here - Kirkcudbright Golf Club

The Golf Club
Remember this?
Just a year ago!!
Fees for 2015 can now be paid at the
office. Full list is on page two of this
Social night
This year instead of the club
Christmas dinner, which has lacked
support in the past, we are holding a
simple night of celebration. Drink,
nibbles and music.
This is on the 17th of December from
7pm to about 9pm.
Come along and join the merriment.
December News.
Contributions for January News to
[email protected]
AGM Special
The AGM opened with 50 members present and 11 apologies. Captain
Bill Roff explained the cost cutting measures of the previous year and
thanked the green staff and Adam for the work over the year and
singled John out for his maintenance of some of our aging machinery,
explaining that there was a programme of replacement. His thanks
extended to all who had helped over the year and not forgetting his
wife Janet.
Pamela Watsons work with the juniors was praised and congratulations
on her appointment as South of Scotland Junior Convener. Alastair
Millar was also congratulated on his Vice Presidency of the South.
All reports from the conveners were accepted and the financial
statement approved. The subscriptions listed on page two of this
newsletter were approved. Special mention of thanks to our auditor
Susan Howes
Election of Office Bearers listed on the AGM papers were approved. (see
OCB. Requests that the bank adjacent to the first green is kept short.
That consideration is given to what is a Hybrid golf club. That a cut/path
is made from the front of tees to the fairway area. That consideration is
given to a Yearly payment for buggy use.
The AGM was followed with the Golfalotto draw. Winners Lizzy
Shamash and Maurice McKenna.
GOLF NEWS | Issue 2
Full Member
Male/Female over 18
Junior Member
Up to 18 Years
Playing as Senior (1st class Handicap)
Distance Member registered handicap
Distance Regular Visitor
(Someone who has their handicap with another Club or Country)
Non Playing Member
Winter Player
Junior Winter Player
Club Captain Maurice
Welcome to my first comments as
Club Captain.
It is an honor and privilege to be your
Captain. This is my second “innings”
being Captain in 1988/89.
I owe an enormous debt to the work
of Bill Roff and his team. Over the
past years our club as progressed
with the help of some excellent
volunteers. We are now one of the
premier golf courses in the South of
Scotland. This would not have been
possible without the dedication of
leaders such as Bill.
As we move forward into 2015 our
financial “firefighting” will continue.
Every penny a prisoner, every visitor
much needed every new member a
life line. You can be our ambassador
by spreading the good news,
attracting new members and
increasing our visitors.
Our first priority of 2015 is to make
sure our course equipment is up to
the job! Over the years we have had
to be excessively frugal and now we
are working on a 5 year plan of
machinery replacement.
In the background we have about 35
members giving extra of their time. I
would be delighted if you too could
give a little of your time.
Seasonal greeting to all.
Family Membership
(2 Parents/husband/wife/partners plus up to 2 children under 18 playing as
Twilight Membership
Play after 4pm No handicap
Visitors Fees
Per Round
Per Day
Per round playing with member
£ 28
£ 35
£ 12
Buggy Hire
Members (per round)
Offer to Members a 6 hire ticket if paid up front.
Visitors (per round)
Visitors (per day)
Club Fee Payment Methods
Full payment by the end of January
Monthly year in advance scheme
To allow members to move to existing monthly year in advance
Monthly payments one third extra for three years then move to normal year in
advance scheme (2 above)
Four post-dated cheques by January (last Cheque dated 1st July)
Club Promotional Schemes.
Discount Vouchers
At the discretion of Management Committee e.g. Opens
Adult Introduction.
Voucher for four free rounds of golf to be given to any adult who wishes to try golf for
the first time.
Parent of Existing Juniors
Where a junior member of primary school age exists if one of the parents joins the club
as a new full member then the junior goes free
GOLF NEWS | Issue 2
Dec. 7pm till 9pm
Committee 2015.
Captain- Maurice Halliday.
Vice Captain -Vacant.
Past Captain Bill Roff.
Ladies Captain- Helen MacQueen.
EGGS rep -Ian McConckie.
Treasurer -Willam Watson.
Sec/ Minute,- Ivor Waddell
Match Sec- Michael McFadyen
House -Alastair Crawford.
Greens –Adam Gray.
Juniors – Pamela Watson.
Ladies rep- Mary Robertson.
Office Manager. Tony Reason.
IT Jon Gibb Smith.
Social Media- Malcom Kirkwood.
Health and Safety – Duncan Gordon
There is also a list of volunteers
Club Presidents, Ladies committee,
EGGS committee, Junior helpers,
Ambassadors, gardening, course
helpers, DIY, painters, buggy
maintenance, match and handicap
assistants, advisors and cheerleaders.
Why not come and offer your help,
expertise or enthusiasm?
n course work.
The winter programme has now started and there are a number of
things happing just now.
The works and reshaping to the right of the first green. This is part of
the rethinking of the first hole and will allow more versatility with the
out of bounds line to the left of the fairway. Allowing players to play well
right of the green, with the natural contours bringing the ball towards
the green.
A hump has been removed from the second fairway. This will allow
simpler cutting and avoid the odd crazy bounce.
The path from the 9th tee has always been subject to flooding and this
has been remedied with sculpting and sleepers.
Bunkering behind the 9th green is replaced by a sloping bank. This area
was subject to flooding making maintenance costly. The slope will allow
water from the hill to flow in the direction of the burn. Thus improving
drainage and in turn the quality of the green.
In general the course condition is very good and the staff are always
looking at all the possibilities to present your course in the best playing
condition. Take time to make positive comments to our staff and refer
problems that you incur to our greens convener Adam or the myself by
email or at the office.
Lastly thank you to Alastair McGown and the wonders of his digger
Yes he is at it again.
Another win for
Donald Shamash.
Presented with the
Peter Putter from
Maurice Halliday.