HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH 17270 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 MAY 10, 2015 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Mission Statement We, the Parish Community of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, are a family of many cultural backgrounds. Our mission is to enrich the spiritual life of all parishioners, through the active participation in prayer and the sacraments, promoting opportunities to grow in faith and hope, and providing a place to come together in the love of God and neighbor. We are committed to the needs of our parishioners and to reach beyond to serve the needs of others. We are called by the Spirit to witness the forgiving, healing and saving presence of Jesus as one Church and one people. (Adopted January 12, 2006) PARISH CENTER PHONE: 714-963-1811—FAX: 714-968-1775 PARISH CENTER WEBSITE/E-MAIL: www.holyspiritfv.org [email protected] www.facebook.com/holyspiritfv OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM—5:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM—2:00 PM PASTOR: Reverend Monsignor Tuan Joseph Pham, JCL PAROCHIAL VICARS: Reverend Dan Wilder Reverend Joseph Duc Hoang, STL DEACONS: Deacon Phil Goodman Deacon Paul Manh Van Mai Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado FAITH FORMATION [email protected] Sr. Cecilia Trang Pham, LHC, Director—714-963-7871 Roz Esh—English—714-963-7871 Sr. Van Yen Nguyen, LHC-Vietnamese—714-964-8767 RCIA Roz Esh—English—714-654-6810 Deacon Manh Mai—Vietnamese—714-457-4701 ADULT CONFIRMATION Richard Radecki—English—714-531-8088 Sr. Cecilia Trang Pham, LHC—Vietnamese—714-963-7871 YOUTH MINISTRY—www. Holyspiritcyf.com Catherine Ord, Director—714-350-5707 SACRAMENT of BAPTISM For Baptism preparation classes contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT of MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to proposed wedding date. SACRAMENT of ANOINTING of the SICK In case of serious illness or emergency, please call the Parish Office as soon as possible. HIS HANDS CHRISTIAN SERVICE PHONE: 714-968-2111 17101 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA. 92708 Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM—11:00 AM Friday: Closed WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM ENGLISH SPANISH VIETNAMESE SUNDAY MASSES 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12 NOON 1:30 PM 3:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH VIETNAMESE VIETNAMESE (Youth Mass) ENGLISH VIETNAMESE DAILY MASSES 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM ENGLISH (Mon.-Fri.) ENGLISH (Mon.-Sat.) VIETNAMESE (Friday) CONFESSIONS SATURDAYS 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Or By Appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday-Friday: 7:00—9:00 AM 24 Hour Adoration every Friday and on the 4th of each month following the 9:00 AM Mass Page 2 Thoughts for the Week MASS INTENTIONS It is with much sadness that I announce the upcoming retirement May 11 6:30AM Ed Roycoft † of MaryAnn Mullin who has served Felisa Robles † our Parish so well for more than 15 Jesse Garcia † years. We will miss MaryAnn’s many Maryjo Franko † contributions. However, I am Michael McDougal † pleased to say that we have found a replacement. Madeleine Franko † 9:00AM Mayrose Forbes Tom Leeman has joined the Staff on a part-time May 12 6:30AM Dominic Sac Vu † basis for now to learn from MaryAnn while she is still 9:00AM Maria Kim Vo † in the office. Tom has a BBA in Business May 13 6:30AM All Souls in Purgatory † Administration from National University. He has 9:00AM Ana Maria Nguyen † worked for more than 35 years in various roles in May 14 6:30AM Ginger Grace Hughes & Financial Planning & Accounting, I.T., and Marketing, Family and as a consultant for area businesses, large and Feduff Family small. He is an active member of our parish having Emily Bowen & Family served in many ministries and organizations since he Agnes Cheo and his wife, Linda, joined our parish in 1998. David Jason Felicia Fidlin It is also my pleasure to announce that Agnes Pham 9:00AM Herminigildo Marqueses † has been promoted to Office Manager, to assist Tom May 15 6:30AM My-Kim Nguyen in his duties and to make sure that the Parish Office 9:00AM Mario Nisco † runs as effectively and efficiently as possible. Agnes May 16 9:00AM Anna Yen Vu † has a BA in Sociology from Cal State Fullerton. Dominic Tieng Nguyen † A former member of the Lovers of the Holy Cross 5:00PM Clarence Miyashiro † Sisters, Agnes worked as coordinator and director of 6:30PM Pro Populo Religious Education. After religious life, she worked May 17 7:30AM All Souls † as a project manager for a non-profit organization. 9:00AM Kimberly Smith † Agnes has been working part-time at Holy Spirit 10:30AM Margaret Harga Church since February 2013. Agnes will continue to 12:00PM Francis Chau Nguyen † 5:00PM Maria Diem † maintain all social media outlets for the parish. She John Trong Do † will oversee the daily operation of the Parish Office which includes sacramental and parish registration († Rest in Peace) data, and ministry support personnel. Both Tom and Agnes share the same motto and work ethic, “All for the glory of God.” Please help me congratulate them but more importantly, keep them in your prayers as they venture on this new endeavor in serving God through you. Msgr. Tuan TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles also (Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48). Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 98). Second Reading — God is love (1 John 4:7-10) or 1 John 4:11-16. Gospel — No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:9-17) or John 17:11b-19. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19; or, for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 Please pray for our students who will be receiving their First Holy Communion on May 16 and 30. Confirmation is on May 22. Cards with students’ names are located in the back of the church; please pick up one and pray for that student. Thank you for keeping our children in your prayers. CONFIRMATION CORNER CONFIRMATION MASS Friday, May 22, 5:30PM ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 4:00PM: Students arrive in Doyle Hall 4:30PM: Sponsors arrive in Doyle Hall to lineup 4:45PM: Procession and seating in Church 5:30PM: Confirmation Liturgy FIRST HOLY COMMUNION YEAR 2 (BILINGUAL PROGRAM) MASS REHEARSAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT MAY 13 - MAY 22 CONFIRMATION 2 STUDENTS, SPONSORS, PARENTS Wednesday, May 13, 6:30 - 8:30PM Mandatory Rehearsal. Please arrive on time. FIRST COMMUNION MASS Saturday, May 16, 10:30AM ♥ ♥ 9:30AM: Students line up in Doyle Hall 10AM: Students proceed to the church to take group pictures. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION YEAR 2 (ENGLISH PROGRAM) MASS REHEARSAL Wednesday, May 27, 4 - 5:30PM Mandatory Rehearsal. Please arrive on time. FIRST COMMUNION MASS Saturday, May 30, 10:30AM ♥ 9:30AM: Students line up in Doyle Hall ♥ 10AM: Students proceed to the church to take group pictures. STUDIO PICTURES Saturday, May 30, 8-9:30AM ♥ ♥ First come first served; please form a line. Photos include: 1 of your child, 1 with family, 1 receiving Holy Communion, 1 group. BIBLE VERSE JOHN 15:19-17 “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” “Thầy truyền cho các con điều này là các con hãy yêu mến nhau” WISDOM FEAR OF THE LORD UNDERSTANDING COUNSEL KNOWLEDGE FORTITUDE PIETY PRAYER FOR THE 7 GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT To be recited daily during the Novena O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul, the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal, the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit on Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, and the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of Your true disciples, and animate me in all things with Your Spirit. Amen Page 4 HOLY SPIRIT’S MAY CROWNING MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY, OUR HOLY MOTHER. Sunday, April 26 Offering Gifts from Envelopes Gifts of Cash & Checks Online Giving Total Offertory Budgeted Families’ PSA Pledges PSA Pledge Amount PSA Payments $ 15,165.00 $ 12,354.64 $ 1,610.00 $ 29,129.64 $ 23,000.00 534 $ 210,908.00 $ 157,531.10 Monday, May 18, 7:00 PM. Please come and join us as we celebrate the motherhood of Mary—Mother of Mothers. The May Crowning will begin with the Rosary, followed by the Crowning of Mary, and will close with Benediction. All children are encouraged to march in procession and First Communion children are asked to wear their First Communion clothes. Please bring flowers. MARY, CAUSE OF OUR JOY, PRAY FOR US!! XIN CẦU NGUYỆN MOTHER’S DAY ROSE SALE The Respect Life Committee is hosting the MOTHER’S DAY ROSE SALE. All proceeds go to the LIFE CENTERS OF ORANGE COUNTY to provide hope, counseling, pre-natal care, housing and education to mothers in crisis pregnancies. Your support helps save babies from abortion. Thank you!! MONTH 5…testes descend in boys. Mom may feel baby kick, turn, hiccup and feel or see an elbow or foot against her abdominal wall! Baby weighs about a pound and is about 7 and 1/2 inches long. Eye lashes appear. Each day baby pumps 144 liters of blood through its tiny body. Baby’s brain is developing at an astonishing pace. Each side of the brain has a billion nerve cells now. Xin cộng đoàn cầu nguyện cho các con, em sắp Rước Lễ Lần Đầu, ngày 16 và 30 hoặc sắp lãnh nhận ơn Chúa Thánh Thần ngày 22, tháng 5. Tên của các em được đặt ở cuối nhà thờ. Xin quý vị đến nhận và cầu nguyện cho các em. Xin kình mới quý phụ huynh cùng cộng đoàn tham dự Thánh Lễ Bế Giảng của các em học sinh giáo lý, để tạ ơn Thiên Chúa cho niên học khoá 2014-2015. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC YOUth FELLOWSHIP • • • • • Next CYF Meeting will be on May 17, 7:30—9:30 PM Youth Ministry Annual Car Wash will be on June 6. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses on May 16-17. LAST monthly meeting has been moved to May 20, 7:00— 8:30 PM (for AP testing—good luck, I’m praying for all of you!) Junior High game nights in May: Thursday evenings, 7:00— 8:15 pm Starting June 1, all High School and Junior High students are invited to come to game nights on Mondays, 6:00—8:00 pm • Summer Calendars will be ready for pick up in the Faith Formation Office and posted on the website For more information on these events and other ways to get involved with Youth Ministry, Contact Catherine Ord at: phone # 714-350-5707; email: [email protected]; or visit the website: www.holyspiritcyf.com. Upcoming Events HIS HANDS CHRISTIAN SERVICE ANUNCIOS IMPORTANTES La Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos de Holy Spirit (714) 9631811 y marcar la extensión 127. Para más información en español sobre todos los Ministerios de la parroquia, o si necesita información sobre Bautismos, Primera Comunión, Bodas, Quinceañeras: favor de dejar un mensaje con su nombre, número de teléfono, su pregunta o motivo de su llamada. VERSÍCULO BIBLICO –“Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen unos a los otros”. Juan 15, 9 - 17 ORACIÓN PARA NUESTRAS FAMILIAS – “Espíritu Santo Consolador, que te derramas con poder sobre todos los que aceptan el amor del Padre, ayúdanos a recibirte con el corazón abierto. Ven, Espíritu Santo, y revélanos el amor de Dios, para que conozcamos hoy el poder del Evangelio en nuestra vida.” (The Word Among Us Abril 5 – Mayo 3, 2015, p. 59) ¡FELIZ DÍA DE LAS MADRES! ¡Les deseamos un día lleno de bendiciones y felicidad a todas las madres de nuestra comunidad cristiana y a las madres que no están presentes con nosotros! ¡Congratulaciones a nuestros estudiantes que recibieron su Primera Comunión: Adrian Sánchez y Diego Herrera! ORGULLOSO DE SER CATÓLICO – Enviados a servir 2015PSA. Estamos agradecidos en anunciar que 407 familias en nuestra parroquia se han comprometido a donar $174,883 a La Campaña de Los Servicios Pastorales. Muchas gracias a aquellos que han contribuido tan generosamente. Nuestra meta es recaudar $316,000 para ayudar a hacer las reparaciones y renovaciones necesarias en Doyle Hall y los salones. Si usted aún no hecho su promesa o compromiso, puede obtener un sobre en la mesa que está colocada afuera de la iglesia y llenarlo después de la Misa o bien llevarlo a su hogar y entregarlo en la Oficina Parroquial. Necesitamos Ujieres Son los ministros que ayudan: a darle la bienvenida a todos, a recoger la colecta, a cuidar de guiar a los feligreses a recibir la Comunión, y ayudar a mantener el orden durante la Misa. Si usted quisiera participar en este ministerio, favor de llamar a Carmen Ávila 714-743-1516. ¿Ya está usted inscrito en la parroquia? ¿Por qué es necesario? Llenar la hoja de inscripción en la parroquia o proporcionar nueva información si ha tenido cambio de domicilio o teléfono es importante. • Para obtener preparación en la religión • Para preparación y administración de los sacramentos • Para obtener consejería • Para ser parte de nuestra Familia Espiritual Si no lo ha hecho le invitamos a inscribir se en la parroquia porque es importante para usted. Page 5 Monday, May 11: Luncheon for the Poor at Southwest Center in Santa Ana. Please bring your donations to the Mission by 10:30 AM • Monday, May 11: Board Meeting • Tuesday, May 12: Visitation to Seaside Terrace to visit with our Catholic Retirees, 1:00-3:00 pm Mission Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-11:00 AM; Friday: Closed Phone: (714) 968-2111. • April 25, A Day of Compassionate Service, was a great source of support to several nonprofit organizations in our area. The SHIP House, www.shipinoc.com, grounds were spruced up with tree trimming and a new backyard fence by 14 volunteers, 3 from Holy Spirit. Good work! Thank you all. Please join us Wednesday, May 20 at 7:30 pm in classroom 5 for a presentation and discussion of the many housing issues we face in Orange County and what our faith communities response is to homelessness and housing insecurity. Donna Gallup, President & CEO of American Family Housing and a representative from Thomas House will lead the discussion. Contact: [email protected]. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SPIRIT COUNCIL 9667 May 11: Singing Knights Practice, 7:00 PM May 12: Mother’s Day Potluck, 6:30 PM Ladies Meeting, 7:00 PM Knights Meeting, 7:30 PM May 13: Bocce, 4:00 PM May 14: Fourth Degree Business Meeting, 6:30 PM Thinking of joining the K of C? Call: Carlos Cisneros, GK, 714-310-1011 or [email protected]. Page 6 REST IN PEACE Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of all the faithful departed. May they rest in peace. All parishioners are asked to do their part in protecting our children from the horrific sin of “HUMAN TRAFFICKING in our city.” We urgently need the help of faithminded citizens to help man our “STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING BOOTH,” set up each Friday on the boardwalk at the Huntington Beach Pier. We are handing out awareness literature of this sinful violation on our children to be obliterated. This is a great way for young adults to earn volunteer hours. Please contact May Silva at 714-848-1901 for more information. All are welcome!! MARIAN PILGRIMAGE Portugal, Spain, France, Medjugorje From Thursday, October 15 to Wednesday, October 28 Los Angeles/Los Angeles—$3,999 (Airline taxes, fuel surcharges, airport fees, air fare and hotel accommodations are all included). With Chaplain: Fr. Thanh-Tai Nguyen Arrive in Lisbon. Spend two days in and around Fatima visiting the Chapel of Apparitions, the Basilica and the tombs of Francisco, Jacinta and Sr. Lucia. Then to Santiago de Compostela to visit the tomb of St. James the Apostle. On to Lourdes, France where we will visit the historical and spiritual sites associated with St. Bernadette. We begin with Mass at the Grotto of Apparitions then continue with a guided walking tour which includes the Miraculous Spring and Healing Baths. Our final destination is Medjugorje where we will attend Mass at St. James Church and follow the path up Apparition Hill. For more information, please contact Olivia Suplemento at 714-856-5820 or e-mail: [email protected]. MAY 23: MAY 30: June 6: Linda Tran & Peter Nguyen Emalie Nguyen & Henry Vu Helen Nguyen & Riley Vu Luong Thanh An Theresa Do & Neil Maluste Diane Nguyen & Anthony Tran Joyce Cao & Jonathan NguyenDiep 3,000 Family Rummage Sale Friday June 19, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday, June 20, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church 8345 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach (Between Newland and Beach Blvd.) Nancy Ahlswede Barbara Arnold Carol Baker Mary Bosma Lucia Bottenfield Luz Buscos Crystal Bracey Lydia Branley Juliet Bullman Joan Clark Barbara Collins Mike Daguio Lorraine Diersing Elaine Robert Espanoza Dean Del Favero Frank Figueroa Betty Fox Doug Fry Eleanor Fujimoto Sue Gage Michael Giap Mayme Gonzales Earle Grandison Steve Harnsberger McKenzie Hopkins Ashley Hubble Chuck Ianno Baby Jeslyn Nina Kasperowski Mary Killeen Gary Kirk Joe Lopez Gerry Mariacher Joyce Meersman Bob Miller Joseph Mizrahi Darlene Motis Will Mullin Tony Nekoranec Richard Newhouse II Parker Nguyen Victor Rangel Rosie Reeves Mary Ruth Rivet Dale Rensing Jim O’Brien Sandy Patton Sharon Pennington Dale Rensing Cozy Schaffer Joe St. Martin Nicolaus Thai Aly Tong Adam Traviglia
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