Minutes: May 12, 2014
The Board of Education of Hermantown Independent School District No. 700 met in regular session on
Monday, May 12, 2014, at the Administration Board Room. The meeting was called to order at
6:00 P.M. Members present included Greg Carlson, Deanna Gronseth, Dianne Mathews, Leo Plewa,
Aaron Salmela, Laura Thorsvik and ex-officio members Brad Johnson, Superintendent, and Patrick
Chaffey, Director of Business Services. Visitors: John Muenich, Deb Tabor, Jenny Wiese, Molly
Johnson, Lynda Nikko, Gretchen Appelwick, Matthew Brunette, Amy Brunette, Dan Swanson, Val
Gow, Evan Bjorlin, Ryan Zastrow, Jeff Ruprecht, Cole Hansen, Tyler Christianson, Jacqueline
Speakers: Val Gow, Evan Bjorlin, Ryan Zastrow, Hermantown High School Robotic’s Team- The
Talons, Daryl Illikainen.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Thorsvik to approve the agenda with the following
additions, corrections, and removals:
PERSONNEL: Removed Item #15. Recommendation to employ (blank) as a 1.0 FTE Speech/Language
Pathologist beginning with the 2014-2015 School Year, pending a Minnesota Criminal Background
Check. Also - Item #15. “Year” (added to the end of the sentence) and, Item #16. insert Tyler Behrends
into blank area; added Item #18. Recommendation to post functional work design for 1.0 FTE Special
Education Teacher for the 2014-2015 School Year. A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded by
Plewa to approve the Posting of a functional work design for a 1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher for
the 2014-2015 School Year. Motion was then withdrawn.
OLD BUSINESS: Removed Item #5. Lunch Price Increase for 2014-2015.
Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Salmela and seconded by Gronseth to approve the minutes from the April 28,
2014 meeting. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Salmela and seconded by Gronseth to authorize payment of check #87642
charged to the Building Construction Fund. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Salmela and seconded by Gronseth to authorize payment of check #4333,
audited vouchers #87536-87641, and voided checks # 87442, 87453, 87454, and 87455. Passed
A motion was made by Salmela and seconded by Gronseth to approve the bank and electronic
transfers. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Mathews to accept the donations to the General and
Extra Curricular Funds received thru 5/12/14. Passed unanimously.
High School: A representative from the Elks Club announced that Will Sever and Kessiah Mosier were
the Elks Club Senior Students of the Month for April.
Hermantown High School Robotic’s Team - The Talons: Cole Hansen, Tyler Christianson, Jacqueline
Stoneburner, gave a presentation on how their team started, who sponsored the team, and how the
season worked. The team finished 39 out of 186 in regional competition. They also shared with the
group the many life-long benefits that come along with being part of robotics’ competitions.
Hermantown Parent and Playground/Lunch Room Supervisor, Val Gow, and HMS students, Evan
Bjorlin, and Ryan Zastrow, demonstrated dealing with conflict resolution by using a role-play
situation. Mr. Gow also read excerpts from newspaper reports on previous board meetings. He
commended district employees on a job well done and invited the board to visit him at the middle
Daryl Illikainen spoke on behalf of the Hermantown Athletic Hall of Fame Committee to inform the
School Board what the committee would like to explore as we build and renovate the District’s
Member Salmela had to depart the meeting at this time. Member Thorsvik took the meeting minutes
from this point on.
A request from the Hermantown Principals’ Association has been received to open negotiations.
A request from the Confidential Unit to open negotiations has been received as well.
Enrollment - Superintendent Johnson highlighted current enrollment numbers with a discussion about
the number of Kindergarten sessions for the next school year.
Building Construction Project Update – Discussion included the need for the formation of an Oversight
Committee and a strong recommendation from WOLD to have three School Board members serve on
this committee.
A motion was made by Mathews and seconded by Thorsvik to approve adding May 27, 2014 as a 2nd
Board meeting in May; 5 p.m. - Budget Meeting; 6:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting. Passed unanimously.
Board Member Reports on Committee or Meetings attended:
Gronseth reported that she, Salmela and Plewa attended a recent Curriculum Committee meeting.
Highlights of the meeting included addressing the math curriculum.
Mathews attended the last PTO meeting at which a new board was elected for the next school year.
Carlson reported about his and Plewa’s recent attendance at a Facilities meeting, highlighting capital
projects and funding for next school year.
Negotiations Update – A closed session following this meeting to discuss this in further detail.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Gronseth to approve the retirement of Rod Anderson,
Bus Driver, at the end of the 2013-2014 School Year. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Mathews to approve the retirement of Terri Leonard as
Speech Coach, and functional work design to post position. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mathews and seconded by Plewa to approve the resignation of Misha Alaspa
as Cheer Coach, and functional work design to post position. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mathews and seconded by Gronseth to approve the Leave Request of Dennis
Krenner, Bus Driver. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mathews and seconded by Gronseth to approve the Functional Work Design to
post for 1 Summer Kid Care Assistant Manager, 10 Summer Kid Care Aides and 2 Summer Kids Care
Aides-Sweepers. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Gronseth to approve the recommendation to employ
Terry Gilbert for a .4 FTE Math Teacher, Middle School, beginning in the 2014-2015 School Year.
Motion passed with 3 Aye, 2 Abstains.
A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded by Mathews to approve the Recommendation to
employ Michael Tipple for a .2 FTE Math Teacher, Middle School, beginning in the 2014-2015 School
Year. Motion passed with 4 Aye, 1 Abstain.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Mathews to approve the recommendation to employ
Grant Borndal as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor, pending a Minnesota Criminal Background
Check. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Mathews to approve the recommendation to employ
Eve Hessler as a 1.0 FTE Secondary Spanish Teacher, pending a Minnesota Criminal Background
Check. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Mathews to approve the recommendation to employ
Daren Beede as a Full Time Janitor. A completed Minnesota Criminal Background Check is on file.
Motion passed with 4 Aye, 1 Abstain.
A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded by Plewa to approve the recommendation to employ
Paul Sohlstrom and Amy Bennett as Summer Credit Recovery Teachers in the Middle School. Passed
A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded Mathews to approve the resignation of Courtney
Kjoberg, School Readiness Teacher, Hermantown/Proctor Early Childhood Program, at the end of the
2013-2014 School Year, and recommendation to employ Courtney Kjoberg for a .5 FTE Elementary
Teacher, beginning with the 2014-2015 School Year. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded by Plewa to approve the recommendation to employ
Tyler Behrends as a 1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher for the 2014-2015 School Year. Passed
Tenured Teacher Recommendations. No action is necessary but merely a listing of individuals that
have met their obligations for tenured status.
Member Salmela rejoined the meeting and taking the meeting minutes.
Promotion of Educational Opportunities. – Chaffey and Johnson shared that a rough draft of an
advertisement is almost complete and they are hoping to share with the Board electronically soon.
Thorsvik reinforced her support and appreciation of the recent Hawk Headlines to further support
educational opportunities here at Hermantown.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Salmela to approve a transfer $207,963 of assigned
fund balance for severance/OPEB and $292,037 of committed fund balance for severance/OPEB to the
employee benefit trust account. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Gronseth and seconded by Salmela to approve the 6/30/14 committed fund
balance under GASB#54 as follows:
Retirement Benefits
to be determined
Building Improvements
to be determined
Bus Purchase
to be determined
to be determined
Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Thorsvik to approve the MSHSL Resolution for
Membership 2014-2015. Passed unanimously.
Start and End Time for Elementary and Secondary Schools – No action taken.
Year End Events for the Class of 2014 - High School Principal Muenich had shared that three Board
members will be assisting with the graduation ceremony but they are still in need of 1 Board member
to assist with the Academic Honors ceremony on Monday, May 19 at 7:00 pm.
Community Education Agreement with Proctor – No Action Taken
Request to Renew Food Service Prime Vendor Contract – No action taken
Motion to approve the budget revisions for the 2013-2014 - Motion will be made at upcoming budget
meeting on May 27, 2014.
Revisions: Policy #909 – Extra-Curricular Policy and Procedure - No action taken
Resolution for General Election - No action taken
A motion was made by Thorsvik and seconded by Gronseth to close the meeting for the purpose of
discussing negotiation strategies at 8:15 p.m. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Salmela and seconded by Thorsvik to open the closed meeting for the purpose
of discussing negotiation strategies at 8:18 p.m. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mathews and seconded by Gronseth to close the closed meeting for the
purpose of discussing negotiation strategies at 9:05 p.m. Passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Plewa and seconded by Thorsvik to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m.
Passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Aaron Salmela, Clerk/Treasurer
Greg Carlson, Chair