8 H ERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS N.Y., FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1963 DUGGAN IS PROMOTED I ington professional chapter of I Sigma Delta Chi, the journalisi tie society, Wednesday night that i i he's thinking only about running: I for reelection. He m e n t i o n e d Know land's name when a questioner asked Land along and near the Crosshim who. in his judgment, would WASHINGTON Uv-Son. Barry make a good presidential candi- County Parkway is being survey, Goldwater of Arizona, mentioned date for the Republican party in ed in connection with the reconas a possible Republican candistruction of the parkway in the 1964. date for president in 1964. says near future. He added that "there are men the name that "keeps coming to In some instances, the surveymy mind as a strong figure for in the House of Representatives, that race is that of Bill Know- too, who look promising. Jerry ors have to enter private propFord and others of that cut have erty but that doesn't mean the land." lots of vigor." Gerald R. Ford i s . property will be taken for the William F. Knowland. former reconstruction job, according to Senate Republican leader who from Michigan. Ernest T. Perkins, executive diPaul Manolis, an assistant cdi-! served in the Senate from 1945-58. retired to run for governor of tor of the Oakland Tribune, a . rector of the East Hudson ParkCalifornia in 1938. He was defeat- I newspaper owned by the Know-1 way Authority. ed—his only defeat in 25 years I land family, said recently Know- ~~Mr. Perkins said steps in progi land had no intention "at the • ress include checking of previous of politics. As for his own - political plans j present time of reentering public surveys and obtaining additional I information required for the dein 1961, Goldwater told the Wash- I life." \Knowland Demetriou Appointed In '64? Asks Goldwater New Assistant D.A. WHITE PLAINS— Appointments of James C. Demetriou, 36, of 42 S. Devoe Ave., Yonkers, as a new assistant district attorney, and elevation of J a m e s J . Duggan from assistant to a senior assistant district attorney, weir announced today by Dist. Atty. Leonard Rubenfcld. Mr. Demetriou. who was an assistant attorney general for the state until his appointment, is a 3948 Columbia University graduate. He received his law degree from New York University Law School, gaining admission to the bar in 1953. He was formerly with Samuel LaRosa of P e r ' Chester and Cerrato, Nayor and Edmiston of Yonkers, law firms. Mr. Demetriou is a trustee of the Prophet Elias Church, Yonkers. and president of the American Hellenic Club there. Last JAMES C. DEMETRIOU year he was appointed to the Yonkers Mayor's Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal and Housing. He and his wife, the former Vicke Calafates. have two children, Joanne. 5, and Philip, 4. Mr. Duggan. 3S, lives with his wife, thexformer Marlene F. Hedonist, at 29 Wardman St., White Plains, with their four children, Kathleen, 7, James, 3. Brian, 3, and Laura, 8 months. He served as a special agent in the FBI from 1950 to 1934 and was in private law practice until he was appointed assistant district attorney in 1939. He has been in charge of the Appeals Bureau in the district~attorney's office, handling cases in the higher state courts as well as the federal courts and the Supreme Court of the United States. He has also handled trial and investigative assignments. JAMES J. DUGGAN Mr. Duggan is an Army vet-, eran of World War II, serving , in the European theater, and was graduated from New York was graduated from Ford ham i Law School and was admitted University in 1947. In'1950 he ' to the state b a r in 1953. Red Radar Trawler Off Louisiana Coast I the property will be taken for I construction but will enable sur| veyors to take account of local j conditions in shaping the final NEW ORLEANS, La. (iv-The ! design. Coast Guard said that a radarequipped Soviet fishing trawler has been operating in the Gulf of sign work. The engineering firm Mexico about 45 miles off Louisiof Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade ana. & Douglas is conducting the field work lor the authority. Five LOS ANGELES UP» — Actress i Naval and CoastGuardspokesteams of surveyors are on the Dorothy Dandridge reports she i men said the trawler was in injob. made more than 5100,000 the past ; ternational waters with fishing Mr. Perkins said it was nec- two years but she's broke any- j nets out. essary for the survey parties to way. ' A commercial helicopter pilot, obtain information beyond the 'William S. Chatterton, said the She filed a bankruptcy _ petilimits of the parkway right-ofI tion, saying she owes $61,502 to ; trawler differed from most in : way. Their entering of private i that it carried two radar antenproperty, where necessary, is I individual creditors and $57,000 : nas and a fairly elaborate system : on unsecured trust deed claims. i being done under provisions of !of radio antennas. ; law, he said, but added that Miss Dandridge, 39, waived ali1 every precaution was being made mony last December when she diTo insure your future invest , not to damage the property. vorced restauranteur John Deniin U. S. Savings Bonds. I He said entry does not mean i son. Cross County Surveyed For Reconstruction Job $100,000 Actress Files Bankrupt Plea KAUFMAN'S MOST RIDICULOUS PRICES! NEAR HOGAN PARK Junked Cars To Leave HenningParkForDump Abandoned automobiles in Hen- from Henning Park to the new ning Park that have been draw- location. ing the ire of 10th Ward CounCouncilman Anthony J. Picone cilman Andrew Hayduk are of the 8th Ward complained that going to be moved to part of he was having a similar conditthe old Austin Avenue dump ad- ion with abandoned cars on the old railroad right - of - way in jacent to Hogan Park. his ward. He asked Mr, Curran That's what Public Safety Comhow the foreclosure proceedings misibner Milton E. Goldman told members of the Common were going against this property. Council in committee of the The manager said this was a very slow proceeding because it whole. involves some 69 estates but Mr. Goldman told Councilman that he hoped that over the Hayduk that he and City Man- summer months it would be ager Charles L. Curran had vis- moving very fast. ited Henning Park and then had jrone to Hogan Park. He said they had made arrangements MEG'S COSTS QUESTIONED with the Rcreation Commission LONDON UP»—The government for use of some of the Austin will be questioned in Parliament Avenue property—not disturbing next month about the cast of Hogan Park—and orders have renovating Princess Margaret's been issued to move the cars new home at.Kensington Palace. ANDREW'S Salutes the Creators of CLERMOKT World's First Home TV 23 - }.•-„•<•*• r<.v, ;.-v.,. r,r>-c\ Pro: -rein: {,<,•: hny \r, r,,y,:n( WMf« uiffc to<nt>our <Joou. Frvxlwoo.l or X i l i ^ . e DuMont...a Masterpiece in Sight and Sound A masterpiece of craftsmanship, style* and performance . ..picture and sound tuned to perfection by Du Mont Perma-Tune*. Brightness and contrast control are also automatic. In fringe areas, too, the Du Mont 23.000 volt, hand-wired, transformer-powered chassis delivers perfect, dependable performance. Authentically styled cabinets, custom-crafted of genuine hardwoods. -r^m.* SATURDAY ONLY F R O M 11 A . 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SHYING ON ROOM SIZE RUGS INCLUDES PADDING TO FIT AT NO EXTRA COST EASY I i n 'iv 5.99 5.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 7.99 7.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 so. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD, SQ. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD." SQ. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD. SQ. YD. "^""^ * °*™ , "« ARttWUF.B ANDREW'S Just Charge It At Kaufman's-And Enjoy Your Carpet While You Pay For II RADIO SHOPS AMERICA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF CARPET SPECIALTY STORES SI.V4J- I BUB 2 LOCATIONS 424 WARBURTON AVE. MM uiinniinTALi IIIP Untitled Document HASTINGS GR 80444 YONKERS WHITE PLAINSI YONKERS 182 Mamaroneck Ave. /AM o*et t>«*ri\ W U f i - A A f i n Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 I Cross County Shopping Ctr. Yfl Q.^759 www.fultonhistory.com STAMFORD, Connecticut RT. 17 at Paramus I RT. 46 at Little Falls 1 West Broad St. (nr. Bloominsd'ale'sj 3 2 7 - 9 3 3 0 (opp. Garden State Plaza) (opp. Great Eastern Mills) MU 9-6650 CL 6-4545 BRONX, N.Y. 327 E. Fordham Rd. ( K i n K b r i d w R d ) CX J U f t A A
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