2014-2015 Schedule of OSJ-Directed Retreats and Special Events

A ministry of the Oblates of St. Joseph
2014-2015 Schedule of OSJ-Directed Retreats and Special Events
The Oblates of St. Joseph and Marello Youth Retreat Center welcome the opportunity to serve you with private
retreats, developed for you to answer the needs of your parish, school or organization. We also invite you to
participate in the retreats/special events noted below, or share the information with others who might benefit!
August 16 & 17
Life-giving Love
A retreat for married couples designed to deepen their understanding of marriage as love-giving and life-giving.
September 12 & 13
50th Anniversary of Mt. St. Joseph
Come celebrate this milestone anniversary for this beautiful
hilly setting in Loomis.
• Mass & Reception Friday, Sept. 12 at Mt. St. Joseph
• Open House, Saturday, Sept. 13 at Seminary//Novitiate
October 24-26
Freedom to Love
Theology of the Body for young adults! A perfect opportunity to study one of St.
John Paul II’s greatest gifts to the world! Ages 18-35
November 2
Mt. St. Joseph fall pancake breakfast
A long-standing fall tradition!
December 2, 3 & 4
Advent Retreats for 5th grade Catholic school students
Catholic school 5th grade teachers enjoy this day-retreat that helps their students
understand and appreciate the season of Advent.
December 14
Advent Luncheon
A lovely seasonal gathering of friends in fellowship, complete with a delicious
lunch and joyous surprises aligned with Gaudete Sunday!
January 16-18
Theology of the Body for Teens retreat (ages 14-17)
A demanded repeat offering expressly for teenagers, introducing the concepts
and principles of Theology of the Body.
February 11 & 12
Lenten Retreats for 7th grade Catholic school students
Catholic school 7th grade teachers and their students immerse themselves in the
season of Lent focusing on a turning point understanding that it’s more than
“giving something up.”
April 17-19
Chosen Retreat
Appropriate for individuals or small classes of young teens who want to be alive
in the Holy Spirit.
May 3
Mt. St. Joseph spring pancake breakfast
A long-standing spring tradition!
Watch for more information on our website
or inquire at (916) 652-6155.