HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH 17270 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 APRIL 19, 2015 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER PARISH CENTER PHONE: 714-963-1811—FAX: 714-968-1775 PARISH CENTER WEBSITE/E-MAIL: www.holyspiritfv.org [email protected] www.facebook.com/holyspiritfv Thank you to the 407 families who have already pledged to support to the 2015 Pastoral Services Appeal. We are at 34% participation and have received $175,883 in pledges and donations towards our goal of $316,000. If you have not yet made your pledge, pick up a PSA envelope at the PSA table outside the church main entrance and make a pledge after Mass or during the week in the Parish Office. Page 2 Thoughts for the Week Easter Sunday, April 5 Offering Gifts from Envelopes Gifts of Cash & Checks Online Giving Total Offertory Easter Budgeted $ 23,299.15 $ 17,931.85 $ 3,469.00 $ 44,700.00 $ 49,000.00 Saigon City Supermarket in Westminster (corner of Brookhurst & McFadden) is offering 10% cash back to Holy Spirit Church for your total purchase. Please mention the code # 69 at the time of your check out. The total donation to date is: $122,708.93. Thank you for participating!! TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19). Psalm — Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4). Second Reading — We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one (1 John 2:1-5a). Gospel — Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day (Luke 24:35-48). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 ATTENTION ALTAR SERVERS Training on how to use incense during Mass will be on Friday 24, from 3:45 to 5:15 PM. If you are interested in participating and/or have any questions, please contact Marlene Duarte at 714-717-1816. MASS INTENTIONS Apr. 20 6:30AM 9:00AM Apr. 21 6:30AM 9:00AM Apr. 22 6:30AM 9:00AM Apr. 23 6:30AM 9:00AM Apr. 24 6:30AM 9:00AM Apr. 25 9:00AM 5:00PM 6:30PM Apr. 26 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00PM 5:00PM Helen De Maio † Robert Hooker † Ginger Grace Hughes & Family St. Barbara’s Church Confirmation 2 Students Lucille Walker † Baptiste Vieillemaringe † Joseph Vieillemaringe † Daniel Algarme † Mana Nguyen Cam Thi † The Roberts Family † Adeline Fry † George Protzner † John F. & Milly Arnold † Ginger Grace Hughes & Family Michael Nguyen & FAmily Emily Bowen & Family John Sieh Thanksgiving The Sick & The Dying Cassandra Chawke † Helen Moran † Marion Buchanan † Mary & Frank Schmidt † Pro Populo Thomas Le Nhan Tam † Danica & Callista Kwan Harry & Kathleen Hengshoon † Joseph Huy Vo † Maria Diem Do † († Rest in Peace) Come and Receive The Healing Power of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). Mass with Fr. Ben Tran and Fr. Dan Wilder, Charismatic Priests, will be on Monday, April 20 at Holy Spirit Church. Praise, Worship, and Adoration begins at 6:30 pm, Mass at 7:00 PM. For more information, please contact Sr. Theresa at 714-971-2141, Ruth Vinson at 714-585-6814, e-mail: [email protected] or Pat Rensing at 714-878-3109, email: [email protected]. CONFIRMATION CORNER CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL Thursday, May 7, 7PM in Church Mandatory Confirmation rehearsal. Candidates and Sponsors must attend. Confirmation Mass is on May 22. NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT May 13 - 22 Students, Sponsors, Families Prayer form is provided on April 19 or Email. CATECHISTS NEEDED ♥ The Faith Formation Program at our parish is in need of Catechists. We invite you (parents, teachers, college students) to consider being God's messenger to spread the Good News and open the children's hearts to the Lord. You are a person of faith and you can share your own faith experience. This can be your love of God, your gratitude for God's many gifts, or your personal friendship with Jesus. You could volunteer as a main teacher, assistant, office helper, or on special events. Classes are open on weekends and weekdays, from Grade 1 through Confirmation. ♥ Chöông trình Giaùo Lyù cuûa Giaùo xöù Thaùnh Linh ñang raát caàn theâm moät soá Giaùo Lyù Vieân ñeå giaùo duïc ñöùc tin vaø rao giaûng Tin Möøng cuûa Chuùa cho caùc em hoïc sinh trong caùc lôùp Giaùo Lyù töø Maãu Giaùo, Giaùo Lyù lôùp1 ñeán lôùp 8, vaø lôùp Theâm Söùc. Quí anh chò coù theå laøm giaûng vieân chính hay phuï, giuùp vieäc vaên phoøng hoaëc nhöõng dòp ñaëc bieät. THANK YOU We would like to say THANK YOU for your generosity for our Lenten Bowl. We received $2100. All the contributions will be sent to Catholic Relief Services. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION NEWS PRAYER FAIR Tuesday & Wednesday Students April 21 & 22, 3:45 - 5:15PM We need parent volunteers. Please call our office at 714-963-7871 or see Roz during class time 1ST CONFESSION First Holy Communion year 2 students Saturday, April 25, 10 -11:30AM in Church ♥ Please arrive at 9:45AM ♥ Wear appropriate attire. ♥ After confession, parent will give their child a sign of loving reconciliation, bring them back to their seat & help them do their penance. ♥ Encourage them to kneel in the Chapel. ♥ If you are not able to attend, please inform us asap at 714-963-7871. ENGLISH PROGRAM PARENT MEETING Mandatory FHC 2 & OFHC 2 parent meeting April 29, 7:00PM All parents are invited to this important and mandatory meeting in preparation for your child (ren)’s First Holy Communion.1st Communion Mass is on Saturday, May 30,10:30AM. BIBLE VERSE LUKE 24:35-48 “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” “Rồi Người mở trí cho các Page 4 LEGIO MARIAE HOÏP HAÈNG THAÙNG Hoäi Legio Mariae seõ hoïp Chuùa Nhaät ngaøy 26 thaùng 4 luùc 4:30 chieàu taïi Doyle Hall. Kính môøi quùy anh chò: Hoaït Ñoäng, Taùn trôï, Junior tôùi tham döï ñoâng ñuû. HIS HANDS CHRISTIAN SERVICE • • We are in need of new or lightly used baby clothing for the baby bags that will be giving to our new mothers. Please donate your plastic grocery bags to His Hands. Mission Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-11:00 AM; Friday: Closed—Phone: (714) 968-2111. SATURDAY, April 25 CASINO DAY!!! Please join us for fun! The Filipino Ministry is planning a fundraising trip to Pechanga. Bus leaves at 8:00 AM. from the Holy Spirit Church parking lot. SPACE IS LIMITED. Please sign up NOW!! Interested? Call Rica Werner, 714-290-8744 or MaryAnn Cases, 714-742-7439. for more information. APR. 25: MAY 2: Angie Mai & David Chi Khanh Dang & Huy Nguyen Sophia Nguyen & Dong Nguyen SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, MAY 9 AT 6:30 PM TRIO LOS SALAZAR AT HOLY SPIRIT Trio Los Salazar, one of the most popular trio/mariachi bands in the OC will be coming to Holy Spirit for a special Mother’s Day celebration at our 6:30 PM Spanish Mass on Saturday, May 9. Come and enjoy their beautiful music at Mass and following Mass at our potluck in Doyle Hall. For more information, please contact the Spanish Community Office at Ext 127. We are in need of Ushers, especially for the 10:30 AM and 12 Noon Masses. If you attend those Masses regularly and want to help, it only takes a few moments of your time. Please contact Damon Ferrara at 714625-1756 or [email protected] if interested. REST IN PEACE Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of all the faithful departed. May they rest in peace. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC YOUth FELLOWSHIP • • • Next High School CYF Meeting, Sunday, April 26, 7:30—9:30 pm. LAST—Monthly Meeting, Thursday, May 21 Confirmation students that still need service hours, please contact Youth Ministry Office to help schedule hours For more information on these events and other ways to get involved with Youth Ministry, Contact Catherine Ord at: phone # 714-350-5707; email: [email protected]; or visit the website: www.holyspiritcyf.com. Upcoming Events Page 5 SUNDAY PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN’S LITURGY NEEDED!!! Our 9:00 am Sunday pre-School Children’s Liturgy is losing two of our main catechists in May. Stephanie and Kathy will be graduating and leaving us to study for their teaching credentials. Anyone interested in helping Roz Esh with this wonderful program, please contact her in the Faith Formation Office at 714-963-7871. The time commitment is 8:30 to 10:15 AM plus preparation time. All parishioners are asked to do their part in protecting our children from the horrific sin of “HUMAN TRAFFICKING in our city”. We urgently need the help of faithminded citizens to help man our “STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING BOOTH”, set up each Friday on the boardwalk at the Huntington Beach Pier. We are handing out awareness literature of this sinful violation on our children to be obliterated. This is a great way for young adults to earn volunteer hours. Please contact May Silva at 714-848-1901 for more information. All are welcome!! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SPIRIT COUNCIL 9667 April 20: Singing Knights Practice, 7:00 PM April 22: Bocce, 4:00 PM April 23: Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM Thinking of joining the K of C? Call: Carlos Cisneros, GK, 714-310-1011 or [email protected]. Page 6 ANUNCIOS IMPORTANTES La Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos de Holy Spirit (714) 9631811 y marcar la extensión 127. Para más información en español sobre todos los Ministerios de la parroquia, o si necesita información sobre Bautismos, Primera Comunión, Bodas, Quinceañeras: favor de dejar un mensaje con su nombre, número de teléfono, su pregunta o motivo de su llamada. VERSÍCULO BIBLICO –“Les abrió el entendimiento…y les dijo: ‘Está escrito que el Mesías tenía que padecer y había que resucitar de entre los muertos al tercer día,’… ”. Juan 24, 35 - 48 EL TIEMPO DE PASCUA – El tiempo de Pascua se celebra durante cincuenta días entre el domingo de Resurrección y el domingo de Pentecostés. Nuestra tarea durante este tiempo es ser renovados por esta palabra proclamada, alimentarnos por el cuerpo y la sangre del Cristo resucitado -el Cordero Pascual. Junto con los recién bautizados damos testimonio por medio del Espíritu Santo, de que Cristo vive entre nosotros. ORACIÓN PARA NUESTRAS FAMILIAS – “Padre celestial, llena mi corazón de gratitud por la vida nueva que me ofreces y abre mis ojos para ver lo maravilloso que es el plan que tienes para tus fieles, ese plan que nos has revelado en las palabras de la Sagrada Escritura.” (La Palabra Entre Nosotros Abril 5 – Mayo 3, 2015, p. 38) “TRIO LOS SALAZAR” – Aparten la fecha, 9 de mayo, 2015 para asistir a la Misa de las 6:30PM con el “Trio Los Salazar” en celebración del “Día De Las Madres”. Después de la Misa tendremos un pequeño convivio en Doyle Hall con música auténtica mexicana por el “Trio Los Salazar”. Les invitamos a traer su entremés preferido, bocadillos, canapés, empanadas o su platillo favorito para compartir con sus amistades y miembros de la parroquia. Por favor llamen a la Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos si tienen alguna pregunta. El número de teléfono está en el boletín. ¿Ya está usted inscrito en la parroquia? ¿Por qué es necesario? Llenar la hoja de inscripción en la parroquia o proporcionar nueva información si ha tenido cambio de domicilio o teléfono es importante. Para obtener preparación en la religión Para preparación y administración de los sacramentos Para obtener consejería Para ser parte de nuestra Familia Espiritual Si no lo ha hecho le invitamos a inscribirse en la parroquia porque es importante para usted. Les invitamos a participar en El grupo de Oración – El grupo de oración carismático les invita a leer las Sagradas Escrituras, a orar, y a cantar para entender mejor los mensajes que Cristo nos envía sobre nuestra Fe. Esperamos nos acompañen el lunes, 20 de abril de las 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. en el salón 6. ¡Qué Dios les inspire continuar estudiando y creciendo en su Fe! Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Proudly presents Michael and Lourdes Carroll, God’s holy and humble servants, transformed through the union of Christ in their marriage and by His Divine Mercy. Join us for this truly inspirational testimony, “Touched by God’s Mercy and Healed by His Love!” Saturday, May 16, 2015, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Embassy Suites Anaheim 11767 S. Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA. 92840. Registration by mail postmarked by May 11, 2015; $28 per person Registration at the door: $33 per person Mail to: Magnificat Ministry: P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863 The meal includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s program. Please visit www.magnificat-ministry.net for a flyer and registration information. Flyers are also available in the vestibule of your parish Church. For registration information contact Christina at 714/809-9382 or [email protected]. Edna Abel Nancy Ahlswede Barbara Arnold Carol Baker Luz Buscos Crystal Bracey Lydia Branley Juliet Bullman Barbara Collins Mike Daguio Don DeFraine Dean Del Favero Bella Diersing Joan Dunham Tricia Elting Robert Espanoza Frank Figueroa Doug Fry Eleanor Fujimoto Michael Giap Betty Geier Mayme Gonzales Earle Grandison McKenzie Hopkins Ashley Hubble Nina Kasperowski Mary Killeen Gary Kirk Joe Lopez Gerry Mariacher Joyce Meersman Darlen Motis Will Mullin Tony Nekoranec Richard Newhouse II Parker Nguyen Victor Rangel Rosie Reeves Mary Ruth Rivet Dale Rensing Sandy Patton Sharon Pennington Cozy Schaffer Shirlie Schumacher John Siek Suzy Skoczylas Nicolaus Thai Adam Traviglia Fr. Dan Wilder
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