the invitation

Invitation to Seminar Talk
An attempt at theoretical identification of the onset
of transient turbulence in wall-bounded shear flows
Genta Kawahara
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Host: Björn Hof
The onset of transient turbulence in minimal plane Couette flow is identified as a
homoclinic tangency with respect to a simple edge state for the Navier-Stokes
equation, i.e. the gentle periodic orbit found by Kawahara & Kida (J. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 449, 2001, pp. 291-300). The tangency of a pair of distinct homoclinic orbits is
numerically discovered at the critical Reynolds number above which transversal
homoclinic points appear on the Poincare section to generate a transient chaos
through the Smale horseshoe. The bifurcation structure relevant to the homoclinic
tangency is shown by using direct numerical simulations.
A possibility of theoretical identification is also discussed for the onset of localized
transient turbulence, such as a turbulent puff and a turbulent spot, observed in
extended wall flows.
Monday, May 30, 2016, 02:00pm
Seminar room, Lab Building East, ground floor
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