St. Charles School…We choose Christ in learning, living, and values in the light of our faith. Thursday, December 18 Mass (Gr. 8) Monday, December 22 Spirit Party 1:15p.m. NO Peer Tutoring after school Tuesday, December 23 Advent Service 10:30a.m. (Living Nativity) Early Release Day Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve – No School Christmas Break Begins - No School Mass Schedule: 3:00p.m. / 5:00p.m. / 11:00p.m. December 17, 2014 Highlights -Principal’s Message -Communal Penance -Illness -Calling All Artists* -Home & School -Scrip -Follow the Star -Deacon Allen -Catholic Memorial H.S. -Library Activity* -Looking Ahead *Attachments Thursday, December 25 Merry Christmas – No School Mass Schedule: 7:15a.m. / 9:00a.m. / 10:45a.m. ***************************************************************************************** PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE This week most of our St. Charles School community was able to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is especially timely during this season of Advent. Our 2nd grade students had celebrated their First Reconciliation this past Saturday and the students of grades 3-8 celebrated today. There were seven priests available for the service today. What a beautiful way to pray during Advent. Our Advent activities will continue through next week. Today students were able to dress in Christmas sweaters and Christmas attire. Those that participated brought in a donation that will help with our Advent service projects. Next Monday the whole school will participate in a service project where will be putting together an Epiphany gift bag for our local seminarians. If your child did not bring in a donation today or you would like to make a donation, feel free to send it in to the school office. I am proud of our Student Council who has organized our Wacky Wednesdays to support others in our community. And, finally, Mr. Olson, our music teacher and middle school religion teacher has written a thank you note describing his trip to South Dakota last week. Thank you for support his tremendous work. “St. Charles, On behalf of Jacyntha Shaw and me, we would like to thank the parishioners of St Charles for their enormous generosity in helping serve the people of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your kindness allowed us to give every student and teacher at Red Cloud Catholic School (K-8) and Our Lady of Lourdes School (K-8) much needed school supplies and a small gift for the younger students. This is the second year in a row that we have been able to service two schools with supplies. We were able to supply Sacred Heart Catholic Church with: new winter clothing items, heaters, tools, sewing machines, blankets, food, and much more. Sacred Heart runs a program similar to St. Vincent DePaul where low income people and the elderly can receive or purchase items of need for their families. The normally frigid weather gave way to temperatures in the upper 60’s for the first time in the 14-years of traveling out to Pine Ridge. Because of the good weather we were able to visit a Grotto of Mary high up on a hill and many beautiful natural landscapes normally covered with snow. Jacyntha and I feel truly blessed to be able to serve residents at Pine Ridge and we are blessed and extremely thankful to the wonderful generosity of parishioners at St. Charles. Deacon Allen Olson” Praying for continued patience, Mrs. Anderson Communal Penance The Communal Penance Service that will be held at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish this Saturday, December 20th, will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Illness It seems there are a few students in our school who are sick. Watching the news we hear about many school communities having hundreds of students and staff out due to illness. We are asking parents to please make sure you check your children for any illness before sending them to school. If they have a fever, do not send them to school until they are fever free for a minimum of 24 hours. Do not give them medication and send them to school while they are contagious. Lice: Be aware, it seems that the lice have made an appearance at a few of our neighboring school districts. If you have had sleepovers, wear friends hats, or share combs/brushes you may want to check your child’s head. Parking Lot Safety For the safety of our students, families and staff, please slow down in the St. Charles parking lot. This is especially needed at drop off and pick up time. There are many people, especially small children in the area at the beginning and the end of the day. Also, if you have a grandparent that picks up your child, will you please let them know where the Safe Parking area is, in front of the Rec Center. Many grandparents park near the church entrance (many in the handicap parking spaces) and the students walk in front of the exiting vehicles. Thank you for your support. Calling All Artists Deadline: Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 - don’t delay! Design the 2014-15 yearbook cover. Theme: “Act Justly, Love Tenderly, and Walk Humbly with God” See attachment for instructions. Home & School Scrip Sales Help Needed! We are looking for volunteers to help sell Scrip in the parish office in the morning from 8:15 to 9:45 as well as in the afternoons until Christmas. There has been a significant sales volume during those periods. Please sign up online on our school website under Volunteer Sign up and click on Scrip Sales. Or, click here: Please contact Jill Boesl or Amy Marshall with any questions. Thank you! Scrip LAST TIME TO ORDER SCRIP IN 2014!! *GIFT CARDS*: GAS / GROCERIES / TRAVEL / and more An easy and convenient way to meet the school SCRIP commitment. Place your order today for Thursday delivery or BUY this Thursday 3:15-3:45 in the school entrance!!! Contact Jill Boesl 414-840-6115 or [email protected] Follow the Star A children’s pageant – St. Charles Church – Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 – 10:30a.m. St. Charles grade school students will perform the Christmas story – in scripture and song. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see all of you there. Auction Saturday, February 28th, 2015 For more information regarding sponsorships, item donations, or registration information, please visit us on the web at or check us out on Facebook- St. Charles 17th Annual Dinner and Auction Catholic Memorial High School CMH Registration Night for Incoming Freshmen / January 26th, 2015 6:00pm-7:30pm If you have not already submitted an application, please do so by going to and click on Be a Crusader. If your son/daughter took a placement test at a different school remember to request that the school send the results to CMH. We need them on file for Registration Night. Information and directions for Registration Night will be mailed directly home for all applicants in early January. For any questions please call Krissy Hartung in the Admissions Office: 262-542-7101 ext: 552 or email [email protected] Library Activity The local North Lake library is having a few family winter activities during the Christmas break. See attachment for details. Looking Ahead January 1 January 5 January 16 January 21 January 27 January 25-30 Happy New Year – 2015!!! Back to School – 8:15a.m. End 2nd Quarter Grades Early Releases / Teacher In-Service Report Cards CATHOLIC SCHOOL’S WEEK School: E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 262-367-2040
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