LOWER SALFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTES May 7, 2014 Chairman Douglas Gifford called the Lower Salford Township Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Present were Supervisors Doug Johnson, Keith Bergman and Chris Canavan. Also present were Township Manager, Joseph S. Czajkowski, Assistant Township Manager, Mary West, James Garrity, Township Solicitor and Township Engineer, Michele Fountain. Chairman Gifford asked all present to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Discussion Period Chairman Gifford recognized Joe Sykes, 125 Lori Lane. Mr. Sykes requested that the Board consider extending the public open burning of yard waste to the end of May as April had been very wet and not conducive. Minutes – April 2, 2014 Board of Supervisors Meeting Supervisor Bergman made a motion to approve the April 2, 2014 meeting minutes. Supervisor Johnson seconded the motion. The motion was then approved by a unanimous vote. Payment of Invoices Supervisor Bergman made a motion to approve payment of the regular monthly bills as presented by the Treasurer. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion. The motion was then approved by a unanimous vote. Treasurer's Report Supervisor Bergman made a motion to approve the April 2014 Treasurer's Report as posted. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion, and it was approved by a unanimous vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Gifford reminded those present that the schedule of upcoming Township meetings was listed on the bottom of the agenda available in the back of the room. Zoning Hearing Board Mr. Reilley, Zoning Officer, stated that there were no applications for the month of May. He informed the Board that a variance was granted for 204 Maple Ave., expanding an existing non-conformity at the April ZHB meeting. Park Board Assistant Township Manager Mary West noted that there would be no Park Board meeting due to the Annual Country Fair Days. Fire Chief – Chief Todd Burns noted 34 calls in the month of April of which 23 were in Lower Salford. Additionally, 408 fire personnel responded with an average of 12.4 firefighters per call. The Fire 1 6/9/14 11:03 AM Company was in service for 29 hours and 18 minutes for the month. HAEMS – Chief Don Lynch noted that there were 140 calls for the month of April. Total volunteer hours were 336. Total paid staff hours were 1902. Additionally, the department held a health and safety class for a number of community organizations. Recreation Authority - Chairman Gifford reported that March was slightly better for the golf course than February, $23,900 under projected net operating income for the month. April appears to be a bit better, though it is unlikely that budget will be hit. Mr. Gifford reported that season pass sales are up and that the course is in excellent shape, and “looking the best it’s looked since it opened”. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A) PA Turnpike Commission: A26-A31 Project Team introduction and overview. Chairman Gifford introduced Mimi Doyle, Public Information Manager with the PA Turnpike Authority who introduced the project team to the Board. Jim Au, Construction Project Manager, gave an overview of the widening project noting that construction should commence in June and will cover the Turnpike from Bustard Road to just south of Fretz Road in Lower Salford Township. It is anticipated that Wambold Road will be detoured in June for the demolition of the Wambold Road bridge. B) Ordinance 2014-05 – An Ordinance Amending the Lower Salford Township Mixed-Use (MU) Zoning Code - Chairman Gifford opened the public hearing and asked Mr. Garrity to give a brief overview of the changes. Mr. Garrity noted that the changes clarified the number of residential units allowed to be on the first floor of the mixed use buildings to comply with the Americans with Disabilities act. Chairman Gifford moved to enact Ordinance 2014-05. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. C) Resolution 2014-19 A Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the Application for The Traffic Signal Permit for the Signal at Main St. (SR0063) and Ruth Road/Ruth Ct. (SR1008) – Chairman Gifford noted that this was for the restriping that will take place as required for the Gulf Station land development. Chairman Gifford moved to authorize the submittal of the application. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. D) Motion to Approve the Lower Salford Township Industrial Development Authority Articles of Incorporation and to appoint the members of the Authority. Chairman Gifford stated that the articles of incorporation are required under the laws of the commonwealth. Supervisor Canavan suggested the following members and terms of office; Christopher Canavan, term ending 12/31/15, Aaron Bibro, term ending 12/31/16, Richard Mast, term ending 12/31/17, RuthE Potter, term ending 12/31/18 and Heather Kuch, term ending 12/31/19. Chairman Gifford moved to approve the articles of incorporation and to appoint the members as suggested. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A) Ordinance 2014-06 – An Ordinance Amending the Lower Salford Township Residential Office (RO) District Zoning Code (Authorization to prepare and advertise). Chairman Gifford Stated 2 6/9/14 11:03 AM that the changes under consideration will allow additional uses on RO parcels adjacent to Industrial and Mixed Use districts. Chairman Gifford moved to authorize the preparation and advertisement of Ordinance 2014-06. Supervisor Canavan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B) Ordinance 2014-07 – Emergency Services Cost Reimbursement Ordinance(Authorization to prepare and advertise). Chairman Gifford moved to authorize the advertisement. Supervisor Bergman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. C) Adoption of a Proclamation designating May 21-24, 2014 as the 47th Annual Harleysville Country Fair Days: Chairman Gifford presented the proclamation and moved for its adoption. Supervisor Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Discussion Period Chairman Gifford recognized David Bowe, 371 Morris Road. Mr. Bowe asked if all of the members of the Industrial Development Authority were residents of the Township. Chairman Gifford stated that they were all residents. Chairman Gifford noted that the Board would be going into executive session to discuss matters of litigation. There being no further business, Mr. Garrity moved to adjourn at 8:19 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Joseph S. Czajkowski Township Manager/Secretary 3 6/9/14 11:03 AM
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