CONGREGATION DARCHEI NOAM דרכיה דרכי נעם January 29-30, 2015 / 11 Shvat, 5775 SHABBAT PARSHAT BESHALACH FRIDAY Candle Lighting 4:52 PM Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat – 4:57 PM Repeat Shema after 6:03 PM SHABBAT MORNING Rabbi Donath’s Hilchot Shabbat shiur – 8:45 AM Shacharit – 9 AM Children’s Groups - 9:45 AM Sof Zman Kriat Shema – 9:39 AM Rabbi Donath will speak before Musaf. Mincha – 4:45 PM Followed by Seuda Shlishit Dvar Torah by Rabbi Abraham Weintraub Maariv – 5:53 PM Shabbat ends – 6:03 PM WEEKDAY MINYANIM Sunday: Shacharit - 8:15 AM Sunday: Mincha/Maariv – 5:00 PM Monday – Thursday: Maariv– 8:00 PM ______________________________________________ Rabbi Jeremy Donath “Shlomo Ha’melech and His Impact on David’s Legacy” A shiur on Sefer Melachim ANNOUNCEMENTS Kiddush sponsored by Susan and Rabbi Abraham Weintraub celebrating the birth of their son, Zev Dovid and by Phyllis and Ely Zofan in memory of Ely’s mother, Channah Bat Shmuel (Channah Hochman Zofan), born on Tu B’shvat and passed away on Hay B’shvat. Tu B'Shvat fruit provided by Ofer Aharon. Mazal Tov to: Meyer Berkowitz on the bar mitzvah of his grandson Akiva, son of Benny and Deena Berkowitz • Esther and Danny Herskowitz and big brother Joey on the birth of a daughter, Lily Harriet (Leah Hinda) and to grandparents Paul and Reina Wertman and to Aunt Deena and Uncle Jake and Uncle Isaac and Aunt Eliza • Ely and Michael Lenik on the birth of a baby girl, Ziva. Welcome to Yaakov and Ora Weiner (Weinbach), who are visiting our community this Shabbat. Refuah Sheleimah to Roman Genut, Reuven Ben Dvora Beika Hakarat Hatov: The Thaler family gratefully acknowledges and thanks Rabbi Donath and the Darchei community for their thoughtfulness and support on the passing of Eve’s mother, Pearl Szabo. Special thanks to Rabbi Avi Herzog for his inspired efforts on her behalf. Tuesday evenings @ 8:15 PM (note change of day) ______________________________________________ Remember & Honor Your Loved Ones Purchase a plaque on Darchei Noam’s New Memorial Board. Contact David Thaler: [email protected] 201-406-7043. Support the Darchei Noam Chesed Fund The Chesed Fund arranges meals for families in mourning, particularly the seudat ha’avarah on the first day, before volunteer meals can be arranged. Please contribute to the Chesed Fund to ensure that all families are taken care of. NORPAC’s Mission to Washington on May 13th is a single-day advocacy event to promote stronger USIsrael relations directly with Members of Congress and their staff. Round-trip bus transportation to Washington, DC, 3 glatt kosher meals, training and all scheduling and materials are included with registration. To register, visit or call 201-788-5133. Aliyah Cards: Please help the gabbaim by emailing your info for your aliyah card to [email protected] Get Ready to Celebrate Purim The Mishloach Manot committee is hard at work creating another delightful package for Purim. Please send in your orders. Order forms are in the lobby and on the shul website. Calling all “Prime Time Players!” The upcoming Darchei Noam Purim Chagiga is still looking for a few good performers/entertainers, men and women, to star in this year’s show. No experience required, only a desire to be a star. Contact Fred at [email protected] and tell him you’re in. We provide the material; you provide the costume. Save the Date! Congregation Darchei Noam Dinner Honoring Doris and Lenny Eis Rachel and Izzy Sabo - Bonei Yerushalaim Award Sunday Evening, May 17, 2015 The Fair Lawn Jewish Center Further details to come. Rabbi Jeremy Donath • President: Mark Moerdler • Vice Presidents: 10-04 Alexander Avenue • P.O. Box 1331 • Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 • 201-773-4080 • CONGREGATION DARCHEI NOAM דרכיה דרכי נעם COMMUNITY SHIURIM Rabbi Ian Shaffer’s shiur will next meet on Monday evening, January 26th, at 7:55 PM. (Listen to Rabbi Shaffer’s Shiurim at • Rabbi Eli Mansour - Thursdays at 7:45 PM • Rabbi Yissachar Frand - Thursdays at 9:00 PM • Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - Motzei Shabbat at 7:30 PM Parshat Beshalach Mon for All Generations Rabbi Mayer Twersky For forty years our ancestors subsisted on mon. Thereafter things changed. No more mon. Time to don the farmer's overalls and work the land. As the world's economy has developed and changed many have exchanged overalls for business attire and the field for the office. Either way, no more free lunches. Or, for that matter, breakfasts and suppers. This dramatic change speaks for itself. And yet it is very important that we also understand what has not changed. Rashi (Shemos 16:30) explains: In the days of Yirmiyahu when Yirmiyahu was rebuking them (Bnei Yisrael) "why do you not preoccupy yourself with talmud Torah", and they would say "[if] we neglect our work and preoccupy ourselves with talmud Torah how will we sustain ourselves?" He brought out the jar of mon, [and] said to them ... "your ancestors were sustained with this, the Omnipresent has many messengers to provide sustenance to those who fear Him" Mon no longer falls from the sky. Now we need to invest effort. That has changed. But our effort is just that and nothing more. Our sustenance, as did the mon, comes wholly from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. In that respect nothing has changed and it never will. And thus Yirmiyahu hanavi offers a timely and timeless practical lesson in faith. From a secular perspective, arranging a work schedule which allows for regular talmud Torah may disrupt our pursuit of our livelihood. In reality, however, kvi'as ittim laTorah does not interfere with Hakadosh Baruch Hu's ability or plans to provide our sustenance. The mishna in Shabbos in dealing with the melacha of mechabeh speaks of one who extinguishes a flame k'chas al hashemen etc. He extinguishes the flame because he is concerned not to waste money by needlessly (sic) burning oil. But why the kof ha'dimyon? The Vilan Gaon (ad loc) explains. It is as if he is saving money. In actuality, he is not saving anything. One's sustenance is from Hashem, and surely will not be diminished by shemiras Shabbos. Mon no longer falls. But things have not changed. Our sustenance comes from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. It may appear tempting to pay cash and avoid sales tax, but are we really saving? A profound, practical, lesson in faith worth remembering an applying, when setting aside time for talmud Torah, contemplating taxes and in many other situations and contexts. Copyright © 2013 by The TorahWeb Foundation. All rights reserved. Rabbi Jeremy Donath • President: Mark Moerdler • Vice Presidents: 10-04 Alexander Avenue • P.O. Box 1331 • Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 • 201-773-4080 •
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