TODAY PASTORS & STAFF Sunday, November 23 Bryan Sanders Lead Pastor 8:15 AM—Worship [email protected] Jim Davis Pastor of Administration & Ministries 9:30 AM—Sunday School & ABFs [email protected] 10:45 AM—Worship [email protected] 12:30 PM—Erickson Lunch & Update* 12:30 PM—Youth Drama Rehearsal THIS WEEK Tom Hubbard Pastor of Visitation & Assimilation Ben Armstrong Pastor of Youth November 23, 2014 [email protected] Bob Reid Pastor Emeritus Beth Cortez Publications & Communications Secretary TODAY 8:15 & 10:45 am [email protected] Worship in Music Laura Craddock Receptionist & Records Secretary [email protected] Welcome Pastor Jim Davis 6:30 PM—Stephen Ministry Training Dianne Fisher Receptionist & Missions Secretary Pastoral Prayer Pastor Jim Davis Tuesday, November 25 Lee Heckman Visitation Associate Monday, November 24 7:30 AM—Men’s Midweek Prayer Group Wednesday, November 26 [email protected] Offering [email protected] Missions Fund Moment for Missions Dave & Vivian Erickson Vickie Martin Church Administrator 7:00 PM—Thanksgiving Eve Service* [email protected] Worship in Music Thursday, November 27 Jonathan Walls Young Adult Ministry Intern [email protected] Message Happy Thanksgiving! (church office closed) Saturday, November 29 7:00 AM—Men’s Prayer Group (Rm 4) Sunday, November 30—Community Sunday Edie Weaver Executive Assistant, Worship Coordinator [email protected] Kristen Weber Director of Children’s Ministry [email protected] 10:00 AM—Combined Worship & Baptism 11:30 AM—Family Meal* 12:30 PM—Ladies’ Rehearsal (Music Room) LEADERSHIP BOARD *See inside pages for more details Abe Fisher Missions Elder The church office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. THIS WEEK 10:45 Service only: Children in grades K-3 dismissed for Junior Church. Parents may pick up their children from Room 9 following the service. [email protected] [email protected] Josh Gallant Secretary of Elder Board [email protected] Alan Gordley Fellowship Elder If you’re a guest today... Rob Hess Connecting Ministry Elder We’d like to meet you! Please stop by the Info Desk in the lobby so we can personally welcome you and give you a gift. Dave Hirst Benevolence Elder Please fill out the communication form or the tear-off tab in the Welcome brochure and place it in the offering plate. [email protected] [email protected] CDs of Sunday services are available. Order forms are on the literature table in the lobby. Listen to morning messages online at: Teach Me to Pray (part 6) “An Attitude of Gratitude” Doug Denlinger Chairman of Elder Board [email protected] Copies of The Link, our email newsletter, are available on the literature table. Pastor Bryan Sanders Craig Long Prayer Elder [email protected] Wireless internet password: cmbcguest Carl McIntyre Pastoral Care Elder [email protected] Jeff Shatto Outreach Elder [email protected] Mark Underwood Compassion Deacon [email protected] CALVARY MONUMENT BIBLE CHURCH 1660 Mine Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 • 717.442.8161 • ADULTS & GENERAL INFO Missions Update Lunch with the Ericksons TODAY in Nov. 23, Lefever Hall David & Vivian Erickson will give us a brief update of their work during the services, and a more detailed update during a lunch after the 10:45 service. Cost is by donation. Donations received above the cost of the meal will go to the Ericksons. Thanksgiving Eve Service Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7:00 PM This is a special evening for the CMBC family to express thankfulness in music, testimony, prayer, and offering. This year, our Thanksgiving offering will go to City Gate in Coatesville and to ministries helping to care for Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine. We will receive the love gift today (in the offering boxes at the back of the church) and during the Thanksgiving Eve service. Please make checks payable to CMBC. Christmas Concert at Pequea Valley High School Friday, Dec. 12, 11:30 AM Everyone age 50+ is invited to this Christmas event. A free lunch in the cafeteria will follow the concert. You must call the school by Dec. 2 if you plan to stay for lunch. Berean Christmas Dinner & Celebration Saturday, Dec. 13, 6:00 PM at the Calamus Estates clubhouse. Anyone who has attended the Berean class is welcome to attend. Please bring a covered dish and an unwrapped baby gift. Contact Helen Schumm for more info or to RSVP (717-687-9426). Helping local families through The Factory Ministries When The Factory contacts CMBC with a financial need for a local family that does not attend our church, we contact CMBC folks who have signed up to help with this ministry. If you can help at that time, you simply issue a check and place it in the offering the following Sunday. If you can’t help, you don’t have to do anything. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, sign up on the communication form or contact Vickie Martin ([email protected]). Important Volunteer Trainings ALL Children’s Ministry & Youth Ministry volunteers, please plan to attend a very important training regarding the new state laws that will impact you as volunteers. Trainings are taking place TODAY (Nov. 23) during the 8:15 and 10:45 services. CHRIST / MISSION / BIBLE / COMMUNITY CMBC KIDS “Behind the scenes” volunteer opportunity We are looking for volunteers to put together bulletins, tidy up pews, and occasionally stuff mailboxes. Volunteers can be individuals or teams. Contact the church office for details. Prayer Chains & Announcements Beginning Jan. 2, 2015, both prayer chains and church-wide announcements will be delivered primarily through email. If you currently receive prayer chain items by phone and we have an email address on file for you, beginning Jan. 2 you will receive prayer chains via email. Those who do not have email will continue to receive these prayer requests by phone. Everyone will get church-wide announcements. If you do not currently receive prayer chains and would like to, or if you would like to opt out of receiving church-wide announcements, mark the communication form. CHURCH BUSINESS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF 11/16/2014 Sunday School/ABFs 8:15 Service 10:45 Service Total in Morning Services Awana (11/19) 425 211 294 505 138 FAMILY NEWS In the hospital: Margaret Gouge, Darrell Lapp, Becky Ranck Kristen Weber Director [email protected] Ben Armstrong Youth Pastor [email protected] Awana Wednesdays, 6:45-8:15 PM Nov. 26—NO AWANA—Happy Thanksgiving! Join us at 7:00 PM for the Thanksgiving Eve service. 12/3—T&T: Silent Night Small Groups Wednesdays, 6:45-8:15 PM No meeting Nov. 26. Join us in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM for the Thanksgiving Eve service. Volunteers Wanted! Our Children’s Ministry is in need of volunteers. We are currently searching for: •S ubstitutes for any of our Children’s Ministry programs •N ursery workers (10:45 service) •W orkers in the 3-5 year-olds room (8:15 service) • T eacher for the 4-5 year-olds class during the second service, 1st Sunday of each month Please mark the communication form or contact Kristen Weber if you are interested in helping! 4th, 5th, and 6th graders: Don’t forget to pick up your 4-5-6 Sermon Notes from the table outside of the church office! Help on Nov. 30 We are still in need of one adult to help with the 2-3 year old class on Sunday, Nov. 30. If you are interested please contact Kristen ASAP!! Surgery: Dan Bailey (11/24) Sympathy To Frank & Susie Bowman, in the passing of her sister, Jackie Yunkin, on November 14. To Janie Hershey in the passing of her husband, Jake Hershey, on November 16. Jake is Gladys Kreider’s brother and Alvin & Rhoda Feister’s & Clarence & Cletea Lefever Jr.’s brother-in-law. Thank You to everyone who made the Friends Banquet a success! Lee & Nancy Heckman organized an excellent team of servers and volunteers and Women of Praise & George Urban put on a wonderful service. We served over 80 Friends & caregivers! CMBC YOUTH Community Sunday, Nov. 30 (next Sunday!) 10:00-11:30 AM, Worship & Baptism: Join us for one combined service. If you would like to be included in the baptism during this service, sign up on the communication form. There will be child care available for children age 5 and under. Other Sunday School classes and ABFs will not meet this Sunday. 11:30 AM, Family Meal: After the service, join us for a family potluck in Lefever Hall. Each family should bring a main dish. Also, if your last name begins with A-L, bring a side or salad to share; M-Z, bring a dessert to share. 2015 Youth Summer Missions Trips Applications are available on the youth bulletin boards or online for the summer missions trips. They are due November 30. Please review the youth missions strategy before filling out the application. These can also be found on the bulletin boards or online. Contact Ben Armstrong with questions. Funday Friday Christmas Party Friday, Dec. 12, 6:30-9:00 PM Meet us in Lefever Hall for some Christmas fun! Wear your ugly sweater for our ugly sweater contest. We will have Christmas snacks and watch a Christmas classic. Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Packing Saturday, Dec. 20, 12:00-8:00 PM The CMBC Youth ministry will be leading a team to Jessup, MD (between Baltimore and Washington DC) to serve at a Samaritan’s Purse processing center. The team will be packing shoeboxes with gifts for children that will be sent out all over the world. Sign-ups for this event are required as space is limited. The sign-up deadline is December 7. Contact Pastor Ben Armstrong for more information. Sno-Glo Winter Retreat Friday-Sunday, Jan. 16-18 Pick up a permission flyer at the Youth Building or the lobby bulletin board. Sign-up deadline is Dec. 14. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Annual Ladies’ Christmas Brunch at Shady Maple Saturday, Dec. 6, 9:00 AM All ladies age 14 and older are invited to this fun Christmas event! Cost is $15/person. Sign up in the lobby today - this is the last day to sign up!
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