Secretary: Mair Thomas 5 Milligans Chase Galleywood Chelmsford CM2 8QD Tel: 01245-269845 DECEMBER NEWSLETTER / CYLCHLYTHYR MIS RHAGFYR 2013 Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd Merry Christmas to you all ‘Christmas Celebration’ ‘Dathlu Nadolig’ A Musical Evening with Robin Huw Bowen Thursday, 11th December 2014 at the Chelmsford Cathedral Chapter House at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Our President, Buddug Rowland Frank and the committee invite you to join them for the annual Christmas meeting. This year we are honoured to have Robin Huw Bowen to entertain us. Robin is recognised internationally as the leading exponent of Telyn Deires (the Triple Harp). Following one of his performances a music critic wrote the following:…’Robin has got to be one of the top performers, giving the Welsh Triple Harp the status it so richly deserves, and his show was one of the best I have ever seen or heard’. He is making the long journey from Aberystwyth to be with us – we want a full Chapter House to listen to him. There will be an opportunity to sing traditional carols. Christmas refreshments will be provided by the catering committee. We will be holding our Bumper Xmas Raffle with outstanding prizes to be won. There will be an opportunity for those of you who wish, to make a donation to the President’s Charity, in lieu of sending Christmas cards. Buddug will be producing a large card for you to sign. I hope to see all of you at our festive celebration. Annual Subscriptions. Our treasurer, Carys Williams, thanks you all for paying your subscription so promptly. We now have 93 paid up members. Diolch yn fawr. Fund raising/charity coffee morning Saturday 8 th November 2014. We extend our sincere thanks to Maureen and Keith Byatt for hosting this most enjoyable event which raised approximately £169. Fund raising/Charity Christmas Tea on Sunday, 7 th December 2014 at 3pm. This year Liz and Jim Armishaw are hosting our annual Christmas Tea at their home 38A Chignal Road, Chelmsford CM1 2JB. A small wrapped Christmas gift for the raffle would be much appreciated. Please bring your voices as we will be having some carol singing following the refreshments. Please ring Liz on 01245 281162 if you want directions or assistance. Come along and join us for our first event of the Xmas season. December Welsh classes. The next meetings are on Monday 1st and 15th December 2014 at Radley Green Farm at 2pm. th th Visit to Aberystwyth May 10 -13 2015. There are still a few seats available for our visit to Wales. If you are interested please give your name to Buddug - 01708 222691. Don’t forget – that the final payment is due by the end of February 2015. Future Meetings/Events: · NOSON LAWEN - At our monthly meeting on January 22nd 2015 we will not he holding our usual’ homespun’ evening. I am pleased to inform you that a group called ‘Frindiau Ceredigion’ will be visiting us and they will provide a traditional evening of Welsh entertainment. They all hail from our President’s home area around Aberystwyth. th · St. David’s Day Dinner. This annual event will be held on Friday, 27 February 2015 at the County Hotel, Chelmsford. Tickets priced at £35 are now available and can be ordered from Cynthia Styles on 01245-469713.. Do not leave it too late to book your tickets for this annual event. · St David’s Day Service on Sunday, 1 st March 2015 at Little Baddow URC at 3.30pm Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Have an enjoyable Christmas with family and friends. Best wishes and a swift recovery to all members who have been unwell. Cofion Cynnes iawn, Mair ANNUAL SUSCRIPTIONS. Carys Williams, the society treasurer, wishes to thank all those members who have already paid their 2012-13 subscription. If you have not already paid the annual subscription of £15, Carys will be collecting the money during November 2012. Please send your cheque, made payable to Chelmsford and District Welsh Society, together with a completed pro-forma to Carys at 3 Engelfields, South St. Tillingham CM0 7AT. Please include a stamped addressed envelope to receive the programme for 2012-13. The pro- forma was sent out in the last September Newsletter and it can also be downloaded from the society web-site. Please pay by the 1st December 2012 at the latest, otherwise we will regrettably assume that you no longer wish to continue with your membership. th WELSH CLASSES. The next session will be held on Monday, 5 November 2012 at Radley Green Farm at 2.30pm. New members will be most welcome and the support of Welsh speakers would be greatly appreciated. VISIT TO LLANGOLLEN, May 9 t h - 12 th 2013. A reminder for those who have booked a place for this visit – deposits of £50 per person should have been paid by now. If you have not already done this please send a cheque payable to Chelmsford and District Welsh Society to Carys Williams at 3 Engelfields, South St. Tillingham CM0 7AT. The approximate cost of the visit is £295 plus any hotel single room supplement. th GIG in MALDON, Sunday, 18 November 2012 at 8pm in the Blue Boar Hotel, Maldon featuring Welsh artist Huw Williams (singer, songwriter and clog dancer) and Maartin Allcock (instrumentalist). Tickets are priced at £10 in advance or £12 at the door. Ticket office: 01621 856503 FUTURE EVENTS: dates for your diary: th · CHARITY CHRISTMAS TEA on Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 3pm. Mair and Brian Thomas invite members to this annual eventmore details in the December Newsletter. th · THE CHRISTMAS MONTHLY MEETING, Thursday, 13 December 2012. Our President, Liz Armishaw, looks forward to seeing you all at this festive evening. SOCIETY NEWS · Jim Allen and Elizabeth Peters have both been in hospitable and are now at their respective homes. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Agnes Evans is making slow but steady progress and is determined to attend a monthly meeting in the near future. · It was most pleasing to see Rowland Webb and Maggie Cranmer at our October meeting. They have both been unwell for some time. · Congratulations to Maureen and Keith Byatt who have recently celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversary. Cofion Cynnes. Mair Thomas
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