Newsletter - Covenant Presbyterian Church

December 2014
P.O. BOX 36818
Rev. William T. (Tom) Sherer, lll Minister
From the Minister
Advent – Christmas
The word “Advent” means coming
or arrival. In its basic meaning it refers to the
historical coming of Christ in human form
more than two thousand years ago; its
meaning has also been extended to include
his coming in Word and in Spirit into the
heart of the believer, his coming into
Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy week,
and his coming in glory at the end of time
for the Day of Judgment. The season of
Advent challenges us to fulfill John the
Baptist’s exhortation: “Prepare the way of
the Lord” (Matthew 3:3).
Advent, like Lent did not originally
have a fixed length. It developed from the
period of fasting between December 17
and Epiphany. In the fifth century Advent
had grown to forty days from November 11
to Christmas Eve. In the ninth century
Advent took its present form and began
with the Sunday nearest the feast of St.
Andrew (November 30). This means that in
Western Christendom the Season of Advent
always includes the four Sundays before
Christmas. The first Sunday in Advent begins
a new Church Year. The liturgical color
purple is used during Advent as the church
anticipates the coming of its King. Purple is
symbolic of royalty.
The name Christmas arose during the
twelfth century as a contraction of the
phrase Christ’s Mass. In most Southern
European countries it is called The Nativity.
Christmas commemorated the birth of
Jesus, our Lord and Savior. In theological
terms it honors the incarnation of our Lord
and it is occasionally called the Festival of
the Incarnation. The word “incarnation”
contains the Latin word “caro” which means
flesh. The doctrine of the incarnation
(embodiment) teaches that in Christ God
has taken human form.
White has always been a symbol of
purity and for this reason it has been used by
the Church for those festivals related to our
Lord—Christmas, Epiphany, Ascensiontide,
and Trinity Sunday. White keeps before us
the purity and sinlessness of Christ.
Allan Hauck, “Calendar of Christianity”
(New York, 1961), pp. 45-52.
Grace and peace,
The Session will NOT meet in December.
The Clara Stanley Annual Prayer Shawl
luncheon will be held on Thursday,
December 11 at 11:30 at O’Charleys.
Church Work Day is on Saturday, December
20 from 8-11 a.m.
The “Kids for Jesus” ministry meets on
Sunday, December 21 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
followed by the PHK meal.
There will be a Candlelight Christmas Eve
service on Wednesday, December 24 at
6:00 p.m.
The Church office will be closed December
24-26 in observance of Christmas.
Save the Date – The Hinson Sisters, a
bluegrass band, will be here on Saturday,
January 31. More info to come.
Why is there already a Christmas tree in our
Connector Hallway? It’s time to share our
Christmas spirit with a family at Pilgrims’ Inn,
and the ornaments are on the tree. Take one or
more, purchase but don’t wrap, and return by
December 7 with the ornament attached. Or, if
you prefer, drop a donation in the marked box
and let the elves do your shopping!
Sue Love B
The Handbell Choir will play during the regular
worship service on Sunday, December 14. The
handbells will have their last rehearsal on
Sunday morning, December 14, at 10:00 a.m.
The Chancel Choir will present the Christmas
Cantata on Sunday, December 21, during the
regular service. There will be a special rehearsal
on Saturday, December 20, at 11:00 a.m. There
will be NO choir practice on December 24,
December 31, or January 7. Regular rehearsals
resume on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.
Request: Gentlemen, if you have any neckties
you no longer need or wear, would you please
pass them on to me. I want to make a quilt from
men's neckties but I need ties! It doesn't matter
what color, season, or fabric type. Thanks for
your help.
Oct. 2014 Bread/Deli 65 boxes, Fruit/Veggies
38 boxes, Meat 38 boxes
The Food Ministry was also able to help feed
519 families through donations given to Mt
Prospect Church.
Nov. 2: 35 people served
9: 80 people served
16: 102 people served
23: 30 people served
30: people served
Just a reminder kids and parents that we are
having a manger program, like we did last
year for Christmas. This will take place
during Joy Gift Program night which will be
on Saturday, December 13th at 4:00pm. The
children will be in costume as angels,
shepherds, wiremen, Mary and Joseph and
will be joined by children from Aldersgate
United Methodist Church. After doing a
silent tableau in the manger, they will
parade into the Sanctuary where they will
lead us in singing a few Christmas Carols.
After that, we will all move to the Fellowship
Hall for refreshments and a visit from Santa
himself. The program will require about 2 or
3 practices which will be arranged by the
music director at Aldersgate and Judy
Sherer, music director at Adnah UM. These
practices will take place over at Aldersgate
and here for the final rehearsal. More info
will be provided as we get closer to the
date. We know that families get very busy
the closer we get to the holidays and
wanted you to be aware of the date and
what we have planned. Your cooperation
with getting the kids to practices and to the
church on December 13th would be greatly
The Joy Gift Program will take place on
Saturday, December 13th at 4:00PM here at
Covenant in conjunction with Aldersgate
United Methodist Church. The children of
both churches will do the Manger scene
again this year and then will lead a
procession into church as they sing
Christmas Carols. Following the brief Service
in the Sanctuary, there will be refreshments
and a visit from Santa in the Fellowship Hall.
All are invited and encouraged to attend
this pre Holiday event. The PW Circles will be
providing the refreshments.
The Covenant Presbyterian Women Joint
Circle meeting will be immediately following
the worship service on Sunday, December
14 in the fellowship hall. EVERYONE BRING A
need transportation to the church, please
call Martha Hinson at 803-325-4732. Night
Circle will be responsible for setup, clean up,
drink and dessert. We are happy to
welcome our guest speaker, Beth Muse,
Minister at Large, who spoke at Presbyterian
Women’s Retreat at Bethelwoods this year in
October. We will collect a love offering to
be used in God’s ministry.
The PW Council will NOT meet in December.
The next PW Council meeting will be
Monday, January 18, 2015.
Mission Sunday is December 28 The offering
will be going to the Four Homes of Mercy in
Jerusalem and Thornwell Home for the
children in South Carolina. Collection will be
at both church doors following worship
service and anything you can give will be
Marleen Holmes will be preparing our
Christmas Bulletin Board so be sure you sign
your name on the Christmas Card.
After the “undecorating“ on January 4, 2014,
they will be available on a first come first
served basis to take home. Thank you for
helping make the sanctuary beautiful for
the season.
We have the flower calendar for you to sign
up for your special date. It is located on the
bulletin board across the hall from the
nursery. Please don’t forget to get your
name on the list for the date you want.
There are still many dates available. Thank
you for your generosity. Carolyn Garland,
Flower Chairman
Please Note: Circle leaders are reminded to
collect a donation from members for honor
ladies at November and December
A special thank you to those who
contributed shoe boxes for the Operation
Christmas Child and we are proud to share
we collected 53 boxes this year plus
additional monies toward the Shoe Box
Please remember- The month of January is
Christian Witness at home and abroad and
week of prayer for Christian unity.
Beginning Bal. $ 2,602.30
$ 121.05
$ 323.50
Ending Bal.
$ 2,804.75
Steve Garland, Josh Bell
Joe Osborne, Tanner Bryant
Elder in Worship
Steve Garland
Annual Christmas Family Breakfast will be
Sunday, December 21 at 9:45 a.m. in lieu of
Sunday School. Bring your friends and family
and enjoy a wonderful breakfast.
Duty Elders
Steve Garland
Tanner Bryant
From Our Treasurer
Oct. 2014 Income
Oct. 2014 Expenses
YTD 2014 Income
YTD 2014 Expenses
$ 12,033.56
$ 6,071.67
$ 117,315.09
$ 184,275.50
Nursery Workers
Dec. 7: Dorothy Mew & Eileen Nichols
14: Barbara Lewis & Marleen Holmes
21: Francine Jennings & Carol
28: Doris Keiber & Heather Chase
Please check your date and if you need to
change contact Dora Duer.
Dec. 2: Josh Bell
3: Carol Montgomery
6: Caroline von Rosenburg
7: Noah Bell
15: Cathy Dawkins
17: Stevia Elswick
20: Dianne Barber
21: Linda Mattison
22: Bobby Mew
23: Jimmie Dawkins
25: Furman Lewis
26: Gay Tanis
Communion Worker
Janet Massey
Joe & Sheryl Osborne
Prayer Concerns
Debi Tomberlin
Charles & Caroline von Rosenberg
Don Davis
Mark Willis
Faye Pearson
Win Rinehart
Betty Richardson
Rachel Cook
Eva Neal
Shut-in Members:
Bill Orr
John & Amelia Neal
Mildred Allen
Doris Wild
Roland Harper
Billie Sims
Friends and Relatives
Melba Jones (friend of Doris Keiber)
Vivienne Good
Diane Houston (Tom’s cousin)
Dottie Graham (Judy Sherer’s sister)
Sherry Williams (Ed’s sister)
Kathleen (von Rosenberg’s daughter-in-law)
Ellen Mays (Cancer)
Claude Melton, Sr. (Robin’s father-in-law)
Carolyn Goldston (Betty Richardson’s aunt)
Austin Robbins (Kelley family)
Jack Mitchell
William Baker (cancer- friend of Tomberlin
Tom Bryson (Jody Lewis’ step father in law)
Emily Foster (eyesight)
Ray Brown (Kelley’s friend)
Allen Long
Lynn Long
Kim Jennings (cancer)
Alan & Tina Seymour (twins born very early)
Carrie Ashe (Stroke)
Rachel McCartey Hendrick (Doris’s friend)
Arthur Evans (Clara Buchanan’s brother)
Viola Green (Arthur Evans’ mother-in-law)
Sherry Evans (Clara Buchanan’s sister in law)
Diana DiPietro (Francine’s sister-in-law)
Mrs. HcHargue (Elaine Turner’s mom)
Faye (Tanner Bryant’s sister)
Vange Truesdell (Gay Tanis’ mom)
Helene (Eileen Nichols’ sister)
John Hyatt (Furman’s brother in law)
Lester Lewis (Furman’s brother)
Daniel Jordan (friend of Susan Brown)
Sam Jacob (friend of Steve Garland)
Terry Williams (Friend of Gary Munn)
Angel Bryan (Friend of Lisa Quinn)
Jodie Sawyer (Wife of co-worker-Wayne
Our leaders in Washington
All military personnel at home and abroad
River Mew & Charles Tomberlin
Nick Buchanan going into the Navy
Ebola Outbreak