Pastor’s Letter Dear Parishioners, We are entering Holy Week, which commence with the celebration of Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. We thank the liturgical ministers within our regional parishes for taking time to prepare for the celebration of Holy Week. We have the retreat with the Elects and Candidates for Full Communion this Saturday. We thank the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) and RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Chil dren) core team and all the Priests for being there for them. It is a joy for us to be with the Elects and Candidates on their journey of Faith. We thank you for your support and prayers for them. We thank you for taking time to be at the retreat last week with your groups. We had many different retreats for many different ministries and organizations within our parishes. It is a prayerful time for us to take some time from our busy lives to be with each other for prayers and to listen to the speakers to deepen our Faith. We invite you to bring the Rice Bowl box back to the parish, so we can send it to the Ministry of the Poor. Your work of charity is important for the Lenten Season. The Rice Bowl campaign also supports the local program like St. Vincent De Paul and other ministries of the parish (we have to send in an application to obtain a grant to be able to offer this service). We thank you for being charitable and for supporting those who are poor among us. You may have already seen the beautiful Meditation Garden at St. John of the Woods Parish. It is so beautiful and we thank the committee who worked on it and we thank supporters from St. John of the Woods Parish. We have asked the teacher from the religious education program to explain to the students so they can understand the importance of the garden. It is a garden where they can come to pray and to meditate and is not a playground for them to play in. We are working on building a new building at Sacred Heart’s Church. We have completed the demolition project and we are in the process of having the parish leadership meet with the architecture to design the new building and to work with the Fund Raising Committee, and we will need to present this project to the Property and Financial Committee of the Archdiocese for approval of a loan and other steps of the project that we need to go through. We thank the parish leadership and many of you who are involved with the planning at Sacred Heart’s Church. We are also working on the project of installing the rectory’s windows at St. Ann’s Catholic Church. This project will take a lot of time, because each window needs to be manufactured according to its own measurements before we can install it. Our Churches’ buildings are aging and needs a lot of care. We ask you when you use our Church’s building to take care of them as you would your own home and if you are able to make some contribution to assist with the maintenance of them, please assist us. We are very happy to witness our regional parishes able to host many different activities and bringing more people into our Faith Community. We cordially invite you to participate in the Holy Week celebration. We have posted the time for the services at each Church so you are able to join us. We will join with the Archdiocese of Seattle to celebrate the Vigil Service and welcome more than 700 new members who will join us at the Easter Vigil. We congratulate Eugene Otis from St. John of the Woods’ Church who received an award in Washington D.C. for his service in WWII. We are very thankful to God and to Eugene for his service to our country. We thank you for your support of the Crab Feast at St. John of the Woods’ Church last Saturday. It was a wonderful and prayerful celebration for Chrism Mass at St. James’ Cathedral last Wednesday night. We gathered around the Archbishop for this Mass, so we can renew our promise to the Church (our role as a priest), to pray with the Archbishop and to witness him bless the different oils for us to use throughout the year. The Oil of Chrism is for anointing the Priest on his ordination and to anoint the altar of the Church on the dedication of the Church. This Oil is used for the Sacrament of Baptism. The Oil for the Catechumen and Exorcism is to anoint those who are in the process of the preparation of the sacraments. The Oil of the Sick is used for anointing the sick for healing. These oils will be presented at the beginning of our Holy Thursday celebration. There are many things we have been called to do to assist our parishes. You are cordially invited to join the parish leadership team. We are in need of more new members on the Pastoral, Financial, Commissions, Committees, and Groups in different ministries of the parish. Your assistance is important to our parish’s ministry. We met with the youth group’s leadership at St. Ann’s Church to plan for the Youth Mass. We thank you for your participation in the 24 hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on March 13th and 14th. We thank Louis who organized this event for us. We congratulate all the students who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation during these Forty Days of Lent. The Holy Week celebration is very important for our Faith. You are cordially invited to join us at the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses to welcome all the new members who have joined our parishes. Please keep the liturgical ministers in your prayers for this week. May the Lord continue to bless upon you and your family! Sincerely Yours in Christ, Our website: Tuan Nguyen, D. Min., Pastor Please remember your parish in your Will. Community Center Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455 PRIESTS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min., Pastor (253) 882-9943 [email protected] Fr. J. Carlos Saenz, Parochial Vicar (253) 279-4158 [email protected] Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga, Parochial Vicar (206) 375-9539 [email protected] Fr. Joseph Dang Vu, In Residence (360) 213-5553 [email protected] Para información en Español vea las páginas 8-9 CONFESSIONS: on weekends before each scheduled mass or by appointment CONFIRMATION: Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga (206) 375-9539 or [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and BAPTISM: Sr. Theresa Nguyen (253) 592-2541; [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR & CONTACTS: Sr. Theresa Nguyen - (253) 592-2541 or [email protected] ACCOUNTANT: Anna Nichols (360) 789-1896 [email protected] MAINTENANCE: Don McMakin (253) 590-6824 [email protected] OUTREACH/ HOME BOUND MINISTRY: Sr. Mary Van Vu (253) 592-2455 - [email protected] MARRIAGE PREP/ANNULMENTS: Deacon Mike Teskey (253) 474-6559 WEDDINGS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen —Arrangement should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance. RCIA (Rite Christian Initiation for Adults) Journey of Conversion in Mind, Heart & Spirit. RCIA/RCIC is the process by which people Holy Week Schedule Holy Thursday (Apr. 2nd) (Eng.) (Viet) Classes at 6:30PM at the School building. Sacred heart (Eng.) Saturday, March 28th: RCIA/RCIC retreat from 9AM (Spa.) to 1:00PM at St. John of the Woods. Godparents need St. JOW: to be there.9:00 AM. We gather in Church become members of the Roman Catholic Church. 9:15 AM Mass 10:15 AM Break 10:30 AM Confession 11:45 AM Lunch 12:30PM Meditation 12:45 PM Sacraments of Initiation Symbols 1:15 PM Closing prayer and dismissal. Saturday, April 4th: Rehearsal at 9:00 A.M in Church. Easter Vigil: Baptism at 8:00 P.M at St. Ann. St. Ann 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Good Friday (Apr. 3rd) St. Ann (Eng.) 6:00 p.m. (Viet) 8:00 p.m Sacred Heart (Eng.) 5:00 p.m (Spa.) 7:00 p.m. St. JOW: 7:00 p.m Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm Religious Education We are slowly drawing to the end of our year, but we still have the month of April and a little in May. Our First Communion students have made their First Confession. Now we are getting ready for First Communion which will be held on Saturday, April 25th for St. Ann’s and Sunday, April 26th at St. John of the Woods. St. John of the Woods Sunday, March 29th: Banners making for First Communion April 5th: Easter Break April 12th: Classes resume Easter Vigil (Apr. 4th) St. Ann: 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil-Regional Sacred Heart: 11:00p.m. Easter Vigil (Spanish) St. John of the Woods 8:00 p.m Easter Vigil Baptism Preparation Class in April, 2015 Class will be offered for parents and godparents who have new born babies and children under 7 years old. Class on Saturday, April 11th from 10:00am -12:00 noon at St. Ann’s Library. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541. St. Ann April 1st: Stations of the Cross April 8th: Easter Break April: 15th: Due date for 1st Communion to hand in banners 2 Regional Center Our Treasured Tradition . . . Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (In Church Only) The Alleluia by Barbara & Clarence Leingang ST. ANN: 8:30am - 7:00pm Thursdays 5pm - 7pm Tuesdays Divine Mercy & Mass (Samoan Comm.) 7:00pm Fridays Mass (Vietnamese Language) During Lent there are three changes in the Church Liturgies from the rest of the Liturgical year. No Gloria is sung or said during Mass, the vestments are purple, and there is no Alleluia before the Gospel acclamation. The word Alleluia comes from the Hebrew language and means “praise God or Yahweh.” It is a term of Joy and references the joy of the Angels singing around the throne of God in Heaven. Using the Alleluia during Mass is a way of participating with the Angels as they worship God. We are also reminded that the Kingdom of God is already established on earth in the form of the Church. During Lent we are on a spiritual journey as we await the coming of the Kingdom. When Easter comes, the Alleluia is sung three times with great joy. The GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) does not prescribe a substitute for the Alleluia before the Gospel during the season of Lent. However, the Graduale Romanum which is the official Liturgy book contains all chants proper to the Mass. The Graduale allows or permits another psalm or tract to be used during Lent. The most familiar one comes from Philippians 1:11 “Glory and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” Even though the Alleluia is omitted during Lent, we are encouraged to say it during our “own time.” Reference: The Catholic Answers, About Catholicism ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS: 10:00am - Noon Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm - Mondays SACRED HEART: 9:00AM-6:30PM Every Thursday 8:30am - Noon Every first Friday Mass Schedule for April at Nursing Homes Date Time Nursing Home Wednesday 1st 11:00 am Gibson House Thursday 9th 9:00 am Regency Friday 10th 10:30 am Heart Wood Thursday 16th 10:00 am King’s Manor Supper for our Priests Is Your Marriage Everything it was Meant to be? Priests would like to say thank you to those who have been making meals for them every Thursday. The number of priests are four. They would appreciate your care and generosity. If you are interested, please call Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541. Meals could be bought around 3:30-4pm to the St. Ann’s Rectory. Thank you for participate in the CRS Rice Bowl. We invite you to bring the Rice Bowl box back to the parish, so we can send it to the Ministry of the Poor. Your work of charity is important for the Lenten Season. The Rice Bowl campaign also supports the local program like St. Vincent De Paul and other ministries of the parish (we have to send in an application to obtain a grant to be able to offer this service). We thank you for being charitable and for supporting those who are poor among us. Support Your Parish With Online Donations Make online Donations with a credit card or debit card. There are 3 ways to enroll online donations through ParishPay: Online: go to and click the “Start Giving”. Phone: 1. 866-727-4741 or 866-PARISH-1. Call parish office, we are glad to assist you. Parishioner Benefits * Set up your contributions & change them any time at any location * No need to write checks * Select credit card or checking account for contributions * Account & contribution information encrypted and stored securely * Contributions are scheduled for your convenience 3 Take some time to reflect on your marriage this Lenten season. If you feel a sense of sadness or disillusionment, you are not alone. Register on April 24-26, 2015 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at Sacrament of Confirmation We meet on Sunday from 6:00 –8:00 PM at the school building March 29th: Confirmed in the Church; March 5th: Easter break Class will resume on March 12th A mandatory Retreat on the weekend of May 2-3rd, 2015. Every Wednesday Adult Catechism Classes St. Ann Parish Wednesdays at 6:30pm to 7:25 at Milner Center-Library This is your opportunity to turn to Christ and learn more about your Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For more information contact Monty at (253) 304-4473 You are invited by the Sisters of St. Francis to an Open House at their Home To Celebrate The Year of Consecrated Life Sunday, April 12th, 2015 Join us at: 6602 South Alaska Street, Tacoma, WA. 9:00 Eucharist 10:00 Refreshments 10:30 Presentations by the sisters and companions Tours and volunteer opportunities 11:45 Conclusiion RSVP by April 10th to:[email protected] or call 253-474-9803 Regional Center We congratulate Eugene Otis from St. John of the Woods’ Church who received an award in Washington D.C. for his service in WWII. We are very thankful to God and to Eugene for his service to our country. Reconciliation will be available from 6pm–7pm every Friday during Lent at St. Ann and SJOW. During Lent, confessions are before and after each Mass through out the regional parishes. Daily Mass: Monday and Friday 8 AM at Sacred Heart Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m at St. Ann Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30 a.m at SJOW Weekend confessions: Saturday at 4:00 pm (St. Ann); 4:30 pm at SJOW. Please let the priest know you wish to go to confession before or after Mass. At Sacred Heart: during office hours only: Tuesday to Friday. You may have already seen the beautiful Meditation Garden at St. John of the Woods Parish. It is so beautiful and we thank the committee who worked on it and we thank supporters from St. John of the Woods Parish. We have planted 15 arborvide trees and 5 leyland cypress trees which were donated by parishioner. Several large rocks have been placed. We are hoping for good weather for the outdoor Stations on Good Friday so we can celebrate in our new garden with its beautiful Cross. Thank you to all the people who helped to get our garden this far in such a short time. St. Ann Parish The next SA Vision 2017 LRP Leadership team meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th at 10am in the St Ann Parish Library. Bring your completed ministry report with you to this important gathering. If you are unable to attend, please have a ministry team member attend in your absence. Debbie Blum (253) 848-5786 March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph, the Sons of Joseph Group at St. Ann’s celebrated their Patron Day. We congratulate you and thank you for all you do for the parish and thank you for making a good example for your family by devoting yourself to St. Joseph with the Lord’s work. SJOW Parish The next SJOW Vision 2017 LRP Leadership team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th at 6:30pm in the SJOW Parish Library. Bring your completed ministry report with you to this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please have a ministry team member attend in your absence. Debbie Blum (253) 848-5786 Prayer of the Faithful ~ March 22, 2015 Parish staff, parish leaders of different ministries and those who lead catechists, you are invited to participate in the Celebration of Ministry Day sponsored by the Archdiocese. For those near the end of their lives:may they be strengthened by God’s love and grace,and supported in their final days;We pray to the Lord:Respect Life40 DAYS FOR LIFE delivers HUGE news! Since the first coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign in 2007, we have now received cumulative reports of 10,000 babies who are alive today because their mothers rejected abortion and chose life! 10,000!!! To God be the glory ... great things He has done! Watch this beautiful two-minute video to see many of the children who have been saved by the grace of God ... and through your prayers and efforts: video-10000-lives-saved/ Help save the next 10,000 babies! Come out today to pray on this last day (Sunday, March 29 until 4 PM) of this 40 Days for Life in at a peaceful vigil outside Cedar River (abortion) Clinic: 1401-A Martin Luther King Jr Way, Tacoma, WA 98405. Pentecost: A Celebration of Ministry - May 1, 2015 9:30 am Gathering & Opening Prayer 10:30 Keynote 11:30 Lunch 1:00 pm Breakout sessions 2:30 Mass at St. James Cathedral A bus able to comfortably transport 55 passengers is being made available to members of our Deanery. It will depart from and return to Visitation Parish. In order to assure that everyone has a seat we need your name. Please call the office to let us know by April 15th. For more details please see website: /5717_PentecostFinal.pdf Question: "What is Palm Sunday?" Answer: Palm Sunday is the day we remember the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection (Matthew 21:1-11). Some 450-500 years earlier, the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Matthew 21:7-9 records the fulfillment of that prophecy: "They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!’” This event took place on the Sunday before Jesus' crucifixion. Read more: 4 ST. ANN PARISH (253) 472-1360 Fax (253) 475-6335 Parish Secretary: Carmen Lozano Ext. 100 Pastoral Assist., Vietnamese Contact: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 Samoan Contact: Filipo Faleono 253-229-6279 Pastoral Council: Cathy Bunger (253) 472-6355 Liturgy Ministry: Emma Caintic (253) 752-4378 Finance Council: Bob Richardson (253) 922-2412 St. Vincent DePaul: Richard McMakin (253) 468-9841 Mission Statement: We, parishioners of St Ann Parish, are a Catholic faith community in the south end of Tacoma who proclaim the Gospels and embrace our many cultures and the gifts we share. We come together as one faith community to celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We are grateful to those who built this place of worship with faith, sacrifice and sanctified it with their many years of devotion. We remain focused on our Roman Catholic traditions and promote an environment of hope, where all can grow into the likeness of Christ. Holy Week Schedule Holy Week Loving God, I am just beginning to realize how much you love me. Your son, Jesus was humble and obedient. He fulfilled your will for him by becoming human and suffering with us. I ask you for the desire to become more humble so that my own life might also bear witness to you. I want to use the small sufferings I have in this world to give you glory. Please, Lord, guide my mind with your truth. Strengthen my life by the example of Jesus. Help me to be with Jesus in this week as he demonstrates again his total love for me. He died so that I would no longer be separated from you. Help me to feel how close you are and to live in union with you. Happy Birthday! Mary Cooper will be celebrating her 98th birthday on Monday, March 30th. Mary has been a parish member of St Ann's for over 45 years . Many Blessings Mary, from St. Ann Parish. Confessions Tuesday and Wednesday before and after daily Mass. No Confessions on Holy Saturday. Holy Thursday No 8 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. English and 8:00 p.m. Vietnamese Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass in the School Building until midnight. Good Friday 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 6:00 p.m. English and 8:00 p.m. Vietnamese Easter Mass Schedule Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 p.m. Sunday Easter Mass 9:30 a.m.—Vietnamese Mass 4:00 p.m. Holy Week You are invited to bring bells to the Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Celebrations to ring during the singing of the “Gloria”. Easter Vigil Everyone is invited to bring water to be blessed at the Easter Vigil Celebration. PRAYERS… For all those around the world who are ill, especially those in our parish: Yvonne Boukal Bob Bockman Sr. Janet Curtright Charlotte DiStefano Joshua Gallagher Kathleen Genge Ed Glass George Harmon Jr. Ernest Haywood Virginia Haywood Doug Herzog Jackie Lane Michelle Lane Samantha Lawrence Donna Majeres Terry Mathern Wesley McMakin Neagle Fam. Susitina Nielsen John Nolte Anthony Palomo Dale Philips Bob Richardson Thad Richardson Valerie Rochefort Jerry Rochefort Charles Salle Georgia Williams Virginia Wooten Alisa Wooten Joan Woodring We pray for all servicemen and women and for their families. Snoqualmie Casino Come join the Seniors at the Snoqualmie Casino for a day of enjoyment on the 23rd of April, May 14, and June 11. For more information call Rita at 537-2977. Report from St. Vincent De Paul Beginning Balance: Income: 1-Members 2-Church 3-Fundraising 4-Other SVDP 5-Other Income Total Income: Expenses: Closing Balance: $3,452.66 $0.00 $2,147.00 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $5,799.66 $1,164.50 $4,635.16 Thank you for your continued support. The SVDP Team. This week in our Parish March 29th, 2015—Palm Sunday Monday: No A.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir-School 6:30 p.m. RCIA-School Tuesday: 8: a.m. Mass 5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy/Church 6:00 p.m. Mass-Samoan 7:00 p.m. Samoan Comm.-Hall Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir—School 6:00 p.m. Finance Council-M.C. 6:30 p.m. CCD-School Building 6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation/M 7:00 p.m. Parish Council MTG-M.C. Holy Thursday: No 8 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Holy Thursday Service 8:00 p.m. Holy Thursday Service- Vietnamese Adoration after Mass –School BLDG Good Friday Parish Office closed 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 5:15 p.m. Stations of the Cross/Samoan 6 :00 p.m. Mass 8:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass Holy Saturday No Confessions 10:00 a.m. Samoan Youth-Old Chapel 8:00 p.m. Regional Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday: 9:30 a. m. —Mass Coffee & Donuts after Mass/Hall Vietnamese Community 11:00 a.m. School 1:00 p.m. Youth Group –School Bldg. 1:30 p.m. TNTT Youth-M.C/Old Chapel 4:00 p.m. Mass Stewardship In Our Parish Weekend of : March 22nd: $4,904 Annual Appeal $1,142 Thank You! Parish Bake Sale Weekend of May 2nd & 3rd. We’d appreciate donations of Home-baked goodies, also home made jams and jellies; we ask that you think of family favorites, your specialty item, Ethnic favorites or whatever would include; cakes, cookies, breads, candies, rolls etc. For information please call Kathy at 253-861-0799. 5 ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS PARISH Parish Secretary: Susan Teskey (253) 537-8551 Fax (253) 537-0459 Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 (Tuesday & Friday) Parish Pastoral Council: James Hardesty (253) 539-5952 Liturgy Ministry: Joan O’Shea (253) 531-5159 Finance Council :Doug Franklin (253) 922-3847 Lazarus Commission: Natalie Vieira (253) 537-4877 Facilities Council: Richard Severson (253) 531-6006 Music Ministry: Nancy Burkholder (253) 537-9283 Bible for Adults: Brenda Kelly (253) 922-6569 Stewardship Commission: Tom & Marge Berntsen (253) 840-2088 Youth ministry: Jacob Hayden (253) 537-8551 or [email protected] Mission Statement: St. John of the Woods is a rural Catholic community centered in Jesus Christ, growing in faith and sharing the Word of God through the Eucharist and our Sacraments. We are a welcoming parish of active, involved people of all ages and cultures, serving families and recognizing the gifts that each person brings. Weekly Calendar March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday Prayers for our Sick Ann Gannon Alice Doidge Brandon Clarno Larry Tally June Dye Esther Wilder Theresa Riendeau Steven Borris Isaiah Williams Dan & Susan Kitaji Jan Gratzer Hilde Salzburn Wanda Swanson MaryAnn Straling Beckett Eells Robert Taitano Richard Coleman Lil Copeland Joe Penry MONDAY March 30: NO MASS Bible Study—1pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration—7pm-9pm TUESDAY March 31: Hall Rental—10am-2pm Mass 9:30am Bible Study—7pm WEDNESDAY April 1: Mass 9:30am Adoration—10am Senior Lunch—11:30am Choir—6:30pm HOLY THURSDAY April 2: Lazarus—10:30am Facilities—2pm MASS 7:00pm In Military Service: GOOD FRIDAY April 3: SPC-Sean Gilson NO MASS Cody Matheason Stations of the Cross—3:00pm Service—7:00pm HOLY SATURDAY April 4: Parish Easter Hunt—10:30am Easter Vigil—8:00pm EASTER SUNDAY April 5: Mass 8:00am & 11:00 am Coffee hour after 8am/11am Hall Rental 1pm –10pm NO PARISH BREAKFAST IN APRIL DIVINE MERCY NOVENA begins Good Friday April 3,2015 at 5:00pm—6:30pm Continues Every Night Until Saturday April 11, 2015 also Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament The Finance Council needs your HELP! Are you looking for a place to share your time and talent? The Finance Council maybe the place for you and we need you! We meet, the 4th Wednesday of each month September through November and January through June. Our meetings are 1 hour. If you are interested, please contact Susan in the office at 253-537-8551 or Gaye Dolan at 253-531-7458 May Crowning Practice We will be having practice for the May crowning on Saturdays April 18, April 25, and May 2 in the church at 11am to 12pm. Please get permission slip from CCD teacher for your parents to allow you to participate .May Crowning; Mary’s Tribute will Holy Thursday Mass 7pm Good Friday Stations of the Cross 3pmService 7pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 8pm Easter Sunday Masses 8am & 11am During Lent, Confessions are every Friday 6pm to 7pm, on Saturdays at 4:30pm and before or after daily Masses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Stewardship Corner Have you seen the “Ground Breaking” for our new Meditation Garden? The work began about a month ago with pouring of cement for a base of the cross and planting of five Leyland Cypress trees. The Cross is now in place with gravel and rocks placed around the base. The construction of the Meditation Garden is coming along nicely after the delay in getting approval. Just this past week 12 arborvitae trees were planted. Eventually, the trees will provide privacy and quiet for those who wish to use the garden for meditation. Many thanks to the men who constructed the cross and did marvelous work. Also for donating the rock at the base of the cross and the larger rocks that will grace the entrance of the garden. Thankfully the cross is now in place for Good Friday outside Station of the Cross. The cross is located under the trees behind the parish rectory/ office. There are many more things to be done for the Medication Garden. This will be an ongoing project and the parishioners involved with this project would appreciate the support of our parish to help this garden along the way to completion with ideas and financial assistance. Funds can be donated by placing them in an envelope mark it “Meditation Garden” and put it in the collection at Mass. To share your ideas contact: Pat Kowalchuk or Jan Rogers. We would like to acknowledge a donation that was received anonymously, and thank you so much for your generous gift. Please take a moment of your time to see for yourself how beautifully the Meditation Garden is coming along! Time—Talent—Treasure Stewardship Commission 6 March 22,2015 117 envelopes $5,406.00 + $357.66= 5,763.66 THANK YOU! Altar Server Corner Cincture is RED Palm Sunday—Procession Mar 28th & Apr 1st 5:30pm: Tracy & Steve 8:00am: Eduardo, Alendra, Vanessa, Reveka, Gary & Kirby 11:00am: Kala, Kyla, Michael, Nae’Ana, Ryan & Jayde Thank you for answering God’s call to service. Thank you, Joan O’Shea Questions or can’t make it, contact me at 253-531-5159 or [email protected] SACRED HEART PARISH e-mail: [email protected] Tel. (253) 472-7738 Fax (253) 475-0071 STAFF / PERSONAL: PASTOR / PARROCO...............……….......................Ext. 103 Fr. Tuan V. Nguyen PAROCHIAL VICAR / VICARIO PARROQUIA..............Ext. 107 Fr. Juan Carlos Saenz PARISH SECRETARY / SECRETARIA...……...............Ext. 100 Luz M. Paredes Lazarus Ministry …………... …………..253 - 474 - 2414 Chuck Ross St. Vincent De Paul …………………….. 253 - 474 - 7195 Claudia K. Ehreth MISSIONERIES………………………………………EXT 109 EDIBERO LUNA web: MISSION STATEMENT We are a people of God unified in his love. As Roman Catholic Community, we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings and our Sacred Catholic Tradition. Our devotion to the Lord comes from the Liturgy, the Sacraments and multiethnic people who embrace our community and welcome all newcomers. We foster the unique expressions of each culture and honor the gifts they bring. Through our commitment to Christ’s Commandments, we provide an environment that will foster spiritual growth and reflect Jesus’ love for all in our community . OPEN HOUSE on Sunday April 12the Sisters of St. Francis invite you to an OPEN HOUSE at their home at 6602 S. Alaska St., Tacoma, 98408. from 9:00-11:45AM beginning with Eucharist to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life. There will be presentations and refreshments. Location 6602 S. Alaska St. Tacoma WA 98404 RSVP to: [email protected] or call 253-4749803 by April 10th. Parish calendar Pilgrimage to see Pope Francis at the World Meeting of Families Pope Francis is coming to the United States in September! The Archdiocese of Seattle is organizing a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families (WMF) in Philadelphia. Held every three years, the World Meeting of Families is the world's largest Catholic gathering of families. The WMF 2015, "Love is Our Mission," includes the Congress (Sept. 22-25) and weekend events including a Mass with Pope Francis (Sept. 26-27). The Congress has two tracks: The Adult Congress offers inspiring speakers such as Fr. Robert Barron, Carl Anderson, Professor Helen Alvaré, Dr. Scott Hahn, Damon Owens, and Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla (daughter of St. Gianna Beretta Molla). The Youth Congress (ages 6-17) is an interactive program where young people can build, create, play, listen, serve, and embrace the mission of love that brings families fully alive. Daycare will also be available. As an added bonus, the pilgrimage features a Mass and dinner with Archbishop Sartain in Philadelphia. For complete information on how to register for this exciting pilgrimage, visit Rosary 30 minutes before Mass Monday, March 30 8:00 am Mass Tuesday, March 31 Choir Practice The altar society is 7:00 pm Meeting April 13, 2015 Thursday April 2nd at 12:00 Noon staring with rosary 5:00 pm Mass Every one is welcome! Friday April 3rd 5:00 pm Mass Sunday, April 5th 10:00 am Mass 11am Coffee Hour REMINDER: Reconciliation held after each Mass We will have Easter celebration for homebound of Sacred Heart parish on April 11 at 12:00 noon. We Stewardship in Our would like to invite you Parish For : come join us. March 15th 2015 All parishioners that are $ 4,837.00 homebound are invited to Thank you for your generosity! attend a Easter celebration On Saturday, April 11th at 12:00 noon in parish hall at Sacred Heart. Please RSVP before April 6th to Sr.Mary 253 5922455 or Mrs. Dixie 253 229 9940 would like you to come! 7 Mass Intentions Onosai Aulava, Ruth Bones, Billy Bones, Josie Bigler Chris Bilyeu, Louis Castrilli, Katherine Carson, Rosario Delgadillo, Juana Freeman, Ben Freudenstein, Ernesto Fuentes, JoAnn Garner, Alice Ginther, Claire M. Hickey, Diene Holby, Helen Horak, Joshua Horak, Brenda Hurtado, Lois Jensen, Pam Knoll, Veronica Maltatti, Dianne Martin, Janet Miller, JoAnn Paul, Sharon Penhale, Ashley Remigton, Theresa Rotter, Sherry Simpson, Evelyn Stankevich, Robert Stets, Pray for those in need of prayer, all the sick and homebound members of our faith community, For our military: All men and women in Iraq and other parts of the world and their families. SAN VINCENT DE PAUL Answering phone calls Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 am only MUST BE IN CHURCH BOUNDARIES Call at: 253 - 472 - 7738 ext. 104 Offering only food vouchers and Utility DOMINGO DE RAMOS 29 DE MARZO DE 2015 Queridos Feligreses: Estamos entrando en la celebración de la Semana Santa, Iniciando con el Domingo de Ramos; agradezco a los ministros litúrgicos de las tres parroquias por ofrecer el tiempo en toda la preparación de esta semana Santa. El pasado sábado tendremos el retiro de los candidatos para recibir sus sacramentos, agradezco al de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos y niños y a sus maestros por toda la ayuda que les dan. Es un gozo para nosotros el poder ser parte de este maravilloso proceso de Jornada de Fe, gracias también por ponerlos en sus oraciones. Les invito una vez más a participar en las Misas de Semana Santa, hemos puesto los diferentes horarios de las tres parroquias en el boletín, también nos unimos con la Arquidiócesis de Seattle a la celebración de la vigilia pascual a recibir más de 700 miembros nuevos que estarán en la vigilia pascual Hemos tenido diferentes retiros en estos días, en nuestra vida muy ocupada es un llamado para nosotros de detenernos por unos momentos y escuchar el llamado profundo de nuestra fe y hacer un espacio a la oración. Probablemente alguno de ustedes ya han visto el jardín de meditación en San Juan del Bosque, si no lo ha hecho los invito a que se den una vueltecita para que se den cuenta. Se ha completado la demolición del edificio de la escuela y estamos en el proceso de reunirnos con el arquitecto y el grupo líder de este proyecto para el diseño del nuevo edificio para presentarlo al comité financiero de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle y esperar la aprobación del préstamo y otros procesos que hay que seguir. Agradezco al comité de recaudación de fondos y a otros que han aportado su granito de arena por toda la ayuda que nos han brindado a la parroquia. Por otro lado nuestros edificios es tan envejeciendo y necesitan de algunas reparaciones y ponerles más atención con respecto al mantenimiento por eso les pido mucho de su ayuda. La Misa Crismal en La Catedral de St. James el Miércoles pasado fue maravillosa experiencia de oración nos reunimos alrededor del altar con el Señor Arzobispo para celebrar la Santa Misa, y así renovamos nuestros votos con la Iglesia, oramos con el Arzobispo y fuimos testigos de la bendición de los diferentes aceites que usamos durante todo el año. El aceite de Crisma es para ungir a los sacerdotes en su ordenación y bendecir el altar en el día de la dedicación a la Iglesia. El aceite de los catecúmenos y exorcismo es para ungir a los que se preparan para recibir los sacramentos, como para los bautismos. El aceite de los enfermos es usado para ungir a los enfermos. Estos aceites se presentaran el jueves Santo Agradezco por su participación en las 24 horas de adoración al Santísimo Sacramento el pasado 13-14 de Marzo. Hay muchas formas en las que somos llamados a servir en nuestra Iglesia, por eso les invito a participar en los diferentes ministerios y grupos que ya tenemos en nuestra parroquia, necesitamos más miembros en el consejo pastoral como en el consejo financiero, y en los diferentes comisiones, tu ayuda es muy importante. La Semana Santa es muy importante en nuestra fe, les invito nuevamente a participar en las diferentes Misas durante la semana y en la vigilia pascual, y Domingo de Resurrección dar la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros que se unen a nuestra comunidad de fe. Por favor pongan en sus oraciones a todos los ministros de liturgia, y que nuestro Señor continúe bendiciéndoles como también a sus familias. Atentamente de ustedes en Cristo, Atentamente de Ustedes, Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min Pastor MISAS / ESPAÑOL DIOS MIO, DIOS, PORQUE ME HAS ABANDONADO? Jueves 7:00PM Sábado 7:00PM Domingo 8am y 12 medio dia JUEVES SANTO NO ESTARA EL SANTISIMO EXPUESTO DURANTE EL DIA. DESPUES DE MISA DE 7:00 PM ESTA EXPUESTO EN EL SALON PARROQUIAL HASTA LAS 11:00 PM Nuestro Diezmo 15 de Marzo 2015 $ 4, 837.00 Por su generosidad Movimiento Sacerdotal Mariano invita a rezar el Rosario todos los Lecturas Dominicales Is 50: 4-7; Flp 2: 6-11; Mc 14: 1-15, 47 Lunes 30 de Marzo Is 42: 1-7; Jn 12: 1-11 Martes 31 de Marzo Is 49: 1-6; Jn 13: 21-33.36-38 Miércoles 1 de Abril Is 50: 4-9; Mt 26: 14-25 Jueves 2 de Abril Ex 12; 1-8.11-14; 1Co 11: 23-26; Jn 13: 1-15 Viernes 3 de Abril Is 52: 13-53, 12; Hb 4: 1416;5,7-9; Jn 18:1-9.42 Sábado 4 de Abril Gn 1:1-2; Gn 22: 1-18 Ex14: 15; Is 54: 5-14;Is 55: 1-11; Ez 36: 16 -28; Rm 6: 3-11; Mc 16: 1-7 En Inglés: Domingos 10 :00 am Lunes y Viernes 8:00AM CONFESIONES No necesita Hacer cita solamente llame ala oficina y pregunte por el Padre Miercoles 6:00 PM EN EL TEMPLO 8 INFORMACION COMUNITARIA Nuestra Página Regional Web: NECESITA HABLAR CON EL SACERDOTE? Estara disponible de: Martea a Viernes 3:00 a 5:00 pm ACTIVIDADES PARA EL MES DE MARZO Necesita la visita de un sacerdote, o que le lleven la communion a su casa o al hospital? por favor llame a: oficina 253 - 472-7738 Misioneros 253- 304- 6738 Luz Paredes 253– 468– 0258 Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra Tienen materiales religiosos en venta Biblias * rosarios Libros * CD’s yDvd Renta de películas Puede contactarles: De lunes a viernes 9:00 am 12:00 medio día y de 1:00 a 4:00 pm Al (253)– 472-7738 ext 109 o celular: (253)304-6738 * 30 de Marzo al 2 de abril –Misión de Semana Santa- Los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra invitan a la comunidad de Sagrado Corazón a participar en una mission de apostolado para salvar almas. * 3 de Abril–Obra de Vía Cruz CrucisLos Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra Quisieran presentar a ustedes la obra de La Pasión de Cristo. Interpretando. El sufrimiento que Jesús tuvo que padecer para Salvarnos. Para llevar a cabo estos proyectos se necesitan unas cosas y pedimos su ayuda. Necesitamos luces de centro de atención para la obra de Vía Crucis y un burro de verdad para el domingo de ramos. Gracias. ====================================== * 5 de Abril – Retiro Pascua Juvenil- Los Misioneros quisieran invitar a la juventud de Sagrado Corazón a una noche de gozo y alegría ya que nuestro Señor ha resucitado. Para más información puede contactarnos al: Celular (253) 304-6738 Oficina (253) 472-7738 ext.109 Coordinadora de Liturgia/Español Herlinda Martin Coordinador de Catequesis María Esther Morales Coordinadora de procesos de Matrimonio/Español Gloria Gómez en la Extensión 105 Deje mensaje y su número de teléfono. en la oficina de la parroquia coordinador de Bautismos: Salvador Delgadillo Coordinador de Confirmaciones Manuel Morales Coordinador de Quinceañera: Brenda Heredia Pastoral Juvenil Luis Garcia ACTIVIDADES PARROQUIALES Jueves Santo es el dia en que se regresan las cajitas de la taza de arroz. Gracias por su ayuda y por contribuir llevando un plato de comida al mas necesitado. Clases de confirmaciones para jovenes En el Salon Parroquial Sabados de 1:00 pm Clases de evangelizacion para padres y Padrinos en el templo Clases de confirmacion y 1a comunion para adultos Miercoles 7:00 pm Clases del programa de RICA Miercoles 7:00 pm Sabados 1:00 pm comedor de oficina Grupo de Oracion El Buen Pastor en el Templo Viernes 6:30—9:00 pm Catequesis - Sabados salon parroquial 8:00 am - 12:00 md 10:30 am a 12:30 Clases Pre-Bautismales 25 de Abril de 1 - 5 pm Solo para los que traen comprobante. Pase antes a la oficina. 9 SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Ofrece estampillas para comida y ayuda con parte de pagos de la luz a las familias que vivan en los alrededores de la parroquia. Para mas infor-
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