October 2 0 1 4 N e w s l e t t e r Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Live Music 6-9pm Truck Mills 4 18 HOLE LADIES Closing Day 10 am shotgun OCTOBER 5 Course closed for aeration 9 Hole Ladies Closing Day 6 Course closed for Aeration Monday Night Football Sunday Breakfast 9-11:30am 12 Sunday Breakfast 9-11:30am 13 8 7 Columbus Day 19 Sunday Breakfast 9-11:30am 14 15 16 Board Meeting 6pm 17 Live Music 6-9pm Pat Coast 11 Halloween NightLight Tournament 7pm Shotgun 18 Prime Rib Night 20 21 22 23 Monday Night Football 26 Sunday Breakfast 9-11:30am NCCGA T-times 8-10am 10 Live Music 6-9pm The Jazz Guys Prime Rib Night Election Mtg 7pm NIC Invitational All Day Monday Night Football NIC Invitational All Day 9 Prime Rib Night MC Closing Day 4-Man Scramble 9 am shotgun 24 Live Music 6-9pm Dan Mills 25 NCCGA T-times 11am-1pm 2014 STAFF directory 28 29 30 PGA Golf Professional Dan Porter Assistant Professionals Taylor Porter avondaleproshop@ avondalegolfcourse.com 208-772-5963 The Avondale Bar & Grill Restaurant Manager Malinda Street waterhazard@ avondalegolfcourse.com 208-772-4273 31 6-9pm Halloween Costume Party! DJ Todd Deming Monday Night Football Course Maintenance Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 NOVEMBER 2 Daylight Savings Time ends 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 Board Meeting 6pm Monday Night Football 17 8 Prime Rib Night Veteran’s Day 16 7 Live Music 6-9pm Truck Mills Monday Night Football 10 Prime Rib Night 18 19 20 21 22 Live Music 6-9 Dan Mills Monday Night Football 23 24 Greens Superintendent Tim Mack Greens Assistants Nick Becker Tim Lynam [email protected] 208-772-6172 Club Office Election Day 9 Sat 26 27 28 I s s u e Av o n d a l e G o l f C l u b Office Manager Vicki Bradley vbradley@ avondalegolfcourse.com 208-772-9423 Fax:208-762-8302 Website avondalegolfcourse.com avondalegolfcourseblogspot.com NOTES FROM THE FAIRWAYS — TIM MACK Well, we are rolling into what is probably the prettiest time of the year on the golf course, when the trees start changing colors. Yes, they do make a mess, but it is well worth the beauty. Now, for what’s going on around the course. Aeration: by the time you read this, 5 & 6 greens will have already been punched. The following is an explanation I wrote to the board why we need to aerate 5 & 6 earlier than the rest. Now a little more explanation...A survival mechanism for plants is to go dormant (you can see this in your own yard as you don’t mow as much in the fall as you do in the summer, the reason being is your grass is preparing for winter. The plant is putting all its energy into survial). Bentgrass is so hardy because it goes dormant early and avoids any freeze damage, it also stays dormant longer in the spring to avoid the freeze/thaw cycles that are common around here. Now poa annua is considered a winter annual and its survival mechanism is to not stay alive…it banks on seeds it produces...it waits to the last second to go dormant to get as much seed produced as possible and it breaks dormancy early to get more seed out. These two factors are why it is not a hardy plant. So if we aerate our new greens when the bent is almost dormant and cannot compete with poa annua which is still going strong making seeds, and we have over 100,000 open holes, and golfers tracking poa seeds on these new greens, we will not have our pure stand anymore. Now when the temperatures are warmer and the bent is actively growing the poa does not have a chance to get established. This will always be a problem of aerating pure bent greens too late in the year. We put these new greens in so we don’t have winterkill and can play them right away in the spring. We are taking many measures to keep the poa out. We hand remove any poa plants we see, and are going to have to do some chemical controls down the road. At this point we are 100% pure bent and to open 100,000 possible infection sites that will sit open all winter is not a good idea. I feel I can get those 2 greens punched and cleaned with minimal disruption and there is a good chance that they will be perfect for the men’s closer. All our other greens are poa so it does not matter if more poa invades. This fall is an experiment with a later aeration and we will not know for sure of the aeration dates for next year. We may experiment with punching small holes a couple times a year and eliminate the spring aeration completely. We will be pulling some soil samples late this fall and spring to determine the effects of not aerating this spring. Well, until next time, enjoy this beautiful time of year. PORTER'S PUTTS— DAN PORTER October brings us toward the end of our golf season. We hope the weather will cooperate for all of you to enjoy more days of golf. The Men’s Club is having their closing tournament, a 4-man scramble, on the 4th. The Ladies 9-Hole Club closing is on the 7th and the Ladies 18-Hole Club will hold their closing day on the 2nd. On October 11th join us for the Halloween Night-Light Tournament ,7pm shotgun. Signup is available in the Pro Shop. 29 Thanksgiving Day 30 Monday Night Football P a g e Prime Rib Night 1 0 Please remember to use your credits before December 31 st, so visit the Pro Shop this fall and shop with your winning credits. Prime Rib Night 25 1 8 , Proshop Prime Rib Night 27 V o l u m e 1 2014 Newsletter Bar & Grill – Malinda Street Avondale Members enjoy Reciprocal Privileges with 2 Complimentary Rounds Per Year at each of the clubs listed. Unless otherwise noted. Exciting things are happening in October. We have Live Music every Friday night. Come join us for dinner and a variety of Blues and Jazz Bands throughout the month. October 3rd is Truck Mills – Blues; October 10th is our very own local artists The Jazz Guys; October 17th is Pat Coast – Blues; October 24th is Dan Mills – Variety. October 31st we are planning a Halloween Party with prizes for best- dressed. DJ Todd Deming will provide the music . More info to follow by email. Reciprocal Golf Agreements Contact the Pro Shop for More Information (208)772-5963 Idaho Lewiston Country Club 3985 Country Club Dr Lewiston ID 83501 208-746-2801 208-743-3549 Twin Lakes Village 5416 W. Village Blvd Rathdrum ID 83858 208-687-1311 StoneRidge Golf Club 364 Stoneridge Rd Blanchard ID 83804 208-437-3148 800-952-2948 Washington Clarkston Country Club 1676 Elm St. Clarkston WA 99403 509-758-7911 Washington Tri-City Country Club 314 N. Underwood Kennewick WA 99336 509-783-6014 Twin Lakes Country Club 3583 SW 320th Federal Way WA 98023 253-838-0345 Sunland Country Club 109 Hilltop Dr Sequim WA 98382 360-683-6800 888-289-4314 Yakima Elks CC 318 Gold Course Loop Selah WA 98942 509-697-7177 Oregon LaGrande Country Club 10605 S. McAlister Rd LaGrande OR 97850 25% off Golf Chewelah Golf & Country Club 541-963-4241 2537 E Sand Canyon Rd Pendleton Country Club Chewelah WA 99109 69772 Hwy 395 S. 509-935-6807 Pendleton OR 97801 541-443-4653 Lakeview Golf Club 19547 Golf Club NW The Dalles Country Club Soap Lake WA 98851 4550 Hwy 30 W. 509-246-0336 The Dalles OR 97058 Moses Lake CC 1373 Road F2 NE Moses Lake WA 98837 509-765-5049 509-765-8934 Orchard Hills CC 605 N. 39th St Washougal WA 98671 360-835-5444 Peninsula Golf Club 824 S. Lindberg Rd Port Angeles WA 98362 360-457-6501 Thursday, September 18th Board Meeting Remember when? Don’t forget to call us if you have any upcoming events. Birthday and Retirement parties, Rehearsal Dinners, Anniversary celebrations, Fundraisers or any other special event you have planned. It seems early to start thinking Christmas but we are already filling up, so be sure to give me a call to get a date saved if you plan to bring your company Christmas Party here, too. At 6:00 PM President, Tim Warnecke called to order the Regular Scheduled Board of Director Meeting. Directors attending: Richard Colburn, Gayle Foote, Mark Heckel, Steve Hill, Steve Peterson and Tim Warnecke. Absent: Ken Bevan, Pete Bredeson and Jayson Jury. Managers attending: Vicki Bradley, Tim Mack, Dan Porter and Malinda Street. There were six members in the audience. Gayle Foote made a motion to accept the Minutes of the August 28, 2014 Regular Monthly Board of Directors Meeting. The motion was seconded, all were in favor and the motion was carried. Steve Peterson made a motion to accept the following stock transfer. The motion was seconded, all were in favor and the motion was carried. Thanks so much! NEW John & Tara Nelson Men’s Club News - Darren Titus We have had a good turnout this year for the Men’s Club. The One-Man Scramble was played on Sept. 13, and there were many requests to play it again next year. The Men’s Club election of officers meeting will be on October 9 at 7pm. Closing day is October 4. It will be a 4-Man Scramble with a 9am shotgun start. UPCOMNG EVENTS October 2…..18-Hole Ladies Closing 10 am SG October 4......MC closing 4-man Scramble 9am SG October 6-7...Course closed for aeration October 7…...9-Hole Ladies Closing Luncheon October 7.. ...Annual Election Meeting 7pm October 11….Halloween Nite-Lite Tourn 7pm SG Oct 12-13…...NIC Invitational All Day October 16….Board of Directors Meeting 6pm October 25.…NCCGA Tee times 11am-1pm October 26… NCCGA Tee times 8am-10am October 31....Halloween Costume Party 6-9pm Ladies 18-Hole Club—Tracie Mantia Hard to believe the season is coming to a close with all this fabulous golf weather! We held the "Fall Classic" tournament in September, with 124 ladies participating. Once again the members of the 18-Hole Club worked together to make the tournament a huge success, generating over $2000 to donate to Hospice of North Idaho. We thank our many local sponsors for their continued support. The new officer elections will be held at our last meeting and awards banquet on October 2nd, then we will soon be saying goodbye to our snowbird friends. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years as club president and thank the many volunteers who make my job easy. The wonderful friendly women in our club make it a great environment for learning the game and playing the sport we love. The Avondale Bar & Grill Hit ‘em straight. 541-296-5252 Prime Rib Dinner CANADA 9 HOLE LADIES - Sharron Snyder British Columbia 25% off Golf Cranbrook Golf Club 2700 2nd St. S. Cranbrook BC V1C 4H8 250-426-6462 888-211-8855 Our season has come to a close and winter is nipping at our heels. The summer sure went fast, but we are having a wonderful fall. I want to thank all of your for your kindness and support while I was president and ask that you offer the same to Jenni Whitehead. I know that she will do a wonderful job. The closing luncheon will be held on October 7th with a chipping contest before lunch. Safe travel to our snow birds, keep in touch over the winter. Pray for a mild winter and early spring. See you again in April! Every Friday & Saturday Night Petite Cut Prime Rib 8oz $16 Prime Rib 12oz $21 Serving Breakfast on Sundays 9 am to 11:30 am HOLE-IN-ONE REPORT Live Music—October 9/18 Yvonne Titus aced the 161 yd. #6 hole at Palouse Ridge Golf Course with a 7 iron. Congratulations, Yvonne! P a g e Every Friday Night 6 pm to 9 pm 2 REFERRED BY John McMurray TRANSFERRED FROM John Kowsky Treasurer’s/Finance Committee - Treasurer, Steve Peterson reported that August was a better month. Steve reviewed the August profit and loss statement. There was discussion regarding green fees and the public rounds, plus Dan Porter talked about new tournaments he has been trying to recruit. Steve Peterson requested that 2015 budgets be turned in to him by October 6th. Greens Committee – Chairman, Richard Colburn reviewed the items discussed by the Greens Committee. Tim Mack discussed the algae problem in the pond. On Monday the 22nd the new greens on five and six will be punched. Steve Peterson reported that by delaying aeration the 2014 green fees had increased $5,800.00 over 2013 green fees in the same time period. House/Entertainment Committee – Gayle Foote reported that the chef was no longer with Avondale. Breakfast will be served on Sundays. Malinda Street reported Monday Night Football, Sunday breakfasts, and beginning October there will be live music on Friday nights. Malinda is also planning a Halloween party. Tournament Committee –Dan Porter reported that the September green fees to date were up over 2013. There was a discussion regarding a confrontation between golfers on the course. Membership Promotion Committee – Mark Heckel told the Board that after the decision to delay aeration, it was decided to promote play on the course. A fall special green fee of $34.50 has been advertised on both radio and newspaper at a cost of $2,500. The green fees have increased to date by $5,800 over 2013. Mark also told the board that in October he will begin direct mailings to promote 2015 corporate memberships. Open Forum – It was suggested that an article be placed in the newsletter explaining the displayed landscape draft. It should also be explained that it is a long term plan. The managers were excused from the meeting. Old Business JUB Engineering – Tim Warnecke reported that he had signed the contract with JUB to move forward with developing the lot. The project has a stipulation of not to exceed $7,500 and should take JUB approximately two months. The meeting was adjourned to executive session. P a g e 3
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