Introduction 3 Background WIN/Gallup International Association & the Global NGO Barometer WIN/Gallup International Association is pleased to share the Global NGO Barometer 2014 for the second year in a row. This global survey evaluates the appreciation and awareness of major Non-Profit (NPO) and Non-Governmental (NGO) organizations throughout the world. WIN/Gallup International Association World’s Top Most Global Pollsters The Worldwide Independent Network (WIN)/Gallup International Association (GIA) is the largest association of leading independent market research and polling firms throughout the world. The Association is made up of the 78 largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries with a combined revenue of over 600EUR million and covering 95% of the world’s market. For more than 60 years WIN/Gallup International has demonstrated its ability and expertise in conducting and coordinating multi-country and large international research projects with the highest accuracy and on a comparable basis, WIN/Gallup International puts a strong emphasis in the exchange of knowledge, know-how and teamwork within our organization making each office as strong as possible. However, each WIN/Gallup International office remains a truly national institute with a profound local knowledge of the language, statistical sources, customs and cultural differences of its own country. Furthermore, each local office is considered one if not the leading national agency in their respective country. WIN/Gallup International prides itself on the high quality of its own work and the work of its Members. All research is conducted in strict adherence to the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practices. Hence, our 78 partners around the globe are leading market research and polling firms in their own respective country. With the accumulated experience of our Members and WIN/Gallup International’s 67 years of experience coordinating and managing multi-country social research studies, we guarantee the highest level quality and expertise. Key Findings Global NGO Barometer 2014 for WHO The Global NGO Barometer 2014 interviewed 66306 individuals around the world in 64 countries. Here are the key findings: ▪ Globally, 88% of the world’s population is aware of WHO by answering that they have a good opinion, bad opinion or that they do not know this organization well enough to have an opinion. ▪ Awareness of WHO is highest in Western Europe followed by Asia and Africa with awareness scores of 92, 89 and 88 respectively. ▪ Amongst those aware of the organization throughout the world, 72% of the respondents have a good opinion of WHO. ▪ Asians, followed by citizens of Africa and Western Europe have the highest appreciation for WHO with 70%, 65%, and 59% respectively who answered that they had a good opinion of the organization. ▪ Globally, half (51%) of respondents claim promoting health services, especially for the poor is the way in which WHO contributes most to protecting people’s health. Opinion & Awareness Index Global Opinion of 16 Leading NGOs and NPOs Opinion of all respondents ▪ ▪ ▪ Globally, UNICEF and World Health Organization (WHO) are the organizations with the best appreciation with approximately two thirds (63%) of the world’s citizen who have a good opinion of the organization. They are closely followed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (62%). On the other hand, the United Nations (UN) is the organization for which most citizens have a negative opinion (15%). n= 58012 Good Bad Do not know organization enough DNK/DNA UNICEF 63% 6% 18% 13% World Health Organization (WHO) 63% 6% 19% 13% International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 62% 6% 18% 14% United Nations (UN) 54% Greenpeace 46% Save The Children 45% 15% 9% 42% MSF/Doctors Without Borders 40% 5% Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 38% 7% 32% SOS Children's village 32% World Vision 28% CARE 26% 21% 5% 8% 5% 24% 29% 22% 33% 27% 25% 5% 28% 29% 28% 4% 27% 26% 32% 38% 40% 43% Transparency international 20% 5% 27% 47% Codex Alimentarius (International Food Standards) 19% 5% 28% 48% Oxfam 17% 5% 26% For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 13% 23% 4% 22% World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees 19% 52% 7 Global Opinion of 16 Leading NGOs and NPOs Opinion of all Those Aware of the Organizations ▪ ▪ When considering only the respondents who are aware of the 16 surveyed organizations, UNICEF is most appreciated with 73% that have a good opinion of the organization closely followed by World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (both with 72%). The United Nations (UN), however is the organization for which citizens around the world have the least good opinion, with 17% of those aware of the association having a bad opinion of it. UNICEF 73% 6% 21% World Health Organization (WHO) 72% 7% 21% International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 72% 7% 21% Save The Children 63% United Nations (UN) 62% Greenpeace 60% 12% MSF/Doctors Without Borders 60% 8% 32% World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 59% 7% 34% Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 53% SOS Children's village 52% World Vision 6% 31% 17% 9% 7% 22% 28% 38% 41% 48% 8% 45% 47% 11% 42% 46% 9% n= 48637 United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Good Bad CARE Do not know organization enough Transparency International 39% Codex Alimentarius (International Food Standards) 37% 10% 53% Oxfam 36% 9% 55% 10% For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 46% 51% Top 3 NGOs & NPOs Around the World Top Organizations With the Highest « good » Opinion by Region ▪ Globally, UNICEF and World Health Organization (WHO) are the organizations for which most citizens have a good opinion (63%) closely followed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Americas n= 58012 Global Top 3 Organizations 63% UNICEF 63% 62% 69% 64% International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) UNICEF 57% MSF/Doctors Without Borders World Health International Organization Committee of the (WHO) Red Cross (ICRC) For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 9 Top Organizations With the Highest « good » Opinion by Region (Cont’d) W. Europe E. Europe 70% 77% UNICEF 74% 46% 71% International World Health World Wide Committee of Organization Fund for the Red Cross (WHO) Nature (WWF) (ICRC) MSF/Doctors International Without Committee of Borders the Red Cross (ICRC) Africa UNICEF 69% 65% Asia MENA 53% 71% 42% 70% 45% 64% 59% UNICEF International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 42% World Health International Organization Committee of (WHO) the Red Cross (ICRC) World Health Organization (WHO) United International World Health Nations (UN) Committee of Organization the Red Cross (WHO) (ICRC) For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. Global Opinion Index Opinion of World Health Organization (WHO) by Region E. Europe W. Europe 29% 16% 24% 8% 9% 9% MENA 59% Americas 23% 46% 30% 17% Asia 17% 5% 8% 7% 15% 11% 45% Africa 53% 19% 4% 12% 70% Global Opinion Index n= 58012 65% 19% 13% 6% 63% Good Bad Do not know organization enough DNK/DNA For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 11 Global Opinion of WHO Opinion by Country Country Good Bad % % I don't know organization enough DNK/ DNA Country Good Bad % % I don't know organization enough DNK/ DNA Country Good Bad % % I don't know organization enough DNK/ DNA Indi a 81 3 9 7 Icel a nd 64 3 23 10 Ma l a ys i a 47 2 21 30 Fi nl a nd 79 4 15 3 UK 64 3 26 6 Pol a nd 46 5 23 26 Portuga l 79 6 14 2 Germa ny 63 6 26 5 Greece 45 17 27 11 Hong Kong 78 1 16 4 Phi l i ppi nes 63 3 21 13 Ja pa n 44 1 36 19 Fi ji 74 1 16 9 Turkey 63 10 8 19 Mexi co 44 5 19 32 Sweden 74 2 22 2 Spa i n 58 18 21 3 Peru 43 3 18 36 Irel a nd 73 4 18 4 Bra zi l 57 7 22 14 Roma ni a 39 4 29 28 Kenya 73 1 18 8 La tvi a 57 8 28 7 Ma cedoni a 38 4 21 37 57 12 26 5 Sa udi Ara bi a 36 7 26 32 Pa pua New Gui nea 73 2 10 16 Ukra i ne Swi tzerl a nd 71 10 18 1 Bel gi um 56 7 27 10 Ita l y 35 8 34 22 Denma rk 70 4 21 5 Tha i l a nd 56 1 26 17 Bul ga ri a 33 2 29 36 Indones i a 70 1 15 14 Afgha ni s ta n 55 11 18 16 Al geri a 30 4 24 41 54 10 23 14 Tuni s i a 30 3 17 50 Chi na 69 8 19 4 Ba ngl a des h Ca na da 68 6 19 7 USA 54 7 28 11 Lithua ni a 28 2 37 33 South Suda n 68 2 21 9 Netherl a nds 51 5 32 12 Morocco 26 1 13 60 Aus tri a 67 13 16 3 Col ombi a 49 10 24 16 Georgi a 25 1 28 46 Fra nce 67 11 16 5 Bos ni a & Herzegovi na 48 10 21 21 Kos ovo 22 0 12 65 Aus tra l i a 66 5 23 6 Rus s i a 48 11 35 6 Armeni a 10 0 9 81 __ Marks the 50% mark for good opinion responses. For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. Global Opinion of WHO Good Opinions Compared by Year ▪ Overall, Afghanistan is the country where the opinion of WHO most improved between the end of the year 2012 and 2013 (+12) while it most decreased in Japan (-21). Country Good 2013 Good 2012 Net Dif. % % Country Good 2013 Good 2012 Net Dif. % % Afgha ni s ta n 55 43 12 Uni ted Sta tes 54 52 2 Ca na da 68 58 10 Ukra i ne 57 55 2 Fra nce 67 57 10 Chi na 69 68 1 Kenya 73 64 9 Indi a 81 80 1 Portuga l 79 70 9 Rus s i a 48 47 1 Hong Kong 78 70 8 Morocco 26 27 -1 Uni ted Ki ngdom 64 56 8 Fi nl a nd 79 81 -2 Aus tra l i a 66 59 7 Ma cedoni a 38 40 -2 Peru 43 36 7 Roma ni a 39 41 -2 Pol a nd 46 40 6 Tuni s i a 30 33 -3 Bel gi um 56 51 5 Armeni a 10 14 -4 Bos ni a & Herzegovi na 48 43 5 Georgi a 25 29 -4 Icel a nd 64 59 5 Phi l i ppi nes 63 71 -8 Irel a nd 73 68 5 Sa udi Ara bi a 36 46 -10 Spa i n 58 53 5 Col ombi a 49 60 -11 Germa ny 63 59 4 Ma l a ys i a 47 58 -11 Swi tzerl a nd 71 67 4 Bra zi l 57 68 -11 Turkey 63 59 4 Bul ga ri a 33 49 -16 Sweden 74 71 3 Ita l y 35 52 -17 Aus tri a 67 65 2 Ja pa n 44 65 -21 *Note: Only countries that participated in the survey in both 2012 and 2013 are included in the tables above. *Note: Methodology in 2013 for Japan differs from 2012. For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 13 Global Awareness Index Global Awareness of the Leading 16 NGOs & NPOs ▪ ▪ ▪ The United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have the highest awareness with 88% of respondents who answered that they have a good, bad or do not know this organization well enough to have an opinion. Of the 16 NGOs and NPOs included in the survey, Oxfam is the least known with only 48% of the world’s population aware of the organization, closely followed by Codex Alimentarius and Transparency International both at 52%. Interestingly, the most known organization, the United Nations (UN), is also the least appreciated with 15% of respondents aware of the organization having a bad opinion of it. n= 58012 Rank 1 2 Organization United Nations (UN) 2World World Health Organization (WHO) (WHO) Health Organization 3 UNICEF 4 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 5 Greenpeace 6 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 7 Save the Children 8 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 9 United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 10 MSF/Doctors Without Borders 11 SOS Children's village 12 World Vision 13 CARE 14 Transparency International 15 Codex Alimentarius (International Food Standards) 16 Oxfam For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. Score 88 88 88 87 86 76 72 71 71 68 67 61 60 57 52 52 48 Global Awareness Index Index by Country & Region for WHO n= 58012 High Awareness 80-100% 60-80% 40-60% 20-40% Low Awareness 0-20% No data For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. 15 Global Awareness Index Index by Country for WHO ▪ Awareness of WHO throughout the surveyed countries is highest in Portugal and Switzerland with a score of 99 in both. ▪ On the other hand, WHO’s awareness is lowest in Armenia (19). Rank Country Score Rank Country Score Rank Country Score 1 Portuga l 99 19 UK 93 37 Turkey 81 2 Swi tzerl a nd 99 20 Kenya 92 38 Bos ni a & Herzegovi na 79 3 Fi nl a nd 98 21 Fi ji 91 39 Ita l y 77 4 Sweden 98 22 South Suda n 91 40 Pol a nd 74 5 Spa i n 97 23 Bel gi um 90 41 Roma ni a 72 6 Aus tri a 96 24 Icel a nd 90 42 Ma l a ys i a 70 7 Chi na 96 25 USA 89 43 Sa udi Ara bi a 69 8 Denma rk 95 26 Greece 89 44 Mexi co 68 9 Germa ny 95 27 Netherl a nds 88 45 Li thua ni a 67 10 Hong Kong 95 28 Ba ngl a des h 87 46 Bul ga ri a 64 11 Irel a nd 95 29 Phi l i ppi nes 87 47 Peru 64 12 Ukra i ne 95 30 Indones i a 86 48 Ma cedoni a 63 13 Aus tra l i a 94 31 Bra zi l 86 49 Al geri a 58 14 Fra nce 94 32 Pa pua New Gui nea 85 50 Georgi a 54 15 Rus s i a 94 33 Afgha ni s ta n 84 51 Tuni s i a 50 16 Ca na da 93 34 Col umbi a 83 52 Morocco 40 17 Indi a 93 35 Tha i l a nd 83 53 Kos ovo 34 18 La tvi a 93 36 Ja pa n 81 54 Armeni a 19 For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. Global Awareness Index Awareness Compared by Year for UNICEF ▪ Overall, WHO’s awareness score for Afghanistan and Spain (+21) most improved. ▪ On the other hand, WHO’s awareness score most decreased in Japan (-12). Country Country Score 2013 Score 2012 Net Dif. Score 2013 Score 2012 Net Dif. Afgha ni s ta n 84 63 21 Chi na 96 94 2 Spa i n 97 76 21 Germa ny 95 93 2 95 93 2 Peru 64 50 14 Irel a nd Icel a nd 90 81 9 Sweden 98 96 2 Roma ni a 72 64 8 Tuni s i a 50 48 2 Georgi a 54 47 7 Uni ted Ki ngdom 93 92 1 Portuga l 99 93 6 Bos ni a & Herzegovi na 79 78 1 Phi l i ppi nes 87 81 6 Turkey 81 81 0 Uni ted Sta tes 89 84 5 Col ombi a 83 84 -1 Fi nl a nd 98 94 4 Fra nce 94 96 -2 Ca na da 93 89 4 Indi a 93 95 -2 86 88 -2 Hong Kong 95 91 4 Bra zi l Kenya 92 88 4 Ma l a ys i a 70 74 -4 74 78 -4 Rus s i a 94 90 4 Pol a nd Ukra i ne 95 91 4 Sa udi Ara bi a 69 73 -4 Bel gi um 90 87 3 Bul ga ri a 64 69 -5 Ma cedoni a 63 60 3 Morocco 40 45 -5 Swi tzerl a nd 99 96 3 Ita l y 77 85 -8 Aus tri a 96 94 2 Armeni a 19 28 -9 Aus tra l i a 94 92 2 Ja pa n 81 94 -13 *Note: Only countries that participated in the survey in both 2012 and 2013 are included in the tables above. For each of the following international organizations, please indicate if you have a good opinion, a bad opinion, you don’t know this organization enough to have an opinion or you don’t know this organization at all. How WHO Contributes 19 How WHO Contributes Global Results ▪ Overall, 82% of the world’s population feel the WHO contributes to protecting people’s health. How does WHO contribute to protecting people’s health n= 61046 Category ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ This slithgly decreased compared to last year where 87% of the population responded that WHO contributes to protecting people’s health. Globally, half of respondents (51%) think promoting health services, especially for the poor is the way in which WHO contributes most to protecting people’s health. This is followed by “protects people from disease” and “responds to public health emergencies” with both at 42%. Compared between the end of the year 2012 and 2013, there are no significant difference on how the world’s population feel WHO contribute to protecting people’s health. Response % Promotes health services, especially for the poor 51 Protects people from diseases 42 Responds to public health emergencies 42 Helps countries make good decisions 32 Supports research and innovation 31 Combats non communicable diseases 29 It does not contribute to protecting people's health 4 None 2 I don't know / I prefer not to answer 12 How does WHO contribute compared by year Global 2013 % 51 Global 2012 % 47 Helps countries make good decisions 32 28 4 Protects people from diseases 42 39 3 Responds to public health emergencies Combats non communicable diseases such as cancers, heart disease, and diabetes It does not contribute to protecting people’s health / None 42 39 3 29 28 1 4 4 0 Supports research and innovation 31 34 -3 I do not know / No response 12 9 3 Promotes health services, especially for the poor How do you think the World Health Organization (WHO) contributes to protecting people’s health? (Choose the top three). dif 4 WHO’s contribution Around the World Global Top 3 ways WHO Contributes ▪ Globally, “promotes health services, especially for the poor” is the way in which most respondents (51%) think WHO contributes to protecting people’s health. n= 61046 Global Top 3 ways WHO Contributes 43% 51% 42% 35% 32% 42% Promotes health services Responds to Supports pub. health research and emergencies innovation Promotes Protects Responds to health people from public health services, diseases emergencies especially for the poor How do you think the World Health Organization (WHO) contributes to protecting people’s health? (Choose the top three). 21 Global Top 3 ways WHO Contributes (Cont’d) 47% 24% 45% 34% 20% Promotes Responds to Protects health services pub. health people from emergencies diseases Responds to Promotes Supports pub. health health services research and emergencies innovation 40% 40% 29% Promotes Protects Combats non health services people from communicable diseases diseases 63% 46% Promotes Protects health services people from diseases 23% 58% 50% 47% Promotes Protects people Responds to health services from diseases pub. health emergencies 34% Helps countries make decisions How do you think the World Health Organization (WHO) contributes to protecting people’s health? (Choose the top three). Methodology 23 Regional Classifications Definitions of Regions MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Kenya Argentina Australia Armenia Afghanistan South Africa Brazil Bangladesh Bosnia and Herzegovina Algeria South Sudan Canada China Bulgaria Azerbaijan Colombia Fiji Czech Republic Iraq Mexico Hong Kong Georgia Lebanon Peru India Kosovo Morocco USA Indonesia Latvia Palestinian Territories Japan Lithuania Saudi Arabia Malaysia Macedonia Tunisia Pakistan Poland Turkey Philippines Romania Papua New Guinea Russia Thailand Serbia Ukraine Africa Americas Asia Eastern Europe Western Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Methodology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Country AFGHANISTAN ALGERIA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BANGLADESH BELGIUM BOSNIA BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA CHINA COLOMBIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GEORGIA GERMANY GREECE HONG KONG ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAQ IRELAND ITALY JAPAN KENYA Metho Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face CATI Online Online Face to Face CATI Online CATI Face to Face Face to Face Online Online CATI Face to Face Online Face to Face Face to Face Online Face to Face Online Face to Face CATI Online CATI Face to Face Face to Face Online Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Sample 2780 1000 991 1067 1330 953 800 1000 1000 1000 2002 1013 1006 1150 1021 1000 511 1020 1008 1000 1002 1000 1000 500 1127 1112 1000 1230 1006 1007 1200 501 Coverage National National National National National National National National National National National National National Urban Urban National National Urban National National National National National National National National National Urban National National National National Field Dates October 7th-October 15th, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 October 10th-October 20th, 2013 November 4th- November 11th, 2013 October 17th-October 21st, 2013 October 24th -November 18th, 2013 October 20th -November 30th, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 October 21st-November 3rd, 2013 October 17th-October 21st, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 November 05 - November 13 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 November 1st- November 7th, 2013 October 7th-October 28th, 2013 November 4th-November 6th, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 October 17th- November 5th, 2013 October 25th-November 4th, 2013 October 15th- October 31st, 2013 October 9th -October 15th, 2013 October 21st- November 11th, 2013 October 7th- November 15th, 2013 October 16th-October 30th, 2013 October 4th- October 11th, 2013 October 26th-November 17th, 2013 October 7th-October 28th, 2013 October 18th-November 3rd, 2013 October 16th-October 31st, 2013 November 6th-November 18th, 2013 October 7th-October 18th, 2013 25 Methodology (Cont’d) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Country KOREA KOSOVO LATVIA LEBANON LITHUANIA MACEDONIA MALAYSIA MEXICO MOROCCO NETHERLANDS PAKISTAN PALESTINIAN TERR. PERU PHILIPPINES PAPUA NEW GUINEA POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIA SAUDI ARABIA SERBIA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH SUDAN SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND THAILAND TUNISIA TURKEY UK UKRAINE USA Metho Face to Face Face to Face Online CATI Face to Face Face to Face CATI Face to Face Face to Face Online Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Online Face to Face Online CATI Face to Face CATI Face to Face Face to Face Online Online Online Face to Face CATI Online Online Online Sample 1501 1037 1005 1000 1007 1214 300 999 1000 1053 2000 1000 1201 1000 1016 1000 1013 1141 1000 614 1064 502 599 1038 1000 1001 600 1007 1057 1000 1000 1000 Coverage National National National National National National National National National National National National National National Urban National National National Urban Urban National National Urban National National National National National National National Urban National Field Dates November 1st-November 15th, 2013 November 11th- November 15th, 2013 November 11th-November 22nd, 2013 September 25th- November 21st, 2013 November 7th-November 18th, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 October 4th – October 13th, 2013 October 21st-November 4th, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 November 1st-November 7th, 2013 October 1st- October 15th, 2013 November 12th– November 26th, 2013 October 17th-October 23rd, 2013 October 20th-November 3rd, 2013 November 1st-November 8th, 2013 October 16th-October 31st, 2013 September 2013 Octber21st-November 3rd, 2013 October 10th-October 18th, 2013 November 13th-November 20th, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 October 20th-October 31st, 2013 October 15th, November 1st, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 September 30th-October 7th, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 October 7th-November 15th, 2013 November 1st-November 15th, 2013 October 22nd-November 19th, 2013 December 1st - December 9th, 2013 October 10th-October 18th, 2013 November 7th-November 15th, 2013 26 Footnotes ▪ General: All names of organizations were appropriately translated in the into the local language of the surveyed country. ▪ General: Regional data is based on the 62 surveyed countries split into their respective regions as detailed in the Regional Specifications. ▪ General: The region named MENA refers to Middle East and North Africa ▪ General: The Palestinian Territories include the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. ▪ General: Representation of Georgia is national although the sample excludes occupied territories. ▪ General: Some methodology changes in some countries between the end of the year 2012 and 2013 survey may affect numbers. ▪ General: The standard margin of error is of ±3.48.
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