Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Nuestra Señora de la

Our Lady of the Assumption
Catholic Church
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
4207 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte, NC 28215
Tel: 704-535-9965 Fax: 704-535-3621
Website:http://www.rc.net /charlotte/ola
Confession: 1/2 hour before the 5:00pm &
7:00pm Saturday Masses, and 1/2 hour before
the 11:00am Sunday Mass.
Marriages/Matrimonios: In this diocese,
arrangements must be made at least six months
prior to your proposed wedding date. For information, phone Deacon Peter Duca at 704-5730097. En la diócesis, arreglos para matrimonio
deben hacerse por lo menos seis meses antes de
la fecha de la boda. Para más información, llame
al Padre Felipe @ 704-535-9965.
Baptisms: Baptisms are held every month. Parents
who wish to have their children baptized must be
registered active parishioners for at least 6 months
and attend a Baptismal Preparation session. Both
parents and sponsors should be present for this important class. Call the office or Deacon Peter Duca
to register. Please make sure your parish registration
is up to date. The next preparation session will be
held on Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 10am.
Clases de Instrucción Para el Bautizo: Las
Clases de Bautizo son el segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes después de la Misa de las
3:00pm. Las próximas clases son Domingo,
13 y 20 de Septiembre requiere la asistencia de
los padres y padrinos en todas las clases. La familia tiene que ser registrado en la parroquia por lo
menos 6 meses antes de la primera clase. Se registra uno en la oficina de la parroquia para las
clases de bautizo después de los seis meses. Si
tiene preguntas hable con Brenda Hernández en
la oficina de lunes a jueves.
Sponsor Certificate: In order to receive permission to be sponsor for baptism or confirmation, you
will need to be a registered and a contributing
parishioner for at least six months.
Sick/Hospital Visits
If someone in your family is sick or admitted to the
hospital, please let the church office know so that
we can visit them.
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time • August 23, 2015
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario • 23 de Agosto, 2015
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon., 24th 2:00pm @Missionaries of Charity
Tues., 25th 9:00am +Francis Nguyen Tu
Wed., 26th
--Thurs, 27th 7:00pm
--Fri., 28th
Sat., 29th 5:00pm
Sun, 30th 8:30am
--Cong Family (Blessing)
--+Evelyn & Ralph Dekemper
+Martha Cao
August 23, 2015
Requested By:________
--Vietnamese Cursillo
21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26
1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32
1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17;Mt 24:42-51
1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13 -- Cong & My –Dung NguyenI 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mk 6:17-29 -- Joseph Ngo
Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8,
--14-15, 21-23
Parish Staff/Personal de la Parroquia
Rev. Philip Scarcella, PhD, JCD
A Mass intention is a special way to remember your family
members and friends, living or deceased, and anniversaries,
birthdays, or any special occasions. This is a wonderful opportunity to obtain special blessings for your loved ones.
PRAYER LIST- Please kindly remember the
following friends and family members in your
daily prayers: Deacon Steve Horai, Eleanor
Greulich, Reggie Belk, Marie Heggie, Damian
Balog, Ashley Thompson, John Alvarado, Deborah Thompson, Mullis Family, Nancy Carte,
Dick Leone, Grace Ryberg, Genevieve
Weigold, Dorothy Ehlebracht, Kelly Taylor, Nelia Haulk ,
Bernie Weigold, Mary Threatt, Kelly Taylor, Ann Pettit,
Mike Normile, Antonio Vega, Lea Powell, Roy Ryberg,
Scott O’Daniel ,Deacon Carlos Medina., and Fr. Frank
Rev. Mr. Steve Horai (Retired)
Rev. Mr. Kevin Williams
Rev. Mr. Luis Flores
(Coordinador de Grupo Carismatico) 704-777-2711
Rev. Mr. David Reiser
Rev. Mr. Peter Duca
(Director of Music)
Church Secretary/Secretaria
Brenda Hernandez
Faith Formation Coordinator
Coordinador de Formacion de Fé
RCIA (Inquiry into Catholicism)
RICA (Catolicismo para Adultos)
Deacon David Reiser
If you or someone you know would like to be on the prayer
list, please notify the church office. God always hears our
prayers and in His goodness blesses us with His Strength,
Love & Peace.
Our Lady of the Assumption School/
La Escuela de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción:
Allana-Rae Ramkissoon,
Stewardship of Treasure
Offertory Collection 08/16/15………….
Budget Amount…………………………
$ 7,221.73
$ 8,100.00
$ 878.27
$ 812.00
Thank you for your Generosity!
As for me and my
we will serve the L
— Joshua 24:15b
A special blessing will be bestowed
upon couples celebrating their wedding anniversaries in the month of September at the 11:00am
Mass, September 13, 2015. Please call church
office to be on placed on the list (704)535-9965.
Congratulations to the couples who are
Blessed at this weekend Mass:
Joseph and Irene Schell - 61 Yrs.
Roy and Grace Ryberg - 63 Yrs.
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
First Reading — Joshua challenges the Israelites to
serve either the Lord or other gods. They choose the Lord
(Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b).
Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
(Psalm 34).
Second Reading — Paul reflects on how husbands and
wives should reverence and love each other
(Ephesians 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]).
Gospel — Master, to whom shall we go? You have the
words of eternal life (John 6:60-69).
To be considered an active, participating member of the parish, and thus eligible for tuition assistance
and sacramental sponsor eligibility, Our Lady of the Assumption takes into account a family or individuals ministry involvement and Mass attendance.
Since OLA weekly Mass attendance envelopes
are the primary way we determine if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask that if you can’t make a
contribution on a given Sunday, that you still place your
envelope in the collection basket so we can record your
Attendance at Mass is the most important thing as
Catholics and most meaningful way we model and
live our Catholic faith.
ARE YOU MOVING - Please remember to
notify the Parish Office as soon as possible!
___Address Change
___Other change
___Delete from Parish Rolls
Family Env. #___________
Effective Date:________________
Family Name:_________________________________
New Address:_________________________________
New Home Phone #____________Unlisted: Yes No
Change in Marital Status________________________
Change in Occupation__________________________
New Work #________________________
You may drop this form in the wooden
box next to the church office door or mail
to the church office
23 de Agosto de 2015
Primera lectura — Josué urge a los israelitas a que sirvan a Dios o a los otros dioses (Josué 24:1-2a, 15-17,
Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor
(Salmo 34 [33]).
Segunda lectura — Pablo reflexiona cómo los esposos
y esposas deberán darse amor y reverencia mutua
(Efesios 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]).
Evangelio — Después de hablar de dar su carne a comer, muchos de los discípulos de Jesús se alejaron. Los
Doce escogieron permanecer con él: “Maestro, ¿a quién
acudiremos?” (Juan 6:60-69).
Bulletin Information
Deadline is 10 days prior to the requested notice date.
All announcements must be submitted in writing to the
parish office with your name and phone number.
Información en el Boletín
La fecha límite es 10 días antes de la fecha que usted
solicite que aparezca el anuncio. Todos los anuncios
deben ser presentados por escrito a la oficina de la parroquia con su nombre y número de teléfono.
Parroquianos Nuevos
Le damos una calorosa bienvenida y esperamos que
participe en nuestra familia parroquial. Las formas de
registración están localizadas al lado de la puerta de la
Secretaria. Regréselas por correo o déjelas en la caja
próxima a la puerta de la Secretaria.
Si ésta es su iglesia “base”, se debería de registrar
 Para recibir el periódico The
Catholic News & Herald, y otras
informaciones del Diocesis.
 Para facilitar la expedición de certificados y
otros documentos a medida que surja la necesidad.
 Más que nada para saber que usted es un
miembro importante de la familia de nuestra
gran iglesia.
Para registrarse en nuestra iglesia, debe completar
la forma Inscripción de la Parroquia. Puede recoger una de éstas formas en el estante de circulares próximo a la puerta de la oficina en el vestíbulo
o en la oficina de la iglesia de lunes a jueves de
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23, 2015
Contact/Contacto Faith Formation
Coordinator/Coordinador de
Formacion de Fé Deacon David Reiser
(704) 535-3310
Faith Formation Registration is now closed
Faith Formation 2014-2015
Classes will begin on Saturday August 29, 2015, at 10:00
AM and on Sunday August 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM for the
morning students and 1:15 PM for the afternoon students.
Any student, who is not in the building by 9:45 AM for
the morning class or 1:30 PM for the Afternoon class,
will not be allowed to enter the building. If you have not
already paid, the Fees are now Due: please pay at the office or the School on Sundays.
Las Registraciónes de Formación de Fé estan
Las clases comenzarán el sábado 29 de Agosto a las
l0:00 AM y domingo 30 de Agosto alas 9:30 AM y 1:30
PM. Las puertas se cierran a las 9:45 AM para las sesión
dela mañana y 1:30 para la sesión de la tarde. Si, no a
pagado por favor page en la oficina lo mas pronto.
Men’s Night of Reflection on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month
7 to 8:30 pm in the chapel at Charlotte Catholic High School
7702 Pineville-Matthews Rd. in Charlotte, NC 28226
Put in your Calendar so you don’t Miss Out
Come and hear the inspiring message, get recharged!
Aug. 19, 2015 Deacon Joe Diaz & witness by Brian Pusateri
the author of the 4th day letters that come out every Tuesday
Sept. 16, 2015
Oct. 21, 2015
Nov. 18, 2015
Dec. 16, 2015
Jan. 20, 2016
Feb. 27, 2016 will be the
Charlotte Diocese Catholic 6th Annual Men’s Conference
March 16, 2016
April 20, 2016
May 18, 2016
June 15, 2016
July 20, 2016
Aug. 17, 2016
Sept. 21, 2016
Oct. 19, 2016
Nov. 16, 2016
Dec. 21, 2016
Jan.18, 2017
Feb. 15, 2017
Tuesday (Martes)……………………..9:00 am (English)
Thursday (Jueves)…………………….7:00 pm( Español)
Saturday Vigil………………………...5:00 pm(Engish)
Sábado Vigilia………………………..7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday (Domingo)…………………...8:30 am (English)
……………………………………….11:00 am (English)
………………………………………..3:00 pm (Español)
Adult Faith Formation
Our Parish Adult Faith Formation program
is offering weekly video and discussion series using ‘Catholicism’ video by Fr. Robert
“Fr. Robert Barron created this ground
breaking program as a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe and why, so all adults can came to a deeper
understanding of the Catholic Faith. Not a video lecture,
Church history or scripture study, this engaging and interesting formational program uses the art, architecture, literature,
music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church”
Join us next Wednesday 2015,we will have a pot– luck dinner
at 6:30PM with the video starting by 7:00PM
If you have sight, you are blessed. If you
have insight, you are a thousand times blessed.
—Anonymous BENDECIDO
Si tienes visión estás bendecido. Si tienes intuición estás bendecido mil veces más THE WAY
It’s hard to train a child in a way the parents
don’t go themselves.
Es difícil preparar a un niño de una manera
que los padres no lo hagan ellos mismos.
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
"Love one another as I have loved you... I
have chosen you to go forth and bear much
fruit." (John 15:12,16)
“En la primera lectura de hoy, Josué desafía a la
gente para que decida a quién va a servir. Al
recordar la fidelidad de Dios para con ellos y sus
ancestros, la gente declara que “Nosotros
también serviremos al Señor, porque El es
nuestro Dios.” Que nosotros también estemos
atentos a los regalos de Dios y renovemos
nuestro compromiso de servirle a El con el
corazón agradecido.
Ladies Guild
The Ladies Guild next meeting be held on September
14th at 6:30 pm, in the church vestibule.
Please come join us as we gear up for new projects in
2015 and begin basic planning for
the fall attic sale fundraiser.
Its that Time of Year Again
The OLA Ladies Guild Annual Attic and Bake Sale
will be October 10th, 2015
Pull out those old, items you never use, from the attics,
garages, closets and cupboards
for the fall ATTIC SALE. Set aside all those things collecting dust
and give us a call for pickup. Toys, kitchen items, home
accessories, furniture
and tools, we can use it all. Clothing collections will
have to be limited
(Jeans, jackets, coats and children's clothes are best
sellers) Please no Stained, Worn or Outdated clothing items)
We can also use volunteers to help with the SALE and to
BAKE goods. Give us a
call to help as much or as little as you like. We know
we can always count on
our Parishioners. For more information or pickup of
items please call Mary Sparger
at 704-455-5365
23 de Agosto de 2015
Sunday, August 23rd, 2015
In the second reading today St. Paul talks
about the special kind of love between a husband and a wife. Through the sacrament of
Matrimony we are called to live in love as
Christ loved us. Does our marriage relationship reflect the love of Christ for all to see? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are Nov 6-8, 2015 in
Atlantic Beach, NC and Feb 5-7, 2016 in Asheville, NC .
Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information
visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at [email protected] or 704-
Marriage Help – Do you feel lost, alone, or bored in
your marriage? Retrouvaille can help, as it has helped
thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment in
their marriage. For confidential information or to apply
for the next program beginning with a weekend September 25, 2015, call 800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail
us at [email protected], or visit the web site at
Harvest Fest
The OLA Ladies Guild will be sponsoring a Harvest Fest, this
November 14, at OLA church. Proceeds will go to a Catholic
Relief Services program, with the most need during the holidays.
We know there are many talents amongst our parishioners and
we would like for those talents to be shared with others in our
parish, at the 1st annual Harvest Fest. We will hold a sale of
Handcrafted or Homemade specialty items. All Items will be
donated, by our own OLA parishioners or others in the community for the sale.
If you knit, sew or crochet, can foods(jams, jelly, vegetables),
make jewelry, create gift baskets, make soaps, create arts and
crafts, make ornaments, bookmarks or home décor, paint or
sculpt, make birdhouses or other wooden handicrafts, we can
use the fruits of your labor.
If you are interested in donating items for the Harvest Fest,
please give us a call as soon as possible. Our contacts will fill
you in on all the details. The Harvest Fest depends on the
participation of our parishioners and others in the community
willing to donate items to sell. Contact Mary Sparger, 704455-5365(English)
Fes val de Recolección de Artesanias
El Grupo de Señoras Guild estan patrocinando el primer festival de recolección de aretsanias para beneficios de nuestra
parroquia .
Sabemos que hay muchos talentos entre nuestros parrquianos y es tiempo de compartir esos talentos en nuestra Parroquia , tendremos el prime festival de recolecció de Artesanias y es peramos tu donacion.
¿Que ta creative erés ?
Si puedes tejer, cocer, croché, hacer mermelada, (halea),salsas,etc. hacer joyeria,canastas,jabones,pintar,esculpturas, y
casitas para pajaros podemos usar tus talentos. Ponle precious a tus obras y si quieres vender tus obras en el futuro, pon
tu informacion en una tarjeta y pegala en tu obra. Si estas interesados en donar tus obras llamanos y te daremos toda la
inormación. Aracely Martin 704-713-5080
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Bartholomew
St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz
St. Monica
St. Augustine
The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Come & See—How Secular Francis
cans Live Joyfully In the World &
Celebrate God’s Creation. The OFS
is a branch of the worldwide
Franciscan Family. We are single and
married. We work, worship and play in the community
we live. The OFS is a secular movement, established by
St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years old. Our purpose is to bring the gospel to life where we live and
where we work. We look for practical ways to embrace
the gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.
Our fraternity (St. Maximilian Kolbe) meets at St. Mark
Catholic School Library from 1:30am to 3:30pm—14750
Stumptown Rd Huntersville, NC.
For more information call Rob Buchanan, OFS
@ 704-548-9009 or e-mail: [email protected].
Come & See.
SUNDAY, September 13, 2015
August 23, 2015
Domingo: Vigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo
San Bartolomé
San Luis de Francia; san José de Calasanz
Santa Mónica
San Agustín
El martirio de san Juan Bautista
The Knights of Columbus, OLA Council 11102, are
sponsoring a Rosary Devotion, at Our Lady of Assumption Church, every Saturday evening at 4:30 pm
and Sunday morning at 8:00 am, fulfilling the Blessed
Virgin Mary’s request.
Rosary prayer cards, in English, Spanish and
French are available to all along with rosaries at no
To the Parish of Our Lady of Assumption
Council 11102 of the Knights of Columbus would like
to express their appreciation to the Parish for their generous support of the Knights. During the past year the
Knights have been able to provide assistance to:
The Bishop’s
Military Chaplain’s Scholarship Fund
Pro Life Fund
St. Matthew Catholic Church will offer a St. Peregrine Healing Prayer Service on Thursday, Aug. 27,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer and grave diseases. This powerful healing prayer service is offered for
all those suffering with cancer or other diseases. For
more information, call the Church Office at 704-5437677.
Ireland Pilgrimage with Fr. Philip
Scarcella, PhD, J.C.D.
Join Fr. Scarcella and fellow diocesan Catholics on an
amazing 10-day Pilgrimage to Ireland May 11 - 20,
2016, departing Charlotte, NC. Prices are $3,599 per
person based on double occupancy with only a $350 per
person deposit. For further info, contact Terri DeLuca
at [email protected] or 704-774-7779 or visit
www.ctscentral.net and search “scarcella”. Space is
limited. Register early for the best price!
Coats for Kids
Ultrasound Initiative
Ice Cream Social
Rosaries for Confirmation
Rosaries for First
Sponsor Parish
Family in
Sleeping Bags for
the Sisters of
Lenten Soup Dinners
Ladies Guild Attic
Leading the Rosary before
Eucharistic Ministers
We thank you for allowing our Council to live out the
principles on which the Knights of Columbus were
Charity, Unity and Fraternity. We look forward to continue to serving the Parish.
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Deacon Kevin’s wife, Theresa, has published a book
entitled “From Agnostic to Deacon, A Story of Hope
and Conversion.” In it, she shares Kevin’s spiritual
journey and how he grew from being an agnostic to
hearing God’s call to the diaconate. Kevin and Theresa
are offering a book discount of $12.00 to members of
Contact Theresa at 704-537-9973
for more information
Shining Stars Adult Day Respite is a non-profit adult
day respite program for members of our community with
early to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Activities include
games, social interaction and exercise designed to encourage
and stimulate participants. The program is hosted by St. Gabriel Catholic Church.
Meetings times are:
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday, Thursday
10:00 - 3:00
10:00 - 3:00
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Sardis Presbyterian
Shining stars Adult respite is a not-for-profit organization
helping families dealing with memory loss. A support group
for caregivers meets from 10:00-11:30am the last Monday of
each month at St. Gabriel in Room E, Ministry Center. This
service is free and open to the public.
“New “ early onset dementia support group for both caregiver and carereceiver:
Third Tuesday, 1:00 –3:00 pm at Sardis Presbyterian Church.
6100Sardis Road, Room 217 (2nd floor).
More information ? Call Suzan Bach at 704 335-0253 or
Maria Romero at 804 258-1299.
In the musical Fiddler on the Roof, the husband,
Tevye, whose marriage was arranged years and years
before, wants to know if his wife really loves him. Was
their marriage just an arrangement, a deal? Did his
wife, after all these years, ever love him? Does she
We need to know if our loving commitments stick.
We need to be reminded and reaffirmed. In the first
reading, Joshua, Moses’ successor, needed to know if
the people would remain faithful to their covenant with
the Lord. Joshua was going to lead them to a new life—
a settled life. Would they be faithful?
Jesus, who identified himself as the very life of his
disciples’ life, needed to know: Will you also go away
or will you stay? We do not often see Jesus this vulnerable. Peter and the apostles chose to stay. What will we
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
23 de Agosto de 2015
News from St. Peter Catholic Church
3 New Job Openings at St Peter’s Catholic Church
Saint Peter Catholic Church, a dynamic and growing 1,700+
household parish in uptown Charlo e served by the Society
of Jesus (Jesuits), is accep ng applica ons for 3 newly created posi ons:
Database & Compliance Coordinator
Seeking an experienced full time, hourly Database Coordinator
to manage parish data. The responsibilities include organizing
and maintaining parish data to ensure efficient and accurate
data documentation. Maintain accurate volunteer compliance
Facilities Coordinator
Seeking an experienced full time, hourly Facilities Coordinator. Responsibilities include event set up and breakdown for
parish activities, campus maintenance, and audio visual setup.
Experience required.
Faith Formation Coordinator
Seeking a part-time, hourly Faith Formation Coordinator. Responsibilities include assisting the Faith Formation Director
with coordinating and implementing all Faith Formation programs and registration: ( Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,
Whole Family Catechesis, Sacramental Preparation, Home
Study, Youth Ministry, and Adult Education).
All positions:
Forward and cover letter and resume to
[email protected]. In the subject line, state the position
you are applying for.
No phone calls please.
If you have any questions about this notice, or to correct an
email address for your parish, please contact Joan in the communication office at [email protected] or call
704.332.2901 ext. 218. Thank you!
We at Love In the Name of Christ – Love INC are moving
into a new season as our Executive Director Dale Harlan is
We are reaching out to our church partners and friends of those
that you may know to help us get the word out and to find a
new director. We are looking for someone with a strong faith
and a strong gift of fundraising along with other gifts.
Please contact me if you have any questions. Interested applicants can send their resumes to [email protected]
Shawn Watkins (Office Manager)
Office: 704.536.5588 ext 202
Our Lady of the Assumption Church #661701
4207 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte, NC 28215
704 535-9965
Brenda Hernandez
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
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