Minutes of May 12 mtg - Buckeye Union High School District

Buckeye Union High School District No. 201
1000 East Narramore Ave., Buckeye, Arizona, 85326 Phone 623-386-9701; Fax 623-386-9923
Mr. Stephen Warner
Governing Board President
Ms. Kristen Ahlstrom
Governing Board Clerk
Mr. Dale Kamarata
Governing Board Member
Mr. Craig Jones
Governing Board Member
Ms. Becky Gifford
Governing Board Member
May 12, 2014
BUHSD #201 District Office, McNabb Building
Governing Board Members present: Mr. Steve Warner, Ms. Kristen Ahlstrom, Mr. Craig Jones, Ms. Becky
Gifford, Mr. Dale Kamarata. Others present were Mr. Eric Godfrey, Superintendent; Mr. Jeff Simmons, Associate
Superintendent; Ms. Kari Klein, Assistant Superintendent, and Ms. Leslie Doud, Board Secretary.
Staff and public in attendance: Randy Stillman, Tawn Argeris, Leslie Standerfer, Connor Moore, Gregg Pelka,
Jody Hall, Makenna Hall, Lauren Ray, Penny Ray, Charles Moore, Jayne Moore, Savannah Hillebrand, Katie
Anderson, Paula Burton, Connor Richards, Lane Walburger, Crystal Hunt, Kim Melton, Shannon Olson, Kim
Brees, Joellen Brees, Robert Brees, Lisa DeCota, Jena Kent, Joel Rivera, Sydney Parsley, Kylie Kellenberger,
Bev Jenkins, Melissa Veo, and Katelyn Eaton.
Mr. Warner called the regular board meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Mr. Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Warner welcomed all those in attendance.
There were no requests to speak.
A motion was made by Ms. Ahlstrom to approve the agenda. Ms. Gifford seconded, and the motion
carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Ms. Gifford to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting on April 14,
2014, amending IX. New/Old Business .4 to read: Mr. Diaz would like to form an alliance not from an
alliance. Ms. Ahlstrom seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Ms.
Gifford to approve the minutes for the Special Board Meeting on April 23, 2014. Ms. Ahlstrom seconded,
and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Tawn Argeris, BUHS Principal, presented the April Classified Employee of the Month award to Mr.
Albert Grijalva, BUHS Security. Mr. Grijalva was unable to be at the meeting. Mr. Argeris thanked him
for his years of service in security and helping with transportation. Mr. Argeris appreciated his positive
attitude and loyalty to the district. Mr. Godfrey introduced the Teachers of the Year: Ms. Chris Claussen
from Buckeye Union High School who has been in education for 36 years, 8 of them in the district. Ms.
Shannon Olsen from Estrella Foothills High School who has been with the district for 7 years and Ms.
Esther Celaya from Youngker High School who has been in education for 13 years, 4 of them in the
district. Mr. Godfrey acknowledged and thanked Ms. Claussen for her 36 years in education. Ms. Gigi
Aja introduced the CTE teachers/sponsors from Buckeye Union High School, Estrella Foothills High
School and Youngker High School. From Buckeye High School: Ms. Crystal Hunt, FBLA; Mr.
Jankowski, HOSA; Ms.Melissa Veo, FFA and Mr. Dan Bauer, SkillsUSA. From Estrella Foothills High
School: Mr. Gregg Pelka, FBLA & Skills USA; Ms. Lisa DeCota, SkillsUSA. From Youngker High
School: Ms Dawn Cheatham, FCCLA. The sponsors introduced their students who have won awards and
are continuing in competitions. Mr. Godfrey congratulated all of the students on their accomplishments.
He said they should be proud of the hard work they have done and the awards they are receiving. Mr.
Godfrey said he was proud of the district for all that we offer students. He also thanked the teachers and
parents and asked for a round of applause to thank the parents for their support of these programs. Mr.
Warner acknowledged that Mr. Pelka is the FBLA New Teacher of the Year for the State of Arizona. The
Buckeye High School FFA students gave their public speaking presentation to the Board. Mr. Godfrey
directed the Board to look at the student enrollment and discipline reports provided in their book. This is a
report only. No action required.
.1 CMSgt Gerard Cappello, BUHS ROTC, requests approval to travel out-of-state to attend a
AFJROTC Instructor Certification Course, August 9-16, 2014 in Montgomery, Alabama.
.2 Mr. Lamar Early, EFHS Football Coach, requests approval to travel out-of-state, with students, to
attend the SDSU 7 on 7 Passing Tournament, June 7-9, 2014 in San Diego, California.
.3 Mr. Rich Gutwein, EFHS Basketball Coach, requests approval to travel out-of-state, with students,
to attend the San Diego State Team Camp, June 13-15, 2014 in San Diego, California.
.4 Mr. Stephen Truog, BUHS AP World History teacher, requests approval to travel out-of-state to
attend the Silver State AP Summer Institute, June 23-26, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
.5 Ms. Gigi Aja, CTE Director, requests approval for qualifying CTSO members, state officers, and
their advisors to travel out-of-state to attend their respective 2014 national conferences. The dates
and locations are: SkillsUSA – June 23-28, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri; FBLA – June 27-July 3,
2014 in Nashville, Tennessee; HOSA – June 22-28, 2014 in Orlando, Florida; FCCLA – July 6-10,
2014 in San Antonio, Texas; and FFA – October 29-November 1, 2014 in Louisville, Kentucky.
Monthly Financial Reports - The Board will consider the vouchers that have been processed since
the last Governing Board meeting.
.2 Payroll Vouchers - The Board will consider the vouchers that have been processed since the last
Governing Board meeting.
.3 Accounts Payable Vouchers - The Board will consider the vouchers that have been processed
since the last Governing Board meeting.
.4 Student Activities Funds – The Board will consider the student activity reports for April 2014.
.5 Auxiliary Funds Expenditures – The Board will consider the auxiliary reports for April 2014.
.6 Significant Capital Expenditure(s) - None
*.1 Resignation(s): [A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1) Discussion or consideration of employment]
Classified (effective 5/23/14)
Ryan Dorn
Samantha Shaffer-Cheatham
Stephanie Montejano (eff. 4/25/14)
EFHS, Security
EFHS, Administrative Paraprofessional
EFHS, Paraprofessional
Certified (effective 5/23/14)
Lindsey Jackson
Shawn Kemmer
Elizabeth Hegna
Sharnell White
Travis McKinney
BUHS, Math
BUHS, Science
BUHS, Band/Choir
BUHS, Math
.2 Contracts for New Certified Staff – SY 2014/15
Justin Shook
Jonathan Erwin
Joshua Beal
Joshua Stringham
Tracy Dunbar
YHS, Science
EFHS, Math
YHS, English
BUHS, IB Spanish
YHS, COOP Instructor/Asst. Director
.3 Classified Wage Agreements – SY 2013-14 & SY 2014-15
Shaye Elmer SY 2013-14
Christy Tellez SY 2014-15 (transfer)
EFHS, Paraprofessional
LC, Administrative Assistant III/Principal
.4 X-Duty/Co-Curricular – SY 2014-15
Randy Bland
BUHS, Varsity Basketball Coach
.5 Summer School Staffing – SY 2013-14
Summer Workers – Instructional Leaders
Summer School Employees
A motion was made by Ms. Ahlstrom to approve the Consent Agenda items amending the 8.A.4
resolution page to say BUHS AP World History Teacher, not English Teacher. Ms. Gifford seconded and
motion carried unanimously.
*.1 Review and discussion of update of Capital Improvements and Renovation Projects for the
Buckeye Union High School District #201. Mr. Godfrey said we are transitioning away from
GVE. Mr. Shipley will be giving future reports. Mr. Simmons asked the Board to let him know if
there is a certain way they would like these reports to be presented. This is a report only. No
action required.
.2 Review, discussion and possible approval of Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) March
2014 Policy Services Advisory for changes to Governing Board Policies for the following: BCB,
Board Member Conflict of Interest; BE, School Board Meetings; JICI, Weapons in School; JL,
Student Wellness; JLF-EB through JLF-ED, Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection (2nd
Reading). A motion was made by Ms. Gifford to approve the policy services advisories as
presented. Ms. Ahlstrom seconded and motion carried unanimously.
.3 Review and discussion of implementation of technology upgrade plan funded through
lease/purchase capital funds. Mr. Robert Werhanowicz presented a 10-year technology plan. Mr.
Warner asked which students get the new devices. Mr. Werhanowicz explained they will be given
to the freshman, who will keep them for all four years. Mr. Jones asked if this expenditure will be
built into the budget. Mr. Godfrey explained we would use bond money. It is good for 10 years
after which time we would re-authorize the bond. A majority of the bond money (20%) would be
used for technology. Mr. Warner asked that we remain flexible, in this process, to make sure we
are current with technology and software. Mr. Godfrey said we will make sure the curriculum
drives the technology rather than the technology driving the curriculum. Mr. Werhanowicz hopes
to have new devices ready for the teachers this summer with training, as needed when the
teachers start the new semester. This is a report item only. No action required.
.4 Review, discussion and possible approval for adoption of a supplementary novel. Ms. Kari Klein
asked the Board to approve the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Ms. Gifford made a
motion to approve the supplementary novel adoption as presented. Mr. Kamarata seconded and
the motion carried unanimously.
.5 Review and discussion on the update of the English Language Learner (ELL) Program. Ms.Kari
Klein gave an update on the ELL Program. On April 22, 2014, the Buckeye Union High School
District received confirmation that the Corrective Action Plan submitted to the Office of English
Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) in March meets all of the requirements under A.R.S.
15-756.08 and has been approved for implementation. OELAS will schedule another monitoring
visit next year to monitor the revisions of our ELL program per our Corrective Action Plan. She
noted that the Arizona State Board approved minutes for the regular meeting held on February 24,
2014 were also included in the Board book. This was a discussion item only. No action required.
Review, discussion, and possible approval of May 2014 donations. Mr. Simmons recommended
the Board accept the donations and direct letters of appreciation to the donors. Ms. Gifford made
a motion to accept the donations. Ms. Ahlstrom seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Review, discussion, and possible approval regarding 2014 Summer Feeding Program. Mr.
Simmons recommended the Board approve the district to participate in the Summer Feeding
Program for the summer of 2014. Ms. Gifford made a motion to approve the district
participation in the Summer Feeding Program for the summer of 2014. Mr. Kamarata seconded
and the motion carried unanimously.
Review, discussion, and possible approval for Chartwells’ Food Service Management contract
for FY 2014-15. The district administration is requesting the Board authorize the Associate
Superintendent of Operations, Jeff Simmons, to renew the contract for food service management
services with Chartwells for FY 14-15. Mrs. Gifford said she was very pleased with Chartwells
and the lack of issues we have had with them. Ms. Gifford made a motion to authorize Mr.
Simmons to renew the contract with Chartwells for FY 14-15. Ms. Ahlstrom seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
Review, discussion, and possible approval for Amendment #1 to Core Construction A General
Engineering Services. The district has been working closely with Core Construction to finalize
the A General Engineering project of bringing reclaimed water to Youngker High School for field
irrigation. This is a joint project with the Buckeye Elementary School District. This project will
be funded by Adjacent Ways. Mr. Simmons recommended the Board approve Amendment #1 of
the Core Construction A General Engineering Services contract to include the GMP of
$1,668,328. Ms. Gifford made a motion to approve Amendment #1 of the Core Construction A
General Engineering Services contract to include the GMP of $1,668,328. Ms. Ahlstrom
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Review, discussion, and possible approval to revise Expenditure Budget for FY 2013-14. By
May 15th of each fiscal year, districts are required to revise their expenditure budgets to
accurately reflect expenditures by category and to capture any changes to their budget limits. For
growing districts, the May 15th revision is the opportunity to secure the growth funding based on
the student attendance through the 100th day of the school year. Mr. Simmons recommended the
Board approve the FY 13-14 Expenditure Budget – Revision #1 as presented. Ms. Gifford made a
motion to approve the FY 13-14 Expenditure Budget – Revision #1 as presented. Ms. Ahlstrom
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
.1 Issuance of Wage Agreements for returning classified staff for SY 2014-15, working less than 12
months. Mr. Godfrey proposes offering wage agreements for SY 2014-15 to the returning
classified staff working less than 12 months. Ms. Gifford made a motion to offer wage
agreements for SY 2014-15 to the returning classified staff working less than 12 months. Ms.
Ahlstrom seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Godfrey made the Board aware of important upcoming dates including the high school graduations.
Mr. Warner noted that the next regular meeting will be on June 16, 2014.
A motion was made by Ms. Ahlstrom to adjourn at 8:55 pm. Mr. Jones seconded and motion carried
May 12, 2014
Governing Board Members
Mr. Stephen Warner, President
Ms. Kristen Ahlstrom, Clerk
Mr. Craig Jones, Member
Ms. Becky Gifford, Member
Mr. Dale Kamarata, Member