Church of St. Joachim – St. John the Evangelist April 19, 2015 Vigil: 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Sun. April 19 Spanish Mon. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. April 20 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Tues. April 21 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Wed. April 22 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Thurs. April 23 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Fri. April 24 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Sat. April 25 8:00 a.m. Sun. April 26 Spanish Third Sunday of Easter Kathleen “Sis” Staniewicz Dolores Murphy & Maureen Murphy Third Sunday of Easter Norma Pucino Carmen Musacchio Rose Marie Tarquini Sixta Viera-Fontanez Yolanda Lobosco People of the Parish Easter Weekday Kathleen Strack Edward Imperatore Easter Weekday Jack O’Leary Fr. Mortimer Sullivan Easter Weekday The McCullough Family Albert Bennek Easter Weekday Ferdinand & Yolanda D’Antonio Diego & Julia Fulvio Easter Weekday Agnes Quadrini William Tobin Easter Weekday Our Mother, Emma Ballo 9:00 a.m. Lillian Hopper Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:30 p.m. Wanda Tortora 5:30 p.m. The Edgar Reilley Family Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 a.m. Ann Fidanzato 9:00 a.m. Carmen Musacchio 10:30 a.m. Bob Kelly 12:00 p.m. Ramon Viera-Fontanez 12:00 p.m. Casimir & Karol Dokurno 6:00 p.m. Rocco F. & Darlene Carbonaro Jean Stanulwich Murphy & Acquaviva Family Karen & Deran Soovajian James DiCastro Rose Pucino The Family Frances Hilton Pat Riley Marion Imperatore The Family Jerome Weyant Hazel & Mike daughter Betty The Family The Family Nit, Virginia & Family Kathleen Tobin Susan Borghard & Alison MacAvery Betty Hopper Carol Quaid Mary Jane Her daughter Mary An Farmer Kenneth DeCarlo Kathleen & Kids John & Maureen Darcy Zofia Kochay JoMarie Karr & Rocco A. Carbonaro Sacramentals Sanctuary Lamp: St. Joachim’s – Casimir & Karol Dokurno, Joseph Kochay Sanctuary Lamp: St. John’s – Lee Ann & Simon Lee Antalek, Richard Pendleton Sr. Bread & Wine: St. Joachim’s – Bread & Wine: St. John’s – Maisy & her Nana (living) Altar Candles: St. Joachim’s – Altar Candles: St. John’s –Edward Kobajlo & Edward Kobajlo, Jr. Rose for Life: St. Joachim’s – Barbara & Michael Scoba, Sr., Steve Wiercinski, Kevin Ninnie Rose for Life: St. John’s – Rose & Francis Donnelly, Joseph Romanelli, Jean & Lenny Pettorossi Our Paths are Guided by the Beacon of Christ’s Love Revenue Sharing Program Week 10 winner: Janet A. Durso Attendance April 12, 2015 1,144 April 13, 2014 1,510 (Palm Sunday) Coming Events Bible Study on St. John’s Gospel continues on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 till 8:30, St. Joachim’s lower hall. St. John’s Gospel offers rich insights into the life, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Come as often as you are able. Please bring a Bible (available for $5 each at the parish office). Come as often as you can. Save the Date Cornerstone Women's Retreat 9-25/26 Come join us for a Women's Retreat to share and pray with the Women of our parish. Broadway Show The bus to the Broadway Musical will leave St. John’s parking lot on Sunday, April 26 at 11:45 am. The bus will return by 9:00 pm. Confirmation Candidates for Confirmation will have a mandatory rehearsal on Tuesday, April 21 at 6 pm beginning in the St. Joachim’s gym. If your sponsor can not attend please have someone who can review the rehearsal with the sponsor stand in for them. Thank You Sr. Kathy would like to thank everyone for the generous donations to Global Health. Once again, you have made it possible to bring healing to hundreds of Guatemalans. Please continue to hold sister and the team in your prayers. They left on April 17th and will be gone for two weeks. To serve your needs better, our pastor would like to know: Of any parishioner who is hospitalized Of anyone in need of prayer Of anyone who would like a pastoral visit Our parish priests and the Special Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to our ill parishioners. The Sacraments of the Sick and Reconciliation are also available from our priests on their visits. If you or someone you know is in need of the Sacraments, please call the parish office. Through the Outreach Program – Parish Volunteers provide supportive and practical services for seniors and other persons who are in need. These include friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, shopping, and local medical transportation/escort. Drivers are needed for the Outreach Program for doctor’s appointments. If you are able to help, please call the parish office. Pray for the Sick and Homebound: ane Pomarico, John Pomarico, Rose Pucino, Mary Rafter, Hector Ramirez, Ivette Ramos, Robin Reis, Mary Rivera, Lehman RCatherine Adams, Cathleen Adams, Minoo Aibara, Rasika Aniff, Gary Arquilla, Ruben Arroyo, Dominic Bettina, Deborah Bonnell, ,Joseph Bradford, Octavia Buitrago, Sean Cadden, Coleen Cherry, Bill Coatney, Christine Connelly, Ramona Concessao, Noah Corey, Margaret Danza, Christina DeDonato, Eileen Deighan, Maria del Rosario, Hilda D’Silva, Jeffrey Dolan, Lucia Eustace, Christine Ferguson, Valarian Fernandes, Joyce Flynn, Russell Fullen, Brian M. Furey, Marie Ann Gama, David Gonzalez, Lillian Gonzalez, Jessica Hernandez, Timmy Johnson, Donna Juliano, Zofia Kochay, Jim Killeen, Edward and Anne Killmer, Michael Leonard, Virginia Letterio, Olga Lucas, Sarah Lugo, Josephine Lupparelli, Evan Maher, Venita Martis, Eileen Malik, Bridget McGrath, Eve Marhafer Meek, Ann O’Dell, Jim O’Donnell, Lorraine O’Keefe, Loretta Oppitz, Sara Pellerin, Cayla Pignatello, Vivian Pisanelli, Peter Podloski, Lehman Roarabaugh, Joseph Robb, Maria Robillard, Pete Rosencrans Pauline Russotto, Marcia Santovenia, Marie Sequinot, Ruth Snyder, Lawrence Solomon, Teresa Solomon, Cody Stevens, Lillian Strolis, Nina Tagan, Kathleen Tobin, Jean Torrie, Thomas Trochan, Sr., Kay Usifer, Julio D. Vazquez, Laryssa Verna, Norman Waldron, and Taylor Weiss. Please pray for the men and women serving in the military and for their families. And also our friends in McClelland’s, Elant at Fishkill, Wingate at Beacon, Forrestal Heights, Hamilton Fish, Hedgewood, Horizons, and Meadow Ridge II. Recently Deceased: We pray for the people who have recently died and as God to grant their families and loved ones the strength to carry on until we all join God in the Resurrection: Helen Iannone, Gloria Rega, Wanda Sramak, Michael Pietrogallo Reflection from Fr. Irenaeus The Acts of the Apostles gives a vivid account of the life of the early Christians. In the days before his passion and death, Christ prayed for the unity of the disciples and all Christians. Christ knew that with unity, they would be able to surmount all opposition and difficulties and successfully propagate the good news. When the apostles started preaching the good news after the resurrection of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit, they were opposed, criticized, and even imprisoned, all to discourage them from preaching the risen Christ and converting people to the Christian faith. But the disciples were not discouraged. They remained firm and resolute in fulfilling the mission entrusted to them. They were able to do this by the power of the Holy Spirit and their unity. The Acts of the Apostles recounts that the early Christians lived in love and unity. They were united in one mind and heart and did everything in common. The love and unity they had was practically demonstrated and reflected in their generosity, kindness and concern for one another. Those that were rich among them gave generously so that the needy among them would adequately be cared for and have their needs met. The early Christian community knew what it means to be Christians. They did not just talk about love but lived it. It was this practical love and unity among them that inspired and drew many people to join them as Christians. By their unity, they stood tall and carried on the mission in the face of opposition, threats and other attempts to discourage them. We see this spirit in our parish community. We are part of a Christian community where people know each other and have concern for one another. Parishioners are not just content with attending mass and other parish activities but interact with one another and are involved in various ministries of service for the good of the parish and the benefit of fellow parishioners. This is indeed the kind of Christian community Christ prayed for and which the apostles and early Christians maintained. In this parish, we truly live like the early Christian community and fulfill the mandate of Christ to live in unity and love. Thank You I wish to give a very special thank you to all of our parishioners who donate food to the food pantry on a regular basis. Please be sure to check the dates on all cans and packages so we are not giving food that is out of date. Thank you and may God bless us all. Deacon Marty. The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal If you are prepared, please make your donation soon. You may deposit it in the collection basket or mail it to the Archdiocesan Office. So far, 149 parishioners have pledged over $33,000 and paid over $24,000, continuing the good start we made in the beginning. The size of your gift is less important than the fact that you make a gift. We would like to increase our percent participation this year. Please join us. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land St. Joachim’s - St. John’s, is planning a 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Father Richard Smith, Father David Nolan, Father Gary Mead and Father Joseph McLafferty. Come and walk with us in the footsteps of Jesus. Come and walk the Way of the Cross sharing in His Passion. Come and see the empty tomb of our Risen Lord! It will not be just another vacation, but a journey of faith. We will be led to an encounter with Jesus in the land of His Life, Death and Resurrection. Price is $2750 plus $700 departure tax and fuel surcharge per person sharing a twin room. If interested please call Marianne Dahl (8315406). A deposit of $350 is required. Travel dates: June 28 – July 7, 2015. Brochures are available in the back of both churches and at the Parish Office. First Holy Communion Retreat and Rehearsal Dear Parent/Guardian On Saturday April 25, 2015 all First Holy Communion students, along with their parent or guardian, will meet in St. Joachim Church at 9:45am. At this time Mr. Ray Boswell will facilitate a Blessed Cup retreat. Mr. Boswell spends most of his time as a retreat master by blending spirituality and creativity. Our First Holy Communion children along with a parent or guardian will participate by creating a blessed cup in which the children will design and later, have as a reminder of their First Holy Communion. This retreat is mandatory and at least one parent or guardian must be present. Also, on Wednesday April 29, 2015 we will have our First Holy Communion rehearsal. For the children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion at St. John the Evangelist Church 10:00am, your rehearsal will take place Wednesday April 29, 2015 at St John the Evangelist Church 6:00pm. For the children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion at St. Joachim Church 12noon, your rehearsal will take place Wednesday April 29, 2015 at St. Joachim 7:15pm. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our religious education director, Albert HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Our High School Youth Ministry meets every Sunday night in the lower hall at St. John’s from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. All high school teenagers are invited to Come, join us for food, games, discussion and prayer. Please pray for the young people of St. Joachim - St. John’s! You can help by providing our teenagers with dinner at our Youth Ministry meeting – a simple meal, e.g. baked ziti, hot dogs, chili, etc. There are approximately 15 students. Sign up on the sheet in the rear of St. John’s church and someone from the youth ministry will contact you. Thank you. CYFM HS Senior Retreat; CYFM’s HS Senior Retreat: Apr 25-26, 2015, transition into your future with confidence & faith. Take time at this juncture of great change to focus on your past, present, and future. Discover and appreciate who you are, what you hold most dear, and acquire the tools to boldly embrace your future. Move beyond what has become familiar and comfortable in order to grow and be strengthened for the continued journey of a life with Christ after high school. Cost: $75.00 per person which includes lodging, meals & materials. Application and non-refundable $40.00 deposit must be received by Apr 21. For info and application contact CYFM or visit our website: and click on “events” Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries, 781 Route 9D, PO Box 192, Garrison, NY (845) 424-3609. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: CYFMGarrison The Catholic Widows & Widowers of Dutchess & Putnam Counties will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7;00 pm in the Parish Meeting Room at Saint Kateri Church, 1925 Route 82, LaGrangeville, NY 12540. (845) 223-3097. Marriage Encounters May 9/10: “This I command you: love one another” Loving as Jesus calls us to in today's gospel can be difficult in our modern, busy lives. Fall in love all over again on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more information go to: or call toll free: 877-NYS-WWME ext 3. May 16/17: “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another.” Deepen your love for your spouse on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more information go to: or call toll free: 877-NYS-WWME ext 3. May 23/24: “Lord send out your spirit, and renew the face of the Earth...” Today's Psalm begs for renewal from the Holy Spirit. Come away for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and renew the face of your marriage/holy orders. For more information go to: or call toll free: 877-NYS-WWME ext 3. St. Joaquin-St. Juan, Beacon, NY 3er DOMINGO DE PASCUA. LECTURAS PARA EL DIA DE HOY: 1 Lectura: Hch 3,13-15.17-19: Mataron al autor de la vida, pero Dios lo resucitó. 2 Lectura: 1Jn 2,1-5: Él es víctima de propiciación por nuestros pecados Evangelio: Lc 24,35-48: El Mesías padecerá y resucitará al tercer día. “Mirad mis manos y mis pies; soy yo mismo” Abril 19-2115 Para ser testigos, por tanto, del auténtico Cristo, es urgente que los discípulos aprendan en primer lugar a reconocer su Cuerpo marcado por la pasión. Precisamente, un autor antiguo nos hace la siguiente recomendación: «Todo aquel que sabe que la Pascua ha sido sacrificada para él, ha de entender que su vida comienza cuando Cristo ha muerto para salvarnos». Además, el apóstol tiene que comprender inteligentemente las Escrituras, leídas a la luz del Espíritu de la verdad derramado sobre la Iglesia. ANUNCIOS: Hoy, el Evangelio todavía nos sitúa en el domingo de la resurrección, cuando los dos de Emaús regresan a Jerusalén y, allí, mientras unos y otros cuentan que el Señor se les ha aparecido, el mismo Resucitado se les presenta. Pero su presencia es desconcertante. Por un lado provoca espanto, hasta el punto de que ellos «creían ver un espíritu» y, por otro, su cuerpo traspasado por los clavos y la lanzada es un testimonio elocuente de que se trata del mismo Jesús, el crucificado: «Mirad mis manos y mis pies; soy yo mismo. Palpadme y ved que un espíritu no tiene carne y huesos como veis que yo tengo». «Haz brillar sobre nosotros la luz de tu rostro, Señor», canta el salmo de la liturgia de hoy. Efectivamente, Jesús «abrió sus inteligencias para que comprendieran las Escrituras». Es del todo urgente. Es necesario que los discípulos tengan una precisa y profunda comprensión de las Escrituras, ya que, en frase de san Jerónimo, «ignorar las Escrituras es ignorar a Cristo». Pero esta compresión de la palabra de Dios no es un hecho que uno pueda gestionar privadamente, o con su congregación de amigos y conocidos. El Señor desveló el sentido de las Escrituras a la Iglesia en aquella comunidad pascual, presidida por Pedro y los otros Apóstoles, los cuales recibieron el encargo del Maestro de que «se predicara en su nombre a todas las naciones». VUELVEN LOS MARTES DE GIRA! ¿Está usted interesado en aprender más acerca de las escuelas católicas que atienden a niños en los grados Pre-Kindergarden hasta el grado 8 en el condado de Dutchess? Inscríbase para visitar una escuela católica en “Los Martes de Visita”, 28 de abril 2015, de 9 a 11am o por cita. “Los Martes de Visita” son jornadas de visitas universales en las escuelas primarias católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York programados periódicamente durante todo el año escolar. Se requiere previamente que se inscriban. Para inscribirse, por favor llame al (845)554-5585. Para un asistente bilingüe, llame al (646)794-2885. Sus Escuelas Católicas en el condado de Dutchess son: Holy Trinity School 20 Springside Avenue Poughkeepsie Regina Coeli School 4337 Albany Post Road Hyde Park Saint Denis-Saint Columba School 849 Route 82 Hopewell Junction San Martin de Porres School 122 Cedar Valley Road Poughkeepsie Saint Mary School 106 Jackson Street Fishkill Saint Mary’s School 2 Convent Avenue Wappingers Falls Saint Peter School 12 Father Cody Plaza Poughkeepsie The Ark & The Dove Preschool 604 Beekman Road Hopewell
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