C o n g re gat i o n A A B J & D 700 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Tel: (973) 736-1407 Fax: (973) 736-8006 Eruv Hotline: 973-736-1407 x 234 Schedule of Services: 973-736-1407 x235 Visit our website: www.aabjd.org / E-mail: [email protected] Rabbi Zwickler can be reached via email at [email protected] Shabbat—Ki TEITZEI– 11 Elul 5774- September 6, 2014 SHABBAT SCHEDULE Early Mincha at the Ashur Shiva home, 10 Porter Road 5:00 PM Carlebach Minyan 6:45 PM Candles 7:04 PM Mincha 7:10 PM Hashkomah 8:00 AM Sephardim 8:30 AM Main Shul 9:00 AM Beit Midrash 9:15 PM SZ K’Shema 9:41 AM Rabbi Zwickler’s Afternoon Shiur 5:50 PM- "Embracing Elul's Opportunities" Chevra Shas will not meet this Shabbat. Mincha 6:40 PM Maariv 7:52 PM Havdalah 8:02 PM Yosi Baumol from Sderot will be speaking at Seudah Shlishit. REFUAH SHELEIMAH: Please keep in mind and in your tefillah the names of those in need of a refuah sheleimah: Chaim Aber ben Gittel Eliezer Baruch ben Bina Moshe Refael ben Shifra Eliezer Zev ben Eta Raasha AviNoach Yitzchak HaCohen ben Pesha Itka Reuven Berel ben Mariam Zelda Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen ben Chaya Devorah bat Rachel Shoshana Malka bas Chaya Zelda Fruma bas Chaya Devorah Baila bas Basya Sarah bas Freyda Rivka Bat Miriam WEEKLY SCHEDULE S Shacharit 7, 7:30, 8 & 9 AM Sephardim 8:00 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Late Maariv 10:00 PM M Shacharit 6:35 & 7:25 AM Sephardim/ Selichot 5:30 AM Sephardim 6:15 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Late Maariv 9:45 PM T Shacharit 6:50 & 7:30 AM Sephardim/ Selichot 5:30 AM Sephardim 6:15 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Late Maariv 9:45 PM W Shacharit 6:50 & 7:30 AM Sephardim/ Selichot 5:30 AM Sephardim 6:15 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Late Maariv 9:45 PM Th Shacharit 6:35 & 7:25 AM Sephardim/ Selichot 5:30 AM Sephardim 6:15 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Late Maariv 10:00 PM F Shacharit 6:50 & 7:30 AM Sephardim/ Selichot 5:30 AM Sephardim 6:15 AM Candles 6:53 PM Mincha 7:00 PM Eliezer Zwickler, Rabbi Alvin M. Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Yosef Sharbat, Assistant Rabbi Larry Liebman, President The Torah handouts for the month of September are sponsored by Boni and Martin Moskovitz to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Boni’s beloved father, Dr. Ralph Loebenberg, Raphael ben Mordechai, a”h. Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by the members of the Kiddush Society. WEB DVAR with Rabbi Zwickler—CHECK IT OUT! Rabbi’s Message: The Torah is our handbook for life. Just as we are instructed in regard to the process of marriage, we are also taught the method used when divorce is necessary. Our Parsha delineates that the husband must give his wife a “get” in order to dissolve the marriage. According to the Shulchan Aruch a man is forbidden to give a get without cause. The Gemara in Gittin quotes Bais Shammai as saying that if a wife spoils her husband’s food, the husband may legitimately divorce her if he wishes. A man once approached Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, ztl the late Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim and asked him how could the Rabbis be so harsh toward Jewish women that they would permit a husband to divorce his wife if she merely spoiled his food? Rav Sonnenfeld responded “quite the opposite, the Rabbis were being protective of Jewish women”. If a man were such a fool that he would want to divorce his wife because she burned his food, then it would be better for her to be divorced from him than to suffer from him. Elul is a month that is dedicated to focusing on the progression of our various relationships with Hashem, with our spouses, our children, our parents, our friends, etc. Let us focus on the good in our lives and appreciate the gifts we have been given in order to be prepared for the Yamim Noraim and the start of the new year. - The entire community is invited to a Tisch, Friday Night, 9/12 at the home of Sharon & Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, 25 Curtis Avenue. Did you know.....that Rabbi Zwickler’s weekly parsha shiurim are available online? Please go to www.aabjd.org and look for Torah Learning on the Nav Bar, and then “Parshat Hashavuah”. Beginning this Shabbat morning, September 6, 2014 "Parsha with Rabbi Zwickler” at 8:30 AM in the Auditorium before davening. We honor the memory of the following members of the armed forces and security forces of the United States who were recently killed in Afghanistan: No new casualty names were released this week. WELCOME We would like to welcome Ligal Peretz to West Orange. She is an 18 year old Israeli Shlicha in Jewish Federation's Rishonim program, being hosted by Renee & Moshe Glick for the next six months. Annual Sisterhood Rosh Hashana Project Pick up will be at the home of Feigy Cantor, 65 Stanford Avenue in West Orange on Tuesday, 9/23 from 1 pm – 9 pm and on Wednesday, 9/24 until noon. Our thanks to Sharon & Ed Zughaft of Capalbo’s Gift Baskets and Deena Buechler of Chocolate Works for their help with this Sisterhood fundraiser. It’s time to order your Lulav and Etrog! We are pleased once again to offer you beautiful lulavim and etrogim. All orders must be in the shul office before Monday, September 29, 2014. Standard $45 / Deluxe $60 / Select $80 Pick up will be on Monday, October 6, 2014 HIGH HOLIDAY SEAT SALE! Return your completed application to the office ASAP. KIBBUDIM: There is still time to buy kibbudim (aliyot and psichot) for yourself or anyone - even someone who davens in another minyan. You can also pool with your friends to buy someone a kibbud. This is a great way to honor or thank a friend. Please contact our gabbaim: Main Shul: Larry Schiffman, BM: Gary Eisenberg and 3rd Minyan: Joel Segal. SHOFAR BLOWING—Our team of ba'alei tokea is ready, willing and able to blow shofar for anyone unable to make it to shul on Rosh Hashana. We have 3 requests for those asking our assistance: 1. Once you have contacted the Shul office, please do NOT make your own arrangements. It would be unfair to the person who made the commitment to come to your house. 2. Note that the Shofar Blower will come sometime after lunch and before mincha. 3.The ba'al tokea will blow thirty kolos. That is the number required to fulfill the mitzvah. Please email or call the shul if you are in need of shofar blowing at [email protected] or at 973-736-1407. PAGE 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, 9/7 at 9:15 AM- Everyone is invited to the home of Judy & Doni Israeli to support the West Orange NCSY scholarship breakfast honoring Roz & Stephen Flatow. West Orange NCSY ran over 160 events this past year, engaging our teens with their heritage in fun and meaningful ways. For more information please contact Robin Amster. Monday, 9/8 at 8 PM – All women in the community are invited to a Mikvah event, a conversation with Nechama Price, “In The Bedroom and Beyond”, all your questions answered. Tuesday, 9/9- Save The Date! Sisterhood Book Club. More details to follow. Wednesday, 9/17 at 6PM– Sisterhood pre– holiday hat show at AABJD. Hats by Steven Brody. Shabbat—Ki TEITZEI– 11 Elul 5774- September 6, 2014 Wednesday, 9/17– The Adult Ed committee invites the entire community to a Rav Schacter Lecture. Shabbat, 9/19-20- "A Pastor's Journey to Judaism" featuring Rabbi Yaakov Parisi. Sunday, 9/21 - Join the The Great Shofar BLOWOUT at Whippany campus. Join 1,500+ people blowing Shofar together to break the Guinness World Record for largest Shofar Ensemble. This event is sponsored by The Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life. Any questions, please contact Bob Lichtman or Larry Rein. Sign up on the website: TheGreatShofarBlowout.org. BE A PART OF HISTORY! There’s nothing easy about fundraising...actually, now there is. Open a new TD account or register your current TD account and the bank will make an annual contribution to our Shul based on the activity of all of the accounts. If you are already a TD customer register your account to Congregation Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David (code: A3754) Are you looking to join a friendly neighbor for a meal during the chagim? Looking to enrich your holiday meal by hosting an individual or family? West Orange Jewish ConnectionZ, a collaboration of local synagogues' chesed committees, wants to help link you together. Sign up at: [email protected] or call 973-818-7871. Thank You to CSS, CSS members and volunteers for providing security detail at the shul on Shabbat. For more info or to volunteer, contact Tammy Abramowitz. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Shul’s alarm system is ARMED from 11:15pm to 5:55am. The Arks are ARMED at ALL TIMES except during scheduled minyanim. Please make sure NOT to enter the building from 11:15PM to 5:55 AM. Punching in the code to open the door DOES NOT disarm the alarm. The police will be dispatched and you may be fined. ADULT EDUCATION AABJ&D Beit Midrash available daily from 6 AM to 11 PM as a place to learn Torah. Monday at 7:00 PM – Women’s Tehillim group - Contact Ora Bloom for info. Mon-Wed 8:15–9:45PM and Thurs 8:1510PM. Teenage boys and male adults are invited to learn with the West Orange Kollel rabbis. Contact Steve Malech at [email protected] or Rabbi Stone at [email protected]. Tuesday 10AM —Women’s Parshat Hashavuah class/ R’ Zwickler. Tuesday 1PM, Class by Rabbi Yonah Lazar at the Datalife offices, 500 Bloomfield Ave. Verona. Everyone is welcome. Wednesday nights after Maariv in the Sephardic Wing. Navi Shiur “From Judges to Kings: Exploring the Lives of Shmuel and Shaul" by Rabbi Yosef Sharbat. Please bring your own Tanach. Source sheets provided. Together on Tuesday Wednesday from 8:30-9:30 PM, Rabbi Ari Elbaz of the West Orange Kollel. NEW TIME!!! Wednesday at 8:45 PM – Havruta learning- Library. The Group is learning Sanhedrin. Thursday at 8PM- Sephardic Shul, "Thoughts on the Parsha" by R’ Sharbat . Thursday at 8:30PM—Gemara Class, Masechet Beitzah /Beit Midrash/ Rabbi Zwickler. Shabbat 15 minutes after Kiddush begins- “The Rav in Thought and Deed” / Main Sanctuary . Tuesday, September 9-“The High Holidays in Tales and Stories” by Chaim Lauer, Hirschhorn educator and lecturer. Chaim will get you thinking about the new year and instill a fresh understanding for the Days of Awe through his presentation of both well known and lesser known Jewish tales and stories. For more information contact, Debbie Druce, Seniors Coordinator. 973736-1407 x240. NEW!!! Join our expanding Sunday morning Gemara Chabura after the 8 AM minyan. We meet each week for 1 hour and cover about half an amud (page) per week. We are currently learning Masechet Makos, and should have our first siyum this summer. For beginners to advanced. For more information please contact Moshe Glick [email protected] DAF YOMI YOUTH DEPARTMENT The Youth Deportment is back and better than Ever!!! Onegs are Back! This Shabbat, 9/6- 1 hour before Mincha at 5:30PM- All kids K5th grade are invited to come to shul for awesome games, fun and friends!!! Shabbat, 9/13 - Birthday Ice Cream Kiddush for September Birthdays. Please contact us by Wednesday to sponsor for your child's birthday! Sunday, 9/14 from 1-3 PM- Join the AABJ&D Youth Department for a family fun day of Apple Picking! Whitman's Farm in Morristown, 1111 Mt. Kemble Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960. $11 per family plus the apples you pick. RSVP to reserve your spot at [email protected]. Join the AABJ&D contingent that will help set a new Guinness World Record for the largest number of people blowing shofar at The Great Shofar Blowout on Shabbat Morning Shiur at 8:15 AM in the Library. Daf Yomi shiur on Monday & Wednesday evenings at 8pm in the library. Daf Yomi shiur every weekday morning in the library after the first minyan. JR. TEENS Sunday morning September 21! Contact [email protected] or register and get more information. Baby Sitting for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. There will be Rosh Hashana babysitting on both days from 10:30 AM-1 PM and on Yom Kippur during Kol Nidrei and in the morning from 10 AM-2 PM. Registration form will be sent out this week...stay tuned for more details! If you have a child who would like to participate in any event, but has a challenge that makes it difficult for him/ her to do so, please contact us at [email protected] so that we can make accommodations as needed. We'd love to hear your ideas for fun programs that you'd like to see happen at [email protected]. Join Jonathan Liebman and Deena Goldman for a month of awesome Jr. Teens Event!!! This Shabbat, 9/6 at 4:30 PM in the AABJ&D youth lounge for Fun, Food, and Friends! Come eat great snacks and play awesome games! This Sunday, 9/7, get your mini golf game on at Essex Golf Center at 12:15 PM! Pizza will be served!! $10 per person. Mark your calendars!! Rosh Hashana, 9/25- Join your Jr. Teens friends for a picnic and games in the park before Tashlich! Any questions or comments please contact us [email protected]. DID YOU In 2011, 226 children were killed in drunk driving crashes. Of those, 122 (54% percent) were riding with the drunk driver. Brought KNOW? to you by the SSC Committee. (Substance Sensitive Community )
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