the invitation

Invitation to Seminar Talk
Modeling Computational Problems with
Optimal Transport
Justin Solomon
Host: Chris Wojtan/Jan Maas
The theory of optimal transportation (OT) has shown considerable promise as a
framework for analyzing and understanding signals over geometric domains. While
considerable progress has been made in the development of general-purpose
transport algorithms, additional work is needed---both theoretically and
algorithmically---to maximize empirical performance and efficiency for applications
encountered in practice. To this end, I will describe two (completely) different
application areas for OT and the accompanying theoretical/numerical machinery we
have developed. First, I will demonstrate how to extend OT from linear to quadratic
assignment problems, with application in shape matching. Second, I will construct
an alternative theory of transport over graphs, which leverages fluid flow
interpretations of transport problems to model dynamics and interactions along
Thursday, June 16,2016, 2:00pm
Seminar room, Building West, ground floor
This invitation is valid as a ticket for the IST Shuttle from and to Heiligenstadt Station. Please find a schedule
of the IST Shuttle on our webpage (note that the IST Shuttle times are highlighted in dark green):
The IST Shuttle bus is marked IST Shuttle (#242) and has the Institute Logo printed on the side.
Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Am Campus 1 | 3400 Klosterneuburg