September 20, 2014 lkhu-ohcmb ,arp Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech swwga, kukt vwwf EDOS Shabbat Announcements East Denver Orthodox Synagogue 198 S. Holly St., Denver, CO 80246 303-322-7943 Times Daf Yomi Selichot + Shacharit Mincha Friday ,ca Rabbi Daniel Rapp President, Michael Wolfe Gabbai, Shlomo Fried Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 5:30 6:45 7:30 AM 9:00 6:30 7:30 5:30 6:10 5:30 6:20 5:30 6:00 5:30 8:30 5:30 8:30 6:45 6:40 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:30 6:30 4: 6:33 4: 7:32 4: 6:31 4: 6:43 23: 7:42 Carlebach night! Selichot: midnight vbav atr vbav atr EDOS Classes This Week Readings ArtScroll Torah 1086 ArtScroll Haftorah 1204 W Thursday Welcome e extend a warm welcome to everyone who is davening with us today. Special welcome to Dr. David Pelcovitz, who joins us for Shabbat, following our annual dinner. Thanks to Dr. Pelcovitz for speaking Friday night, Shabbat morning, after Kiddush, our Shabbat Shiur, and at Seudah Shlishit! Dr. David Pelcovitz holds the Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration of Yeshiva University. He is also special assistant to President Richard M. Joel. Dr. Pelcovitz is also an instructor in pastoral counseling at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He has served for more than 20 years as director of psychology at North Shore University Hospital-NYU School of Medicine and clinical professor of psychology at NYU School of Medicine. Dr. Pelcovitz has consulted extensively with the Jewish community in the United States, Europe and Israel on a wide range of issues facing children and adolescents. Special welcome to Eric Mogyoros, our newest Shul member. Thank you to Agi Fried for cleaning all the tablecloths, and steaming our Yomim Noraim parochet. Thank You Thank to Rabbi Fleisher for giving our Pre-Selichot Shiur. Thank you to Avi and Abby Mehler for donating a Rambam Shiur Avi Mehler/ Shlomo Fried Shabbat 8:30 AM Shabbat Shiur Rabbi David Pelcovitz Shabbat 1 hour before Mincha Halacha Sugya Rabbi Fleisher Sunday 8:15 AM Talmud Bava Basra Rabbi Leban Tuesday 4:30 PM Talmud Baba Metzia Tzvi Gelt Tuesday After Shacharit Parsha-Sichat Mussar Rabbi Yoel Unger Tuesday 7:30 PM Gemara Brachot Rotation Thursday 7:00 PM Keurig hot beverage machine to enhance our learning! Thank you to those who helped move so much heavy stuff so our carpeting could go in this week! Thanks to Pete for the beautiful fowers outside the shul. We encourage everyone to thank Pete for his donation. We are looking for donors for fowers for Yom Tov inside the Shul! Mazel Tov Mazel Tov to our honorees, Michelle and Dr. Yitzchak Teitelbaum; and George Gumbiner; our dinner chairs, Meryl and Dr. Alex Jacobs; and Dona and Myron Oliner; and our journal chairs, Terri and Jeff Auerbach and Shlomo Fried; as well as all those who helped make our 52nd annual event a success. Events Be everyone’s favorite Yom Tov guest! Order table arrangements from Diz’s Daisys, and Support the DAT Offce Hours: Shul Offce: Lottie Soble, Manager Sunday, Wednesday 8-10 AM Monday 2:30-5 PM Tuesday, Thursday: 1-5 PM E-mail: [email protected] Send bulletin announcements to [email protected] by Wednesday. Oral announcements are due to the President ([email protected]) by Thursday afternoon Visit us online at High School Basketball team as they represent Denver at the Cooper Invitational, and make your holidays easy. Use the order form available in the Shul, and fowers for Rosh Hashana can be delivered or picked up at DAT. Yomim Noraim—Next week we begin the New Year with Rabbi David Claman as our scholar-in-residence. Rabbi Claman is from Ottawa, Canada, and is a senior member of the Columbus, Ohio Kollel. Notes EDOS Is A Radio Star—The EDOS congregation and Rabbi Rapp were both featured on Radio Chavura last week. You can visit to hear many other weekly programs. Parking—For the Yomim Noraim, please don't park in front of the shul, including the handicap spots, to allow our security offcer to patrol properly during Yom Tov. Also, as always, please be a good neighbor, and don't park in Pete's lot. Be considerate to our security offcer, and be thankful for his or her service. Women's Tehillim—The Sunday morning Tehillim group is in need of more members. Please contact Marsha Greenstein for information. Bnei Akiva / Youth Activities responsible for actions that are unknown to us was a short lived rule that expired when בני ישראלcrossed the Jordan River. [See תוספות מסכת סוטה דף לד עמוד א ]ד"ה עודם בירדן While the frst answer seems logical, the second answer seems unfair. Why should I be punished for something I am unaware of and could not have prevented? The answer is that the second answer presupposes that we do not only function as individuals but rather we are all parts of בני ישראל. As such, for better or worse, I am my brother’s keeper and take responsibility for his actions. As we enter ראש השנה, it is imperative that remind ourselves of both our personal and our communal obligations so that we may all be inscribed for a healthy and happy new year. Upcoming Events th September 20 , Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, Pre-selichot Shiur at 11 PM, followed by Dr. David Pelcowitz Dvar Torah, and then Selichot. September 21st, Rabbi Frand Teshuva Drasha@EDOS On Sukkot, Rabbi Rapp returns to Denver! Rabbi Moshe & Chasidah Pinchuk, Parashat Noach Kiddush Selichot Learning Program and Pizza Making. This Saturday night 9/20 make your own pizza and learning at Reb Noam's at 10:45 PM followed by selichot! Stay tuned for more info about the annual sukkah hop, aravot picking, and an epic Simchat Torah program with YU Torah Tours! (did anyone mention chili dogs?) More information: Hannah Kark, 303-517-0410 [email protected] Sarah Senkfor, 303-588-8124, [email protected] Noam Horowitz., 516-457-4439, [email protected] Follow us on Facebook! Bnei- Akiva Denver From The Rabbi's Desk This week’s parsha introduces us to the concept of ערבות- communal responsibility – in the following statement 'הנסתרת לה אלקינו והנגלת לנו ולבנינו עד עולם- The secret things belong unto Hashem our God; but the things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever. Rashi explains that we are held responsible for the actions of our co-religionists when we know an improper action has been done and we are not responsible for what we don’t know about. Based on this, the Talmud ()סנהדרין דף מג עמוד ב discusses the case of עכןwho violated the command not to take from the spoils of יריחוresulting in communal punishment in the form of defeat at the next battle. Why was the community held responsible for ‘עכןs sin? The Talmud offers two answers - either there were those who knew about it, or the principle that we are not held The Kiddush today is sponsored by the EDOS Women's Auxiliary and EDOS Kiddush Fund. Community Events BB Kippot: The DAT high school basketball team, is pre-selling a limited quantity of the team's basket ball kippot. 1 Kippa: $12, 2 Kippot: $20. The kippot are navy and white and burgundy, with the team logo embroidered on. They have 2 built in clips. All proceeds help our boys represent at the Cooper Invitational in Memphis Tennessee in November. Contact: Aaron Brooks [email protected]. Merkaz@EDOS—Sunday, September 21st, 8 PM, the 7th Annual Community Wide Teshuva Drasha, featuring, in person, world renowned lecturer Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rosh Yeshiva Ner Yisroel of Baltimore. His talk, In the End, It’s All About Emuna. Now: $18/person or $25/family; at the door $25/person and $36/family. RSVP by Thursday, September 18th at 720-881-2768 or [email protected] JCRC Candidates Forum—Tuesday, October 7th, @BMH/BJ. Contact Events, 303-316-6484. Allied Jewish Federation Men's Event—This year's Men's Event is Wednesday, November 12th, 6-9 PM, at Wings Over the Rockies. Keynote speaker is slated to be Israeli Consul General David Siegel. Shabbat Shiur The Shabbat Shiur with Rabbi Pelcovitz is 1 hour before Mincha. Tomchei Shabbat of Denver is currently experiencing a severe shortage of funds. As the number of families we support grows, costs for the goods has risen even more. Please contact Elana Shapiro, 303355-7173, or Nahum Swinkin for details on how you can help. The ERUV hotline is 303-836-3788: Check each week one hour before candlelighting.
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