ROOKLYN EAGLE, MON .,. DEC. 6, 1948 !Freedom Train British fslame Ship for The single-screw, turbineA new combination luxury j , ] j j city ..of Oxford Closes Week's passenger driven ship, capable of a cruisand freight yes'sei; decided something should be ing speed of 15: knots, was part of a $100,000,000 building'.'" ••« to pay tribute to Brook launched at Nevvcastle-on-Tyne, since the line became one of Stay in Boro program of the Lllerman Steam- ilvn ^ . . . where she is being fitted ..out. ths Seize n Church rse-Snatcher Seven Arraigned InSIMOOO •toctives slipped into; 5:15 a.m. mass in St. Plaster Racket R. G. Church. Wilson; Two union business agents Jefferson St., todav and five plastering contractors their eyes open. \Vith-j were arraigned today in County minutes they found;iCourt on charges linking them a with 21 other contractors preous-looking man who", vjoUsiy held for allegedly ad< •thins under -his eoat; i n y , a l ] e a s t to postmade for the clopr. u ; 1 . building costs in Brooklyn, ves Kdward K. p'i on The.two union officials were Paul Munk of the Wl-: r h a l K t l ( 1 w U h t . x l o n i u n i n a(1 . pvecuict.ioUow-ea hiih^htioi) 'to the conspiracy conspiracy and Hly demanded to see had put under ' h i s nvstiaiiu of trade with which was a purse which, a s i all seven were charged in the ;i ; out. belonged to a indictments obtained by State Attorney General Nathaniel L. who had been sitting Goldstein after a year's investilim. gation into "some phases of the ?tectives sa'id they had building industry in New York eiving complaints about City." atching in the church tt a •montiv. The Rev. The contractors are all memr o e l ich. pastor, de-jbers of the Brooklyn Plastering a -man who had moved contractors Association which. i.e/"church /.suspiciously j U JS •charged, controlled more g that period; The ; ,|,an halfof the plastering done si! the (iesoiption. tlej ft Brooklyn during the last u ivimseJf as -Franclsi three years; rigged bids and en•jv^TTf^lO^f; Flushing.'} foi-eed its orders on threat of id. was arraigned on a; withholding labor. in ' ' ^ I m - o . h e r s Involved srk Court; The two business agents are •••:•:<•?> "StVSPQ Frank Valentino of 122.3 E. | 19th St. and Robert Vaccarino 5111 Avenue T, officials of Furniture ;;'[j'pfLocal 30 of the -Operatives j Plasterers and Cement F.inlshInternational Association. and Carpets ;-:!I ers Valentino was said to be a j brother of Joseph Valentino, : ! chairman of the association's Cleaned in • mediation board and head of | one of the four concerns also Valjo Plastering Your Home I11 .indicted—the Corporatioti of 1431 Pitkin Ave. BJ/He was also described as the I father and father-in-law of two other indicted contractors. Others arraigned today Included Emil Giamboi of 1T.77 \V. 7th St., president of Giamboi | Brothers of 1677 62d St.. an in! dieted firm, which, if is said, j d i d a l l the plastering (in the [three; public housing .projects i building in Brooklyn during i the last three years; Salvatore [Giamboi of bill) 80th St., vice j president of the firm: Fred | Schwartz of l-l.11 E.'.8th St., a j contractor;" 'Matthew Davl of | experts f i r s t p o w e r i 21 Appiegate Court, a vice president of the association, j u m for deep-buried : arid Dominie Fehl'ch of 43-09 1 a n d d i r t , . t h e n use a ('MM A\e... Jamaica, a director :ial'-cleansing f o a m . 4 of the association. ors look f r e s h , b r i g h t ; 4 The seven were given one !•; s t a n d s high and '. week to surrender last Monday nn. N o fuss, n o odor \ when the 21 previously arrour room is ready for 1 rested were arraigned before ; t h e same day.Judge Samuel Leibowitz.. Furniture Repaired | ' — a Seats re-webbed Springs re-tied Furniture Polished Hiding Cops Kill | Store Intruder Continued from Page 1 Stains removed Polished like new 728 . Drigg Ave. had slapped li her.. She. two other girls, and Manrniluif atiJ Carpet Cl,-an\ng, li Fifth Floor lj niono. Miss Lachiana said, were | returning from a dance in RirigeTR. 5-5700, Ext. 121 |i wood when she and Manniono -j became involved in an arguw m i i « «i «OYt, •tbottitM 1 j mem. lie slapped her. she said. I and went, into the Manhattani^NOUNClMENTS J bound side of the subway.. When he attempted to arrest Manni•Personal—Public Notices ono. Weiss said, he grabbed his ftESSINO. m i e r t i n ? . st.amptr.g. roai!- . . . . , . , , - - . i , S?t:i ca.l for. dohvfr. Special a l t f n - n t g l l t S t l C K and attempted to 6'Clven . C h r i s t m a s cniil\ing.- Price* " s ' p i 7 ' P h i s ' -Karii n D u r i n s r t b p scuf£Vequ<M. ,C»H Spe>d. C U b v e r d a l e R , ' •-, minng uie sun ga^_ _j lie the policeman was shot.. He ODRESSiNa-MAjUNO SERVICE i Was taken to the Wvckoff Hosn ^ B ^ ^ r ' ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^^ Lachiana refused to ^*bm~28?"':"M".iT.•"rr''i^" a complaint against ManffifCFruniSship ciiib; cort«;vou ciub-{ mono, who was booked on jgf_B*fora S :.iMc,m t n; . c h j j r g e o f felonious assault. PUBLISHERS »t«,adyu»d theff is| ~— —— jSa'o'.- * manuscript wrhch *'.'.l. reVo-: MMt.t V AJtronoray Jek?r. '."'O-l n o u m j «'hcre>bouti o( W«*ti Cirl rtlUnlon •' KfailN. J J3acn C.'v. "02P • Efikic SB>tK SIMON pl<»M con s liltUti. C*'.l KS ";-9407 t ie fU sl c u s t b m e i s o f H u s h T e r smp Lines of England, has b e e n | m i n a l shortly after the turn of The only other commercial vesDistrict Attorney Miles F. named the City of Brooklyn ift the century and has used Bush sel named Brooklyn is a harbor McDonald, chairman of the ln e ., ._.. tug, Brooklyn Freedom Week Com- recognition of the line's ines hall] P^j'sJ-'ver* i;' ' mittee, called for a "rededica- centurv of use of Brooklyn! Q<&zL<Z>^h> <F2iJ&>^?t> founded in J8J6 6 v f c J ^ ) - ^ ^ > <fv^.O^^O • -iiTu.nifcni m y ^ ^ " V ' ^ ' " ' " ^ ~ ' ^ H N ^ tion of Americans to the true piers, the line's agents In Man-! vsSKOBSSSSSSSKi " I WBBHI—I D I A M O N D S • JEWELRY • SIlVERWAK'E • STATIONERY principles of American democ- hattan have announced. ,1 racy" yesterday at brief cere- The 11,000-ton ship, one of 10: monies winding up the week- being built in England for the long visit of the Freedom train line, was launched Wednesday} at tilth St. and 2d Ave. and will be ready for the trans-1 Several hundred persons gath- itiantic. service by May. ac-i iered around the stand at 04th cording to Norton, Lilly & Co.,] 1st. and 2d Ave. to hear sneak- tlie agents. It will accommo-; ier.-; of the three major faiths date 12 passengers in four dou-i j in farewell messages to the ble and four single cabins, all; with private bath. .train. Meanwhile, across tlie street, According to the American hundreds of persons continued Bureau of Shipping, the City to queue up for the last chance of Brooklyn is the only oceanto inspect tlie train's cargo of going ship in the world bearhistorical.documents, before the ing trie'name of the borough. after 11 p.m. deadline. The train will Ellerman officials, launching.of-the City of Liverbe on View in Queens tomor9 A. Platinum Diamond Brooch, containing 216 diamond*, .weighing FREEDOM WEEK LEADERS—District Attorney Miles F. row. 'We must nut lose sight in Mom Refuses to Finance McDonald, left,' and Deputy Commissioner of Hospitals 6.10 caraM: $*,700, F«d. Tax included. Maurice H. Matzkin are shown standing at attention the observance of Freedom Card Sales, Boy Kills Her ! B. Platinum Diamond Ear Ringi, with a total of 48 diamondi, weighing that the freedoms We en1.57 carats. $1,350 pr., Fed. Tax. included. during playing of the national anthem in ceremonies at Week joy w e r e not granted to us by West Branch. Mich.. Dec. t>-^| Brooklyn Army Base. • .V th documents in the train. Mr.; William Lee Farley, 15.-will lie i McDonald said in.-.reference to arraigned today for killing his; for the interim Su ;the week-long programs dedi;mother because she refused to: J EWELRY MacCrate Named candidates seated to freedom in which finance his Christmas card sales! pre me Court appointment. These are but two selrctlons from our magnificent collection. Among tho.>e who .were con-: thousands in the borough par-, program. To High Court All jetting* ore hand-made. All pieces have a distinctive, State police said the boy conBklei'e'd by the Coventor for the ticipated. brilliant beauty. W e invite your inspection. fessed shooting his mother, Mrs. Continued from Page 1 judgeship were Supreme Court 'Iha.Ueliable Mights' Lucy Grogg, 42, after an all-day Justice .(ames M. Faweett. who currently In the County Court will complete an interim ap- "They were the inalienable argument over bis '.plan -to sell and City Court resulting from pointment Dec. 3 f: W a 11 e r rights given us by God, and thethe cards. He got hi^ brother's the death of County C o u r t Bruchhauseh, Brooklyn Bar As- documents secured and guar- .22 caliber rifle, the youth said, , Justice George J. Joyce, respec- sociation president: Harold L. anteed those rights." and shot her through the kitch4 8 7 FULTON STREET BROOKLYN The prosecutor praised tively. . Turk, Republican district lead- Thomas F. Cuite, chief clerk of en window as she cooked supO j g ^ g & ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ < f e g ^ c y ^ t ' j i y c y g ^ ejjbT'ft'^^'C^'^gQ Joyce stepped down from the er, and Emil N. Baar, Union per. City Court bench, to become the Temple president. Justice Faw- the District Attorney's office, successful tri-party candidate— eett was defeated at the polls who also participated, for his w i t h Democratic, Republican by Special Sessions Justice' An- painstaking care in handling and Liberal party indorsements thony J. DiGiovanna, a Demo- the details and plans for the —for the .$28.00(j-a-year County crat, in a bid for a full term. Freedom Week ceremonies. The Rev, John Brennan of Court seat! ^Judge (.laccone a Mason, has . {y Pe euml JIelp J u s t i c e Eilperin. formerly for numy years been active in. ; C n u ,. ( ; h ( a d l 3 p l a i n i n chairman of the Republican Brooklyn civic and polit leal '• -; W orld\Var 11. delivered the inCounty Law Committee, was gatyzations and.has a large tol 'vocation; Capi. William Carlson elected to the City Court bench lowing in Italiaii-American cir last Nov. 2 also with three- He is a former Assistant {pronounced tlie benediction. party support. Republican, Dem-' Cnited States Attorney and was.and Rabbi Bernard Siolper of j Congregation Beth Israel. East a Deputy Fire Commissioner Flatbush. intoned, a blessing on before the late Mayor l.aGuar- the Freedom Train. dia appointed him as a City James Varley. county comM^agistrate. .The magistrate's mander of tlie American Legion, term expires next June.. read the Freedom Pledge. The Salvation Army Band of the Brooklyn Citadel Corps and the Fire Department Glee Club and Band entertained. Also present was Envoy Thomas G. Craig of the Salvation Army. I T L m I I 4 v W/atinff/ni II ft I a I • Wiariiwid j i UM Peace Bomber Admits His Guilt ! Mineola. Dec.ft—Stephen- ,l. Accused 3 Await a i l IL n c h V i c t i m ' s W i d o w Supina,.:^ the former BIT ttaii; gunner, who dropped a peace .7. bomb" (m Cnited Nations head-! Lyons. ' (Ja.. Dec. .6 (U.P.)— cp-iarters at Lake Success last!Three young white farmers July, pleaded guilty today injwere held, in the Toombs County Court here to a charge!1 County Jail today awaiting the of. carrying dynamite in the arrival of Mrs. Amy Mallard, air. ithewidow- of a Negro lynch At the time of his arrest, Su- victim, who will swear out pina said he wanted to '•wakejwarrants charging them ^vith up" l". N. diplomats to the'her husband's slaying, danger of a third World War.! The men.. Roderick L. CllfHe dropped his service. dis-jton. 32, William L. (Spud) charge papers from the plane! Howell, 24, and James VW. along with the bomb which Tt Ruck r Spivey. 27, are resi-i Judge Francis X. Giaccone was made of a stick pf dynamiteldents of the lower part of the attached to insulated wire. On!county, where Mallard was ocrat and Liberal. He succeeds tlie papers he had written a!slain Nov. 20. Judge Joyce who resigned from trong pica for peace. Xo one the City Court post in order (was hurt and ho property dam to permit an election for the aged in the explosion. J FOH BOVS & GIRLS j s ?aL • He rented an Aeronca plane SXMA.S BICYCLES'* Justice MacCrate, recently re- from a Willimantic airport elected on a bi-partisan ticket, where he had been a student 95 oniy to a third 11-year term, is now; pilot and fie wacross Long completing 28 years of'• distin- Island Sound. \Yt\en he neared S c h w i n n fr O t h e r P o p u l a r M o k e i guished 'service on tlie Supreme jl'. N. headquarters he unreeled TF.RMS ARRANGED from which his bomb Court tribunal. He has been a;, Al'j Bicycle h Hobby Shop resident of (Jreenpoitu since a Maiijjied and Used' a pair of XlOl CLARENDON ROAD /{ small boy and was first elected | small batteries in his pocket to BU. 2-7597 j to the bench in 1920 after one | detonate it. term as a Repfesentatiye. Outdistanced Opponents As predicted by the Brooklyn aKagle yesterday JudgeCdaccone apparently outdistanced a number of highly qualified borouKh d W 24 I MEN'S CAMELSWOOL i- § REMEMBER ; K?2r-6M2. I.JAOB 8AI.K. u»td Winter tlothln« *6»yt>n*blf prtcei, er.tire month o( natxr. 28S AtUnitc A\e. * i o t t and Found )K--I/)»f. No. 92M34. WUl:»mi. B*Tlni» B»nk, 1*5 Bro»dw*r. jfti/t thereon tit»t*s» m»de In on* *e«k mn* extlnaulithed *nd n»»- b<v>l ; w i n l f^nOOK CMU NO 88:46. of thf & # B»vin«i Btrsk of BrooKlrn. P » T - • $111 \\ Htfl et k fmn ajiACW E l Lotf; told thtff dl»mond-< W t n l i r 0<-<>*n P/srK»»i »enU.tnrn'»'i ?»ivw» R»w«:d NAvarre 8-12*3 • SiTtof* ricsifrt ky h i lift « i lined *Ull«'t ffmvxtet, VfTt. m ; n 3d A r e . bf'*•*»"( ft9lh%*\ Rid«e: r»''»rd. SHore P T » f v . rr--i i H 1 1 H*mt'.ton. K e l d > ; * ' * f . r d !>;(-.'•,<!- K e i r h u , Re* B W r d . -IRi»r.s-e 6-2169., • Sivisf' teorii ip ti VS.MI •iri iitif«t*fliii^s *4 «l l*i. Ht Homo F6u6r2s Oman's braid-lavish SPECIAL GROUP OF OUR FORMER LOW PRICE WAS 69.50 FOR DEALERS, BROKEN SIZES nSTIVB RAYON CRtPl FROSTED M ACTORY STORE Oftitt: 61-J0 1\tt Avt. RI«»e*eod. Bt«*liHn r?ione».' M » I B Otf»*e Hr Ot<m» P»rk vt 1 M A«totl» AJ Qtteent VflltK RO R r l e » t t » founlT WITH CRISP RAYON TAFHTA Sophisticated, *Unple in line—the Urate to wear rwui* M, »U«A»O. htititM Vain 1 jacket ensemble dress OVERCOATS PVt»n# HQf*m+m J*?»C<*»* IANKM O # « 4 » « ? A T W « | 50 COAL • FUEL OIL COKE ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS AND SCREENS INSULATION - P U R E CRYSTAL ICE 58-22 Myrtl«/4Y«.,Br§€Ar/i271H.t. mm WIDE RANGE OF SIZES PH. D1ETZ co»i c«., i»c p',t»»e revutiv ^ ' f f l * b»nV ^'. frtJ'.l H o r » - V n « r . fi*iboK l.«»l: NO ^ 4 0 6 . Pulton 5»'»lHi* Bar.k. fil.\ rj»tOBlh Ave . Btook> » , ' P*rment r.opp'd. P>»»e if. urn irx^K Lett; bro«i ' » ' • ' . p^urh 79 advi'sahiHty of filHnjj your bin early. <Vvoi(l t rouble, thin winter by p l a c i n g your order today, and Insure you have tlie the. and quantity of coal and coke at the lime you need it hiott. > T S E R 3 ! T u t o r i n t for diiliiiS ehi'.drfn, feaf«man i r s i . r«-•••-!-1-<: U*tiht imtOtrirnfnt'. rfa«onxb.« t*\t*. Gilbert. CAMELSWCX)L—24% VIRGIN WOOL BLUE OR NATURAL T h e hitter cold W t Avinter p r o v e >\ tltc K ' a FINE ELVSIAN OVERCOATS, blues M "bfO*r,<. oil t'.ltK h»nd tdltortdj OV«y C . o t h n . I l 4 EKMlde. n o » %bd ,rfa^Att»n_Av«. OO - t>i»t; I r u h t e r r o r fiWh «• • " •Wior* R<5»«; r e d a u h b r o v n coloring; »n to n»n n » m i " R u J t i " ; re*r*td. flHorc r t t i to b i d »'073«. 6 0 — U » T : rOMKRANIAN; R I O HAIR B r i N K Y ; UOFNSE NO S21$8«: RETARD. 70 PALMETTO ST. -Found uriill bitck («TA*t*. whu* rftrker «p*nie; j(n*ri(ini< on p«i • . :-85V ; I OR SCARf* t<osv;i i*n fo*. "B»ttud»y l . | : I J - " *s p » . W»«h«niton Av*. R' I John"i p»rlc PH<e. $10 r - * * r d . K^tlftl ,}-0To. A«n«-\ Bh»». (NtNO 1 - " ' fot t e i i t v r c o i l , on 12"t-4S. toiK, 90th Si »nd 3d A\e . $9th S c W 4 - V - " Re**rd SHofe R««d 8-233ft R<-«» •>ROJF<: T O R lx>#t Ampro' R«!ph A \ e . 'Sii!Vr- f*ir.• fsi^tflt-'it ' * * : d TR %3971. Milcbe;i White. l:<d SI N V • 76% Dec. 26, 19471 WVISO FOR HOUSTON. TEXAS P r t - j •fZptc 10 OE 2-5208 t'.'.rt i JOprri,: 5 f t NEW FRIKNDS-OsU: rtal'.T, B u n SO or *«tid s u m p t d *nv»'.op* for parju&r*. C a r * Larif. 58 W 4-U). N V.. 1 Wfntmorth. LU i-'2t\- h alu 9 p m . »n\ , M , NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for dft)ts wr^d b j j h y o c c oJhfrr.'UVah mrw'.t. afrd^BoPirdvinr. :9 W.'.iov. S". . Broolt- fom h*« bttn jvopp^d, 1K 0 601 FAMOUS FOR LOW PRICES GRAND AVENUE, BROOKLYN 16, N.Y. Br/»i#*n fivrjfen St. flnrJ St. Mftrk't Avt. Phnn* Af,4m TORK ROt'RS MONDAY »hr«ut>» JATIRDAY. liti iAfUl A.M. to « P.M anywhere and (eel wonderful in. W i t h ' i t , i t i very own bracelet-ftleeved jacket richly encrusted with ravrm taffeta braid. Designed for size* \6^ *" 2*1 V2 with the fine d«Mailing, good fabric and m l i n g found in dresses priced dollars more! Navy or black rayon erep*, Mail orders filled or call MAin ,v600Q. A&S Women's Moderate Price p r b s e i ^ T J i i t r d , En«t Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 mm
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