Global existence for finite-strain viscoplasticity via the

Invitation to Seminar Talk
Global existence for finite-strain
viscoplasticity via the energy-dissipation
Alexander Mielke
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics &
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Host: Jan Maas
We study a model for rate-dependent gradient plasticity at finite strain based on the multiplicative
decomposition of the strain tensor, and investigate the existence of global-in-time solutions to the
related PDE system.
We use its underlying structure as a generalized gradient system, where the driving energy
functional is highly nonconvex and features the geometric nonlinearities related to finite-strain
elasticity as well as the multiplicative decomposition of fi nite-strain plasticity. Moreover, the
dissipation potential depends on the left-invariant plastic rate and thus, depends on the plastic
state variable.
The existence theory is developed for a class of abstract, nonsmooth, and nonconvex gradient
systems, for which we introduce suitable notions of solutions, namely energy-dissipation-balance
(EDB) and energy-dissipation-inequality (EDI) solutions.
This is joint work with Riccarda Rossi and Giuseppe Savare.
Thursday, July 7, 4:00pm
Big Seminar Room, Building West, Ground floor
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