Sept 24 - Exeter United Church

September 24, 2014
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Board Members Present: Rev. Harry Disher, Rob Snell (Chair), Eleanor Clark, June Hawtin, Susanne
Strang, Joan Stuart, Carole Hockey (Acting Secretary), Bev Prout, Jane Hundey, Heather Alcock, Amy
Shapton (Transition Team)
Regrets: James Brisbin
Others: Lynn Alderdice (Treasurer), Bev Skinner (Finance & Stewardship Chair)
Rev. Disher lit the Christ candle and then read Genesis 33:1-17, the story of Jacob and his brother Esau
meeting and attempting to mend their broken relationship. The brief reflection ended with a prayer.
Finance & Stewardship (Lynn Alderdice)
• Income and expenses to the middle of September are about the same as last year at this time.
• Presbytery dues have not been paid yet.
• A further donation of $6,000 from the UCW is not reflected on the statement.
• There would be a cost savings of $100 per month if we moved from Bell Telephone and Quadro to Hay
Communications for our phone and internet service. Service is still to be installed in the immediate area.
Christian Development (Joan Stuart)
• The committee will meet on October 1.
• The Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner is planned for Wednesday, November 5.
• The Clothing Store held Saturday, September 20, served about 60 individuals and families. There was
very positive feedback from those who attended.
Worship & Music (printed report from Barb Down)
• Plans are in the works for a musical production called ‘Christmas Unplugged’ which would occur over
two nights. It will involve all ages for actors, singers, prop and costume work, backstage, etc.
• Vacation Bible School went well with about 35 children, ages 5 to 12, attending and/or helping.
• Katherine Napiwotski is holding a concert on October 3 with the committee’s help and sponsorship. The
church will receive 25% of the proceeds.
• Readers and greeters are required for October.
• The Remembrance Day Service will be held at Trivitt Memorial Church on November 9. There will be
no service at Exeter United Church that day.
• White Gift Sunday will be the usual date, however the Christmas Bureau coordinators will require help
with sorting of gifts immediately after the service so everything is in place for distribution the next day.
• Peter Snell will be the speaker on Anniversary Sunday and will be paid an honorarium of $200. He will
also provide music prior to the service beginning at 10:10 a.m.
• A cheque for pulpit supply was paid to Barb Down for preparation of one of the August services.
• An ad highlighting upcoming services will be placed in the Times Advocate.
Property (Bev Prout)
• A cigarette butt collector will be placed outside the parking lot entrance.
• A new part has been ordered for the vacuum cleaner.
Trustees (printed report from James Brisbin)
The Board of Trustees proposes the creation of a Defined Capital Fund to which individuals and families
could donate or leave funds as part of an estate. The Fund would be used for future capital projects such as
furnaces, air conditioning, creation of a barrier free washroom.
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MOVED by Jane Hundey and SECONDED by Bev Prout that the Church Board endorse the concept
in principle of a Defined Capital Fund and ask the Trustees to proceed with more definitive plans.
Membership & Visitation (Carole Hockey)
• The baptism scheduled for September 21 will take place at a later date, likely in November.
• Several inactive members were removed from the Roll and several others asked that their names be
• Donna Shapton has resigned from the committee after more than 10 years’ service.
Outreach (Susanne Strang)
• A faith and reflection series called ‘Paint the Stars’ has begun and continues into December.
• Courtesy Car drivers and Ushers are in place for the rest of the year.
• Heather Alcock reported on the successful collective kitchen held September 22. The nine participants
have registered for the next one on October 20. Since an additional seven people are also interested, a
second session will be held October 21 in the morning. Seven volunteers also participated/supervised.
The plan is to have two crews of volunteers when two sessions are held.
Transition Team (printed report attached as Appendix I)
Huron-Perth Presbytery (Rev. Disher)
• The meeting was held in Blyth on September 23.
• Once approved by the London Conference Office, Val Pitt will be the Pastoral Support Minister for
Huron-Perth Presbytery until June 30, 2015, replacing Neil Lackey who has retired.
• There will be a convenanting service for Tracey Whitson-Bahro who will be the student minister at
Thames Road-Elimville Pastoral Charge as of September 1, 2014.
• Guest Speakers at the presbytery meeting were Rob and Keiko Witmer, United Church overseas
personnel in Japan, who are home for a year.
United Church Women (Eleanor Clark)
• A donation of $500 in the form of Vista cards was made to the Collective Kitchen pantry box.
• The Fall Rally for Huron-Perth United Church Women will be held at Exeter United Church on
Thursday, October 16. The speaker is Lillian Kluka, the first female captain of a Great Lakes cargo ship.
Everyone is welcome.
• The UCW received a donation of $100 to be used towards the purchase of a defibrillator for the church.
Ministers: Reports attached as Appendix II
Acceptance of Reports
Moved by Heather Alcock and Seconded by Eleanor Clark that the reports be received as presented.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Bev Prout and Seconded by Jane Hundey that the minutes of the June 25, 2014 meeting be
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• A member of the congregation has asked why there is no Canadian flag in the sanctuary. Rob Snell will
check with London Conference Office to see if there is any United Church policy on the matter.
There was discussion about revitalizing the foyer of the west James Street entrance. Bev Prout will
collect some ideas for discussion at a future meeting.
Janice and Bill Brock will not be organizing this year’s Anniversary dinner. The Rec Centre hall has
been booked, as has musical entertainment. Bev Prout and Carole Hockey will look over the notes from
previous years and figure out who does what. After discussion about rising beef costs, it was agreed that
the tickets would be $20 each.
Prices have been received for door replacement at the parking lot entrance. The door alone would cost
$1,500 and with a vestibule the cost would rise to about $7,500. The Property Committee is not
interested in taking this on right now. Since the vestibule represents a capital expense it was suggested
that perhaps the Trustees would be interested in this project.
Budget 2015: It was decided that liaisons will contact their committee chairpersons to invite them to
meet with the Board on November 12 at 7 p.m. to discuss the 2015 budget.
The leases for the current photocopiers will soon end. Lynn Alderdice presented quotes from Canon and
Xerox for black & white copiers and colour copiers. Any new copier will reduce our current costs to
some degree. After lengthy discussion about the merits of each,
Moved by Heather Alcock and Seconded by Joan Stuart that the decision be tabled to the November
12 budget meeting so that the Board could have the input of the various committees. CARRIED
Next Meeting: October 22, 2014 at 7 p.m.
Moved by Heather Alcock that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. June Hawtin closed the meeting with
a prayer.
Acting Secretary