December Newsletter

301 Barrhill Road, Maple
Dear Our Lady of Peace Families,
We are in the Season of Advent.
School Website:
Attendance Reporting
(905) 832-7080
God of hope, faith, joy and love
We praise You and thank You for the gifts that You have given
our children.
Light the Advent candles within our hearts
Grant us a sense of peace and calm amongst the whirl of preparations,
May we see your coming with eyes of simplicity and truth.
May we model for our children
Commitment rather than distraction,
Compassion rather than selfishness,
Charity over egoism,
Calm amongst frenzy.
May our homes be open to your presence,
May our lives be quiet enough to hear you when you knock at our door,
May our despair and resentment be turned to hope and joy this
On behalf of the Staff of Our Lady of Peace Catholic School, we would
like to wish all our students and their families a blessed Christmas
filled with the love of family and friends.
Yours in Catholic Education,
A. Iafrate
D. Carbone
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The Catholic Virtue for
the month of December
is HOPE. Students are
encouraged to reflect on
the following I Will statements:
• I will look to the future with trust in God.
• I will keep a positive attitude.
• I will prepare for Christmas by waiting with
hope, faith, joy and love.
Wreath & Votive Fundraiser for
Sick Kids Hospital
Thank you to all of the families and
staff members that ordered
wreaths and votives. Our school
had $2209.00 in sales and of that; $550.00 will be
donated to Sick Kids Hospital.
Congratulations to all who contributed to the
Hospital for Sick Kids, the hospital of miracles.
We are growing! In addition to continuing Our
Lady of Peace’s excellent English program, we
are also expanding our Early French Immersion program. Warmly welcoming new registrations for both our English and French programs, Our Lady of Peace continues to be a
wonderful hub of activity and learning! An information meeting for all Senior Kindergarten
parents within our French Immersion boundary wishing to become more aware of Our Lady
of Peace’s French Immersion program, will be
held on:
Wednesday, December 3 at 7 pm.
Please remember that the driveway directly in front of the school is where students walk to the school yard and where the school buses
park so that students can be safely dropped off in the
morning, and safely board the bus and leave at the end of
the day. There is to be no vehicular movement in this
area from 8:30-9:00 and from 3:00-4:00. Please share
this information with other caregivers as well. Also, there
is absolutely no parking in the Fire Route area. Bylaw officers will patrol the school on a regular basis and cars will
be ticketed. Kindly respect these rules and the safety
of everyone!!
Tuesday, November 11th, was truly a day to
remember. Our gymnasium was turned into an
honourable memorial, paying tribute to fallen
and currently serving soldiers. We were very
pleased to welcome Lieutenant (Lt) Luk with
the 48th Highlanders Royal Canadian Army
Cadet Corps to share her experiences and the
commitment to the armed forces. Thank you
to parents who were able to join our day of
remembrance and thanks to the Junior Division for such a moving commemoration.
Christmas Holidays are:
December 22 – January 2, 2015
First day back is
Monday, January 5, 2015
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On Thursday, December 4
at 1:30 p. m. we will celebrate
our Advent Mass with Father
Ernie in our school gym. This is a
wonderful opportunity for our students to
focus on the true meaning of Christmas. All
our family members are invited to join us in
our celebration and preparation for Jesus’
coming in fellowship with one another.
WEAR multiple layers of light, loose-fitting clothes.
Outer wear should be waterproof.
WEAR cold weather clothing that is appropriate for the
WEAR mittens instead of gloves; mittens are warmer.
WEAR a warm hat with ear protection to prevent heat
WEAR woolen socks to protect your ankles and feet.
WEAR slip-resistant, insulated footwear.
WEAR a scarf or face mask while playing in cold wind.
Only in severe cold weather conditions of –15º C or coldINCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES er will children remain indoors. Fresh air is a necessary
ingredient for a responsive mind, as is exercise between
periods of class work. Each year many parents send
When the wintry weather arrives and we are notes stating that their children need to remain indoors
for recess. Please keep the following information in
faced with extreme weather conditions, we
mind. Any ill child should rest at home and return to
ask that you pay attention to the following
school when he or she is feeling better. Outside recess
procedures when deciding whether to send
breaks are essential for children. Children who must reyour children to school on a day when buses
main indoors for recess for more than one day should
are cancelled. Schools are rarely closed, even
bring a note from their family doctor. Many of our stuthough buses are cancelled. Please do not
dents are often getting their pants and socks wet during
call the school to inquire if the school is
recesses and need a change of clothes. Please ensure
open. Radio and television stations will prothat your child has an extra pair of pants, a top, and
vide the necessary information beginning at socks at school in case of a wet or muddy emergency.
6:00 a.m. Parents are asked to exercise good
judgment in deciding whether to send a child
to school when buses have been cancelled. If
you decide to drive your children to school,
please consider that over the course of the
day weather conditions could worsen, and reCongratulations to the Intrieving your child at the end of the day may termediate Boys and Girls Volleyball teams. Both
be particularly hazardous.
teams placed first in the Area Tournaments. They
will be playing at St. Robert CHS at the Board Finals on Wednesday
December 3rd. They have displayed great team
* Please see attached Bus Cancellation
spirit and enthusiasm. Coaches Ms. Morrison, Ms.
Information Insert
Martino and Mr. Crivaro couldn't be more proud!
Way to go PANTHERS!!!
For the month of
December the Luke 4:18
Committee has chosen to
support the St. Vincent
de Paul Society at St.
David’s Church. We will
be collecting hats, mittens, scarves and socks
to help support families
within the Maple community during the cold winter months ahead. We
would like to thank you in
advance for supporting
this cause led by our students! We are very proud
that our students are
taking initiative in supporting causes that are
important to them and
becoming such thoughtful
stewards of creation.
Train up a child in the
way he should go; even
when he is old he will not
depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Halloween Dance-a-thon
The October 31st Dance-athon was a great success! We
were able to gross $9,300 with
the net proceeds going towards
the purchase of additional
school resources. Many thanks
for your support!!!
We encourage all students to experience
their recess outdoor breaks in an enjoyable and safe manner. We would like to
remind students that there are four very
important rules to follow in the school
NO CONTACT RULE: Students are not
allowed to play any games or
be involved in any activities that involve
physical contact.
AVOID WET AREAS: Please remind your
children to stay away from
the puddles and wet areas on the pavement and field. This is for their
health and safety.
As we enter the Christmas Season, and look ahead to
the New Year, I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you for your contribution and commitment
to Catholic Education.
This Advent season, students and staff in our schools
have demonstrated their benevolent spirit through
many charitable activities and through various acts of
kindness and compassion.
I encourage you to stand up for Catholic education
by ensuring that you and your extended family are
registered as Catholic school supporters on the municipal tax roll. By increasing our Catholic tax base,
we send a powerful message to the Provincial government that Catholics in Ontario stand behind an
education system that allows us to educate our children from a uniquely Catholic perspective.
May the Peace and Joy of the Christ Child be with
you this Christmas and
throughout the New Year.
May God keep you safe and may the joy of Christmas
last all year round.
As always, you may reach me at [email protected] or by phone at 905-832-4562.
Please check out my website for updates at
A Christmas Prayer
Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebrate your birth,
may we begin to see the world in the light of the understanding you give us. As you chose the lowly, the outcasts,
and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had
ever known, so may we worship you in meekness of
heart. May we also remember our brothers and sisters
less fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving.
NO SNOWBALL THROWING: For student and staff safety.
Our Choir will be perSURFACES: For student and staff safeforming at the school
ty. Injuries can occur if students play in
board on the afternoon of these areas.
Tuesday December 9.
Our next Catholic School Council
meeting has been scheduled for
Monay, December, 1 at 7:00 p.m.