Archdiocese of Galveston Houston St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571 281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am-12:00 Noon 1:00 pm-4:00 pm CCE Office Hours: Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the month. Classes are held on the 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish Office to register or call for more information. Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays, from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, call the Parish Office. Sacrament of First Communion First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least in the second grade, and have been attending CCE classes for two full years previous to their receiving the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmation candidates must have previously received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the candidate understand all requirements is also necessary before the preparation begins. Adults needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of Christian initiation of adults. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) 4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel Monday (No Mass) Tuesday – 12:00 noon Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. & (1st Wednesday Only 6:30 p.m.) Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m. Parish Staff Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor Deacon Hector Cantu Deacon Julio Matallana Deacon Stan Avallone Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo EDGE Director-Renee Cortez Life Teen Director-Shari Davis Vision Statement St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Community of Believers called to serve Christ by gathering together at the Lord’s Table in worship and praise, by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ, and by being a welcoming beacon of light to all. We are many parts, yet one body in Christ. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 3, 2015 “God is at Work Here” Loan Balance Tuesday, May 5: 12:00pm Theresa Barnett† By:Rosie Molina Wednesday, May 6: 8:30am Wanda Byas† By:Rosie Molina 6:30pm Samaritan Monthly Memorial Mass Thursday, May 7: 8:30am Rev. Robert Ritz, C.S.B.† Friday, May 8: 8:30am Rosa Villarreal† By:Rosie Molina Saturday, May 9: 6:00pm Mother’s Day Special Intention Sunday, May 10: 7:30am Mother’s Day Special Intention 10:00am Mother’s Day Special Intention 12:30pm Mother’s Day Special Intention 4:00pm Mother’s Day Special Intention Sunday April 25 & 26, 2015 Weekly Goal $12,000.00 Sunday Collection $ 8,585.00 Second Collection (Home Missions) $ 1,824.00 Please Note: You must be registered in the parish to receive a tax statement at the end of the year for your contributions. Also, you must be registered to receive offering envelopes. If you are not registered and use Visitor envelopes, no record is kept of your contributions. Registration forms are available by the main doors of the Church, or you may pick one up in the office. “Gabriel’s Angels” Mother’s Day Donation Outreach St. Mary’s Church and the Gabriel Angels would like to greatly acknowledge the Cameron Foundation for their generous support of the Gabriel Project. If you would like to join the foundation in supporting the Gabriel Project, you may bring a baby item to all the Masses on May 9th and 10th. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please place you donation in a white envelope in the collection basket marked “Gabriel Project” on the envelope, or come by the office to make your donation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Gabriel Project is designed to help women and teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If you are in need of assistance or know someone who is, please contact Belinda @ 713-805-4961 or the Church Office. Principle Balance Monthly Payment Donation this Week $ 200,761.01 $ 8,000.00 $ 1,926.00 God’s blessings to each of you for your generosity and support to our parish with your time, talent and treasure. DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND Parish Goal $50,000.00 Total Amount Pledged $ 30,935.00 Total Amount Paid $ 21,940.00( 43.88%) Total # of Participants 111 “Be Rich in Good Works, Ready to Share” The Diocesan Services Fund offers all of us an opportunity to let others experience the teachings and the grace of the Lord. More than 60 programs are under the DSF umbrella of ministries serving hundreds of thousands of people in the Archdiocese. Please support DSF with your gift today. Envelopes are located at the back of the church, or you can go online to make your donation @ God’s Blessings to each of you for your generosity. Come Join Us… Inspirational Tours, Inc. 9 Day Shrines of Italy Tour Dec. 26, 2015 ~ Jan. 3, 2016 Cost: 3,250.00 Per Person ~ Double Occupancy Spiritual Director: Fr. Tony Castro Are you thinking you may want to make this trip? If so, please make your $300. deposit as soon as possible. Several people have picked up brochures, and only have limited spaces available. Brochures are available at the back of the church or in the office. All monies will be due in September. For additional information, please contact Tracy @ 713-817-2640 at [email protected] or call the church office. Save the Date... Life Teen Spaghetti Dinner Sat. May 9th @ 6pm 2 Dear parish family, 5 Sunday Easter B Seeing flowers and fruits on a vine during springtime and this wonderful season of Easter bring to mind the images in this Sunday’s Gospel. “I am the vine, you are the branches.” Jesus wants to point out the basic and simple truth in our spiritual life. Separated from the vine, we are, “a withered, rejected branch which can do nothing.” Living within the vine, we “will produce abundantly.” Without the vine, the branches dry up and die. But when we live by the words Jesus has given us, we produce abundantly all that is good. We must admit that in our day to day life there are times we feel we are spiritually dry; there are times we feel distant from the Lord; there are times we don't have the joy, peace, and happiness, and light of life that we ought to have as those belonging to the Lord. Why is this so? Is it not that at times we have been “separated” to the good vine, our Lord of life, who is Jesus? Surely along the way maybe we have been cut off ourselves from vine in some way or another. When we insists on our will rather that the will of God, when we do not adhere consciously to the teachings of the Lord, when we don't keep his words in the gospel, or when we do not avail the sacraments that Lord gave to the Church then they are those times we cut off ourselves to the source of grace. Or when we feel so lazy to pray, those are the times we have cut off ourselves from receiving the grace of the Lord our vine. We need to remain attached to that vine. We need the graces that come to us through the Sacraments. We need to give of ourselves so the Church may grow and thrive. We need to continue to break open God's word and be nourished by the Eucharist. We certainly don't want to be that disconnected branch that is thrown into the fire and burned. God calls us to be living branches, intimately connected to God's life and cooperating with God to continue building the Body of Christ here on earth. "Remain in me." Cut off from Jesus, we are nothing. For by ourselves we cannot receive the gift of divine life nor pass it to others. This realization can make us humble and thus keep us away from over-estimating our worth and abilities. Remaining attached to the vine means to be united with him in love, and the ultimate measure of this love is that we bear fruit of good life and of holiness. Remaining as a good branch simply means a life of commitment to God, a life of prayer, a life of faithfulness in keeping God's word, and a dedicated life of faith. It is also the basis for our bearing much fruit. Remaining in Jesus, we can bring to reality our potentials -- big or small. Blessings to all and have a good week! Fr. Tony Querida familia parroquial, 5to Domingo de Pascua B Observando las flores y frutas en un árbol durante la primavera y en este maravilloso tiempo de Pascua traen a la mente las imágenes en el Evangelio de este domingo. "Yo soy la vid, vosotros los sarmientos." Jesús quiere señalar la verdad básica y simple en nuestra vida espiritual. Separado de la vid, se refiere a nosotros ", una rama marchita, desechada no puede hacer nada." Vivir conectados a la vid, es cuando "vamos a producir en abundancia." Sin la vid, las ramas se secan y mueren. Pero cuando vivimos por las palabras que Jesús nos ha dado, es que producimos en abundancia todo lo bueno. Debemos admitir que en nuestros días cotidianos de la vida hay momentos en que sentimos que estamos espiritualmente secos; hay momentos en que nos sentimos distantes del Señor; hay veces que no tenemos la alegría, la paz y la felicidad, y la luz de la vida que debemos tener como los que pertenecemos al Señor. ¿Por qué es así? ¿No es que a veces nos hemos "separado" de la vid, del Señor de la vida, que es Jesús? Seguramente en el camino nosotros mismos nos hemos separado de la vid de una u otra manera. Cuando insistimos en hacer nuestra voluntad en lugar de la voluntad de Dios, cuando no nos adherimos conscientemente a las enseñanzas del Señor, cuando no mantenemos sus palabras del Evangelio, o cuando no aprovechamos los sacramentos que el Señor dio a la Iglesia; entonces cortamos nosotros mismos la fuente de la gracia. O cuando nos sentimos tan perezosos para orar, esas son las veces que nos hemos desconectado a la recepción de la gracia del Señor nuestra vid. Tenemos que permanecer unidos a la vid. Necesitamos las gracias que nos llegan a través de los sacramentos. Tenemos que dar todo de nosotros mismos para que la Iglesia pueda crecer y prosperar. Tenemos que seguir proclamando la palabra de Dios y ser alimentada por la Eucaristía. Desde luego, no queremos ser esa rama desconectada que se echa en el fuego y se quema. Dios nos llama a ser ramas vivas, íntimamente conectados con la vida de Dios y cooperando con Dios para continuar la construcción del Cuerpo de Cristo aquí en la tierra. "Permaneced en mí." Separados de Jesús, no somos nada. Porque por nosotros mismos no podemos recibir el don de la vida divina, ni pasarlo a otras personas. Esta toma de conciencia puede hacernos humildes y así mantenernos alejados de sobreestimar nuestro valor y habilidades. Permaneciendo unidos a la vid significa estar unidos con El, en el amor, y el propósito final de este amor es que llevemos fruto de la buena vida y de la santidad. Permaneciendo como una buena rama simplemente significa una vida de entrega a Dios, una vida de oración, una vida de fidelidad en guardar la Palabra de Dios, y una vida dedicada a la fe. También es la base del propósito en producir mucho fruto. Permaneciendo en Jesús, podemos hacer realidad nuestro potencial - grande o pequeño. Bendiciones a todos y que tengan una buena semana! Padre Tony ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Juan & San Juana Gaona ~ April Baptisms ~ Kevin Orlando Alfaro, Jionni Martin Huitron, Judith Alejandra Marroquin, Gabriel Manuel Munoz, Jesse Ayden Ortega, Orlando Bryce Ortiz, Dayanara G. Sandoval ~ RCIA Catechumen ~ David Jason McConnell Anointing of the Sick …. will be held Friday, May 8th during the 8:30am Mass in St. Joseph’s Chapel. If you are seriously ill, suffering from a terminal illness or going to have a life-threatening surgery, this sacrament is for you. If, however, you are going to have a routine surgery Father will be glad to give you a blessing. Just call the office and make an appointment to come by at your earliest convenience. ALTAR SOCIETY May 2/3: In Loving Memory of Shirley Stanton By:Pat Stanton May 9/10:In Loving Memory of Ann Eileen Swenson & Bernadine Narandic By: Dennis & Victoria Swenson May 16/17: Special Intention First Holy Communion Students May 23/24: In Loving Memory of Marie Estes By: Villarreal Family Altar Flower Dates Available May 30/31 June 6/7,13/14, 27/28 July 25/26 Please contact the office or Carolyn O’Neal @ 832-465-4689 to reserve your date. Church Candle In Loving Memory of Luis Antonio Lemus By:Lemus Family Chapel Candle In Loving Memory of Emil Schaider By:Family May Altar Duty Assignments Hostess: Banquet Altar Duty: Jan Hughes, Gloria Rinche Laundry Duty: Belinda Guerrero Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers, Grandaughters, etc. Mother’s Day Tea... Today @ 1:30pm Adults: $10.00 Children(4-11): $5.00 MAY 3, 2015 Los Testigos del Poder de Dios Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR, BENDECIR, y GLORIFICAR a nuestro Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Vengan pequenos y grandes todos los viernes de 7:15-9:00p.m. en la capilla de San Jose. Les invitamos a participar con nosotros con un Servicio de communion cada primer viernes del mes. Gracias por escuchar el llamado de Dios! Dios te bendiga! A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Springtime. It’s a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special than it already is-call now! The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are May 15-17 or June 19-21. Register early to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little @ 281-773-4014 or for go online to ~ Giving to Give ~ If you have a rosary in need of repair, or if you would like to have one made, please contact Rena Hellstein @ 281-889-8043. ***New Rosaries ~ $20.00 & up (Available in the office) Repairs ~$5.00 & up. All proceeds are donated to the building fund. St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am Store Closed Thurs. & Sun. In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Our Resale Shop here at St. Mary’s is in desperate need of volunteers. Several of our regular volunteers have had to be taken off of the schedule due to medical issues. The store hours are 9-11am, and the store is open every day but Thurs. & Sun. You can pick any day you are able to work. If you are available to help out, please contact the church office. Upcoming Baptismal Dates June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd Our regularly scheduled baptism classes are on the 2nd Tuesday of each the month in English and 3rd Tuesday of each month in Spanish @ 7pm. Baptisms are the first Sunday of the month after the 10am and 12:30pm Masses. To register please call the office. 4 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 3, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday:Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Scholarship applications are available in the office for all high school seniors who will be graduating in May. Applications are due back in the office by May 10th. Monday: Please Pray For Our Troops and … Shirley, Emma Christy, Eloy Lara, Richard & Gwen Tilley, Robert Molina, Cruz Acosta, Adam Acosta, Leo Villarreal, Karen Bounds, Chemin Family, DiBora Family, Rudy Garcia, Rena Hellstein, Espinoza Family, Kenyan Lewis Family, J.B. Buentello, Veronica Duran, Maria Elisa, Daneal, Yo Baña Cantu, Diane Lemons, Paula Lambright, Augustine Pineda, Geopge Lopez, Gary & Debbie McFadden, Jessica Redou, Miranda Salinas, Steve Stewart, Emperatiz Cortes, Alfred Molina, Chad Henson, Abel Benitez, Marty Montemayor, Luke Lewllan, Mary Dean, Sue Gonzalez, Jordon Bright, Candalaria Ortiz, Jennifer Wade, Craig Wade, Gilson Family, Harry Roland, Carlos Rodriguez, Benjamin Barragan, James Hagler, Jeremy George, Danny Miguel Saul, Cody Caits, Lois Johnson, Mark LeClair Sr.,Gloria LeClair, Mary Lee Leake, Phil Leake, Ralph Garza, Bill Bianchini, Sharon Darden Continue to Pray for Clarence Clipper, Diana Garza, Kay Gold, Red Cornejo, Nancy Isla Castro, Irlinda, Beatriz Gamboa, Kathryn Coleman, Norman & Joanne Hartman, Marita Hooper, Linda Jaramillo, Janie Cavazos, Janet Lodge, Rose Moreno, Lois Johnston, Joe Funda, Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley, Deacon Merce Leal, Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez, Margarita Klock, John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie O’Neal, Ben Munoz, Nell Turk, Diana Ortiz, Ophelia Pinard, Bob Davis, Dot Ryan, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin, Geraldine Christensen, Teresa Eidt, Barry Armstrong and those requesting prayer via our web site. Remember Our Shut-Ins Ann Blair, Soledad Hernandez, Elida Peterson, those battling terminal illness and the residents of La Porte Care Center and Parson’s House. Repose of the Soul of Chad Henson, Mrs. Vernon Sellers Our Sympathy to Valeria Key and family on the loss of her nephew, Chad, and Wal’Dean Lundquist and family on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Vernon Selllers Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the prayer list or added please call the Church Office during regular office hours. • • • Knights of Columbus Upcoming… All Parishioners Welcome May 11th-Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession for the unborn, elderly, disabled, sick and all special intentions every 2nd Monday of the month in St. Joseph’s Chapel @ 6:30pm. May 31st-BBQ Chicken Plates to benefit the Scholarship Fund. You can pre-order starting May 2nd.Fundraiser chair Ernest Molina @ 281924-7954 or [email protected] June 6th-Garage Sale & BBQ Luncheon. If you have any items that need to be picked up for the sale, please contact Gerardo Gonzalez @ 281-802-9646. If you have any questions about any of the above information, please contact Jaime Vasquez @ 832-3398849 or [email protected]. Last CCE Class Today First Communion Sun. May 17th 12:30pm (Spanish) & 4:00pm (English) Pictures will be available in July or Aug. in the office. Information will be posted in the bulletin. CCE, EDGE, Life Teen Registration in August CCE Classes Sun. 8:4 5am & 11:15am Jr. High/High School Sacraments ClassSun. 2pm EDGE (Jr. High classes) Sun. @ 5pm Life Teen Sun. @ 5:15 If you have any questions please call the Church office during regular office hours @281-471-2000. ¡¡¡VEN Y ACOMPAÑANOS!!! Clases de Crecimiento I En el Rosary Hall Lunes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm Si te perdiste la primera clase, todavía estas a tiempo de participar... Información, favor de llamar Nelida Velez (978) 930-1769 5 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 3, 2015 Houston Museum of Fine Arts In the early 1620’s, Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens completed one of his greatest achievements: designing the Triumph of the Eucharist tapestries. The exhibit is ongoing until May 10th in the Law Building, Mezzanine, 1001 Bissonnet. Go to Bible Study Classes Will Resume in the Fall… Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy Avallone will resume again in the fall and will follow the CCE schedule. The program they use is called “Bringing Faith Home”. (Fall CCE Schedule @ 8:45am & 11). Bible Study ~ The remaining schedule for this week will be tonight @ 5:15pm, Wed, May 6th @ 9:15am. Wed. will be the last session for this semester. “The Bible Timeline” study will resume again on Sunday evenings and Wednesday mornings in the fall. This study goes deep into each period of Salvation history and teaches about major people, places and events of the Bible and shows how together they form the foundation of our Catholic faith. St. Mary’s Music Ministry Needs You... Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15 Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387 Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974 Sun. 10:00am Mass - Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453 Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081 Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm Contact Alex @ 281-543-7794 or [email protected] Monthly Memorial Mass The Samaritan Monthly Memorial Mass will be held on Wednesday, May 6th @ 6:30pm in St. Joseph’s Chapel. Those being remembered at Mass this month will be Jose Manuel Alvarez Bernal, Reynaldo Cantu, Hemma Annette DiVora, Isidro Gutierrez, Tracy Howard, Trieni Sandoval, Emil Schaider and Bill Sorells. PRAYER FOR DISCERNMENT GOD OUR FATHER, You have a plan for each one of us, You hold out to us a future full of hope, Give us the wisdom of your Spirit so that we can see the shape of your plan in the gifts you have given us, and in the circumstances of our daily lives. Give us the freedom of your Spirit, To seek you with all our hearts, And to choose your will above all else. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Based on Jeremiah 29:11-13 Activities of the Week Sun. May 3: Last CCE, EDGE, Life Teen Adult Conf. Class 2pm Rosary Hall Bible Study 5:15pm Mon. May 4: Clases de Crecimiento 7pm Rosary Hall Wed. May 6: Bible Study 9:15am Conf. Rm 10 AM Choir Practice 6pm Rosary Hall Samaritan Monthly Memorial Mass 6:30pm Thurs. May 7: Spanish Choir Practice 7pm Church Knights of Columbus 7:30pm Rosary Hall Fri. May 8: EDGE Lock-In Rosary Hall 7pm Sat. May 9: Life Teen Spaghetti Dinner Parish Hall 6pm MINISTRY SCHEDULE May 9 & 10, 2015 SATURDAY 6:00pm Altar Servers A. Nguyen, J. P. Nguyen Lector F. Novak Commentator P. Stanton Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, P. Holland, of the Eucharist G. Rodriguez SUNDAY-7:30am Altar Server E. Kappil, R. Kappil Lector N. Broussard Commentator J. Sturm Extraordinary Ministers O. Mathews, S. Mathews of the Eucharist K. Sturm SUNDAY-10:00am Altar Server D. Colburn, N. Trevino Lector L. Patten Commentator K. Regan Extraordinary Ministers L. Colling, R. Florance, of the Eucharist C. O’Neal SUNDAY-12:30pm(Spanish) Altar Servers A. Calvillo, N. Gallegos Lectors R. Calvillo, S. Calvillo Extraordinary Ministers C. Cirnigliario, G. Cirnigliario of the Eucharist SUNDAY 4:00pm LIFE TEEN MASS Altar Servers A. Brinkley, D. Rowan Lectors N. Barrera Extraordinary Ministers A. Brinkley, J. Lopez, M. Reyes of the Eucharist St. Joseph’s Chapel Are you someone retired who would consider spending one hour with Our Lord each week in the chapel? Often, during the daytime hours especially, our adorers have appointments or are out of town and find it difficult to find a sub. We are hoping to have two people assigned to each hour to alleviate this issue. If you feel God is calling you or you would like to be placed on our substitute list, please contact the office. 6 Class Today 8:45 & 11:15 am First Communion Rehearsal Tues., May 12th @ 6:30pm CCE questions contact Jessica @ 281-515-5429 or [email protected]. VBS 2015 July 27-31 We are in need of blue plastic tablecloths and gallon milk jugs. Please bring to class next week or by the office. Class Tonight @ 5:15pm Rene Cortez @ 832-283-8758 Sacrament Rehearsal Tues. May 12th @ 6:30pm Info. Contact Deacon Stan Avallone 281-507-2253 Life Teen Mass Today 4PM Class Tonight @ 5pm Next Confirmation Class May 13th, 6-7pm ADORE WED. May 6th Save the Date... Spaghetti Dinner May 9th Steubenville on the Bayou June 26-28 ~ $100. Deposit Due Contact Shari Davis @ 281-471-6066 if you have any questions about our Life Teen Program.
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