the invitation

Invitation to Seminar Talk
Epithelial morphogenesis: Creating sheaths and
ridges in zebrafish skin cells
Alvaro Sagasti
Department of MCD Biology, UCLA
Host: Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
During development many cells form membrane specializations that give them their unique shapes
and properties. To identify mechanisms that sculpt cell membranes, we are studying two cellular
morphogenetic processes in the zebrafish skin, a bilayered epithelial tissue. Cells in the outer skin
layer form regularly spaced, swirling wrinkles on their apical surface called microridges; cells in the
inner layer wrap their apical membranes around sensory axons to ensheath them. With live imaging
we have broken down each morphogenetic process into discrete steps. Using molecular and genetic
manipulations we have identified specific proteins and molecular processes that mediate each of
those steps. Our studies reveal how cell membranes and the underlying cytoskeleton are arranged
to create elaborately patterned structures within a single cell.
Monday, June 13, 2016, 4:00pm
Experimental Biology Room, Bertalanffy Foundation Building, 2nd Floor
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