May 17, 2015 - St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571
281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am-12:00 Noon
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
CCE Office Hours:
Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the
month. Classes are held on
the 2nd & 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish
Office to register or call for more information.
The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays,
from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months
prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a
meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If
you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the
Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has
never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and
Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of
these questions, call the Parish Office.
Sacrament of First Communion
First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least
in the second grade, and have been attending CCE
classes for two full years previous to their receiving
the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion
should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation candidates must have previously
received the Sacraments of Baptism and First
Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life
Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three
absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A
signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the
candidate understand all requirements is also
necessary before the preparation begins. Adults
needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of
Christian initiation of adults.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass
Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel
Monday (No Mass)
Tuesday – 12:00 noon
Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. &
(1st Wednesday Only 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m.
Parish Staff
Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor
Deacon Hector Cantu
Deacon Julio Matallana
Deacon Stan Avallone
Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty
C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo
EDGE Director-Renee Cortez
Life Teen Director-Shari Davis
Vision Statement
St. Mary of the Immaculate
Conception is a Catholic Community
of Believers called to serve Christ by
gathering together at the Lord’s
Table in worship and praise, by
serving our brothers and sisters in
Christ, and by being a welcoming
beacon of light to all. We are many
parts, yet one body in Christ.
MAY 17, 2015
“God is at Work Here”
Loan Balance
Principle Balance
Monthly Payment
Donation this Week
Tuesday, May 19:
Emil Schader†
By:Rosie Molina
Wednesday, May 20:
Special Intention Jackie Dobmeier
By:Hellstein Family
Thursday, May 21:
A Special Intention
By:A Friend of St. Mary’s
Friday, May 22:
Luis Antonio Lemus†
Saturday, May 23:
Lupito Vela†
Sunday, May 24:
Peter M. Griffiths†
By:Silda Griffiths
Robert Escobar†
By:Ernest & Maria Escobar
Birthday Celebration Josie Valencia
By:Valencia Family
People of the Parish
Sunday May 9 & 10, 2015
Weekly Goal $12,000.00
Sunday Collection
Second Collection (Nepal Earthquake)
$ 2,155.00
Please Note: You must be registered in the parish to receive a
tax statement at the end of the year for your contributions.
Also, you must be registered to receive offering envelopes. If
you are not registered and use Visitor envelopes, no
record is kept of your contributions. Registration forms
are available by the main doors of the Church, or you
may pick one up in the office.
“Gabriel’s Angels”
The Gabriel Project is designed to help
women and teenagers who are in a crisis
pregnancy. If you are in need of assistance
or know someone who is, please contact
Belinda @ 713-805-4961 or the Church
~ Giving to Give ~
If you have a rosary in need of repair, or if you would like
to have one made, please contact Rena Hellstein @ 281
-889-8043. ***New Rosaries ~ $20.00 & up (Available in
the office) Repairs ~$5.00 & up. All proceeds are
donated to the building fund.
$ 193,162.53
$ 8,000.00
$ 2,451.00
God’s blessings to each of you for your
generosity and support to our parish with your
time, talent and treasure.
Parish Goal $50,000.00
Total Amount Pledged $ 41,055.00
Total Amount Paid
$ 32,972.50( 65.95%)
Total # of Participants 112
“Be Rich in Good Works, Ready to Share”
The Diocesan Services Fund offers all of us an
opportunity to let others experience the teachings and
the grace of the Lord. More than 60 programs are
under the DSF umbrella of ministries serving hundreds
of thousands of people in the Archdiocese. Please
support DSF with your gift
today. Envelopes are
located at the back of the church, or you can go online
to make your donation @
God’s Blessings to each of you for your generosity.
Come Join Us…
Inspirational Tours, Inc.
9 Day Shrines of Italy Tour
Dec. 26, 2015 ~ Jan. 3, 2016
Cost: 3,250.00
Per Person ~ Double Occupancy
Spiritual Director: Fr. Tony Castro
Are you thinking you may want to make
this trip? If so, please make your $300.
deposit as soon as possible. Several
people have picked up brochures, and
only have limited spaces available. Brochures are
available at the back of the church or in the office.
All monies will be due in September.
For additional information, please contact Tracy
@ 713-817-2640 at [email protected] or
call the church office.
Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in
our bulletin the next time you patronize them. Through
their advertising, our parish receives our weekly
bulletin free of charge.
Dear parish family,
The universal church celebrates the Ascension of the Lord the Thursday of the Sixth week of Easter which is the 40th day
after Easter Sunday (Acts 1:1-11). In many Dioceses including our own, the celebration is transferred to the
Sunday, which is May 17 to assure greater awareness and participation of this important solemnity, which is a Holy day of
The feast of the Ascension of the Lord reminds us to redirect our energies and attention upwards to the glorious
Lord who ascended to Heaven for us to follow. While we are still down here in this passing world amidst all the challenges
in life and all the perplexities in this world of many imperfections, we are asked to look upwards to our final destination which
is heaven. Yet at the same time we are asked to firmly hold on to our tasks here on earth that the Lord has left to do in our
life’s journey.
The Lord has left the disciples physically not to abandon them but to give them the power to do his own work. The
disciples were now onwards to be the mouth, the hands, and the feet of the Lord to proclaim the good news of salvation up
to the ends of the world until the end of time.
We are the disciples of the Lord here and now. The task of bringing the Good News is not only given to the
ordained ministry like the bishops, priests and deacons, although this is given to them in a special manner. But by virtue of
our baptism having ourselves called to be Christians we become sharers of the mission of the Lord to bring the good news
to all in whatever little way we can.
We have that example shown this Sunday; parents share their faith to their children who now received the
Sacrament of First Communion. We have catechists teaching them the rudiments of faith enabling them to be conscious
participants of our faith life. And other examples of faith in action expressed in varied ways by many volunteer church
workers. The truth is that the more we focus on what we can give out of our faith or the more we give a living witness to our
faith, the more we can receive the promised gift of the Lord. And that gift is the power of faith strengthened by the Holy
Spirit in our lives guiding us in our life’s journey towards our final destination where the Lord awaits his faithful servants.
And the Lord offers this power to the one who are his true disciples. Being a true disciple means living what one
believes. May the Lord therefore empower us to go out to proclaim in our lives the good news and may the power of our
faith in the Lord may be made manifest working in us and through us.
In a different note, I will be taking a 3-week vacation to the Philippines starting May 18. Fr. Fred Ablog will cover
most of the daily Masses. Fr. Tim Prado, a Hospital chaplain, will cover me for one weekend. Fr. Ronan Newbold, a
Passionist priest, will be here for two weekends and do some weekday Masses. May you welcome them in our midst and
see you when I am back.
Blessings to you and have a good week. Fr. Tony
Querida familia parroquial,
La iglesia universal celebra la Ascensión del Señor el jueves de la sexta semana de Pascua, que es el día 40 después del
Domingo de Resurección (Hechos 1: 1-11). En muchas diócesis, incluyendo la nuestra, la celebración se traslada al
domingo siguiente, que es el 17 de mayo para as egurar una mayor conciencia y participación de esta importante
solemnidad, además es un día de precepto.
La fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor es un recordatorio en que debemos redirigir nuestras energías y la atención
hacia el glorioso Señor que ascendió al cielo por nosotros para seguirlo. Aunque todavía estamos aquí en este mundo
confrontando los desafíos de la vida y todas las perplejidades, lleno de muchas imperfecciones, se nos pide mirar hacia
arriba hacia nuestro destino final que es el cielo. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, se nos pide que mantengamos firmemente
el cumplimiento de nuestra misión aquí en la tierra que el Señor nos ha encomendado en nuestra jornada de vida.
El Señor ha dejado a los discípulos físicamente, no abandonándolos, sino dándoles el poder para que realicen su
propio trabajo. A partir de ese momento los discípulos pasaban a ser la boca, las manos y los pies del Señor para
proclamar la buena noticia de la salvación hasta los confines de la tierra y hasta el final de los tiempos.
Aquí y ahora somos los discípulos del Señor. La tarea de llevar la Buena Nueva no sólo se da al ministerio
ordenado como los obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos, aunque esto se da a ellos de una manera especial. Pero en virtud de
nuestro bautismo por el cual somos llamados cristianos, nos convertimos en partícipes de la misión del Señor para llevar la
buena noticia a todos, en pequeños detalles según como podamos.
Tenemos el ejemplo mostrado este domingo; padres comparten su fe a sus hijos que ahora recibieron el
Sacramento de la Primera Comunión. Tenemos catequistas enseñándoles las primeras nociones de la doctrina que les
permita ser participantes conscientes de nuestra vida de fe. Y otros ejemplos de fe en acción se expresan en diversas
formas por muchos trabajadores voluntarios de la iglesia. La verdad es que cuanto más nos enfocamos en lo que podemos
dar a través de nuestra doctrina, damos un testimonio vivo de nuestra fe, y mientras más damos más podemos recibir el
don prometido por nuestro Señor. Y ese don es el poder de la fe fortalecida por el Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas que nos
guía en la jornada hacia nuestro destino final en el que el Señor está en espera de sus siervos fieles.
Y el Señor ofrece este poder para sus verdaderos discípulos. Ser un verdadero discípulo significa vivir lo que uno
cree. Que el Señor, por tanto, nos de poder para salir a proclamar con nuestras vidas la buena noticia y que el poder de
nuestra fe en el Señor se manifieste trabajando en nosotros y a través de nosotros.
Cambiando de tema les informo que voy a tomar a 3 semanas de vacaciones en las Filipinas a partir de mayo 18.
Padre Fred Ablog cubrirá la mayoría de las misas diarias. Padre Tim Prado, un capellán del hospital, me va a cubrir durante
un fin de semana. Padre Ronan Newbold, estará aquí durante dos fines de semana y celebrara algunas misas durante la
semana. Demósles la bienvenida en nuestra parroquia y nos vemos luego a mi regreso.
Bendiciones para ti y que tengas una buena semana.
Padre Tony
May 16/17:
Special Intention First Holy Communion Students
May 23/24: In Loving Memory of Marie Estes
By: Villarreal Family
Altar Flower Dates Available
May 30/31 June 6/7,13/14, 27/28 July 25/26
MAY 17, 2015
First Communion Today
12:30pm (Spanish) & 4:00pm (English)
Pictures will be available in July or Aug. in the
office. Information will be posted in the bulletin.
CCE, EDGE, Life Teen
Registration in August
Please contact the office or Carolyn O’Neal @ 832-465-4689 to
reserve your date.
CCE Classes will be Sun. 8:4 5am & 11:15am
Chapel Candle
Jr. High/High School Sacraments ClassSun. 2pm
In Thanksgiving
By: Angeles Sullivan
is a fund set up to help maintain the Seminary where our
young men live while they are studying to become
priests. Enrollment cards are available for any special
occasion @ $3.00 per person, $10.00 per family or
$25.00 for a perpetual enrollment. For information or to
do an enrollment please come by the office.
Today is Ascension Sunday and we are
reminded that Jesus is on his throne. Do
we allow him to reign over our lives?
One of the ways we show this is by living
in humility, gentleness and love in a
bond of peace. Do we reflect this in our
marriage relationship? Allow Jesus to be
Lord of your marriage relationship. The
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekends are June 19-21, or October 9-10. Register
early to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little @
281-773-4014 or for go online to
St. Joseph’s Chapel
We desperately need someone to fill the
Wednesday morning 2-3am Holy Hour. Are you
someone retired who would consider spending one
hour with Our Lord each week in the chapel? Often,
during the daytime hours especially, our adorers
have appointments or are out of town and find it
difficult to find a sub. We would like to have two
people assigned to each hour to alleviate this issue.
If you feel God is calling you or you would like to be
placed on our substitute list, please contact the
God’s blessings to each of you for answering “His Call”.
Upcoming Baptismal Dates
June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd
Our regularly scheduled baptism classes are on the
2nd Tuesday of each the month in English and 3rd
Tuesday of each month in Spanish @ 7pm.
Baptisms are the first Sunday of the month after the
10am and 12:30pm Masses. To register please call
the office.
EDGE (Jr. High Classes) Sun. @ 5pm
Life Teen Sun. @ 5:15
If you have any questions please call the Church office
during regular office hours @281-471-2000.
VBS 2015 July 27th - 31st
We are in need of blue plastic
tablecloths and 400 clean
gallon size milk jugs. Please
bring any donations by the
office as soon as possible.
~ Registration will begin in June ~
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am
Store Closed Thurs. & Sun.
Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension
we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth
continues through his disciples...and now through
When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his
love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives
and into the hearts of those who are poor.
Our Resale Shop here at St. Mary’s is in desperate
need of volunteers. Several of our regular volunteers
have had to be taken off of the schedule due to
medical issues. The store hours are 9-11am, and the
store is open every day but Thurs. & Sun. You can pick
any day you are able to work. If you are available to
help out, please contact the church office.
St. Mary’s Music Ministry Needs You...
Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15
Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387
Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am
Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974
Sun. 10:00am Mass - Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453
Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081
Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm
Contact Alex @ 281-543-7794 or
[email protected]
Please Pray For
Our Troops and …
Chris Garcia, Danny Jr. & Joseph Saul, Tara Davis,
Randy Hanks, Yolanda Guzman, Carlos Rodriguez,
Shirley, Emma Christy, Eloy Lara, Richard & Gwen Tilley,
Robert Molina, Cruz Acosta, Adam Acosta, Karen
Bounds, Chemin Family, DiBora Family, Rudy Garcia,
Rena Hellstein, Espinoza Family, Kenyan Lewis Family,
J.B. Buentello, Veronica Duran, Maria Elisa, Daneal, Yo
Baña Cantu, Diane Lemons, Paula Lambright, Augustine
Pineda, Geopge Lopez, Gary & Debbie McFadden,
Jessica Redou, Miranda Salinas, Steve Stewart,
Emperatiz Cortes, Alfred Molina, Chad Henson, Abel
Benitez, Marty Montemayor, Luke Lewllan, Mary Dean,
Sue Gonzalez, Jordon Bright, Candalaria Ortiz, Jennifer
Wade, Craig Wade, Gilson Family, Harry Roland, Carlos
Rodriguez, Benjamin Barragan, James Hagler, Jeremy
George, Danny Miguel Saul, Cody Caits, Lois Johnson,
Mark LeClair Sr.,Gloria LeClair, Mary Lee Leake, Phil
Leake, Ralph Garza, Bill Bianchini, Sharon Darden
Continue to Pray for Clarence Clipper, Diana Garza,
Kay Gold, Red Cornejo, Nancy Isla Castro, Irlinda,
Beatriz Gamboa, Kathryn Coleman, Norman & Joanne
Hartman, Marita Hooper, Linda Jaramillo, Janie Cavazos,
Janet Lodge, Rose Moreno, Lois Johnston, Joe Funda,
Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley, Deacon Merce Leal,
Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez, Margarita Klock,
John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie O’Neal,
Ben Munoz, Nell Turk, Diana Ortiz, Ophelia Pinard, Bob
Davis, Dot Ryan, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin, Geraldine
Christensen, Teresa Eidt, Barry Armstrong and those
requesting prayer via our web site.
Remember Our Shut-Ins Ann Blair, Soledad Hernandez,
Elida Peterson, those battling terminal illness and the
residents of La Porte Care Center and Parson’s House.
Repose of the Soul of Angela Azcarate, Joanne Snyder,
Leo Villarreal and James Michael Wachel
Our Sympathy to Graciela Cirnigliaro and family on the
loss of her aunt, Angela, Rose Snyder and family on the
loss of her mother, Joanne, Diana Ortiz and family on the
loss of her brother, Leo, and Mary Noble and family on
the loss of her brother, James
Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are
left on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back
on the prayer list or added please call the Church
Office during regular office hours.
Clases de Crecimiento I
En el Rosary Hall
Lunes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm
Si te perdiste la primera clase,
todavía estas a tiempo de participar...
Información, favor de llamar
Nelida Velez (978) 930-1769
MAY 17, 2015
Knights Upcoming
May 31st-BBQ Chicken Plates to benefit the
Scholarship Fund. You can pre-order starting
May 2nd. Fundraiser chair Ernest Molina @
281-924-7954 or [email protected]
Garage Sale
Sat., June 6th, 7am-3pm
BBQ Lunch Plates 11am-3pm
We are currently accepting items for the sale
during regular office hours, or you may contact
Gerardo Gonzalez @ 281-802-9646 if you need
items to be picked up.
All proceeds will be used to support youth
programs and Knights of Columbus Charities.
Thank you for all of your donations!!!
FREE! ESL Classes
Starting July 7th we will resume our ESL classes.
The classes will be held on Tues. & Thurs. mornings
@ 9:30-11am and Tues. & Thurs. evenings 78:30pm. If you know someone who might be interested, please give them the above information.
There are no qualifications necessary. Everyone is
welcome. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the office.
El dia 7 de Julio reanudamos las clases de
Ingles. Seran los dias Martes y Jueves de 9:30 am
- 11 am y los jueves de 7 pm - 8:30 pm. Si conoce
a alguien que este interesado favor de dales la
necesario. Todos son bienvenidos. Si tiene alguna
pregunta o necesita una informacion adicional, por
favor contacte la oficina.
Los Testigos del Poder de Dios
Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR,
BENDECIR, y GLORIFICAR a nuestro Dios,
Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Vengan pequenos y
grandes todos los viernes de 7:15-9:00p.m. en la
capilla de San Jose. Les invitamos a participar
con nosotros con un Servicio de communion cada primer viernes del mes. Gracias por escuchar
el llamado de Dios! Dios te bendiga!
Bible Study Classes
Will Resume in the Fall…
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy
Avallone will resume again in the fall and will follow the
CCE schedule. The program they use is called “Bringing
Faith Home”. (Fall CCE Schedule @ 8:45am & 11).
Bible Study ~ The Bible Timeline” study will resume
again on Sunday evenings and Wednesday mornings in
the fall. This study goes deep into each period of
Salvation history and teaches about major people, places
and events of the Bible and shows how together they
form the foundation of our Catholic faith.
Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Jn 16:29-33
Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21;
Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
Jn 21:15-19
Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7;
Jn 21:20-25
Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or
Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35,
27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34;
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25;
Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
is looking for a few new greeters for all masses!
Interested? Please contact the church office or
Debbie Wade @ [email protected].
Catholic Radio Station 1430AM
KSHJ 1430 AM—English Catholic radio in
Houston, TX. Tune in for intelligent talk,
catechesis, apologetics, a Catholic perspective
on news and current events, great fun, and lots
of advice on living the faith in our relationships
and sharing the faith with our friends and
Thank you to everyone who
came out and supported our
Life Teen Spaghetti Dinner
last weekend!!!
MAY 17, 2015
Activities of the Week
Sun. May 17: 1st Communion, 12:30pm(Span.) 4pm(Eng.)
Mon. May 18: Clases de Crecimiento 7pm Rosary Hall
Tues. May 19: Baptism Class (Spanish) 7pm
Wed. May 20: Life Teen Bible Study 7pm, Rm 1
10 AM Choir Practice 6pm Rosary Hall
Thurs. May 21: Spanish Choir Practice 7pm Church
Knights of Columbus
Sun. May 24:
Adult Confirmation
Mary Queen, Friendswood @ 2:30pm
May 23 & 24, 2015
Altar Servers
R. Schoppe, R. Schoppe
I. Salas
P. Stanton
Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, D. Swenson,
of the Eucharist
V. Swenson
Altar Server
Z. Garner, N. Molina
B. Gerdes
N. Broussard
Extraordinary Ministers D. Gerdes, J. Shipp, K. Shipp
of the Eucharist
Altar Server
A. Griffiths, P. Griffiths
V. Maduzia
P. E. Griffiths
Extraordinary Ministers R. Florance, A. Griffiths,
of the Eucharist
D. Wade
Altar Servers
M. Hernandez, A. SanMiguel,
A. SanMiguel
C. Cirniglario, G. Cirnigliario
Extraordinary Ministers J. Gracia, J. Gracia
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
A. Brinkley, D. Rowan
J. Woods
Extraordinary Ministers A. Brinkley, J. Lopez, M. Reyes
of the Eucharist
SEPT. 11th-13th~San Antonio, TX
The conference is sure to bring you and yours closer to
Christ and His Church with not only beautiful liturgies,
but also with dynamic speakers touching on an array of
timely faith and family-building topics. Demand runs very
thigh for this event, given our outstanding speaker lineups. Register by phone @ 877-218-7884. Conference
passes are non-refundable. Information go to http://
CCE is over for the Summer!
CCE questions contact Jessica @ 281-515-5429 or
[email protected].
Life Teen Mass Today 4PM
VBS 2015 July 27-31
Life Teen Bible Study
Every Wed. @ 7pm
We Need Your Support...
Car Wash
Next Sunday after all
morning masses.
We are in need of blue plastic tablecloths and 400 clean gallon milk jugs.
Please bring them by the office.
EDGE registration in August!
Contact Rene Cortez @ 832-283-8758
for information.
Steubenville on the Bayou
June 26-28 ~ $100. Deposit Due
Contact Shari Davis @ 281-471-6066 if you have
any questions about our Life Teen Program.