February 8, 2015 Aldersgate United Methodist Church Rock Hill, SC www.aumcrockhill.com The Aldersgate Experience Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, The People of the United Methodist Church Where Is This World Headed? In all the turmoil we see in our nation and the world, the question of where we are headed is an appropriate one. The prognostications of individuals can be misleading if not totally confusing. Listening to a “60’s channel” on the radio, “The Eve of Destruction”, a song of how close we were to blowing ourselves up, was played. After that, a rebuttal song, “The Dawn of Correction”, was played. Speaking of the same world agenda, what a different view and expectation these two songs had. Fifty years later we are still here. We haven’t self-destructed. But correction has not dawned in any fullness yet, either. We’re still in a mess. From the Bible we see that the world has a definite destiny. Some generalize that in the end, good triumphs over evil. But this leaves us with continual, ongoing challenges where good and evil constantly battle. What’s ahead, just more of the same? Thankfully, no. Way back in time, God tells Moses what this world is coming to. The rebellious Israelites had so rejected the leading of God that he told Moses that He would destroy them and start over with him. God could have, since Moses was a descendant of Abraham. However, Moses prayed that the Lord would not destroy the people, but have mercy for His name’s sake. God pardoned the people, but told Moses, “but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.” (Numbers 14:21) Yes, that’s where we are headed. What we have to go through to get there is another story. At the turn of the 20th Century there was great expectation that the church was on the verge of ushering in the Kingdom of God. It was referred to as the “Christian Century” by some. We would become better and better and the Kingdom would arrive. Two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis, the cold war, and many other wars and conflicts put an end to those thoughts. But these have not put an end to God’s purpose or His ability to bring this world to it ultimate destination. We have seen that we lack the ability to do this great task. It is not our task. It is God’s work. So as we see things that are nothing like the glory of God on earth, things that look like the eve of destruction, let us know that correction is not the means to bring the Glory here. It is the appearance of God, the return of Christ, that will fill the earth with God’s glory. Though He tarries, Christ will come. This is the earth’s destiny. -- Ben Shrove Tuesday - February 17th Pancake and sausage supper - 6:00 pm. Start off Lent with a great meal. We will accept donations for the meal. Thanks to everyone who helped make “Souper Sunday: a huge success - those who cooked and those who brought soup. After you finish your soup, please return the jars to the kitchen. PLANNING EVENTS Legislative Advocacy Day - Feb. 17th. Spiritual Enrichment Weekend - May 1 & 2, 2015. Have form and $10.00 to Lyn Skews by February 8, 2015. Questions: Contact Donna Sliva, (803)325-1587. YOUNG AT HEARTS For our February meeting, we will be going to Webster Manor in Mullins for a buffet lunch. Cost of the lunch is $9.00 which includes your drink and dessert. From there, we will venture over to Bishopville for a visit to the Cotton Museum. The charge for this is $4.00. Time permitting, there may be a surprise in store after our visit to the Cotton Museum. This will be a freebie. There is a signup sheet on the table in the narthex. The first 14 people to sign-up may ride the bus. If we have an overflow, we will take personal vehicles. Gifts have been given to the Prayer Garden Fund In memory of Richard Bower By: Jon & Linda Beard & Ron & Louise Thomas and In memory of Juanita Tucker By: Ron & Louise Thomas and In memory of Tom Gibson By: Janie Matson To the Mike Culp Cancer Fund In Memory of Tom Gibson By: Bill & Dixie Culp and In Memory of Connie Mencer & Juanita Tucker By: Lyn & Ken Skews To Undesignated Fund In memory of Tom Gibson & Juanita Tucker By: Sherilyn Brewer To The Music Fund In Memory of Tom Gibson By: Ray & Yvonne Lautzenheiser And in Memory of Juanita Tucker By Friendship Bible Class VALENTINE’S DINNER ALDERSGATE UMC FEBRUARY 14, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Rib Eye Steak, Baked Potato, Salad and Dessert Practice for Easter Cantata will start Sunday, Feb. 15th at 6:00 p.m. following Chancel Choir Practice. No Junior Choir practices until further notice. Tickets sold in advance at Covenant and Aldersgate. Tickets can be purchased from Wayne or Janice Miller. Flower Calendar If you have signed up for flowers they must be paid for in advance. The church will no longer order flowers if payment is not received at least two weeks in advance. Dates available for flowers: February 8, 2015 February 15, 2015 February 22, 2015 - Deb Sheets/Lin Mayhill This Sunday “Habakkuk 1:12-2:4 (8th) Colossians 3:16-17 (15th) Children’s Worship “Jesus In the Wilderness” 8th “Jesus’ First Miracle” 15th Encourage our children-ask them about their lesson! The cost of the Flowers $37.40 A card will be mailed to remind you of your order if we have not received payment. Please Pray for those who are homebound or in Nursing homes: Anne Looper, Jettie Morris, Bill Tucker The following is the list of tentative Mission Projects for 2015. NEEDS Paper Plates: sectioned heavy duty. Paper Bowls: small to medium sized. Small paper plates for desserts. Cold cups: 12 oz. or 16 oz. Napkins: Plain White. Plastic Ware: forks, spoons, knives. Zip freezer- type gallon and quart-size bags. Heavy duty baking foil. They can always use pot holders, dish cloths, dry cloths. Also they can always use bleach and baking soda for cleaning drains. Dish detergent. Sanitizer for kitchen surfaces. Make plans to attend Rock Hill Community Theatre's production of The Red Velvet Cake War. The Verdeen cousins of Sweetgum, Texas have scheduled their family reunion on the hottest day of the year. A cast of zany characters arrive and bedlam ensues. A highlight of the day is a red velvet cake competition, and the wages are high. You will wish your family reunions are this much fun! Shows will be presented Feb. 6, 7, 13 and 14 at 8:00 p.m. and Feb. 8 and 15 at 3:00 p.m.. RHCT is in their new home at Apple West Center, 546 S. Cherry Rd. (just behind The Roc Emporium). Visit www.rockhilltheatre.org for ticket prices and reservations If you have additions or suggestions, please contact Peggy Palmer, (803)984-3778. JAN We are collecting soup for Pilgrims Inn. *See below! FEB PAPER goods for The Plentiful Harvest Soup Kitchen, see list to the left. MAR Wesley Foundation, list will be provided. APR CCC and Salkehatchie, list will be provided. MAY Epworth Children’s Home JUN undecided JUL Salkehatchie meal. AUG School supplies for our teachers, list will be provided. SEP Possibly health kits again. OCT More emphasis and participation on the Crop Walk. NOV Bethel Men’s Warming Shelter, list will be provided. DEC undecided * 127 cans of soup were taken to Pilgrims Inn on Monday Feb. 2 ON THE ROAD AGAIN! Not only are the Wesley and Growing In Faith Classes beginning James W. Moore’s On the Road Again: A Faith Journe, they are moving to the old Growing In Faith Classroom (next to the kitchen). This is a larger room and, hopefully, we will have larger class This seven-week Lenten study will take us from Sunday, February 8 to Easter. The class is discussion centered and books will be provided. The Wesley/Growing in Faith members are an interesting and diverse group who will welcome you into their fellowship. Sunday School classes begin at 9:20.Come join us. Aldersgate United Methodist Church 2115 Celanese Road Rock Hill SC 29732-1305 Return Service Requested __________________________ AS MEMBERS OF THIS CONGREGATION WE WILL FAITHFULLY PARTICIPATE IN ITS MINISTRY BY OUR PRAYERS, OUR PRESENCE, AND OUR WITNESS. Attendance: Total Worship Early Worship Traditional Service Sunday School - February 1st 126 34 92 35 OUR GIFTS: Budget Needed Each Week Received: February 1st General Fund Regular Offering: Designated Fund Total: Average 113 22 91 38 $ 4,958.00 $ 8,436.40 $ 976.46 OUR SERVICES: (February 8th & 15th) Altar Guild Children’s Worship Stephanie Yannotti/Faith Nyberg (8th) Kay and Bill Runyans (15th) Greeters (10:30) Karen Brazil & Joyce Nivens (8th/15th) Ushers (10:30) Mike Sturkie & Bruce Farrington (8th/15th) Acolyte (10:30) Crucifer (10:30) Lectionary(10:30) Al Quarles (8th/15th) UPCOMING EVENTS Valentine’s Dinner - February 14 - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Scout Sunday - February 15. UMM Breakfast - February 15, 7 - 10:30 a.m. UMW Pancake and Sausage Supper February 17, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service - 7:00pm, Feb. 18th. Young at Hearts - Road Trip - February 20. Hearing Devices are available from the Sound Operator if you need one. SUNDAY, Feb. 8th & 15th Scout Sunday (15th) 7:30a.m. - UMM Breakfast (15th) 8:30a.m. - Early Service 9:15a.m. - Children’s Choir 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m. - Chancel Choir 6:00p.m. - Practice for Easter Cantata (15th) MONDAY, Feb 9th & 16th 10:00a.m. - Coffee & Conversation 7:00p.m. - Boy Scouts TUESDAY, Feb. 10th & 17th 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School UMW Legislative Advocacy Day (17th) 6:00p.m. - UMW Pancake and Sausage Supper (17th - Fellowship Hall WEDNESDAY, Feb. 11th & 18th 10:00a.m. - Aldersgate Ringers 6:30p.m. - Chancel Bells (11th) 7:00p.m. - Ash Wednesday Service (18th) THURSDAY, Feb. 12 & 19th 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School 10:30a.m. - Prayer Shawl (19th) 1:30p.m. - Visitation Team 7:00p.m. - Adult Bible Study FRIDAY, Feb 13th & 20th 11:30a.m. - Young-at-Hearts (20th - Road Trip) SATURDAY, Feb. 14 & 21st 6:30p.m. - Valentine’s Dinner - (14th) Aldersgate’s Fellowship Hall 6:00p.m. - Children’s Night at the Movies - (14th) Covenant’s Fellowship Hall 1:-00 - 5:00p.m. - Fellowship Hall Reserved (21st) SUNDAY, Feb. 15th & 22nd 8:30a.m. - Early Service 9:15a.m. - Children's Choir 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m - Chancel Choir 6:00p.m. - Practice for Easter Cantata Our Community Assistance Donations for February will go to Pathways to Housing. Church Staff Bishop: Reverend Jonathan Holston……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [email protected] District Superintendent: Reverend Joe Long, Jr. …………………………………………………………… …………………[email protected] Pastor: Reverend Ben Herlong ……………..…………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Church Secretary: Sharon Hess………………………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Organist: Betty J. Farrington…………………………………………………………………………………….………[email protected] Choir Director: Ray Lautzenheiser…………………………………………………………………………………… ………[email protected] Youth Director:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..Open Website………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….www.aumcrockhill.com Church Phone:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(803) 366-4637 Parsonage Phone………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(803) 980-6631
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