Board Meeting 11/20/13 Members Present: Dekha Osman, Tim

Board Meeting 11/20/13
Members Present: Dekha Osman, Tim Cunningham, Cheryl Carbone, Patrick Dreher, Sheila Casey, Scott
Kringle, Evans Onchiri, Mary Funk,
Also Present: Sandy Schmidt - SBS, Dustin Reeves - SBS, Mary Becker - HR,
Called to order at: 5:32 p.m.
Approval of October minutes: Scott motioned to approve October minutes, Tim seconded
Consent agenda - Nothing to add
Superintendent Report:
- Conflict of interest Statement: Patty handed out a conflict of interest for Authorized by Sponsor for each
board member to sign. This is done annually. Also a form for Lease Aid was signed by each board member
as well.
Regarding Vacant Building space where Virtual was, Stacy Bender will be helping with getting out of the lease.
- Lease Aid - Forms were handed out to be signed by board members as well.
- Budget - Patty is ready to present her recommendations tonight. Patty met with each administrator to look
over individual budgets and needs. She spoke on how she came about her recommendations.
Patty presented a spreadsheet on the overhead and explained each program in detail, and made her
recommendations. Tim moved that we accept the budget reductions totaling 578,000, Evans seconded.
Additional recommendations: 3 positions to be eliminated with intentions for staff to be laid off Jan. 1st, 2014.
Scott made motion to accept Patty’s recommendations, Cheryl seconded.
Motioned carried.
Finance Report:
Sandy presented the financials and explained what they mean.
Tim moved to accept the financials as reported, Scott seconded.
Tim moves to pay the bills, Janae seconded.
Deputy Superintendent’s Report:
Mary Funk handed out and spoke on MTS District wide ILP Career readiness and post secondary planning Proposed Scope and Sequence for MCIS tools.
Old/New Business:
Tim moved to adjourn meeting, Janae seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.