The Church of HOLY APOSTLES March 29, 2015 Roman Catholic Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity. Holy Week Schedule Holy Thursday, April 2 The Lord’s Supper, 7 PM (bilingual) Good Friday, April 3 English Service. 3 PM Spanish Service, 7 PM Holy Saturday, April 4 Easter Egg Hunt at 9 AM Blessing of Easter Food Baskets, 11 AM Easter Vigil Mass, 8 PM (bilingual) (No 5 PM Mass) Easter Sunday, April 5 Mass: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (Spanish) (No 5 PM Mass) Visit our website: Sign up to receive text OR email messages (no smartphone needed!) by subscribing to Flocknote, either through the link on the home page of our website or directly on holyapostles. “Like” us on facebook at thechurchofholyapostles for events, photos and more! THE CHURCH OF HOLY APOSTLES (ROMAN CATHOLIC) FR. PAUL C. WHITE, PASTOR FR. RUBÉN HERRERA AND FR. DIEGO OSPINA, ASSOCIATE PASTORS CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-LORD (5673) FAX 815-385-6045 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 120 or 125 BELL TOWER GIFTS & BOOKS: 815-363-HOLY (4659) Email: [email protected] Web Site: MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM Page 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Holy Apostles Parish Family, I hope everyone survived our stellar Spring Break weather. We enter Holy Week after our journey this Lent with Jesus. This week’s liturgies are central to our beliefs and always bring moments that make our community pause. I invite you to join us to celebrate the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday as we wash the feet of our community and ask, "Can I let Jesus wash my feet?" Good Friday we carry the cross with Jesus. We do this with the help of others. Saturday, we welcome 7 people into our faith and 27 more get Confirmed into our faith. On Easter Sunday we will add the Children's Mass at 10 AM in the Fr. Sherry Parish Center. I hope you can join us to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Have a Blessed Holy Week! Father Paul PALM SUNDAY AND THE HUMILITY OF JESUS On Palm Sunday, we come face to face with Jesus. Thus, we come face to face with the reality of how we are to live our lives each day. Jesus, the Savior of the world and the king of the universe was born in the humility of Bethlehem. All throughout the Gospels he taught his apostles and disciples the importance of humility. His followers had already heard his piercing words: "blessed are the meek" and "blessed are the peacemakers." But, he continued to affirm the importance of the virtue of humility when he held a child and said: "unless you become like a child, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God." The Apostles continued to struggle with pride and Jesus continued to teach its importance. "Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave." When the first Palm Sunday took place, Jesus, the king of heaven and earth, once again gave a lesson of humility. He entered into Jerusalem riding upon a donkey. His humble entrance into Jerusalem clearly illustrates that God is humble. God in his might, power and majesty, is also a humble God. He is not like the gods of the ancient Greeks and Romans. He is not like the powerful people of yesterday and today that will do anything in order to gain prestige, power and money. Christianity is all-encompassing. The way of life that we are called to live is essentially different from anything known to humanity before the coming of Christ and even after his coming. Father James Farfaglia, Catholic Online The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR: All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill. Jack Czapla Gerald Doyle Gene Adams Bob & Dolly Reidy Grace Wesinger Allen Scholnick Nick Bishop Mara Doherty Brendan Wohnrade-Thompson Marisa Diedrich Richardson Sharon Justice Bill Michaelis Annette Feller Len Kubiak Ethel Parisi Toni Nolde Carole Ann Walberer Frank Sweeney Bennie Brown Jean Bower Baby Maxine Branson Liz Vavrik Mary Lou Callaghan Ted Tyska Rosario Palacios Miranda Tootsie Buss Tim Paul Chase Freund John Rappa Tracy Geraty Jimmy Smith Raymond Krecioch Toni Gignac Mike Vanderwyst, Sr. Karen Staller Carole Dumont Glenn Ehrhart Clara Williams Carol Drew Joan Flood Darlene Briscoe Michael L. Prihoda Anthony Scianna Bertha Smith Victor Ortiz Reg Hawkes Baby Lukas Zalewski Jamie Dusthimer Carlos Torres Elaine Dole TJ Ciochon Mary Welzen Ricky Mock Audrey Teller Carol Leeper Kris Gore Eva Melesio Bob Berg Ray Fardoux Nancy Hoffman Patrick Waldron John Jelinek Donald Gauwitz Kathy McCormick Tom Majercik Diane Briscoe Gene Seaver Tracy Norlen Lavonne Sallaz Wilfrid Dumont Robert Holas Harry Brown Jennifer Fuentes Lu Andersen God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to [email protected] WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: During This Week We Remember Zinada Hsyshynpar MASS SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 30: Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18, 15-18/ Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: MASS CELEBRANTS FOR APRIL 4/5*: Saturday, April 4: 8 PM—Frs. Paul, Rubén & Diego (No 5 PM Mass) Sunday, April 5: 8 AM—Fr. Diego 10 AM—Fr. Paul (in church 10 AM—Fr. Rubén (in Parish Ctr.) 12 PM—Fr. Rubén 5 PM—No Mass Page 3 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 THIS WEEK AT HOLY APOSTLES SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD HALO SPRING CRAFT & BAKE SALE, 8:30 AM TO 1:30 PM 8:00 AM Mass The People of Holy Apostles and Catherine Edstrom 10:00 AM Taped Mass †Leonard Kamp and †Christofer Petska 12:00 PM Misa en Español Miranda Noe & Family (for blessings) and †Souls in Purgatory 1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance 3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church 5:00 PM F.Y.R.E Mass †Ronald L. Blaul 6:00 PM Youth Group in Fr. Sherry Parish Center MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Carol Brown 9:00 AM “Words of the Risen Christ” Bible Study in St. Francis/Augustine 12:10 PM Mass †Sally Odden McCracken 6:00 PM Community Kitchen Meal in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr./Kitchen 7:00 PM “Seven Last Words of Christ” Bible Study in Archangels/Angels TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Dr. Gerard Dominique and †Catherine Freund 9:00 AM Bible Study in Archangels/Angels 5:00 PM Family Faith Formation Classes (final class) 5:30 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 6:15 PM 6:00 PM Teen/Young Adult Prayer Group in Youth Room 6:30 PM Mass †John Shay 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room 7:00 PM Daisy Scout Troop Meeting in Thrones 7:00 PM Holy Week Festival Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room 7:15 PM RCIA and RICA rehearsal for Easter Vigil in church WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2015 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Van Der Bosch Family and †Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 12:10 PM Mass †Bill Wisniewski 1:00 PM “The Resurrection & the Life” Bible Study in Ss. Francis/Augustine 2:00 PM Mass at Heritage Woods Assisted Living Center 5:30 PM Family Faith Formation Classes (final class) 5:30 PM Special Sacraments Class 6:00 PM Easter egg stuffing in O’Neill Reading Room 7:00 PM Baptism Preparation Class in St. Francis/St. Augustine (English) THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 HOLY THURSDAY—PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 AM No Mass 11:00 AM Chrism Mass at St. Peter Cathedral in Rockford 8:00 AM No Confession/Reconciliation 6:00 PM No Rosario 6:00 PM No Confessions 7:00 PM The Lord’s Supper Mass (bilingual Spanish/English) The People of Holy Apostles FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 GOOD FRIDAY (DAY OF FAST AND ABSTINENCE) PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 AM 12:10 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM No Mass No Mass Good Friday Service (English) Good Friday Service (Spanish) SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 HOLY SATURDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM No Mass Easter Egg Hunt outdoors, weather permitting Blessing of Easter Food Baskets in Fr. Sherry Parish Center No Confession/Reconciliation No Mass Easter Vigil Mass †Tom Stubblefield SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 8:00 AM Mass †Frank May and †Donald Heffron 10:00 AM Taped Mass in Church †Cyril Matthys and †Lorraine Peck 10:00 AM Mass in Fr. Sherry Parish Center †Florence Hefter and†Irene C. Dashiel 12:00 PM Misa en Español †Salvador Botello and The People of Holy Apostles 5:00 PM No Mass 6:00 PM No Youth Group Mass Intentions Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or stop by during office hours (8:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday) to arrange for a Mass Intention for a deceased or ill loved one or other special intention. BELL TOWER GIFTS & BOOKS now has beautiful and unique First Communion and Confirmation gifts and sacramentals. SPRING CLEARANCE SALE—Select books 30% off and select gift items 25% off. Advertiser of the Week We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for advertising their products and services. Our advertisers make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank: Bull Valley Collision Complete Auto Body & Refinishing—24 hour towing Across from hospital on Bull Valley Rd., McHenry IL 815-385-7580 Contact Jeff Tkachuk at 1-800-950-9952, Ext. 2513 or [email protected] for information on placing an ad. Page 4 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Holy Apostles Easter Egg Hunt is On! Invitation to Holy Week Liturgies Holy Apostles is the place to be for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4, at 9 AM. Bring your children for some “egg-citing” fun! In order to offer this event, we’ll need some dedicated volunteers to stuff the eggs prior to the event, direct the egg hunt, and clean up afterwards. Please call the Parish Office at 815-385- 5673 if you are able to help. But most of all WE NEED YOUR CANDY DONATIONS TO ALLOW US TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL EASTER EGG HUNT! Please drop off your WRAPPED candy donations by March 31 at the Parish Office. Holy Week is the most incredible period of celebration in the entire Catholic liturgical year. There is a true feast of spiritual riches to be enjoyed by those who choose to participate in these services. Great Liturgy, great music, great celebration of the true core of Catholic faith, heritage and beliefs...we invite you to take part! Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper will take place at 7 PM on Holy Thursday, April 2. At this bilingual Spanish/English Mass, one of the most beautiful celebrations of the year, we will receive the Holy Oils blessed that morning by Bishop Malloy at the Chrism Mass in Rockford; have the ceremony of the Washing of Feet; and end Mass with a special Procession of the Eucharist to its' place of reposition. After midnight on Holy Thursday, the Eucharist is locked away in a safe place, and no Mass is permitted in the Catholic Church until the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday (previously consecrated hosts are distributed on Good Friday). Good Friday Commemoration of the Lord's Passion and Death will take place at 3 PM in English and 7 PM in Spanish on April 3. This service is not a Mass, as Mass is not permitted by the Church until the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. The Commemoration has a stark and prayerful beauty unlike any other moment in the Church year. Communion that was consecrated on Holy Thursday is distributed at the end of the service. The Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4, is the source and summit of all Masses in the Church Year and is completely unique, taking place just once a year. Since the Vigil should preferably begin after sunset, our bilingual Spanish/English Vigil will start with the Blessing of the Paschal Fire at 8 PM. Everyone will process into church with lit candles to hear some of the greatest stories of the Old Testament and witness a number of adults being initiated into the Catholic Church, before the celebration of Mass. Note that the Easter Vigil may be two to three hours long, but it is a Mass like no other with many unique traditions that date back more than fifteen centuries. Many people say afterwards that they did not even feel the time passing! Note also that there is no Saturday 5 PM Mass that day. Our Easter Sunday Mass schedule will be Mass at 8 AM, two Masses at 10 AM in English (one in Church and one in Fr. Sherry Parish Center) and at 12 Noon in Spanish. There will be no Mass at 5 PM on Sunday. Come...Touch a Heart in Haiti Catholic Assistance Missions (CAM) will host its 8th annual fundraiser on Saturday, April 18, 6 PM to 10 PM, here at Holy Apostles. Food, fun, raffles! Tickets are $20/ adult in advance; $25 at the door; children age 10 and under are $5.00 and they may be purchased at Bell Tower Gifts & Books. Your generosity helps to educate and feed the children of Despinasse, Haiti. Donated items are still needed for our silent auction. Please contact Colleen at 815-5780975 or [email protected] to arrange pick-up or drop-off of your donation. “Luke 18” Retreat for 8th Graders “Luke 18” is a three day retreat for 8th graders that’s a fun, exciting and life-changing experience that will help prepare the teens for their adventure in high school. It’s also a great way to grow in faith and make friends with other Catholic teens. The retreat runs from 8 PM on Friday, April 10 until 1 PM on Sunday, April 12. To register call Joe Filpi or John Jelinek at 815-385-5673, ext. 112 or 118. Registration forms are available on our website under “Youth” and“Junior High.” Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Magnificat Prayer Ministry will host their Spring Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 9, 9 AM to 12:30 PM (seating at 8:30 AM) at the Holiday Inn, 800 S. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake. Guest speaker is Fr. Joseph Ekpo, a priest from Nigeria who has faced intense challenges due to turbulence and military upheaval in his country. This helped him develop a great devotion to the faith and a passionate concern for social justice. Come hear the phenomenal testimony from this incredible priest. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased by calling Dee Slowey at 815-893-4061. For more information visit Adoration Chapel Cleaning Help Needed The All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel will close on Holy Thursday, April 2, about 6 PM, and then re-open on Holy Saturday, April 4, after the Easter Vigil Mass. The chapel will receive its spring cleaning on Good Friday, April 3, beginning at 7 AM until about 9:30 AM. (many hands make quick work!) If you are able to help clean, please come to the chapel at 7 AM. Thanks! Page 5 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord We Share Our Blessings This week, our Parish Tithe will be given to the Society of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, an apostolic congregation of the Catholic Church, that works for social justice and human rights, and serves the poor who are alienated and often without hope. Offer Your Intentions with Candles Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested donation is $15 per candle. From March 29 through April 11 with these candles, your prayers have been requested by Catherine Kamp, Pilar & Carmen Buot, and Griselda Mendoza. Volunteer Opportunities in Liturgy Our liturgical ministries are in need of some dependable and joyful individuals (or couples) to coordinate Altar Servers and Eucharistic Ministers. Please pray and discern if you may be the one for whom we are searching! Full training and support will be provided. Altar Server Coordinator sees to the training and support of our young people in this important ministry. This person should like and relate well to children and parents alike, and be a patient teacher and mentor. Responsibilities include organizing training for new servers, refreshers for experienced servers, and encouraging new servers to join this ministry. Eucharist Minister Scheduler creates the Eucharistic Minister Roster every two months. The right person should be comfortable with computers (MS Excel or similar software) and have good communication and people-managing skills. Contact Feargal King at 815-385 -5673 or [email protected] to volunteer your time. Community Kitchen—Sharing God’s Love We are feeding the hungry, at no cost, in the name of Christ, every Monday at 6 PM in the Fr. Sherry Parish Center. Doors open 5:45 PM. Please contact Mayra Rivas for information, to volunteer, or to donate food or supplies, at 815-996-0076 or mrivas8520@ March 29, 2015 Stewardship of Treasure For Weekend of March 21/22, 2015 (Week 38) Weekly Budgeted Income Needed: $ 21,453.00 Sunday Envelopes Loose Offertory Children’s Gifts Total Collection $ 16,677.00 $ 2,529.02 $ 211.80 $ 19,417.82 (Fiscal year 7/1/14 to 6/30/15) Budgeted Income Year to Date:$ Actual Income Year-to-Date Overage/(Shortage) $815,214.00 $788,740.54 $ (26,473.46) \ Weekly Tithe to Senior Care Volunteer Network Debt Reduction: $ $ 1,000.00 2,155.00 Thank you so for your generous giving! Please remember Holy Apostles in your Will. Thank Him for All He Has Done for You! Through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, we have the gift of the Holy Eucharist. Good Friday follows Holy Thursday because the passion and the death of Jesus was the price that He paid so that we may have divine, immortal and everlasting life in Him in the new and everlasting covenant of the Holy Eucharist. Take a little time each week to visit Jesus in the Divine Eucharist in the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel. and thank Him. Pray, listen, and take in the peace that He gives us so lovingly. Stop and take a little break from your busy life to acknowledge His comforting love. Jesus will bless you, your family, and the whole world for this hour of faith you spend with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Please pray about committing to these open times: Thursday: 2 to 3 AM Saturday: 12 to 1 AM, 3 to 4 PM and 7 to 8 PM Call Mike Thielsen at 815-385-8562 to commit your time. Spring Cemetery Clean-Up Holy Apostles Cemetery grounds will be cleaned up for spring through March 31, weather permitting. All decorations will be removed and placed in front of the garage— please pick them up from there within two weeks if you would like to save them. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE ANY DECORATIONS DURING THE CLEAN-UP TIME. Glass and ceramic items are never permitted. Please consult your Cemetery Rules/Regulations brochure before placing items in the cemetery. Your cooperation is appreciated! Save the Week for Bible Camp In response many inquiries, Bible Camp will be held the week of June 22 through 26, 2015. Be sure to set aside this week now so you don’t miss the fun! Pagina 6 Significado del Triduo Pascual La Iglesia de los Apostoles Santos, McHenry, IL Requisitos para Bautizar El Triduo pascual comienza Jueves santo, con la misa vespertina "Cena del Señor con sus Discípulos", aunque por la mañana normalmente se tiene otra significativa celebración litúrgica, la misa Crismal (bendición de los aceites por el Sr. Obispo) , durante la cual todos los sacerdotes de cada diócesis, congregados en torno al obispo, renuevan sus promesas sacerdotales y participan en la bendición de los óleos de los catecúmenos, de los enfermos y del Crisma. El viernes santo, centrado en el misterio de la Pasión, es un día de ayuno y penitencia, totalmente orientado a la contemplación de Cristo en la cruz. En las iglesias se proclama el relato de la Pasión y resuenan las palabras del profeta Zacarías: "Mirarán al que traspasaron" (Jn 19, 37). Y durante el Viernes santo también nosotros queremos fijar nuestra mirada en el corazón traspasado del Redentor, en el que, como escribe san Pablo, "están ocultos todos los tesoros de la sabiduría y de la ciencia" (Col 2, 3), más aún, en el que "reside corporalmente toda la plenitud de la divinidad" (Col 2, 9). En el Sábado santo la Iglesia, uniéndose espiritualmente a María, permanece en oración junto al sepulcro, donde el cuerpo del Hijo de Dios yace inerte como en una condición de descanso después de la obra creadora de la Redención, realizada con su muerte (cf. Hb 4, 1-13). Ya entrada la noche comenzará la solemne Vigilia pascual, durante la cual en cada Iglesia el canto gozoso del Gloria y del Aleluya pascual se elevará del corazón de los nuevos bautizados y de toda la comunidad cristiana, feliz porque Cristo ha resucitado y ha vencido a la muerte. Nos acompañe María santísima, que, después de haber seguido a su Hijo divino en la hora de la pasión y de la cruz, compartió el gozo de su resurrección. Pasar a la oficina para llenar la forma de registro. Traer copia del Acta de Nacmiento del niño(a). Papás y Padrinos deben asisitir a la clase pre-bautismal, Ofrecida el primer lunes del mes a las 6:45 pm. PADRINOS DEBEN ESTAR CASADOS POR LA IGLESIA. favor de presentar el Certificado de Matrimonio Fechas de Bautismo, domingo en misa de 12 pm. Abril 12; Mayo 10; Junio 14, Julio 12; Agosto 9; Septiembre 13; Octubre 11, Noviembre 8 y Diciembre 13 Para información de las fechas y horario de los Bautismos en sabado llamar a la oficina para mas informacion 815-385-5673 de 8:30 AM -5 PM. Huevos de Pascua Horarios de las Celebración de Triduo Pascual El sábado 4 de abril tendremos la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua a las 9am. Traiga a sus niños. También le invitamos que nos ayude a organizar este evento. Necesitamos papas voluntarios que vengan a rellenar huevos o puedan traer dulces para donar. Llamar a la oficina para mas información. Limpieza de la Capilla de Adoración Necesitamos voluntarios para limpiar la Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo el viernes Santo, abril 3 de 7 a 9:30am. Nos reuniremos en la Capilla. Gracias. Limpieza de la Iglesia Seguimos invitando a las personas para que nos ayuden con la limpieza de la Iglesia. La próxima fecha será el miércoles 8 de abril a las 6:00 pm. Gracias. Presentaciones Las familias que deseen presentar a su hijo(a) las fechas son: El Primer y cuarto domingo de cada mes, próxima fecha 5 de abril, llamar a la oficina para dejar la información. Misas para alguna intención Si desea mandar hacer una misa, favor de pasar a la oficina. El horario es de 8:30am a 5 pm. De lunes a viernes. Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Necesitamos Adoradores Permanentes para nuestra Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo, tenemos varios espacios disponibles. Llame la oficina o llene una de las formas que se encuentran en la capilla de Adoración. Horarios disponibles: Jueves: 2-3 AM Sábado: 12—1 AM; 3—4 PM; 7—8 PM Veladoras en la Capilla de Adoración ¿Le gustaría que una de las veladoras que están en la Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo fuera encendida por sus intenciones o sus necesidades? Para solicitarla pase a la oficina de la Iglesia. La veladora dura 14 días encendida. Y el costo por veladora son $15 dólares. Del 29 de marzo al 11 de abril a petición Catherine Kamp, Pilar y Carmen Buot, y Griselda Mendoza. (Semana Santa) Jueves 2 de Abril la ultima Cena y el Lavatorio de los Pies. Misa a las 7 PM. La Capilla de nuestra Sra. de Lourdes que se encuentra a un lado de la Iglesias permanecerá abierta hasta la media noche, para que acompañemos a la Virgen de los Dolores. Viernes 3 de Abril Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, 7 PM en la Iglesia seguido de la veneración de la Cruz. Sábado 4 de Abril Misa de la Vigilia Pascual. 8 PM. celebración de la bendición del fuego, y del Cirio Pascual. Retiro para estudiantes de 8 grado “Luke 18” Tres días de retiro, es una experiencia que cambia la vida de los jóvenes que están por entrar a la high school. Aquí tendrán la oportunidad de aumentar su fe, y hacer nuevos amigos. El retiro comienza el viernes 10 de abril a las 8 pm. y termina el domingo 12 de abril a la 1pm. Las formas de registro las puede encontrar en la pagina: o en la oficina de la Iglesia. Mas información comunicarse con Joe Filpi. ext.112 Page 7 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 Shop the HALO Spring Bake Sale Today Help Us Show Our Appreciation! Holy Apostles Ladies Organization (HALO) is hosting their annual Spring Craft & Bake Sale this weekend. Hours on Saturday, March 28 are 1:30 to 6:30 PM and Sunday, March 29, from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Purchase fresh homebaked goodies and sweets for your Easter celebration or choose a craft item as an accessory decoration for your home. HALO hopes to raise enough money from this sale to replace the broken door in the Adoration Chapel as well as address some other parish needs. Be sure to stop by today after Mass—your support of the sale is much appreciated! Are you one of Holy Apostles’ faith-filled, generous, committed, dedicated, hard-working, reliable and just plain wonderful volunteers? If you serve in ANY ministry at the Church of Holy Apostles, please accept this small way of thanking you for all you do. It is SO appreciated! We’d like to thank you with an invitation to a Mass celebrated in your honor on Saturday, April 25, at 5 PM. Immediately following Mass, let us serve you a delicious catered dinner, with beer, wine, soda, and coffee in Fr. Sherry Parish Center. Feargal and Breda King will provide musical entertainment and new this year are over twenty free raffles: golf foursomes, Cubs tickets, gift cards, wine and more! If you have volunteered in any ministry or in any way at Holy Apostles, please come enjoy this fun annual event when we thank and celebrate YOU! Plan on Attending Montini FUNdraiser It’ll be fun! On Friday, April 10, the Montini Parent Teacher Alliance will host “Pass Go To Montini’s FUNdraiser“ event at McHenry VFW, from 7 to 11 PM. New this year—an Improv show featuring Scenic Drive, live and silent auctions and much more! Organizers are looking for donations of items that can be used in auctions or as game and raffle prizes such as restaurant, store, or gas gift cards, spa packages, hotel nights, airfare, concert/theater/ movie tickets, and more. Tickets are $20/per person. Contact Cori Rose Fiori at [email protected] or 630-939-0906 for details or to arrange drop-off/pick-up of your item. Come help support our parish school and have a fun evening! Four Seasons to Meet for Lunch Four Seasons is Holy Apostles’ group of age 50 and better men and women who enjoy socializing, eating and learning about new things, places and people. Their next gathering will be lunch at Brunch Cafe, on Rt. 31 just north of Bull Valley Rd.. at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, April 14. Please join the group and bring a friend! RSVP to Barb Haffner at 815- 385-7479 if you plan on attending. Thoughts on Emmaus Retreat There’s a saying I see shared on Facebook fairly often that goes something like this, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” I can speak only for myself, but I can guess that most of us would agree that we have battles. Those battles keep us pretty busy, don’t they? Taking the Journey to Emmaus gave me a deeper understanding of how those battles get in the way of a closer relationship with God. They keep us from a closer relationship with each other, too. Our own battles consume so much of our physical and mental strength that we may not even realize that we can ask for help. And, really, how many of us are comfortable asking for help? Through Emmaus, I was able to clear my heart and mind enough to see what I needed, and how I often keep myself from getting it. Aha. I highly recommend this journey to you, regardless of whatever personal battles you face. Whether your battles are large or small, you need Emmaus. And you’ll love Emmaus. Now I can go to Mass with a deeper understanding and appreciation of what it is I’m celebrating. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in putting the retreat together, the wonderful women who experienced it with me, and my family who let me go. I will never be the same. Amy Maciaszek Feeling closer to God and each other, the women who attended the Women’s Emmaus Retreat last weekend gathered for a group photo. Lots of smiling faces and happy souls! Page 8 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Please Keep in your Prayers... Marian Hosts All-Night Bingo ...the following people who have, for the past eight months received instruction and direction in doctrines of our Catholic faith in RCIA/RICA classes, and have now nearly reached the day when they will join us in our faith through the reception of sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass next Saturday, April 4: Alexandra Ball Bennie Brown Rogelio Acosta Traci Berquist Mark Ciero Jazmin Mateo Irene Gonzalez Kathryn Reis Marisol Beltran Karina Hernandez John Rudolph Ruby Beltran David Jones Julia Thompson Jocelyn Castaneda Stella Londono Martha Cervantes Jackeline Castellanos Marco Duran Erick Garcia Victoria Guevara Yimi Hernandez Reyna Jimenez Esperanza Landa Yetzabel Landa Angelica Lopez Bertha Morales Juan Mota Eduardo Garcia Gonzalo Vargas Emilio Ventura Lourdes Zavaleta Elizabeth Corro Michael Hagy May God continue to guide you in your faith journey! Marian Central Catholic High School will host All-Night Bingo on Saturday, April 11. Doors open at 5 PM; seating at 6 PM in hall. Early session begins at 7:30 PM; late session begins at midnight. No one under age 18 is allowed in the bingo hall. The two complete sessions will have a guaranteed payout of $4,000 plus special games, pulltabs, concessions, door prizes and more. A minimum charge of $35 buys a 36 sheet set, providing 15 cards per regular game all night. To reserve seats and for more information contact Peggy Murwin at 815-338-4220, ext. 106 or [email protected]. Let’s Play Ball! The snow will melt. The ball diamonds will dry out. Who wants to play some softball? Come join the fun and fellowship being a member of the Holy Apostles softball team. Men and women over age 17 are welcome to play. The team ranges in age from the 20’s to 60’s and all skill levels are welcome. For information and/or to join our team contact Ted Dinkelman at 815-353-4459 or [email protected] or Ed Dicken at 847-340-7621 or [email protected]. First Ever Catholic Evangelization Summit St. Mary Church, 10307 Dundee Rd., Huntley, will host the live-stream of a first ever Catholic Evangelization Summit held in Ottawa, Canada, featuring speakers such as Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Patrick Coffin, Ralph Martin and others. The event at St. Mary will be on Friday, April 24, 7 to 9:15 PM and Saturday, April 25, 9 AM to 4:45 PM. Ticket price is $65 per person with snacks and lunch provided on Saturday. Bishop Malloy will celebrate Mass at 8 AM on Saturday at St. Mary’s. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the New Evangelization, setting the whole world on fire with love for Christ and His Holy Church. Go to to register. Feast of Divine Mercy is April 12 The first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Divine Mercy. Easter Sunday is the boundary between death and life. The Feast of Divine Mercy is the fulfillment of what Easter is all about—perfect life in eternity. Our Risen Lord’s victory over sin and death! The Feast of Mercy has its roots deeply planted in the Old and New Testament and in early Church traditions. It is a feast with three distinct dimensions, each emphasizing an aspect of the paschal mystery that needs to be brought out more clearly: merciful love, atonement and covenant. The image of the Divine Mercy is a "snapshot" of Jesus appearing on Easter Sunday night. We see His wounds and His risen radiance. His left hand points to His Heart, inviting us to come to Him. His right hand is raised in a blessing of peace. A Feast of Divine Mercy service will be offered at both St. Patrick Church, McHenry, and Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake, on Sunday, April 12, beginning with the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 2 PM, followed by Holy Hour of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, praying Chaplet of Divine Mercy (chanted at Christ the King) and Veneration of Divine Mercy sacred image. Join Holy Apostles Community Board Holy Apostles Community Board was created on Facebook to work as a “digital bulletin board” that will allow you to make community announcements, ask for or provide assistance with a chore, request or offer rides, babysitting or other types of care, buy, sell, or give away items, request a prayer, and much more. We currently 256 members! To become a member of the Community Board, just go to board, read and follow the rules we’ve established and then request to become a member. Once you’re approved as a member, you can begin using this great tool. If you do not have a Facebook account or do not have access to the internet, you can still use the Community Board by calling in your “post” to Anne West or Jennifer Marsh at 815-385-5673 and we will post it for you.
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