprietor of the tavern. Dr. form a permanent Harry Hetenyi own the controlling stock Lippman' presented the draftee Nadel is chairman of union. the program. of the Solar firm. with> a military set. Mr. Aronson Tile complaint alleges that on expressed his appreciation. Deo. 26, 1933 a patent for an ap- The dinner was in charge of Dr. paratus for winding coil conden- Lippman, chairman; Max Conn, sers was issued to Harold I. Dan- treasurer; Don 8. Zacune, tickets; zlger and that on June 28 last Milton Yanowlch, arrangements; be assigned it to the plaintiff. It is then charged that the defendants have infringed upon the rights of the patent and have continued to do so after being given notice of the alleged Infringements. The suit asks an Injunction against continued alleged violations and an WASHINGTON, (AP)—Philip D. accounting of profits and damages. Reed, chairman of the board of the General Electric Company, is going to become a consultant for the Office of Production Management at a salary of $1 a year, it was learned today. Officials would not disclose Mr. YONKERS — Taxpayers rumbled Reed's prospective duties but it was today when they learned City Man- understood he would serve in the Raymond J. Whitney refused Priorities Division of the O.P.M. a* a budget hearing Monday night Mr. Reed, forty-two, resides in to accept a challenge that he sl?n Dogwood Lane, Rye, N. Y. • psycut waiver or "stand up and tell us taxpayers why he refuses to do so." NOW YOU CAN GET The challenge came from Bradley B. Hammond, critic of the Board of Education and Library Board of If You Can Pay $3.36 a Month Trustees, who described Mr. Whitney as "nothing more than a chief clerk" whose salary should be not Mutual Finance Co. Inc. %99 Mfcln St., Bar Sldf. Tel. W. P. 866 more than $6,000 to $6,500. 3 4 Fourth Avenue Phone Oaknood 1102 FOURTH A V I . Free Delivery OAkwood 6130] WE INVITE YOU* CHARGE ACCOUNT liggett's are IN Specialist! WIN Liggett pharmacist* arc the pick of the profession; expertly trained as assistants before they become senior pharmacists. Be safe; be sure; be certain . . • bring your Rx to Liggett's registered pharmacist*:. Good looks—Good Health 9 0 hand in hand PuretestPlENAMINS $2.50 Box 2*29 Now... in plenty of time for E a s t e r . . . we present the most glamorous hats of the season . . . bonnets wrapped in misty veils, tiny discs smothered in flowers and topped with veiling, adorable straws and smart felts . . . all designed to make you look younger and lovelier. Vitamin-tonic combination of all the vitamins from A to G with liver concentrate St iron. 60 capsules. 79c 100 A-B-P-G Capsules 100 Thiamine Chloride 333 Mg, 98c 100 Vitamin B Complex 39c| Wmzm INFRA-R€D RAY LAMP FACE CREAM Sun H e a t * Treatment for neuritis • neuralgia • lumbago • rheumatism AC-DC 3-95 •80% 9f ibt $mt% t€jt art hrfro+td With P u r c h a s e of $|0P JERGENU0TI0N y 79 < mmr-. I I* > F R E E ! 25C sixe P E P S O D E N T TOOTH PASTI or POWDER Dressy Felts In Luscious Pustei Tones as well ns black and navy with purchase of Peptodent 50-Tuft Tooth Bratfi twice as many rafts for double-power cleansing, 75c value LUCITE THROAT LITE for only 39c with purchase of 75c Site LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC overt JUK THIS WEEK! fA We will give you A $50 Loan "qetitat mlZJZmiJLLll^llir WITH ft' L Famous Retail Product Reed Get* O.P.M. Job At $1 A Year Salary I' taken this year by the w P A . and the Taxation and Public Works Departments. The project will be approved within lo days, according to Public Works Commissioner Chris J. Sheridan. . and nothing gives them a better "send-off* than a daily dose of vitamins, the modern (approved by the medical profession) way to healthier, happier living Colleges To Debate At Jewish Center Whitney's Stand Leads To Challenge YONKERS TO REASSESS YONKERS—City Manager Raymond J. Whitney today disclosed reassessment of every Improved property In Yonkers will be under- 9800 Unveils the newest VEILED Hats for Spring C.C.C. Set To Enroll 21,000 By Feb. 28 Friends Fete Herbert Aronson On Eve Of Leaving For Service City Man Named In Patent Suit ALBANY. (AP)—A, proposal sitowing court Juries to recommend life Imprisonment for all first degree murder convictions came before New York's Legislature today. Sponsored by Senator Daniel Gutman, Kings Democrat, and Assemblyman Stanley Shaw, Ithaca Republican, the bill would give courts discretionary power to sentence convicted first degree munie* defendants to Ufa Imprisonment instead of death. Under present law execution is mandatory for first degree murder conviction except in felony murder esses. Other measures would: Extend for s year the. Mendelbaum act, which grants municipalities power to borrow for public works projects and to issue temporary certificates payable within ft year qut of the next annual tax levy. Give the Public Service Commission jurisdiction over Sundsy and holiday operation of commercial vehicles. Transmits cold light to ap, Waminates mouth, throat To sterilize dip tncite in boiling water. both for 98* Usterimt dome* S9e BOOK FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR IN TRADE ON A B I G . . . SOB-DEB: TANDEM E x c l u s i v e l y at Gennng'g THE XEW HERE'S OUR SENSATIONAL OFFER! What car have you now? We'll give you $100 over book value for it, if it's a popular make, in salable condition. We mean exactly what we say! We'll match this deal with any of the so-called "wild traders" as long as our used car stocks permit. SPRIXG THIS IS NOT ONLY THE GREATEST OFFER in our history, but we also believe there's not another low-price car to match the 1941 Ford itself for sheer big-car money's worth! And we are prepared to show you that we mean business... that Ford leads Modern Priscilla die field in better bask features! . ' . . that Ford gives more and finer equipment! WHEN YOU CONSIDER the steady depreciation and mounting repairs on your Eresent car — when you consider all the jig-car roominess and ride and style offered by Ford alone at low price—you'll decide on Ford! TOP All THAT with this unprecedented offer and you'll get the big 1941 Ford V-8 for your money! •• .Trade now while we're trading h i g h . . . better drive over ...TODAY. "SPECIAL" Ford Coupe s 7 3 2 ;Oo New I A clever case of plastic holds both Coty "5ub~ Deb" Lipstick (50*) and "Air-Spun" Rouge (50*1 You pay no more than if ypu bought each separately. 500 Cleansing Tissues 12 Sanitary Napkins $1 Ironlzed Yeast Tablets jjc Powder Puffs 10c Palmolive Soap 10c Cashmere *%^T EVENING in PARIS 3 pc Harmonized MAKE-UP ENSEMBLE The exquisite lines and youthful styling of Modern Priscilla Shoes are a delightful complement to your smartest costumes. But expect an even greater thrill when you slip them on your feet. Every pair Is amazingly light and flexible, You seem to actually float along, so extraordinary is their 4point cushioned action, yet they are priced amazingly low for so much quality and comfort. 21 styles to choose from. H. A. STEIN MOTOR COMPANY GENUNC'S Phone Oakwood I 9800 121 STEVENS AVENUE PHONE OAKWOOD 1100 | , •• , • " Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 56c 2c
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