iHerolJ Stotesmon, Yonkers, N. Y., SaC'Kug. 23, 1958 -11 f Griff Hints At Nat Franchise Class A Winner Yankee Rookie Squad Here Monday NightMinneapoli » Next Home? Meet Haveys At Fleming WASHINGTON <f» - The Washington Senators, niter .>S season in the capita], may ask permission soon to shift to Minneapolis. Club President Calvm Griffith refuses to be pinned down. Griffith denied yesterday r e p o r t he already had decided to seek American League approval of a transfer. But, to the relief of Minneapolis interests hoping to bag a major ieague franchise. Griffith added he hain't made up his mind one way or the other. Whether other American League ciub owners would tolerate a move out of Washington was still ar.oth-er question.' Several, including Tom Yawkey of Boston and Del Webb of New York, have declared the Ameri an League ought to remain in the capital for reasons of prestige. They also contended that despite skimpy attendance in recent years Washington^ is a sound baseball The Yonkers Lud-Dale Association is bringing the New York Yankee Rookies to Yonkers Monday evening, with the Lud-Dale Haveys supplying the opposition for An Dede's Rookie Squad. The site is Fleming Field, and the game will get under way at 8 p.m. after pre-game ceremonies. Proceeds from the contest will be used to further Lud-Dale youth activities. The Haveys should prove to be top ^competition for the Yankee Rookies, although the Rookies are not likely to run into ace righthander Hank Fischer. Fischer pitched this afternoon against city. ' New Haven in the Connie Mack President Will Harridge of the championships. American League said he had reBut the rest of the Havey squad ceived no word from Griffith about would appear to be a formidable a decision to move. opponent for the Rookies. Both Minneapolis is considering exclubs feature players in the same pansion of its modern stadium to YANKEE ROOKlES^The New f age designation and off the respec41.000 capacity, almost double the tive records, the teams.seem well York Yankee Rookies, who will j present size. Ancient Griffith Stamake their first appearance in matched. dium seats about 28,500 and is selYonkers on Monday evening at | dom, filled. LEEWOOD CHAMPS — Mrs. wood Golf Club yesterday, after Fleming Field, posed for this Congress has authorized a new The Rookies are a 14-man shot recentlv at Yankee Stadium. Club Joseph Spencer, right, receives winning the Women's 10.000-sear arena for Washington. Mrs. Jones was squad, with four pitchers listed on Left to right, its Richie Wohlcongratulations from Mrs. Lee Championship. but Griffith dislikes the location the runner-up. — Staff Photo by the roster. As is the case macher, Bob Kacmarek. Bill and, as owner of his present quar| Jones on the 18th hole of Lee- Warren Inglese. with the Dodger Rookies, this Milinis. Richard Rice, Jack Schuters, is sensitive about % becoming Yankee squad is comprised of macher, Bob K o h l e r , Jim • g g i ^ h r i v a l a tenant elsewhere. NEW YORK f.yi — Gil Turner whipped Red! by unanimous deci-jN. J., pestered his slu boys from the metropolitan . area Ferry, Lenny Benedetto, Hank exclusively. Pitchers Bob Kohler Backmann, Len Dellolio, Bill had his first victory of the year to- sion in their 10-rounder at Madison (through the first half ofthe brisk' , i nThe Griffith family has contoiand Jim Ferry are from New Lanza, Ron Deutch, and Mount day—a decision over Stefan Redl— Square Garden last night. But win battle. Moving in and out-and side! = stocjc interest in the team and ., _, ° , ., . , 'now wields a clearcut majontv in <\nd his manager already was hol- or lose, the ever-pressing PhiladelYork City, Richie Rice from Vernon's Tom Nelly. • to side, Redl •scored with jabs and ,,„ phia contender gives the fans a uss board of directors, lering for a title shot with welterLynbrook, L.I.;' and Don Praizner rights to the body and head. j ,\mid all the conjecture over a. good show. weight champion Virgil Akins. from Newark, N.J. "We'd draw a zillion in Phila- "We'll use both Turner and Redl The second half of the scrap, (possible move, the club's secreAll four of the hurlers are sixdelphia." said manager Georgie soon," said Harry Markson.. man- and especially the vital last twoltary, John E. Powell, and Trea>footers, and three of them,arcKatz. "Remember, Gil is the last aging director of the International rounds were dominated by Turner, juror C. F. Jacobsen resigned yesrighthanders, Kohler being the fighter to beat Akins. He did it Boxing Club. "They put on a good "^he three officials had Turner terdav. lone southpaw. Reports are that easv in Atlantic City, Sept. 18, f i g h t . " • ahead by the following scores: •a Jacobsen said he wanted to giv« The 9th Ward Dems advanced with a fine stop and toss to sec each of the four rely on the fast1957." Referee Teddv Martin, fi - -3 1: Griffith a free hand and didn't ' That it was from the opening .... to the semi-final-; of the citywide ond. ball pretty much. There has been That was the twenty-seven-year- bell. Redl. a superbly conditioned Judge Harold Barnes. 7-3; Judge'want to be associated with any Babe Ruth playoffs at Fleming no indication from Dede on just old Turner's last victory until he twentv-five-vear-old from Passaic, Mike Davidowitch, 6-4. The AP move to take the franchise to anField last night, stopping Feuers, In an All-Star game which pre- who is to be his starting pitcher. had it even in rounds, 5-.i, but j other city. Powell indicated he 7-2 Lou Petti went the distance ceeded the Ruth tilt, the East Yon- In the catching department, the MOUNT VERNON -* Mount VerTurner the winner. agreed with Jacobson. for the Dems, pitching a six-hit- kers Stars edged their Northeast Rookies have three — with Mount non Standards defeated Eastchestter, walking eight and fanning coutnerparts 4-3 with a run in the Vernon's Tom Nelly the most weller Go-Go Boys, 4-0, and Yonkers Top Angler eight, while Henry Naglieri pitched seventh inning. known around here. Nelly was the the distance for the losers and With one down in that frame, ace of the Mount St. Michael Olympians turned back Mount VerFAIRFIELD. Conn. — Eileen yeilded but four hits. Preston Denby walloped a single squad this past season, and is a non Sundowns, 4-1, in last night's Fennessey of Yonkers. a teacher However, the Dems bunched through the middle, then stole sec- fine ball player. The other two re- twi-night twin bill of the Mount their hits at the opportune mo- ond to put the ptential winning ceivers are Richie Wohlmacher of Vernon Invitation Softball League in the New Rochelle School sysments, and made the most of a run in scoring position. Jerry Pap- New Hyde Park, L.I., and Roger at Hutchinson Field. The fabulous King and His Possessor of more tricks than|tern, won the Sailfish crown here few walks and passed balls. Jim antonio was equal to the' laks, Mason of Union, N.J. Court—the four-man touring soft- Mandrake. Feigner and his unit at-the Fairfield Beach Club with Schlegel. came up with two im- belting a clutch hit through the Rush Riley kept the Standards portant hits for the Dems, his left side to knock home the win- The rest of the Rookie cast is in the thick of the title-scrap, one ball squad .of pitcher Eddie Feig- also put on an entertaining show- the largest catch reported. By The Associated Press well set, with Len Dellolio of half game back of the New Ro- ner and three assistants—will make as well as playing professional first starting a three-run rally, ning tally. The program didn't say so, but Nyack at first-base; Bill Milinis chelle Royals, when he blanked Fleming Field the scene of their softball. and his second driving home two the way things turned out it could DKMS FEUER8 more. of Brooklyn at second; Don Eastchester with a nifty two-hitter. 1958 Yonkers visit Tuesday night. Colts Schedule Day ABRH AB R H have been "Stanley Dancer-Eddie The SYL squad will be comMelega of Jersey City at short2 Pufalil. Naglieri had a good day at the R'mallo 2 1 1 The Standards got all four of their Supplying the opposition will be the prised of 18 players. Put to a vote. Night" at Yonkers Raceway For Lamb At Opener Cobb 3 Accanttl 1 stop; Bob Kaczmarek of Wood- runs off Joe O'Malley in the fifth. plate for the losers, socking a S'vastano South Yonker League All-Stars, A last night. S'lesel 0 Naglien the 18 players selected include inside, L.I. at third-base; and Len triple, double and single in three Petti < 0 Erebes Of Football Season Dancer drove four straight win2 Benedetto of Bridgeport, Conn.. Fred Semp sprinkled five safe- representing the top players in fielders Gene Regan, Les Smith. appearances. Richie Erdoes had Sico 0 Reino ties in tossing the Olympians-to ners and Cobb won three races. that loop. Ed O'Dowd, Butch Kitchens. Billy 2 0 Winston Ron Deutsch of Staten Tsland and two hits for the losers, while Sch- H'singer 4 '"Bill Lamb Day" originally 0 C'didlo Kcyes Dancer's first victory-was with Game time at Fleming is set Toone. Dick Boryk. Wicky Fields legel had two for the winners.' Juriek Hank Backmann of New York triumph. Herb Hesselgrave and 3 0 Borkon slated for last weekend by the Mister Knight ($45.40) in the fourth Ed Magee shared the Sundown and Jack Hanney. In the outfield. for 8:30 p.m. 3 0 City in the outfield, Richie Smith proved to be the Smith Pufalil mound chores and together were The King and his Court, of its Bob Ormond. Jack Codi, Herm Colts Boys Gub, and subsequent- race. He then reined home Canny0 Shankla defensive standout for the Dems, 0 Gloom touched for eight blows. course, are well known through- Wilson, Larry Pape. Tony Chuilli ly-washed away by precipita- Scot ($5.30) in the featured, fifth, playing his position flawlessly, and out the United States. Feigner has and Bob Stankey. The pitchers are tion, has been rescheduled for Noble Adios f'S13.70) in the sixth The Haveys, of course, have yet starting one snappy twin-killing 27 7 4 23 2 6 pitched well over 100 no-hit games Bob O'Brien of the Blue Jays, I^eon the opening of the Colts football and Knight Pilot ($13.70) in the to lose a game in Connie Mack during the club's 10 years of tour- Harris of Dow Post and Hank season, it was announced today. seventh. Big Bertha, his only other and Westchester R e c r e a t i o n ing, and the four-man unit has Bechtold of the Lud-Dales. Tim The Colts group was to honor entry, was last in the ninth. League competition. With a repeat Richardson will handle the catchappeared in foreign countries as Cobb scored with Honest Chief Lamb — for 10 years an official Eastern championship fight looming. well for the State Department. at Colts athletic contests — with ($10.30) in the second. Spud ($5.30) ing, its not known who Havey a game and open house last in the third and Prince Ambrose boss Jack McCormick will use M ^ J W j l ^ » W » 3gp$Wp<3> W* «~?«OTP «wfH»«w ' * -a^ya**** « * jf »J*r* i^ge * J; <?r-»" <| ($5.30) in the eighth. against the Rookies, but he may m Sunday. use more than one pitcher. Jack Janeczko, Jack Bonanni, Joe Glaser and Joe Francis are all PACOY3 BLUE-JAYS EARTHS ASStf. YORLIKS MOUNT VERNON— AB R AB R H ' AB R H rested and ready. AB R H 3 3 2 S'tino 2b P.P'mert OTJowd ss 4 1~ 2 B Flower 1 -Professional 'rasslers, always Ruyack t» 3 R.P'mert Taber 3b 4 1 0 2 B.B'tell* SATURDAY. AUO. 23, 1958 ones to do unto the next guy be4 McP'lps If Nigrello 1 J.Lewer Ormond If 1 0 0 ever, had to stagger to pull out 4 Cortese cf T.P'merl 1 A.Morelll Ch'fca lb.c 3 0 0 FIFTH R A C E FIRST RACE— fore they get their own come-up4 0 ACh'rlnl Larocco c Regan cf 2 2 ' 2 the win over Pacoys, with a twoP'zeUki 11. 1 JUNIOR TROT Free For B TROT. 1 Mile Si 500. pances, go to the aid of the Boy's 3 0 McS'on 3b Mancu.«l Vigluccl R'lnsky rf 2 2 1 run homer by Steve Ravinsky in Mile • T h e Monitor' S6.C00. Prob 4 0 Club of Mount Vernon n e x t Luciani L'oarra l b DiSanto Ryan 2b 2 0 1 Prob. P.P. Driver Odds 3 0 McShane Borelll Howie c 2 0 0 the fifth inning the winning blow. Wednesday after dark when the M c o U rr • Cx-..:-, Driver 1. Bright Valour W. Myer 4-1 P.P. 3 0 Kelly Z'orakl lb 1 0 0 Steve's booming clout finished off P'lcarskl Webb p OBr-.en 2. Tatum Hanover Jordan 3-1 1. Time Me muscular members of the grunt0 Cuozzi O'Brien p 3 0 0 2 -] W. Myer 3. Worthy Stadt W. Dennis 4-1 2. Wllils L. a four-run inning after the Jays and-grimace fraternity return to S -1 J. Dennis t. Singing Sword' Wingfle'.d 6-i 3. Model Hrlr >. 26 5 4 30 8 14 24 8 6 were, trailing 5-2. 34 S 9 5-J ). Royal P m t l m * Wlngatt fi-t 4. C h s r m i n - Barbara Ratiin'on Memorial Field with a six bout 6-1 Hodglni 6. P»nn'.« Boy Welch 15-1 5. Jeffrey Scott Prior to Ravinsky's belt, a single 15-1 Camden 7. Worth A Call Mcintosh 8-1 8 Lord Steward Only two softball games were Palmeri socked another homer and error put two runners on. and benefit program. 10-1 Corley 1. Betty Eden Safford S-l 7. Lumber Boy reported last night, with Yorliks and two singles, and P. Palmeri Bob Ormond's sac sock to center Featured will be that most noble A E —8h»dydale Editor (Camrl*n> of all do-gooders, Antonino Rocca, 3IXTH RACE— Hardy Gayie (Winn) stopping Harths 8-5 in 7th Ward cracked two hits in three swings cashed in the first. Justin Regan's The Flower of the 'Argentine, A A PACE. 1 Mile - T h e Elms.'?rd" single through the middle deliver$4,500 . action, and Blue Jays squeaking to keep Harth hurler Kelley duck against - one Johnny Valentine, 1. Morris Eden 8. Dancer 4-1 SECOND RACE— by. Pacoys S-5 in South Yonkers ing for shelter. Nigrello didn't ease ed the second, and Ravinsky's stinker first class, F. O. B. De2. William Way Haughton 4-1 smash took care of the winning C PACE. 1 Mile 12.000. 3. H. A. Direct Pna'.ea 8-1 troit. Other encounters include an activity. the pain, adding four more whacks Camden 5-1 4. Reed's KnlglU 1. .Chuck Rosecrolt deuce. Arthur 8-1 Australian tag - teamer involving Bonacorsa 3-1 5. Highland Laird 2. Donald Adarct A home run barrage and some for the w i n n e r s , including a Cobb 5-3 Smith 10-1 3. Black Haven Bob O'Brien went the distance the fabulous Kangaroos from Syddouble. i? Stevle Frost Hodglne 10-1 adroit stickwork by the Palmeri V. Dancer 8-1 7. Easy Adios 4. Wayslgn Roush 9-2 boys enabled Stan Piekarski to For the Harths, Lewer and Bir- for the victory, allowing four hits ney, "Down Under" how can they 8-1 Cruise 3. Petet P.lct <-". Cobb 8. Fleetwood M. register the win in the 7th Ward rilella socked three hits each. and w h i f f i n g 10, with 'Spider' lose?) vs. the Hamilton freres; 8-1 SEVENTH RACE— Bell 7. R 1. Hal contest. Stan was touched for nine Harths also lost the services of Webb the loser, yielding six hits Mount Vernon's own, unbeaten B PACE. 1 Mile 13.500. 6-1 Rou.«h 3. B l a r t Mlt. 4-: Redd'.e D a > Roush Looie Albano vs. Ludwig (When hits by the Harth Bunch, but the shortstop Bob Flowers who frac- and fanning three. A E.—Annette T » M (Belsslnter) 4 . Cr-j'.se 2. Black I Win Palmeri gang smashed eight hits tured his shoulder in a collision Regan and O'Dowd socked two Will I Ever Win One? Von Krapp; 5-1 Wayfleld (Wilcox) Pha'.en 3. Poplar Gary between them, including three at first base, and was removed hits each for the Winners, while Hartsdale's Soldier Barry vs. Pepe 3-1 Kvijr.irn .lor-sle Direct t TRICKY EDDIE — Legerde- be in Yonkers Tuesday evening Be'.ssimer fi-l 5 June B>rd homers, to offset the Harth attack. to St. Joseph's Hospital. Webb collected two hits and two Chicharro: Tony Martinelli vs. to face the South Yonkers All- THIRD RACE— Wineite 10-1 S. LifAj P A T I main is one of softball hurler Jacques Jarque, and Miguel Perez runs-batted-in for the losers. R. Palmeri whammed two of the T V Dancer Duke 15-1 7. Ernest Stars, and this delivery, above, . I Ml!* $3,500 vs. Irish John Donovan. r PJddie Feigner's strong points. is only one of Feigner's many 1. BWoTRO Edmunds o-l 3-t 8. Jacoo Hanove; homers, and added a single; T. The vaunted Blue Jays, how- The box scores: Phs'.en :hy Scone A E —Worthy 'vs--.ee 5-3 i A. M7*r> Safford 2. Meddler The "King and his Court" will seizes. 8-1 Haughion 3. Mizzeile • TurnerAsks For Title Shot •;•. Boffs Redl For Unanimous 10-Round Triumph 9th Ward Dems Top Feuers, 7-2 • : - Softball Wins To Standards And Golios : 'King And His Court\ Here Tuesday Evening I ft Matmen Set For Date In Mount Vernon Palmeri Boys, Ravinsky Bash The Big Blows... Yonkers Raceway Entries 4. V 8. 7. 8. SPORTS . . . In Passing Hudson River Country Gub and pro Lee Armstrong are among the entries in the third annual National Invitation 72-holc club championship golf tournament at Shawnee Inn Country Club, Pa. which takes place Sept. 8-11. The tourney, which includes 18 holes of bestball foursome medal play, was won last year by the Country Club of Maryland headed by pro Andy Gibson. In .T6 the winner was Knickerbocker CC. of Tenafly, N.J. headed by Otto Gtriner Both of these units Are entered in this year's competition. The championship 'is decided on the Aggregate low gross for the 72 holes of play. Among other clubs entered are Clifton CC. of Baltimore, Md.. Hillendale CC. of Phoenix, Ariz.. Washington Golf Club of Arlington. Va., Burning Tree Club of Bethesda, Md... Mare Island Golf Club of Mare Island. Calif., and the Scioto CC of Columbus, Ohio. CHAMPION CHIPPIES - Tappan Zee League pennant prior Het« are the Yonkers Chippewas, to the playoffs with a 10-1 fhAmpioni of the recently con slate, and then stopped OssinmR eluded Tri-County baseball play- and Valhalla to win the Triotts. Th% Chippies had won the County crown as well. Left to Dancer, Cobh Have A Niglit At Raceway right, front row, its Jimmy Bell. Sal Schiliro. Bob MatotA. Frank Forcelli, Billy Keppler, Al Reagan An. Ed McEnery, Richie McSpedon, Jimn Foley and N o r m Davis. Back row, same order, coach Ed Foley. Billy Sheridan. Billy Kraft, Vince Wronewicr. coach John Bell, manager John Leddy. Ron Petro, Ken Brelesky aftd coach John Bell, manager John Untitled Document item that merits some consideration by the city's football coaches. The dentists are interestrtj in a new featherbite mouthpiece for high school football players which would protect their teeth in contact action. The group has plans to try and raise the money for the venture from service organizations with the association donating their service* as well *s some of the cost. When it comes to doing things vsoli the first time, Bob Limekiller of Yonkers takes the cake. Last winter he won a bowling tournament in his first try against more experience rollers, and then during the past two weeks, h* has suddenly blossomed as a hurling star. Bob had never pitched in his life up to two weeks ago. when Danny King asked him to work an important Rec league game because two starters were indis' Barbara Nullmeyer of Yonkers, posed. Bob calmly pitched a 2-1 the ' Met Senior 4i)0-meter swim- win with a six-hitter. ming champ, was scheduled ft> compete in her first long-distance Back he came last Sunday for event today at Grossingers, when the Yonkers Pioneers in clinching she entered the l.SOO-meter free- the Colonial League pennant, when style event. Miss Nullmeyer has Pioneer hurlers were similarly inconfined herself to the shorter dis- disposed, and he wins the crown tances in the past. with a 10-1 3-hitter... and he had a perfect game going for six inThe Yonkers Dental Association nings. The lone run off him was a has come vjP with an interesting' wrong-field homer!!I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com R. Thomas Blclcl Hanover Clark Ul'.le-s Fitly Russell Black Sand' V Dancer Budmlte's Direct BonacoT<* J. R. F. A E - Lou Oallon (Michaels) Captain Kirk (Smith; POURTH RACE— A PACE, i Mile 1.1.500. 1. Highland Boy Bell 2. Winged Our Cru: = e t. Shorty Eden M MacD Id 4. King Cre*d Jordan 5. 3 e f Royer Haughton 8. Maxine's Kn'.ghl Edmunds "i. Jerry Perkins Cobb 9. Battle Front J. Dennis 'Phalen) A E - V i c t o r y Flu«h Btl'.ys Lady (8 D a n c e n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. .-,.1 EIGHTH PACE l;-l! C PACT. 1 Mile 10-111. Waysun R-l 2. Some Prince 6-1 i 3. Duration 4. Mr Green'.ree 5 The Kisco Kid 6. Bobble B^T 7 Larry Ha. 3. Mighty Duche«s 000 Bell W:r.gf-.eld A M-er Cruise Smith B:o»n C;«:k Pna'.ea .1-1 8-i 4 4-1 S-l S-l 12-1 U-: NINTf- RACE "l> B P«.CE. 1 Mile 11 5 : 3 m - —T • - I Single Ei?re<« 8 l ;.; Phalen " J 2 . Evening Call 1 3. Widowers I'.'.rm Hackeit 4-1 1-1 4. Sky Prince Winefie'.d 10-1 10-1 5. Rene Va'.'.eaKey 4-1 4-1 8 Checkout H« ighton J-l 10-1 7. Arturo Hanover A Myer 8-1 Belssinter 8. C'.ara'a Roy 10-1 A E Ton Command «McInto«W 4 « • OBSERVERS SELECTIONS Bright Valour, Tatum" Hanover. Betty Eden. Black Haven, Donald Adams. Chuck Rosecroft. Worthy Scone, Mizelle. Budmites Direct. Winged Guy. Highland Boy. King Creed. Willis L . Model Heir. Lumber Boy. Stevie Frost, Reed's Knight, William Way. Black 1 Win. Lady Pam. Jonsie Direct. Bobbie Bov. Mr. Grecntree, Some Prince. Evening Call. Checkout. Reno. JRfST BET: LADY PAM. 7th Raco Yonkers Raceway Results 1 S T - T r e t : rr. : T O M . off 1:1 (-Medal Scotth <T*> »^ • 10 3 40 3 78 f 1-D*rk Sky iWlnt »*'di . . 3 7 0 2 SC M S l i ' i l*d tSafford> 3 30 SO—Pate: w ; T - 3 < 7 3; off t 50 4-H»n**t CVf tCobtrt 10 30 5 70 3 SO 5-t*T\«ca"i Marlet (9'di ..460.340 l - < H r A4if.« <Vtnyard> 4 30 (Daily DsMiMa, 4 4. Paid »*4 004 3D Trot; m ; T-3 04 4: off 4 17 1-Spi;d fCftbh* S3O3102JO 3-Lyte H > e r ( W a l i e r i „ 4 10 3 10 2-tS*an Wallace (B't'ti — — Vlf eVratcHes^—OortHn. 4th r a c e : m : T-2 OS.."»: ft« 9 4.1. « - M U f r KWt «ft. Dr> 45 44-13 60 ? M t-T«* TKea (Jordan) _ . 4 10 3 M 3-E<J<H« T o » « e ( B r ) „. _ «,W •nrav>h*«4--Vaini»ke Hanover. STH -Pace: m ; T-3 02.3; off 10 04 5-Cannr t k o l t i*V D r) I 90 .3 30 2 60 3-Dl»m-~.1 Hal fO Br»> _ 1 50 2 40 4-McOmrea (Crui»#i . „ . 4 »0 6TH T i f : re : T-2 04 2: oft !< -3-Noh!» AdiAt (AD.> 3 1 1 0 10 79 8 30 4-Menact (Safford. _ 4 40 3 10 5-Shlp Ahoy (Jordan' _ _ »2* Scratched—Adioa fapraaa, 7TH—Pace: » : T-'3 OS 2. off 1 1 f t ; •VKnitM Pilot (8. D ' n 13 70 5 10 3 f 3-Ktot Hanover i W ' n J 10 2 > l-Ad!oa Dotty m . e J ' t ) .. . 2 7t STH P ; 1 t o ; T-2 0 A 1 . off 11 2» 0-Pflnce Atafc'M (CM 5 30 % 44 JJO Comet rt>»t»i _ 1454 » W l - M M i Rxj»te«« (Wd> — — 3,50 fltrat.-hod Rally Oiaem*. «TH 4»: I m T-2 06,2; 4ff i t 54 I 4fton- Rarry (C H ») 7 00 4 1 f l t t 4 4-A»»'i» tttrret M M ' t l _ 11 10 t TA 2-D-snate Direct <W C t> _ „. 1 7 9 lAtt.—52*11. Handle—52.214.TtaV) v
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