28 January 2015 To: Members of the Council A meeting of ARLESEY TOWN COUNCIL will be held in the Village Hall, Arlesey on Tuesday 3 February 2015 at 7.00pm. All Members of the Town Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving the business to be transacted. Mrs Elsie Hare Town Clerk AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest from members (Members of the Council are invited to disclose any personal or personal and pecuniary interests they may have in any items on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members) 3 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 4 CBC Press Release – 84 year old council volunteer shortlisted twice at prestigious national award CBC Press Release – For safety’s sake, take a break Central Bedfordshire’s Youth Parliament Manifesto Launch Event – Monday 23 March 2015 CPRE – Bedfordshire Matters – Winter 2014-15 CBC Press Release – Council scores highly for adoption times Correspondence – important changes to reporting Highway issues to Central Bedfordshire Council CBC Press Release – Free flu jab for carers Correspondence received from Madeleine Letowska and Emma Tracey WW1 GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE Town Council meeting – 3 February 2015 1 A representative from the Royal British Legion will present details of a proposal for a WW1 Garden of Remembrance. 5 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (a) To receive and approve the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 6 January 2015 and to approve them as a correct record of proceedings. (attached) (b) To receive and approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 20 January 2015 and to approve them as a correct record of proceedings. (attached) 7 MATTERS ARISING 8 OUTCOME OF COMPLAINT AGAINST ARLESEY TOWN COUNCIL REGARDING ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN A Statement from the Monitoring Officer, Central Bedfordshire Council 9 BEDFORDSHIRE POLICE To receive the monthly Crime Report from Bedfordshire Police 10 REPORTS FROM CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES To receive reports from Ward Councillors 11 SCHOOL/NURSERY GOVERNOR REPORTS Members to receive school/nursery governor reports 12 FINANCE (a) Income and Expenditure – October 2014 To receive for approval a copy of the detailed report of the Income and Expenditure for October 2014 – month 7 (please bring your copy which was attached to 2 December 2014 Town Council agenda) (b) Income and Expenditure – November 2014 To receive for approval a copy of the detailed report of the Income and Expenditure for November 2014 – month 8 (please bring your copy which was attached to 6 January 2015 Town Council agenda) (c) Income and Expenditure – December 2014 To receive for approval a copy of the detailed report of the Income and Expenditure for December 2014 – month 9 (attached) (d) Petty Cash – December 2014 To receive for approval copies of the petty cash details for the Resource Centre and Town Council for December 2014 – month 9 (attached) (f) Extra Hours to Cover Sick Leave Members to consider payment for extra hours worked by the Assistant Clerk to cover for the sick leave of the Clerk Town Council meeting – 3 February 2015 2 (g) Street Lighting Repairs (i) To approve the quotation for £450 plus VAT to replace a faulty lantern on A1 lighting column in Church End as recommended by the Environmental Committee meeting held on 20 January 2015 – (minute number 324 (b) (ii) (h) 13 A quotation for £340 plus VAT has been received for a street lighting repair to column A4 in High Street to replace a burnt out lantern Resource Centre Charges To approve the fax charge is reduced to 50p per page and the internet charge is free for the first hour and then £1 for every 30 minutes as recommended by the General Purpose and Finance Committee meeting held on 20 January 2015 – minute 396. FOOTPATH 1 An update from Cllr West regarding remedial work to be carried out on footpath 1 14 ACRE WOOD DAY NURSERY To receive a report from Cllr West regarding a complaint received from Acre Wood Day Nursery. (attached) 15 MONTHLY OPERATIONAL PLAYGROUND INSPECTION REPORT To receive the monthly Operational Playground Inspection Report. 16 (attached) WW1 GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE To approve the creation of a WW1 Garden of Remembrance at the cemetery as recommended by the Property Committee meeting held on 20 January 2015 – minute number 392 (b) 2. 17 ALLOTMENTS To approve that the grounds staff compost garden rubbish at the Stotfold Road allotment site and a chipper is hired when needed once the grounds staff have attended a training course as recommended by the Property Committee meeting held on 20 January 2015 – minute number 393 (b). 18 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS To approve that a working party is set up to look at the costs and feasibility of having Christmas lights in the village as recommended by the General Purpose and Finance Committee meeting held on 20 January 2015 – minute 397. 19 WEST DRIVE Cllr Clapham to give an update on West Drive S106 money. 20 TRANSFER OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AT ST JOHN’S ROAD ARLESEY Correspondence received regarding the transfer of public open space at St John’s Road, Arlesey (attached) 21 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Monthly update on the Neighbourhood Plan Town Council meeting – 3 February 2015 3 22 INTERNAL AUDITOR Au update from the Chairman regarding an internal auditor 23 HOW TO SHORTEN MEETINGS To consider how to shorten meetings 24 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION To consider a complaint received from a resident with regards to a FOI request 25 MITIGATING RISKS OF STAFF ABSENCES To consider mitigating the risks of staff absences. 26 AGENDA ITEMS To consider the of influence of the Chairman 27 28 RESOURCE CENTRE (a) A proposal from Cllr Auburn regarding waste collection at the Community Centre (b) To consider cover for Saturdays in the Resource Centre STANDING ORDERS A proposal by Cllr Auburn to amend Standing Orders to allow a second public participation. 29 MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES To receive minutes from the following Committees: Environmental Committee – 20 January 2015 Property Committee – 20 January 2015 GP & Finance Committee – 20 January 2015 30 (attached to this agenda) (attached to this agenda) (attached to this agenda) QUESTIONS TO THE CHAIRMAN Questions to the Chairman from Members 31 REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS Representatives of outside bodies will present their reports to the meeting. 32 EXEMPT Update on annual leave calculation To resolve to exclude the public and press from the meeting under the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12a exempt information Town Council meeting – 3 February 2015 4
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