SEA OATS OF JUNO BEACH POA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014 7:00 PM APPROVED BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jake Jakuboski - President, Nick Scheskowsky - Vice President, Howard Nygard – Treasurer, Ramona Horgan- Secretary, via telephone Andy Barniak -Director PRESENT FOR BRISTOL MANAGEMENT: Debbie Ortiz, LCAM CALL TO ORDER: Jake Jakuboski - President called the meeting to order at 7 P.M. PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the April 16, 2014 POA Board of Directors Meeting was discussed. A Motion: to approve the minutes as written made by Andy Barniak and 2nd by Nick Scheskowsky. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. FINANCIAL REPORT: Howard Nygard – Treasurer gave an informative report on the April 2014 month end POA Financials. Discussion followed. A Motion was made to accept the Financial Report as given by Nick Scheskowsky and 2nd by Ramona Horgan. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 501-A4 Unauthorized brick paver patio status: Association’s Attorney - Becker Poliakoff – Litigation Committee Members: (Howard Nygard, Nick Scheskowsky and Al DeCarlo) the Litigation Committee reported/discussed the status of the Arbitration for 501-A4. It was brought to the Litigation Committee attention by our Attorney that this issue could not be resolved/settled at Arbitration. The firm, Becker Poliakoff stated that the Owners assert as a defense that they placed the Brick Patio within the footprint of their limited common elements and, therefore, the issue is one of “title.” The Arbitrator indicated he is inclined to rule, that in light of this defense, this matter is not subject to his jurisdiction because Arbitrators have no jurisdiction over matters involving “title” under the Condominium Act and the case will need to be filed in Court. The Association however is not without recourse to obtain a final decision on whether the disputed area is common elements or limited common elements. That recourse however is with the Court and not in Arbitration. And for that reason our Attorney recommended that the Association consider dismissing Arbitration. On May 15, 2014 the President reconvened the Litigation Committee. A Motion was made to table this issue until the June 18, 2014 Sea Oats POA Board Meeting by Jake Jakuboski and 2nd by Ramona Horgan. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. Concrete Retaining Wall (located along Sea Oats Drive between Plaza La Mer and Loggerhead Plaza) maintenance proposals for painting discussed. A Motion to have a water sample test done on the lake water not to exceed $200.00 to ensure staining on wall was not caused by the irrigation lake water was made by Howard Nygard and 2nd by Nick Scheskowsky. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. Drainage issue with Loggerhead Plaza will be repaired by the owners of the plaza. A meeting with the owner and their engineer on site was held. On May 22, 2014 a meeting is schedule with Tom McCarthy with McCleod and McCarthy Engineers to discuss the issue. Also, waiting on updated schedule for repair from owner/ Juno Beach Code Enforcement. NEW BUSINESS: President Jake Jakuboski appointed the following Members to serve on the Fining – Compliance Committee on May 15, 2014. Steve Palchains is the Chairperson for the Committee. Ann Seppenfield and Audrey Wallace also agreed to serve on the Fining Committee. RULES AND REGULATION COMMITTEE: Marvin Findling – Chairperson distributed a draft copy of the revisions to the Rules and Regulations Booklet the Committee Members, Marvin Findling, Ann Seppenfield and Lorraine Lovgren have compiled to the Board of Directors. The Chairman asked that the Board of Directors review and comment on this draft and return it to management by May 16, 2014. The comments that came in for consideration were discussed at this meeting. The Committee asked for a Special Board of Directors Meeting to be held on June 4, 2014 for discussion and or approval. MODIFICATION COMMITTEE: 405-C brick paver patio. A Motion was made to table to the June 18, 2014 Board Meeting by Nick Scheskowsky and 2nd by Ramona Horgan. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. 303-G – Battery operated motion sensor light by front door discussed. A Motion was made to allow the installed of the battery operated motion sensor light by the front door as submitted by Ramona Horgan and 2nd by Howard Nygard. One opposed Nick Scheskowsky. Motion Carried. 201-E Installation of storm door was discussed. A Motion was made to approve the installation of a storm door as submitted by Nick Scheskowsky and 2nd by Andy Barniak. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. LANDSCAPE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Attached is the written Landscape Report given by Ann Miller – Chairperson and will become part of these minutes. A Motion was made by Nick Scheskowsky to approve the landscape report as given and 2nd by Andy Barniak Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. Ratify the Impact Landscape and Irrigation Proposal dated April 23, 2014 for the emergency repair to the two time clocks – one located on the east side of the clubhouse and the second is the west on the first pump at the front lake in the amount of $420.00. A Motion was made to ratify the emergency repair proposal as submitted by Howard Nygard and 2nd by Nick Scheskowsky. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed Impact Landscaping and Irrigation Proposal dated May 15, 2014 subject: 400 block landscape enhancements in the amount of $7,297.80; May 16, 2014 subject 601-D4 Sod in the amount of $96.00; Proposal dated May 16, 2014 508-D6 subject hedge in the amount of $200.00; Proposal dated May 16, 2014 508-D6 subject hedge; was discussed. A Motion to approve these four proposals as submitted Nick Scheskowsky and 2nd by Ramona Horgan. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. MANAGERS REPORT: Debbie Ortiz, LCAM reviewed the May 21 2014 Managers Report. A Motion: to approve the Managers report as read and written was made by Ramona Horgan and 2nd by: Nick Scheskowsky. Unanimously Approved Motion Passed. ADJOURNMENT: A Motion was made by Howard Nygard with no further business to be discussed before the Board, the meeting to be adjourned and 2nd by Nick Scheskowsky. Unanimously Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:29 P.M. Respectfully submitted by, Debbie Ortiz Debbie Ortiz, LCAM For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
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