F I R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H • PA S C A G O U L A APRIL 9, 2014 • V O LU M E 6 5, N U M B E R 8 902 LIVE OAK AVENUE, PASCAGOULA, MS 39567 www.fbcpas.net Youth & College Pastor - John Vickers Dear Church Family, D’Now Weekend 2014 was amazing. Close to 100 students from our church and community attended with over 40 students accepting Christ. I would like to take a moment to thank some awesome people who served during D/Now Weekend 2014. At FBC, we have the best volunteers you could ask for… Debbie Wilkins does an amazing job heading up the kitchen and taking TELEPHONE NUMBER 228-762-2343 FAX NUMBER 228-769-2484 WEBSITE WWW.FBCPAS.NET OFFICE HOURS MON-THU 8-5PM; FRI 8-12:00 PM SENIOR PASTOR DR. JAY COOK Cell: (228) 219-5784 Email: [email protected] ASSOCIATE PASTOR DENNIS RAY SMITH Cell: (228) 219-5783 Email: [email protected] MUSIC & WORSHIP PASTOR JOHN WHITE Cell: (228) 219-5773 Email: [email protected] YOUTH & COLLEGE PASTOR JOHN VICKERS Cell: (251)533-8686 Email: [email protected] like chaperones, service project leaders, councilors, etc. John and Andrea White, Scott and Angela Sullivan, the entire kitchen crew, Chad Coleman, Jay and Kristi Cook, Lance Waltman, Cissy Ormon, Nikkie Drewry and others. Our college students that came in this weekend did an amazing job in small groups and chaperoning the students overnight with some adults. The leaders were Andrea Brooks, Jessica Rodgers and Lindsey Pettis and Quinn Brooks. An unsung hero of the FBC family is Reggie Padgett. Every time I see Reg he al- In County Out of County Total 334 35 369 Service Broadcast Schedule: TV - Channel 7 WKFK Sundays @ 11AM (One Week Delay) Mondays @ 7 PM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Other adult leaders that helped throughout the weekend in various capacities U.S. Post Office 100% Reading Material Periodical Class 902 LIVE OAK AVENUE PASCAGOULA, MS 39567 and Renee Pettis. POSTMASTER: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED: this weekend too: Cynthia Black, Tami Saucier, Julie Ehlers, Bobby Lynn, Vernon FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REMINDER(USPS 8-09300) IS PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY EXCEPT CHRISTMAS WEEK BY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PASCAGOULA, CORNER OF PASCAGOULA ST. AND LIVE OAK AVE., PASCAGOULA, MS 39567. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT PASCAGOULA, MS. care of everything you could imagine. She had some great volunteers beside her ways has a smile on his face, or he is making fun of me running inside out of the cold. Reg takes care of our custodial needs and he stepped up in a major way this weekend. He makes my life easier on a daily basis. FROM THE PASTOR'S PEN You can see the video from the weekend here: http://youtu.be/8GpUI1TAllo John Spring break trip to Foley *Tune in to WPMO 1580 on Sunday afternoons at 5 PM to hear the 8:30 AM service. Wednesday, April 16 Depart: 10:30 AM Return: Approx. 7 PM *Bring money for lunch at Lamberts & shopping Calling all Pack Rats and Hoarders!!! Old briefcases are needed for VBS. If you have one to spare please drop it off in church office. Radio Station WPM0 1580 AM - Local 1440 AM - George Co Don’t forget to use the special “Bus Fund” offering envelopes located in the church pews and office. If you no longer wish to receive the Baptist Record please contact Teresa in the church office, 762-2343. Dr. Jay Cook It was the Sunday before Easter, so the Sunday School teacher decided to quiz her class. She asked if they knew what happened on Easter and why it was so important. One little girl spoke up: “Easter is when the whole family gets together, and you eat turkey and sing about the pilgrims and all that.” “No, that’s not it,” said the teacher. A second student responded, “I know what Easter is. Easter is when you get a tree and decorate it and give gifts to everybody and sing lots of songs.” “Nope, that’s not it either,” replied the teacher. Finally, a third student spoke up: “Easter is when Jesus was killed and put in a tomb and left for three days.” The teacher thought to herself, “Ah, thankfully someone knows.” But then the student went on: “Then everybody gathers at the tomb and waits to see if Jesus comes out, and if He sees His shadow, He has to go back inside, and we have six more weeks of winter.” There are some weird ideas about Easter out there. What does the Bible tell us? What’s Easter to you? What really happened? What implications does Easter have for the world? I am excited that we are approaching this holy day, and I want to challenge you to step out of the norm – invite some folks to join you on Easter here at FBC. You’ll be surprised to discover that many people are wanting to – they just haven’t been asked. He’s alive! Let’s worship Him and live for Him! Remember, you are loved… Your Pastor, Jay Cook P A S C A G O U L A • M I S S I S S I P P I Music & Worship Pastor John White Dear Church Family, I hope you will join us this Sunday night as our Choir presents a night of worship on Palm Sunday. We will celebrate together the Risen Jesus and look forward to Easter together. I hope to see you at 6:00pm in our Sanctuary. As I think of the time leading up to Palm Sunday, and the Crucifixion, it is clear that many of the people who claimed to be followers didn’t see Jesus as Lord; they saw Him as a political leader who was going to lead the oppressed Jews in a revolt against the oppressive Romans. Of all the stories in the Bible that display this theme, the story of Zacchaeus may be among the most dramatic. Zacchaeus was an oppressor, and the Jewish people were the oppressed. When Jesus didn’t have time to stay and talk with them in Jericho on His way to Jerusalem, they felt spurned. Imagine the Super Bowl champion team coming home after the game to the airport. Rather than enjoying the celebration thrown for them, they walk quickly to their bus and leave. This would hurt the fans. Likewise, when Jesus stopped on the outskirts of the town, looked up into a tree— and decided to stay with Zacchaeus for the night, this infuriated them. Can you imagine it? The oppressed people wanted to celebrate Jesus’ arrival, but instead, he rejects their (the oppressed) invitation (to talk politics), and unexpectedly invites the oppressor; Zacchaeus, to let Him stay the night in his home (to talk Salvation). While Zacchaeus was still in the tree, the anger of the crowd quickly moved from Zacchaeus to Jesus. Jesus knew of the vile manner in which these town collaborators acted—and how they took advantage of the Jews—after all, Jesus grew up in this culture. What is most amazing though, is how Jesus reprocessed his anger into grace. As the story develops, Jesus offers—as Dr. Ken Bailey calls it: “a costly demonstration of unexpected love.” May we reflect on the “costly demonstration of unexpected love” that Jesus gave for us on Calvary—and how he reprocessed the anger toward our sin—into grace. Week of 4/13 to 4/19 Week of 4/20 to 4/16 Deacon Responsibilities Deacon of the Week: John Watson Sunday Security 11 AM Bill Boynton & Mike Ezell Sunday Security PM Kimble Brooks & Tom Ehlers Wednesday Security P.M. No PM Service Deacon Responsibilities Deacon of the Week: Richie Sumrall Sunday Security 11 AM Mike Ezell & Reagan Martin Sunday Security P.M. No PM Service Wednesday Security P.M. Pat Watts & Jon Black Extended Teaching Care Bed Babies: 8:30 AM Yvonne Evans & Annette Hudson 11 AM Yvonne Evans & Barbara Chappell Creepers: 8:30 AM Carolyn Read 11 AM Maegan Rice Twos/Threes: 8:30 AM Amanda Merrill & Angela Sullivan Cynthia Graham & 11 AM Andrea Brooks Extended Teaching Care Bed Babies: 8:30 AM Yvonne Evans & Judy Johnston 11 AM Yvonne Evans & Geraldine Warden Creepers: 8:30 AM Carolyn Read 11 AM Maegan Rice Twos/Threes: 8:30 AM Dori Black & Amanda Merrill 11 AM Marshall & Avery McCraney Decision Counselors: 8:30 AM Trish Anderson Decision Counselors: 8:30 AM Justin & Cissy Ormon 11 AM 11 AM Henry & Debbie Wilkins Library Workers: Geraldine Warden Library Workers: Dora Roeder Ron & Judy Ellzey on the birth of their great grandson. John C. White Easter VBS 2014 June 2nd-6th Volunteers are needed for this special week. Please call Kristi Cook, 217-9292, to see how you can help. Thank you notes have been posted on the bulletin board in the main hallway from Ann Sisson Brown Bag Ministry April 16, 2014 Devotional: Bettie Grantham Pantry: Reagan Martin Sunday Schedule April 20th 7:00 am Sunrise Service Beach Park 8:30 am Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School For Preschoolers - 6th Grade Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Please call Kristi Cook, 217-9292, if you are available to stuff eggs or assist with the party and egg hunt. *Hey Grandparents: will you have grandchildren visiting Easter weekend? If so and you are looking for something fun for them to do then this is it. There will be crafts, prizes, a egg hunt and lunch will be served too. Suzette Ezell April 1, 2003 Paulette Fagan April 1, 2006 Thank you for your service to our Lord and First Baptist Church. May you be blessed as you continue to minister here. Homebound Member Of the Week Bonnie Hollingsworth 803 Herrick Pascagoula, MS 39567 Jerry & Polly Lee in the loss of their son, Gary Lee. 11:00 am Worship Service The family & friends of Thomas “Buck” Holder. *No evening service/activities Jason Cox & family in the loss of his father. Thursday April 17th 5 - 6 PM Training & Certification Please take time this week to send a card and let her know you are praying for her and thinking of her. Sympathy to… Silent Lord ’s Supper Staff Anniversary Lance & Victoria Waltman Congratulations to… In Christ, Saturday, April 19th 10 A.M. If you would like to learn CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED device) please contact the church office to sign up. Classes will be offered in the fellowship hall on the dates listed below. Cost is $25 and the class will take 3-4 hours. There is a limited number of students allowed per class. *First Aid training is available for an additional fee. May 3rd, 8:30 AM - open to church members
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