233 West Gay Street • West Chester, PA 19380 Phone: 610-692-2990 • Fax: 610-692-9623 Web: www.saintagnesparish.org Parish Staff PASTOR Rev. Alfonso J. Concha ( Fr. Al) PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Laurence J. Gleason WEEKEND MINISTRY Rev. Stephen J. Baker, O.S.A. Rev. John Franey DEACONS Deacon Victor Gonzalez Deacon Clement J. McGovern Deacon Thomas Shurer Sr. Dorothy Mayer, I.H.M., Superior of Convent-610-692-9430 Sr. Joan Felicia, I.H.M., School Principal-610-696-1260 Felicia Navarro, Coordinator of Religious Education-610-436-4640 Sr. Helene McGroarty, I.H.M., Hispanic Ministry-610-344-7224 Sr. Martha Staarman, O.S.U., Hispanic Ministry-610-436-5580 Mr. Sean McElwee, Dir. of [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Kirby, Dir. of Outreach Services-610-429-0697 Mr. John Mattia, Facilities Manager- 610-692-2990 Mrs. Joan Fogarty, Business Manager- 610-692-2990 Mr. Samuel Riccardo, Jr., Cemetery Manager- 610-692-4421 Schedule Sacraments MASSES BAPTISMS Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Second, Third and Fourth Sundays: 1:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. & First Sunday in Spanish: 1:15 p.m. Saint Agnes Catholic Church Pre-Jordan, First Sunday (TPH), 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. (Spanish), 5:15 p.m. 233 West Gay Street Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS West Chester, PA. 19380 First Friday: 6:30 & 9:00 a.m. Saturday: 4:00-5:00 p.m 610-692-2990 Holy Days: 5:15 p.m. (anticipated), 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. Vigil of Holy Days and www.saintagnesparish.org 12:10 & 5:15 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m. First Friday Eve: 4:00-4:30 pm MARRIAGES To register for Pre-Cana, www.philamarriageprep.com EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. May 24, 2015 We welcome the newest member of St. Agnes who was recently bap zed. May God bless her and her family. Congratulations to the following couple married at St. Agnes Church on May 23, 2015 Mona Kathleen Cirucci, Henry Grant Kernaghan, Liam Finnerty, Lilianna Katherine Murnane, Alexis Grace Rawson, Gabriella Jolie Molina-Lopez Kyle Douet & Amanda St.George ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT THE SECRET OF THE ROSARY "Our best life, all our spiritual life, is nothing but a succession of VisitaƟons, Visita ons from Mary bringing Jesus withher. But nowhere is the similitude so faithful as it is in the Blessed Sacrament. In Adora on how o en our cares fall off, tears are dried, doubts melt away...our soul is bathed in quiet sudden jubilee . (Fr. Faber) Feast of the VisitaƟon May 31st. AdoraƟon every Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Mass. Concluding 8 in the evening. "The Rosary recited with meditaƟon on the mysteries brings about the following marvelous results: - It gradually gives us a perfect know-ledge of Jesus Christ:-it purifies our souls, washing away sin; It gives victory over all our enemies."(St. Louis De Monƞort) Pray the Rosary daily following the 8 a.m. Mass. We shall obtain all we ask for by the recitaƟon of the Rosary. (St. Dominic) Pentecost is the coming of the Holy Spirit among us. It is the birthday of the Church. The formerly frightened Apostles are on fire. Now they can speak clearly, so everyone can understand them. Jesus gives his peace to his disciples and breathes his Spirit upon them, giving them the mission to forgive and sending them to carry out his desire that we all be one. May the Holy Spirit enlighten you Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. The return to “Ordinary Time” doesn't mean we forget about the good news of the Resurrection or the gift of the Spirit Jesus promised us. It simply means that we return to a season of reflecting upon the scriptures with “numbers” (ordinal). One part of the joy of our journey is coming to realize, to experience personally, that the God I deeply desire to find, wants infinitely more to be in a loving relationship with me. In every Ordinary Time life, there are “good days” and “bad days,” but in this type of daily prayer, none of our days are ever alone. Page 2 - 171 Week of May 24, 2015 Sunday: Pentecost Sunday (red) 9:00 AM: Tami Miche by Steve & Lori Saulino 10:30 AM: Margaret Embon by Johnson Family 5:15 PM: Margaret V. Carmen by Blake Family Monday: St, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi,Virgin, St. Gregory VII,Pope (green/white) Memorial Day 9:00 AM: Raffaele Clemen by Family Tuesday: St. Philip Neri, Priest (white) 6:30 AM: Frances Alesiani by Edith DiSan 8:00 AM: Ann M. Ellio by Mr. & Mrs. William Edwards Wednesday: St. AugusƟne, Bishop (green/white) 6:30 AM: Frances Alesiani by Mario Mozzani & Family 8:00 AM: Anne Lyons Kramer by Day Room Friends Thursday: Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: Igna us S. Hneleski,Jr. by Brian & Susan Bigler 8:00 AM: Anna O’Brien Friday: Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: John Reagan McCuster by Arlene Lambert McCuster 8:00 AM: John Sabrinsky John & Jean Kerrigan Saturday: Weekday (green/white) 8:00 AM: John Reagan McCuster Parish News Fr. Gleason will be on a Personal Temporary Leave of Absence. Visi ng priests to assist with Masses. CONFESSION SCHEDULE CHANGE Please note star ng May 27th we will discon nue the Wednesday, 7:00 PM confessions. We will resume Wednesday Confessions in the Fall. Confessions are available Saturday from 4:00-5:00 PM USMC: Cpl John Mitas, 2nd Lt. , Pvt. Joseph Rochford,Jr., Capt. Ryan Yeandel, Capt. Gregory W. Kosh, Sgt. Isaac Pineda ,Sgt. Joshua Feliciano USAF: 1st Lt. Timothy J. Baldwin, 1st Lt. Kathleen Styron, Capt. Jared Yankech, Major Katie Sullivan, Major Lt.Adam M. Sema, 2nd Lt. Jessica Clark USN: LTJG Charles G. Schappert, CTR2 Alexandra Haney,CTR3 Reilly Haney,Lcpl Anthony Serrato USA: Specialist Jason Hall, 1st Lt Grant T. Hahn, Capt. John Paul Snook, Sgt. James Mac Fadden,1st Lt Eric Lugo, David P. Estes, Private 2nd Class, Specialist Ian Donoghue,1st Class,2nd Lt. Walter R. Snook, Capt. Jessica Bayer Chominski 1st Lt. John Eife, SPC Matthew Conway.2nd Lt.James DiBello Lisa Jacobsen, Samantha Calfapietra, Charles Gebel, Carol Theis, Geralyn Mattera, Bob Hoeveler ,Barbara Watkins, Kenneth Wylie,Tiffany Brandt,Breelyn Valentine, Noreen C. Crowley, Phil Kennedy, Zachary Trexler, Megan Whitman, Alexandra Kendell, Isabella Large, John Frank, James Dudrick, Joseph Zaber, Patty Rositter, William Joyce, Bernadette Matecki +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please pray for the repose souls of Our family and friends Dr. Albert Filano Page 3 - 171 From The Day Room and Nurses Center A prayer from Caryll Houselander, ( British mystic, poet and spiritual teacher +1954) While a few of the circumstances have changed, we no longer have the Iron Curtain and people with severe mental illness are not locked away in hospitals as they once were, we can still recognize the suffering that Houselander describes in those that the world fails to recognize as the beloved of God… SILVER JUBILEE MASS FR. STEPHEN J. BAKER All parishioners are invited to a end Fr. Stephen Baker’s Silver Jubilee Mass on Saturday May 30th at 5:15pm. Also remembering all Parish priests. Recep on to follow in the school cafeteria. “Father, Do not let me find consolation in sensible de‐ votion to the person of Jesus Christ while Jesus Christ passes me by unrecognized, unknown, unsought, uncom‐ forted on the Via Crucis we travel together. Do not let my heart be moved by pity for the painted Christ on the wall while it remains a stone, hard, insensi‐ tive to Christ suffering alone in the ugliness of shame and disgrace in the outcast, the shunned, the forgotten: in mental sufferers hidden away in hospitals, in prisoners serving life sentences, in people wrestling with ‐ in the unhelped, the uncomforted, the unloved.bitterness and despair behind the Iron Curtain; in those fighting a losing fight with human weakness and degradation Memorial Day Observed May 25, 2015 Mass Time 9:00 AM , Church Do not give me tears to shed at the foot of the crucifix while they blind me to Christ crucified, unwept for in the souls of sinners and in my own sinful soul.” Lenten CollecƟon Report Thanks to your generosity the following parishes have received dona ons from St. Agnes : St. William, Philadelphia -Hispanic Ministry $1000., St. Joseph, Coatesville $1000. St. Katherine Drexel, Chester $1000. & Sisters of IHM- $1000. Increase Offertory Generosity Sunday CollecƟon Report Sunday Collec ons:5/17/2015– $26,254.32 (includes direct debit of $1690.50) Sunday Collec on: 5/18/14–$22,520.83 (includes direct debit of $1520.50) Thank You for your generosity to St. Agnes Parish! The Increased Offering Appeal continues to meet with great success. At this time 110 families have been heard from, representing a combined weekly increase of $603.11. If you have not yet responded to Father Al’s letter, please do so this week. Your response will be acknowledged immediately Page 4 - 171 Page 5 - 171 Adult Faith Formation VacaƟon Bible School “EVEREST” Is July 13-17, 2015 Don’t miss out on this "Great Adventure” with God's Mighty Power Registra on Form is available on the Parish Web Page Under Faith Forma on – PREP/CCD Administrative Assistant Parish Religious Education Ministry Office St. Agnes Parish seeks a full-time (40 hours per week) Administrative Assistant to provide operational and administrative support to the Director/ Coordinator of Religious Education. The successful applicant should have proficiency in Microsoft Office (Access, Word, Excel and Publisher) and excellent organizational, phone and people skills. Must be able to work in a team -oriented environment, handle multiple assignments concurrently and work independently when required. Bi-lingual (Spanish) desirable. Position must be filled by August 3. Application Process: Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to: Fr. Al Concha - [email protected] Fax: 610/692-9623 School of Community – weekly companionship & reflection on the presence of Christ in our lives using writings promoted by Communion & Liberation, a lay movement founded by Msgr. Luigi Giussani Meets: Tuesday evenings 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Day Room Contact: Barbara Kirby (610) 429-0697 Women’s Bible Study – “Walking toward Eternity” Meets: Thursday mornings 9am – 11 am TPH Contact: Sharon Chevalier (610) 738-7720 Men’s Bible Study Meets: Friday mornings 6:30 am – 7:30 am TPH Contact: Denny Masson –484-354-9601 The King’s Men Contact: Denny Masson—[email protected] Adult Evening Study -Please keep an eye out for upcoming evening study sessions Contact: Rob and Terry Gallagher at (610) 996-6761 or [email protected] Breaking Open of the Word- is a time to come together as a community and share how God speaks to us through his Word in Sacred Scripture proclaimed in the Sunday readings at Mass. Breaking Open the Word is every Sunday immediately following the 10:30 Mass. Both take place in the Religious Education Office. All are welcome to come and learn about the faith or share it with others. Anyone inter ested may contact Claudia Robuck at [email protected] or the Religious Education Office at (610) 436-4640. Crown of Thorns Prayer Ministry The ministry prays for healing of people with mental, emotional and physical illnesses, conversion of hearts and souls to God, and reparation of sins. Contact Chris Turner at [email protected] or call at 484-459-3838. Legion of Mary-Join us for work and devotions, Contact: Carmela Cinquina at [email protected] St. Agnes Prayer Shawl Ministry meets twice a month: the second Wednesday evening 7:00-8:00 and fourth Wednesday morning (this week, 5/27) 9:30-10:30. Evening mee ngs are in TPH, Rm 201. Comfor ng shawls are made for ill, bereaved, invalids, homebound, nursing mothers, etc., & baby blankets for infants at risk. For informa on, or to request a shawl: 610-431-3355 or [email protected] Page 6 - 171 IGLESIA SANTA INÉS 24 de mayo de 2015 Domingo de Pentecostés Ciclo B Misa en español Todos los domingos a las 12:00 (mediodía ) y días de precepto a las 7:00 pm. Horario de confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 5:00 pm en la iglesia. Bautizos: El primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:15pm. Comuníquese con la hernana Martha para registrarse a tiempo.(610) 436-5580. Clases de Inglés: Grupo A: Lunes y Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00 PM , y Grupo B: Martes y miércoles de 10:00 a 11:00 AM. Empezando en la semana del 15 de septiembre. Pláticas pre-bautismales: El último jueves de mes a las 7:00 pm, en la capilla. Comuníquese con Eva Henríquez al teléfono (610)692-4708. Grupos de Oración: Se reunen en el Thomas Patrick Hall (TPH) los miércoles a las 7:00pm. Para información, comuníquese con el señor Mauricio García al teléfono (484) 319-0648. Boleơn: Para cualquier anuncio que desee publicar en esta página del bole n, favor de llamar a Eva Henriquez al teléfono (610) 692-4708 o enviar mensaje: [email protected] Comité Parroquial: Se reune todos los 3er lunes de cada mes enThomas Patrick Hall a las 700pm. Rosarios en las casas: Si desea el rezo del rosario en su casa comuníquese con Maria Or z al teléfono (610) 696-7192 Venta de comida mexicana: Domingo 14 de junio de 9:00:am a 2:00pm en la cafetería de la parroquia. Fondos recaudados serán a beneficio de la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Id y haced discípulos de todos los pueblos, bauƟzádolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Con este mandato, les daba el poder de regenerar a los hombres en Dios. Dios había promeƟdo por boca de sus profetas que en los “ulƟmos días derramaría su Espíritu sobre sus siervos y siervas, y que éstos profeƟzarían. Así el Señor promeƟó a la Samaritana un agua viva, para que nunca más tuviera sed y no se viera obligada a sacar agua con dificultad ya que ella misma poseía un agua que brotaba hasta la vida eterna. Se trata de poder beber lo que el Señor ha recibido de su Padre, y que a su regreso da a los que esperan en él, enviando el Espíritu Santo sobre toda la Ɵerra. Gedeón había profe zado que el rocío, que es el Espíritu de Dios, se extendiría sobre toda la erra. Es precisamente este Espíritu el que descendió sobre el Señor. Espíritu de prudencia y sabiduría, Espíritu de consejo y valentía, Espíritu de ciencia y temor del Señor. El Señor a su vez, lo dio a la Iglesia, enviando al Defensor sobre toda la tierra desde el cielo, que fue de donde dijo el Señor que había sido arrojado Satanás como un rayo; por eso necesitamos de este rocío divino, para que demos fruto y no seamos lanzados al fuego. Evento memorable en la parroquia Santa Inés Francisco Henriquez , miembro de la parroquia Santa Inés será a ordenado diácono permanente el 6 de junio de 2015 en la Catedral Basílica San Pedro y San Pablo por el Arzobispo Carlos Chaput. La misa de acción de gracias será el domingo 7 de junio a las 12:00m en la parroquia de Santa Inés. Mantengamos en nuestras oraciones a Francisco por su perseverancia en su vocación al servicio de la Iglesia Page 7 - 171 St. Agnes School News Pantene BeauƟful Lengths Friday, May 15 was filled with goodness of helping those in need! Eight of our students donated hair to our annual Pantene Beautiful Lengths drive. In addition, fourteen boys had their hair buzzed and made a donation to Pantene Beautiful Lengths and three additional girls had their cut outside of school and brought their hair in to donate. We commend, congratulate, and thank: Anne Barr, Gabrielle Gallagher, Catherine Kenney-Martin, Martina Kenney-Martin, Isabel March, Ella McGrory, Clara Meehan, Zoey Slade and Julia Hirs, Monica Manley, Rachel Moehrle. The boys who supported our supported the program this year: Alex Cahill, Gavin Gallagher, Connor Girard, Jacob Girard, William Higgins-Benz, Paul Hydutsky, Frankie Kenny-Martin, Nicholas Kenny-Martin, Patrick Lynn, Joey Lynn, D. Kiran Marsh, Gabriel Reinheimer and Samuel Winner. This year the stylists were Erin Cosgrove the manager of Cappella Salon who is an alumni of SAS and a current parent and Mary Ann Martin, grandmother of 7th grade student, Katherine Brown. We also thank Mr. Dolan, Mr. Sedler, Mr. O’Loughlin, Mr. Jones & Mr. Tracey for giving their time and talent to buzz our boys. Registra on is under way for the 2015-16 School Year Please call the office (610) 696-1260 for more informa on. Thanks to Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Charney, and Mrs. Wiedersum for organizing the event. Page 8 - 171 Page 9 - 171 InformaƟon Page Church: St. Agnes Bulle n No. 171 Pages: 9 Contact Informa on: Mar ne Simonis 610-692-2990 OS: So ware: Windows XP Publisher 2010, Acrobat Standard X Transmission: Wednesday, Noon Page 10 - 171
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