Christmas Newsletter 2014 - The Heritage Private School

2014 Pearson (Edexcel) International High Achiever Awards
We are very pleased to announce the names of the students of The
Heritage Private School who have won Pearson (Edexcel) International
High Achiever Awards following the June 2014 examinations. We are
very proud of all of them:
Erini Yemenitzis: Highest International Subject Mark for GCSE
Anastasia Theocharous: Joint Highest International Subject Mark
for GCSE Russian
Alexandra Dimosthenous Joint Highest International Subject Mark
for GCSE Russian
Alena Konovalova: Highest Subject Mark in Cyprus for GCSE Russian
Alina Nazrulloeva: Joint Highest International Subject Mark for
GCE A Level Russian
Vera Mayzel: Joint Highest International Subject Mark for GCSE
Art & Design: Photography – Lens and Light-based Media
Maria Nefeli Stamatari: Joint Highest International Subject Mark
for GCE A Level Art & Design: Photography – Lens and Light-based
Nikita Devyataykin: Joint Highest International Subject Mark for
GCE A Level Art & Design: Photography – Lens and Light-based
The Pearson (Edexcel) High Achiever Awards Ceremony took place on
Tuesday 16 December 2014 at St Raphael Hotel in Limassol.
The School congratulates its Students and Staff on these successes.
Year 2’s CharitY Christmas Cards
Year 2 worked hard on making greeting cards to sell at
the Heritage Christmas Fete on Saturday 6 December
The sale of the cards raised
€200 and all proceeds will be
donated to the Dancing
Queen Foundation.
A representative from the
charity will be collecting the
money during our assembly
and will tell the children a little about how the money
raised will be used.
Many thanks to all parents, teachers and children for buying the cards and
supporting us in this worthy cause. Well done Year 2, and we look forward to repeating this enjoyable
charity endeavour next year!
As Christmas time approaches, the staff and students are busy in the Nursery
Christmas Corner making decorations for the tree and special keepsakes to
take home. The children are having a lovely time preparing those extra special gifts for you to treasure. It is a very exciting time with preparations being
made for the children's first Heritage Christmas Show, and of course we are
all looking forward to the Christmas
party featuring a visit from our special guest, Santa!
The staff of the Nursery would like to wish everyone a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Many, many miles away in a land of
ice and snow, lived a Penguin colony
with a very puzzled penguin called
Year 1’s show ‘The Puzzled Penguin’
was a huge success! The children
worked extremely hard at the singing
and acting, and I think we may even
have a few future actors in our classes!
Congratulations to Year 1 for a truly remarkable performance of ‘The Puzzled
The Topic for Term 1 in
Year 2 was Famous People.
Each class studied a different famous children’s author. On Thursday 13 November the Year 2 had an
opportunity to learn about
two new authors. They rotated classes and were
taught about Roald Dahl by
Ms Eleni, Dr Seuss by Ms
Evy and Julia Donaldson by
Mrs Fotoula.
An enjoyable, educational
day was had both by children and teachers.
The Cat in the Hat – Dr Seuss
Mrs Fotoula
The Gruffalo –
Julia Donaldson
For the large majority of our world’s population, the European Parliament is usually
associated with men in stuffy suits debating the key issues faced by our continent in
today’s society. Nonetheless, the European Youth Parliament (EYP) provides young adults with the opportunity to step into the shoes of such politicians for a day or so.
On Thursday 4 December 2014, The Heritage Private School held its first EYP mini-session, which gave
students from Year 11 a chance to experience life as an EYP participant and hopefully inspire them to
continue on this journey. The day consisted of three chief components: teambuilding, committee work,
and of course, debating; all of which benefitted the students in many ways.
Teambuilding was a fantastic way for the students to broaden their social circles and mix with new and
unfamiliar people. Public schools from both Paphos and Limassol were also invited to join our session,
which enabled Heritage students to meet others from outside of our school and city, and hopefully form
lasting friendships. Committee work utilised these new relationships and laid the foundations for the
chemistry needed to brainstorm and create the speeches required for the General Assembly. The General Assembly is where students actually propose their given resolutions – regarding topical issues of
today – and debate whether these resolutions are sufficiently rigorous.
Regardless of whether students’ proposed
resolutions passed or not, it is important
to note that this was not the fundamental
reason for the holding of the EYP minisession. The European Youth Parliament is
an excellent opportunity for youngsters to
get a feel of life in parliament and realise
that it is possible for them to aim to make
a difference to our society. It is our great
belief and hope that those who were eagerly participating in this session will be
amongst our future politicians.
Head Organisers: Daniella
Trimmis & Natalie Constantinou
Teachers: Ms Natalie Aoun &
Ms Irene Loizides
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‘Monsieur et Madame O’
On Wednesday 10 December 2014 the Drama and French Departments
organised a trip to Nicosia to which students from Year 10 to Year 13 were
invited. The students who attended the activity were accompanied by three
teachers and they had the privilege to watch a very unique show
‘Monsieur et Madame O’, a comic gesture play which was sponsored by
the French Embassy.
In 1998,"Mr. and Mrs. O" received the Audience Award of the Ocean
Tour and second Prize of the Humor Festival of Longjumeau. It was written and directed by Violaine Clanet and Laurent Clairet and it was interpreted by Maria Cadenas and Laurent Clairet.
The Heritage Christmas Fete was a great success, and the sun
shone down on the Early Years School all day long. Many
thanks to all those who attended and special thanks to Janine
Mackenzie, Sue Fairclough, Stephanie Martin and Jane Ellis
for making Santa’s grotto an amazing spectacle for the children.
All the toys from the gift appeal have been delivered to St Barnabas Church and they will be given out at a Christmas party
that is being organised for the homeless and needy. The
church is also in contact with the Welfare who have a list of
families whose children also need a little bit of joy at Christmas.
Thank you to all staff who volunteered to gift wrap and label
the toys at the fete, we hope there will be some very smiley
faced children over the Christmas period due to
their efforts.
Thank you also to Santa, who was particularly
busy but managed to visit the Heritage for the
Congratulations to the following students who won a recent poetry competition:
Year 2—Year 3
Jad Kazzaz Year 3L
Tatyana Degtyareva Year 3L
Marina Efarova Year 3L
Amit Wagner Year 2F
Year 4—Year 6
Andjela Krstonosic Year 5M
Jayla Paschali Year 6A
Olivia Gregoriades Year 4K
Poems will be published in the
2014/15 Primary School Year Book.
The children in Reception captured our attention with their endearing performance, ‘A Snowman at Sunset ‘. Their singing mesmerised us as we watched the
story of how much joy snow can bring to everyone, everywhere! Well done, Reception!
Reception children also really excelled themselves in the Christmas Tree Decoration competition. The Christmas tree in Early Years building looks amazing and is
positioned near the front entrance so students, parents, staff and visitors can all
enjoy the tree. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that they
are more than welcome to take their child’s decoration home on the last day of term, if they wish.
Our festive production of ‘Chilly Milly’ put a fantastic end to our first term
together. It is due to the children’s hard work and perseverance that the
show was an enjoyable experience for all. Well done! Merry Christmas to
Special Message to Pre-Reception staff and students
A big thank you to all staff from Mr Jack Stephens, Mrs Julie’s father. He was invited to watch the dress rehearsal and made to feel like a VIP. He said he now appreciates just how hard teachers work to achieve such excellent results. He also
said it has made his Christmas extra special, because this is his 25th Christmas as
part of the Heritage family, and watching the show brought back so many fond
Donations were collected from
school ready for delivery to families
in need. Thank you to all staff, parents, students and friends for your
support. It is greatly appreciated
and we know the support has made a
great difference to the circumstances
of a number of families.