File - Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish

Phone #: (208) 587-3046
JP2 Student Center #: (208) 587-3576
Fax #: 587-5114
Email: [email protected]
For after hours emergencies that require the
presence of the priest, please call the parish
office number and follow the prompts.
Parish Priest: Fr. Victor Jagerstatter
[email protected]
Operations Manager: Natasha Tienhaara
[email protected]
Secretary: Estrella Ayala
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education:
Barry Cahill [email protected]
Ministry Leaders:
Lead Sacristan:
Verline Daire
[email protected]
Liturgical Ministers Scheduler:
Nick Lonigro [email protected]
Liturgical Ministers Trainer:
Norma Jean Cruz
[email protected]
Altar Server Coordinator: Rich Ryan
580-2437 or [email protected]
RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation: Bonnie Petro
208-587-7357 [email protected]
Maintenance Coordinator:
Kevin McCarthy
[email protected]
Cleaning Ministry: Jan Aslin
591-0482; Elena Vega 587-8063
Prayer Chain: Barbara Raber
[email protected]
If you have a prayer request or would like to be added
to our chain to pray for others, please email and let us
Coordinator of Youth Ministry:
Mark Martin
[email protected]
Choir Director:
Kari Stockwell
[email protected]
Advisory Councils:
Pastoral Council Chairperson (Interim):
Helen Lindsey 598-1317
Finance Council Chairperson: Jeanette
Reynolds 587-2947
Counsel of Catholic Women: Helen Lindsey
Homeschooling group: Janelle Green
[email protected]
Prison Ministry: Joyce Kyles
[email protected]
Homebound Ministry:
Call Parish Office 587-3046
Latino Ministry: Lupe Rodriguez
[email protected]
Mother Cabrini Sodality
President– Karen Schindele 587-3844
Marriage Preparation: Fr. Victor Jagerstatter
Hall rentals: Parish office
Catholic Organizations:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Hotline: 331-2208
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight– Allen Darrow (208)392-8217
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
342 E Jackson Street, Mt. Home
Monday & Wednesday 9am-5pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-3pm
Closed from 12 noon to 1pm for Mass & lunch
Closed on Holidays and Holy Days
Adult Education: Father Victor Jagerstatter
Cursillo/Ultreya: Joe Ferbrache 587-5966
Joy of the Gospel: Margo Crandall 587-4870
Are you or a family member going in for
surgery? If you would like to receive an
Anointing of the Sick before surgery please
contact the office to schedule an appointment
with Fr. Victor at 587-3046. Please do not delay
to receive the sacrament until death is
* All announcements for the bulletin need to be turned into the office by Tuesday to be printed in the weekend bulletin
Mother Cabrini Sodality
We offer our prayers and blessings to the
following members to have a
Wonderful Birthday!
Ruth Langley
Lorena Ryan
Janelle Sams
Rita Aguirre
Lorraine Kirkland
Mary Reed
Monica Coffey
Jeanna Still
Joanne Johnson
Cindy Blake
Thank you for supporting our Bulletin
throughout the year!
Our Lady of Good Counsel Meetings
Parish Council - meets every 2nd Wednesday of the
month at 6:00PM
Knights of Columbus - meet every 4th Tuesday of
the month at 6:30PM
Mother Cabrini - meets every 2nd Tuesday of the
month at 2PM & 6:30PM
SVdP - meets every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month
at 5:30PM
Dearly beloved in Christ,
Saint John Paul II, in one of his writings tells of an incident in
Poland, how the people would gather each Sunday to read the
prayers of the Mass. There was no priest available during the
Soviet occupation to say the Mass. These Catholics were
putting themselves at risk to pray together. We see in them a
great love for the Holy Mass.
We, as Catholics have a great love for the Holy Sacrifice.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church has many points about
the Eucharist, one of them tells us: “The sacrifice of Christ and
the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice: ‘The
victim is one and the same: the same now offers through the
ministry of priests, who then offered himself on the cross; only
the manner of offering is different.’ "In this divine sacrifice
which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered
himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is
contained and is offered in an unbloody manner."
(CCC No. 1367).
The purposes of the Mass are to adore God, to thank him, to
pray for our sins and to ask him for spiritual and material
blessings. It is like dealing with a great friend; we thank them
for favors, ask their help and tell them we are sorry if we
offended them.
Saint John Paul II tells us: “The Eucharist is the summit of the
whole Christian life because the faithful bring to it all their
prayers and good works, their joys and sufferings. Our modest
offerings are then united to the perfect sacrifice of Christ, and
are thus completely sanctified and lifted up to God in an act of
perfect worship that brings the faithful into the divine
intimacy.” (Go in Peace, p. 129, John Paul II, Loyola Press).
St. Josemaría taught that the Holy Mass is the center and root
of our spiritual life. It is an action of the Trinity.
(cf. Christ is Passing By, No. 85-87).
From what the Mass is, it is easy to realize why the Church
teaches that there is a serious obligation to attend Mass on
Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, and “Those who
deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin”
(cf. CCC No 2181).
From the Mass we are sent forth to evangelize the world.
In Christ,
Rev. Victor Jagerstatter
Holy Trinity
*Pope Francis*
*Our Bishop Peter Christensen*
*Fr. Victor Jagerstatter*
*All Military* *Youth Ministry*
*RCIA/AFF* *Religious Ed.* *Parish Cleaning Ministry*
*Mother Cabrini Sodality* *Knights of Columbus*
*For those who are sick* *For those having surgery*
Saturday June 6th, 2015
Lectors: Teresa Ramirez & Lisa Knox
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Nick Lonigro, John Musacchio, Jan Saindon,
Cheryl Hicks, Janelle Sams
Greeters: Volunteer
Bringing up the Gifts: Volunteer
Altar Servers: Darius Brantley, Elijah Goodell,
Sunday June 7th, 2015
10:00 am ~ Mass
Lectors: Knights of Columbus
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Knights of Columbus
Greeters: Knights of Columbus
Bringing up the Gifts: Knights of Columbus
All Travelers * Ingrid Isso * Ruth S. * Ken Heinly * Debbie
Garnal * Cole Stanek * Florence Kolb * June Linigro * Elsa
Brown * Verna Alumbaugh * Nati Martinez * Robby Woolsey
* Geraldine Wimmer * Tom Gil * Mary Lou Koelsch *
Elizabeth Lott * Arlie Raber * Dora S. * John Sellman * Anne
Schafer * Johnathon Perkins * Cassie Juker * Jilly Miller *
Scotlund Carney * Dublin Carney * Calvin Stanek * Garrett
Booth * Ellie Rose Watsen * Emma Theresa Watsen * Doug
Tremlett * Michael O’Grady * Phyllis Cannon * Karen Sasz *
Pauline Barruitta * Gloria Swails * Jay Cresto * Preston
Dugas * Micael Milton * Lily * MaryAnne Peterson * Kuei
Cummings * Barbara Allen * Holly Rodriguez * Joan Ploeg *
Dee Alaumbaugh * Chris G. * John Goodell * David Crandall
* Milton Loe * Pauline Kent * Lauri Unrein * Patsy Vaughn *
Gerald Schafer * Cindy Bejar * Ken Crandall * Emily Kerr *
Karen Martin * Cecilia Stanek * Etoile Benge * Gabriel State*
Gertrude Raub * Rodrigo Main * Jessica Mespelt * Jorden
Nitz * Antonio Varela * Kole Stanek * Joe Martin * Antoinette
Lesky * Sarah Swan *
Altar Servers: Riley Urquidi, Daniel Cruz,
Joseph Urquidi
Minister to the Sick:
Readings can be found on a
copy of the Liturgical Minister’s schedule can be
found on our website:
Cleaning Ministry
Thank you to all those who volunteer to help
clean our church. Your cleaning ministry
Chairperson is Elena Vega. We clean on
Thursdays at 5:15 and welcome any and all of
you to assist in this important ministry. It takes
less than an hour.
Thank you
Elena Vega
For the Souls of:
Gloria C. Mendoza+ Dennis Markle+ Dewayne Cramer+
Thomas Gilhooley+ Duane H. Palmer+ Bill Cox+ Paula
Achustequi+ Gabino Sandoval+ Dolores Ruiz+ Aylin Ruiz+
Jimmy Kafka+ Fr. Hallissey+ Claudette Tennyson+ John
Filipovich+ Louisa Samson+ Lilian Martinez+ Josephine
Rankin+ Gary McGrath+ Martin Barroso-Alfaro+ Jose Jorge
Barroso-Alfaro+ Josephine Knox+ Betty Wood+ Cecilia
Tindall+ Margaret Loper+ Elmer Adams+ Elizabeth Coulter+
Mary Lawler+ Marylouise Bertilson+ Hazel Weeks+ JoAnne
Martin+ Norberta Agravante+ JM Romboa+ James Adams+
Maria Elias Sanchez+ Winnie DeVille+ Ellis Deville+
Philomena Paterson+ Pauline Kent+ Fr. William C. Crowley+
Coleen Marie Swenson+ Guadalupe Garza+ David Martinez+
Florence Kolb+
If you would like to pray with the Prayer Chain or have a
Prayer Request for the prayer chain please email
[email protected]
"If you would like to request a Mass Intention please fill out
My dear Altar Servers,
I rely on you for something far greater and nobler and more beautiful
and more true.
Our worship on earth reflects the worship in heaven. What we do here
at the holy sacrifice of the Mass is a kind of distant echo of what goes
on in heaven. There, the Lamb of God is offered in one timeless and
eternal sacrifice. There the saints and angels worship around the
throne of the Lamb. In that city there is no sun, moon, or stars, for the
Lamb Himself is the light of that city. This altar you see is a reflection
of the altar in heaven. The chalice is a sign of the eternal Precious
Blood of the Lamb. The host is, on earth, the sign of the Eternal Bread
of heaven. The priest is an icon of Christ the Lord — and who are
you? You represent and reflect on earth the heavenly host. That’s
right. I want you to represent the saints and angels. That’s why we
have children and teens serve the Mass if we can, because you
remind us adults of what the Lord Jesus said: “Unless you become
like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” So just by
being child-like you remind us what we must be like to become like
the saints and angels.
Therefore, since you represent the heavenly host of saints and
angels, I want you to behave as such. Of course, I know that you are
not yet saints, and I know you are not angels. You fight with your
brothers and sisters. You disobey your parents. Nevertheless, you
have a role to play in the Divine Liturgy, because despite all that, you
are called to reflect something greater. You are called from what you
are not to become all that you shall be; and if you are struck with a
sense of awe at what I am expecting of you, think how I feel, for I am
a sinner just like you are, and I am called to represent Christ Himself
to the people.
When you process into church, remember that you are leading the
whole people of God into the presence of God. Our little procession
hearkens back to the procession of David and the priests up into the
holy city of Zion. The cross will be lifted high, and you will walk with a
solemn and stately posture, for you are leading all of us into the
presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Know where you are
going, and move there with the grace of a child and the dignity of a
As you sit in the sanctuary, remember that actions speak louder than
words. You may not have many tasks to do, but did you know that
they also serve who only stand and wait? Simply by your presence,
your reverence, your listening to the Word of God with an attentive
ear, you will help to lead the worship and encourage those who see
you. When you have a task to do, do it with simplicity and confidence.
Remember that what we do at Mass is the most important thing in
your life. Everything else comes after that. Seek first the kingdom of
God, and everything else will be added to you. At Mass you are
seeing that beauty, truth, and love are the three most important
treasures on earth, and they are three things you cannot buy.
Furthermore, while they are most precious, they are also
(from a human point of view) most worthless. What you are doing
when you serve at Mass is not a useful thing. There is no payment.
There is no reward — except the reward of knowing that your heart is
right with God, and that you have spent an hour on the threshold of
And if you have learned how to do that, then throughout your life,
whatever else happens, you will be most richly blessed.
May God bless you and protect you all the days of your life.
In Christ,
Fr. Victor Jagerstatter
Saint John Paul II Monthly Lectures: Father Victor will be giving
hour-long classes and lectures on different topics that involves our
Catholic Faith every last Wednesday of the month at 7PM in the
parish hall. This month is on the 24th of June. The topic for this month
is TBA. Please join us and bring a friend, too if you can. See you
there! Thank you!
Are You Going On Vacation?
Many of our parish families are planning to get away for some
summer fun and relaxation in the next few months. We pray that your
vacation time will be safe and a source of many happy memories.
However, please don’t take your parish offering with you. Each
summer our parish office struggles to juggle the bills as Sunday
offerings decrease significantly. If you find that you tend to forget your
envelope more often during the less structured weeks of summer,
please consider our electronic giving program. Go to It’s
simple! It’s safe! And it keeps God at the top of your giving list even
when you are away!
Mass Schedule and Intentions for week of
June 1-7
June 1-12:00PM– Catholic Extension Donor
June 2-12:00PM– No Daily Mass
June 3-12:00PM– Catholic Extension Donor
June 5-12:00PM– Catholic Extension Donor
June 6-5:00PM– Catholic Extension Donor
June 7-10:00AM- Pro Populo
June 7-12:00PM- In Memoriam
* Diocesan Convocation
* Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is every first
Saturday of the month at 8:30 am, unless otherwise posted.
*Please remember Parish Office is Closed on all Public &
Catholic Holidays.
Adoration Cancelled Monday, June 1
Summer Office Hours
2015 ICA Goal Pledged
% of goal
St. Bridget
St Henry
Each church is asked to at least raise 90% of their goal. If there is
not enough pledges to meet this goal then the church pays the
balance from general operating funds. Please help our churches
reach their goal.
*Current donations as of May 27, 2015
Idaho Catholic Appeal
God blesses each and every one of you who have so generously
responded in support of the 2015 Idaho Catholic Appeal which
supports over 20 diocesan ministries including Cultural Ministries,
Seminarian Vocations, Clergy Special Needs, Catechesis Office,
and Deacon and Lay Ministries. Our parish goal (OLGC) is
$33,644.00 and so far our church has pledged $25,450. If you have
heard the call to respond and have not yet responded, please do so
today. Pledge envelopes are located at the back of the church and
can be dropped in the collection basket or you may donate online at
Faith Formation Pre-Registration
We have started pre-registration for Faith Formation 2015-2016
year. Cost for pre-registration will be $20 before August 17.
Registration forms can be picked up at the parish office.
Pilgrimage to Rome
Travel with Fr. Victor Jagerstatter, on our Italy
Regular trip arranged by Proximo Travel:
Where: Rome, Assisi, Tuscany, Florence, and
Trip Dates: Will depart Oct 17 from Boise and
return Oct 25, 2015
Cost: $3,699.00 Airfare and ALL-Included
To register, please contact (855)842-8001 or (508)340-9370. You
can also register online at When looking
for the Priest’s trip on our web page You must
type in our search engine the (first name of the priest, NOT the last
For more information, contact Fr. Victor. Thank You.
Weekly Collections OLGC May 23/24
General Offertory
Facilities Maintenance
JP2 Center
OLoL Glenns Ferry Collections May 24
General Collections
Building Fund
Thank you for your generous & continued support.
Anuncios en Español
Campaña Católica del Diezmo
Dios bendice a todos y a cada uno de ustedes que tan
generosamente han respondido apoyando la Campaña Católica
del Diezmo, la cual apoya a 20 ministerios diocesanos incluyendo
los Ministerios Culturales, las Vocaciones de los Seminaristas, las
necesidades Especiales del Clero, la Oficina de Catequesis, y el
Ministerio de Diáconos y Laicos Nuestra meta este 2015 en la
parroquia (OLGC) es de $33,644.00 y hasta ahora nuestra iglesia
se ha comprometido con $23,636. Si usted ha escuchado la
llamada a participar y aún no ha respondido, por favor hágalo
hoy. Los sobres se encuentran ubicados en la parte posterior de
la iglesia y pueden ser colocados en la canasta de la colecta o
usted puede donar en línea en
Nuestros Mártires de Hoy
El Papa volvió a pedir a la comunidad internacional que “no asista
muda a este inaceptable crimen”. “Pidamos la ayuda tangible,
concreta, y la protección de nuestros hermanos y hermanas
perseguidos, exiliados, huidos, decapitados por el sólo hecho de
ser cristianos. Ellos son nuestros mártires de hoy, y son tantos,
son más numerosos que en el primer siglo”. Estas palabras las
pronunció durante el rezo del Regina Coeli desde el balcón de
San Pedro del Vaticano, el pasado Domingo de Resurrección. El
Papa volvió a recordar el drama de los cristianos perseguidos en
el mundo, a la vez, reclamó que “la comunidad internacional no
asista muda e inerte a este inaceptable crimen, que constituye
una preocupante deriva de los derechos humanos más
elementales”. “Que no mire hacia otra parte”, clamó el Papa.
Con anterioridad, Francisco quiso referirse al hecho de la
Resurrección, y a su vinculación con la construcción de un mundo
nuevo. “Galilea fue la periferia donde Jesús comenzó su
predicación, y donde partirá el Evangelio de la Resurrección, para
que sea anunciado a todos”, arrancó Bergoglio, quien recordó a
los miles de fieles presentes aquel día en San Pedro que “por el
Bautismo, todos somos resucitados, presentes y protagonistas de
la historia; por él hemos pasado de la muerte a la vida, de la
esclavitud del pecado a la libertad del amor”. Así, “la fe en la
resurrección de Jesús y la esperanza que nos ha dado es lo más
bello que los cristianos podemos y debemos ofrecer a nuestros
hermanos. Con la palabra, pero sobre todo con el testimonio de
nuestra vida”. “Anunciamos la resurrección de Cristo cuando su
luz refleja en todo momento nuestra existencia y podemos
compartirla con los otros; cuando sabemos sufrir con quien sufre
y llorar con quien llora; cuando caminamos junto al que está triste
y ha perdido la esperanza; cuando contamos nuestra experiencia
de fe con felicidad”, culminó Francisco.
Oración a San Miguel Arcángel
O San Miguel, Arcángel defiéndenos en la batalla.
Se nuestra protección contra el mal y las trampas del Diablo;
humildemente te rogamos que Dios los reprenda.
O Príncipe Celestial de la Santa Hostia,
que con la ayuda de Dios eches a Satanás al infierno
y a los espíritus que andan dispersos por el mundo para arruinar
las almas
Formación de Fe
Hemos empezado preinscripción para Formación de Fe para el
año escolar 2015-2016. Costo de preinscripción será de $20
antes del 17 de agosto. Formularios de inscripción pueden ser
recogidos en la oficina parroquial. Recuerden que la preparación
para los sacramentos de la Primera Comunión y Confirmación
son de dos años.
Save the date
OLGC Parish picnic Sunday, August 30th from 1pm to 5pm at Carl
Miller Park. We are looking for volunteers to help with set up,
clean up, children's games, and cooking. Please contact Norma
Jean Cruz at [email protected] if you are interested
in helping out. This is also a great opportunity for upcoming
Confirmation students to earn some community service hours.
Congratulations to the new Mother Cabrini Sodality
Executive Board.
President: Karen Schindele
Vice President: Kristy Wegrzyniak
Secretary: Cyndie Hall
Treasurer: Bonnie Petro
“A short course in Christianity” Cursillo is for those that want to go
deeper in their faith no matter where they are.
Women—June 11-14 @ Our Lady of the Rosary in Boise
Contact: Barb Dauner 859-5971 or [email protected]
Men—June 25-28 @ Our Lady of the Rosary in Boise
Contact: Mark McCormack 863-6933 or [email protected]
THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL, para. 66-72 in the book: God
created “family” to reflect His Love in the world. The strength of
family life is the basis for how people adapt in society. If prayer
and faith is not taught to our children within the family circle, we
cannot expect the children to learn how to survive life’s trials once
they leave home. What children see and hear at home is what they
expect and bring out into the world and pass on to others. If there
is no responsibility or respect in the home, there will be no
responsibility or respect in any other area of their lives. Question:
How can I help change the culture where I live? What might God
be calling me to do to evangelize the culture, either individually or
with other Christians? How can I strengthen my own marriage and
support the marriages of others? Scripture: Gal 6:2, Eph 6:1-4.
Free Community Dinner
Monday, June 8, 2015 from 5:30pm - 6:30pm at Our Lady of Good
Counsel Church Hall. The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul will
sponsor a FREE Community Dinner hosted by the LDS Stake
Relief Society.
for children Ages 1-18
Monday – Friday
noon - 1:00 P.M.
June 1 - August 7
3 locations this year!
LDS Church Picnic Area 790 S. Haskett
Skyview apartments 945 west 5th North
Carl Miller Park American Legion Blvd. & N. 10th E
Sponsored by: USDA, Idaho Food Bank, & St. Vincent de Paul
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer
Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Weekend Retreat
If you have been wounded by the act of abortion…or someone
dear to you has struggled with the spiritual and emotional
aftermath of abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ
on our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat November 6-8, 2015
at Nazareth Retreat Center in Boise, sponsored by Holy Apostles
Catholic Church. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a
beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and
compassion. For more information, contact Gerry & Susan
Guzman (208) 938-9797 [email protected] or visit . Return phone calls are handled with
discretion. Space is very limited and beginning to fill already.