FELLOWSHIP BUILDER ~ FEBRUARY 2015 “Growing Spiritually as Individuals and as a Church” FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "To really fuel a culture of listening to God and dreaming, it is important to establish a culture of 'yes' in [our churches]....That is not to say that every dream that is brought forward will be developed into a plan and then implemented, but [we] need...to think big and to dream." (Joy F. Skjegstad) - What BIG DREAMS do you have for First Baptist and our ministries? - How will we make those dreams a REALITY? As I discussed at our Annual Meeting last month, if you happen to have a new idea for ministry, IT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHO TO TALK TO OR HOW TO GET YOUR IDEA OFF THE GROUND. Under our current church constitution's board-and-committee-centered governance structure, we are often left to wonder: - "Do I talk to the pastor about my new idea? The church council? A board or committee chair?" - "What if one has told me 'yes' while another has told me 'no'?" - "And what if I can't afford to implement my idea and there is no category in the budget to cover it...because, after all, it is a new idea?" All of these are legitimate questions that can leave our heads' spinning...and our hearts' heavy, as we realize it's often easier just to forget our ideas than to negotiate this maze of approval seeking? Or maybe we try to forgo the process entirely, only to discover we are working in different directions from others in our fellowship. - How do we nurture a "culture of 'yes'" that grows together in one direction? To address these questions more fully, the Church Council has organized a Constitutional Review Committee, charged with the task of: (1) evaluating our current governance structure, and (2) determining if restructuring is necessary. My prayer is that their work, which they begin this month, will help to clarify the decision-making processes of our leadership, as we seek to create a structure of flexibility and an environment of enthusiasm that enlivens the ministries of our church. Are you ready to dream big together? Pastor Stephen Richard Beszhak, Jason Burnett, Arlene Masear, Michael Mills, Ethan Summers, & Eileen Walsh Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks unless the office is notified. This will help the pastor and diaconate receive updates to provide closer care.) Here to Serve in Ministry Rev. Stephen L. Hawkins, Pastor Alyssa Higginbotham, Office Administrator Kathy Mentele, Choir Director Peggy Pleasant, Organist Worship Service 9:30 am Coffee Hour 10:45 – 11:30am Contact Information Telephone: 608.365.8455 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.firstbaptistbeloit.org “Like” us on facebook www.facebook.com/firstbaptistbeloit Trustee Meeting: February 1st at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday Night B.L.T.: We're continuing our mini-series on the Pauline Epistles on Wednesday nights at 6:45 p.m. and will meet each week until the Ecumenical Lenten Worship Services begin on February 18th. Monthly Financial Update: The amount of money needed to run the church each month is $12,472. The amount received for January was $11,414.60. ABW Ministries & Circles: Rachel Circle February 3rd at 7:15 p.m. At Joann Saunders home. Ruth Circle February 4th at 1:00 p.m. At 1st Congregational Church. ABW Ministries: will meet on Wednesday, February 18th at noon. Bring your lunch and Rachel is the serving circle & will provide dessert. Our program is “Practicing Christian Love” by Shirley Swanson. The women of ABW want to continue to serve funeral luncheons, but we need your help. We are creating two teams to serve alternating funerals. If you are willing to make a cake or salad, or are available to help serve please call Jody Reetz (676-4206). The luncheons are very much appreciated by the families. Please consider helping. Thank You. Community Days Coupon Books: Why not donate $5. to ABW and receive a Coupon Book worth $500 in savings to shop at your local ElderBeerman or Boston Store. The dates for the sale are February 27th & 28th. This fundraiser allows ABW to give to local charities throughout the year as we keep all profits from book sales. See any ABW member during the month of February for your coupon book. The Constitutional Review Committee will be meeting on Tues., Feb. 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. to begin their review of the current governance and ministry structures of our church. Beloit Domestic Violence Center: Help the Mission Board in supporting the Domestic Violence Center. On February 8th there will be yummy cookies and treats for sale during coffee hour in the gathering room. All proceeds will go to the Beloit Domestic Violence Center. Please help make a difference for survivors of domestic violence in our community. Thank you for your support B.Y.K.O.T.A.: Our meeting will be on Saturday, February 7th at the Beloit Civic Theater. The performance begins at 7:30 pm, and there will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex. After the show we will gather at Judy Huffman’s home for dessert. Ecumenical Lenten Services at 7:00 p.m. (followed by snack fellowship time) February 18th, Ash Wednesday Service at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Beloit. February 25th at First Baptist Church of Beloit. Board of Christian Education will meet on February 2nd at 6:00 pm. Family Fun Day: Come enjoy sledding, games, and a taco bar lunch on Sunday, February 15th from 11:30 am – 3:00 pm.! A sign-up sheet will be in the Gathering Room so we know how much meat to make. Spaghetti Splash: will be held on Sunday, March 8th from 4-7pm. A sign-up sheet for volunteers needed will be in the Gathering Room. Conatct Janice Egleston with any questions at 608-9215095. Leave a message & she will return your call. Mushing for Meals will be held on March 28th. We will work together with Meals on Wheels, to help make this a successful event. More Details to follow in the March Fellowship Builder. Registration is available at www.endurancecui.active.com Books: Please donate reading books to the church for our Free Library. Drop them off in the Narthex on the table. Birthdays & Anniversaries: I’m trying to update the Birthday/Anniversary lists for our monthly Fellowship Builder. Anyone from the congregation that would like to update information please contact me at 608-3629263. Judy Huffman, Church Clerk. Favorite Hymns: We’re asking the congregation for the name & page number of their favorite hymns. The form for you to fill out will be on the table in the narthex. Please place them in the offering plate during any Sunday service. Sunday Morning Greeter: We need your help welcoming people coming to worship with us on Sunday mornings. Contact Janice Egleston at 608-362-8144 to schedule your Sunday! 2015 Worship Bulletin Recognition: Please sponsor a Sunday bulletin in memory or honor of a loved one or a special occasion by filling out the white form that is on the narthex table & deliver it to the office with your check for $15 in the “Secretary” tray on the counter. You’ll be notified if the date is not available. Recycle your Inkjet Cartridges Please save your empty inkjet cartridges. We will turn them in for credit towards office supplies for our church. Put your empty inkjet cartridges in the “Deposit” box under the hall table Coffee Time Volunteers: Do you enjoy the wonderful fellowship in the Gathering Room following our worship service? Would you be willing to provide refreshments for this joyful time? If your family has a special occasion you would like to honor. Please call the church office if you are willing to help. First Baptist Church Sunday Sermon Can be heard on http://www.firstbaptistbeloit.org Click on “Weekly Sermons”. Midweek Message: If you would like to receive the Midweek Message, please contact the church office or visit our website www.firstbaptistbeloit.org FEBRUARY BOARD MEETINGS Trustee Board Christian Ed. Board Church Council Diaconate Mission Board February 1st 8:15 am February 2nd at 6:00 pm February 9th at 7:00 pm February 10th 5:30 pm February 15th at 8:15 am Building & Grounds Concerns? Each Trustee has been assigned an area of the church to be responsible for, please contact the appropriate Trustee with your concerns. A list of the Trustee Area Assignments is posted in the office. Serving in February FEBRUARY WORSHIP LEADER Marshall Bown GREETERS February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed COFFEE HOUR SERVERS February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Janice Egleston Ruth Circle Family Fun Day/Coffee only Volunteer Needed TRUSTEE OF THE DAY February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Norvian Pleasant Steve Woodard Tammy Mixon Ron Mixon Church Office March Fellowship Builder information needs to be in the church office no later than Sunday, February 25th. Thanks for your cooperation. Church Communications: anyone wishing to leave a note for Alyssa or Pastor Stephen. Please include your name, date, & phone number. Thank you. Special Note: We would like to thank our First Baptist family for their love, care, & concern during our mother’s illness & death. Thank you to Pastor Stephen & Peggy Pleasant for your participation in the service. Thank you for the wonderful luncheon provided by the women of A.B.W. it was much appreciated. The love expressed by our church family gave us comfort during this difficult time. In Christian Love, The Mary Clowes Family News from Bert: It seems with this winter I must be getting slower as I haven't visited with you for a couple of months. I've been thinking about the groups of the church that have worked so hard over all these years. Years ago there was the Roger Williams group that had a Sunday School class in the lower level of the church taught by Ken Osgood. They were so active and worked tirelessly for the church. During the same time a younger group started as a SS group and it was call Uniservity. Mary and Ken Clowes were very active in this group. Gradually during the same time younger groups were started as Sunday School classes and they were called 3 M then Young Adults. Georgia Rosenow, the mother of all the Rosenow boys, was there teacher for years. A powerful bond was established with Mrs. Rosenow & the Young Adults. BYKOTA started 65 years ago by Nancy and Bob Tuck, Helen and Ken (son of Georgia) Rosenow, and is going strong today. Virginia Jones (city grade school art teacher) & later Robert Florey were the teachers of this class. In the early years there was no place for this group, so they met in the upstairs kitchen. That must be how the Coffee Hour started as there was always something delicious to go along with the lessons. As the groups got smaller the existing members would join the next group that was forming. One year Uniservity and BYKOTA decided to entertain each other’s group. We had Baptist House & many dinners were served there. BYKOTA served Uniservity a full course dinner and Uniservity did the same for BYKOTA. Baptist House became the meeting place for many Sunday school classes, Junior Church led by Shirley Swanson's mom Evelyn, (how the children loved her), receptions & of course the Vietnamese families we sponsored. Bert ************************************** Happenings in the Community: The Rotary Club of Beloit is now accepting grant applications from anyone with an idea for service projects to help the local community or help internationally. Due date is: May 31, 2015 for the 2015-16 year. Town of Turtle Fire Department Pancake Feed will be held on Feb 14th from 6:00am – 4:00pm. If you already shop on Amazon, now you can also financially support First Baptist! How? By shopping through smile.amazon.com. Simply log in, and you will be prompted to select your favorite charity. Search for "First Baptist Church of Beloit, WI" and our church will show up in the search results. Then click the "Select" button to the right of the search results. From the Pastor’s Library Without Buddha I Could Not Be A Christian by Paul F. Knitter "Being a Christian isn’t easy. Sustaining belief without any doubts for one’s entire life is a very rare accomplishment. Indeed, many would say that examining one’s faith at least once is a central part of the Christian condition. In this landmark work, esteemed theologian Paul F. Knitter explains the unique path that he took to overcome his doubts, becoming a stronger Christian in the process." February Birthdays & Anniversarys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 13 15 17 20 25 28 Edward & Janet Gill Anniversary Alice Gibson Doug Eddy Jamie Burkee Jonnie Egleston Bill Kerwin Sue Strickler Joyce Taber Hannah Hansen Stacy Summers Nolan Duffy Ocean Montoya Bob Ames Elsie St. John Diane Brunner Ethan Summers Donna Hutchinson 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday C.E. Board Meeting 6:00 pm 3 Constitutional Review Committee 7:00pm 2 1 Trustee Meeting 8:15am Communion Sunday Rachel Circle 7:15pm 8 9 10 Mission Board Bake Sale Church Council 7:00pm Diaconate Meeting 5:15pm 15 16 17 Wednesday 4 Ruth Circle 1:00 pm 11 18 Family Fun Day Ash Wednesday Service St. Paul's Episcopal 7:00pm 23 24 6 12 Saturday 7 B.Y.K.O.T.A. 7:30 pm at Beloit Civic Theater Choir 7:30 pm 13 14 20 21 27 28 No Choir Practice B.L.T. Ephesians 6:45 pm A.B.W Meeting Noon 22 5 Friday B.L.T. Galatians 6:45 pm Mission Board Meeting 8:15 am 11:30 am-3:00 pm Thursday 19 No Choir Practice 25 26 Lenten Services at First Baptist 7:00pm Choir 7:30 pm BIFF at The Castle 6:00 PM
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