THE PARISH OF SAINT PAUL & SAINT AGNES ONE PARISH TWO CHURCHES E-MAIL ADDRESSES 1. Parish [email protected] 2. Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Nugent [email protected] ...unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. el grano de trigo, sembrado en la tierra, no muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere, producirá mucho fruto. Parish Clergy Jesus Christ, Pastor Joseph A. Nugent, Parish Priest Deacon Leroy P. Branch Jr. Rev. Mr. Christopher Bethge New Parishioners We welcome new members of the parish. All parishioners are encouraged to register and use church envelopes in order to maintain our parish of two churches. Parish Pastoral Staff Sister M. Innocentia Lipari, MSBT, Pastoral Associate William J. Gorman, Coordinator, Religious Education (CCD) Joan O’Brien, Director of Music Ministry, St. Agnes Lyudmila Papayani, Organist, St. Paul Christine Sanchez, Secretary Sundays after the 9:15AM Mass in St. Agnes. Rectory & Office at St. Paul’s Church* 234 Congress Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Telephone: 718-624-3425 or 718-624-0179 Fax 718-408-7482 Closed Monday Tuesday & Thursday 9:30AM--2:00PM New Hours Office at St. Agnes Church* 433 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 Telephone: 718-625-1717 Fax 718-625-1929 Closed Monday Wednesday & Friday, 9:30AM -- 2:00PM New Hours Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Agnes Saturday: 4PM Vigil Mass Sunday: 9:15AM English, 11:00AM French, 12:30PM Spanish Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Paul Saturday: 5:30 Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:45AM English; 11:00AM Spanish *English and Spanish are spoken at each parish office. Se habla Ingles y Español en cada oficina parroquial. Religious Education (CCD) BAPTISMS PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISM. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE AS WELL AS THE NAMES OF THE GODPARENTS WHO MUST BE ROMAN CATHOLIC TO SPONSOR YOUR CHILD. BAPTISM CLASS PARENTS AND GODPARENTS ARE EXPECTED TO COME TO THE BAPTISM CLASS ON MONDAY, Mar. 23rd FROM 7:00 TO 8:30 PM WITH DEACON LEROY Societies and Organizations Please call either parish if you are interested in any of these organizations: Favor de telefonear cualquiera oficina parroquial si le interesa cualquiera de estas organizaciones: J ornaditas (Youth); Cursillistas; Carismáticos; Boy Scouts; Santo Nombre; Knights of Columbus; Legión de María WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IN ST. PAUL AT 8:30 AM. WEDNESDAY ONLY 8:30 AM ST. AGNES CONFESSIONS St. Agnes Saturdays from 3:30 to 3:50 PM and by appointment St. Paul Saturdays following the 5:30 PM Mass and by appointment (Please call either office to Schedule an appointment) Fifth Sunday of Lent March 21-March 22, 2015 Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church Saint Agnes Roman Catholic Church Sat. Mar. 21st Sat. Mar. 21st 8:30 Dean Charles Sanders (D) Req. by Peter Allen 5:30 RIP Virginia Pearson (D) Req. by Lucille DeMarinis 4:00 John Melone Req. by Joan Melone Sun. Mar. 22nd 7:45 Joseph LaFace (D)11th Anniv. Req. by His Loving Wife Nancy 11:00 Los Feligreses de la Parroquia San Pablo y Santa Inés 11:00 In memory of the Reilly Family (D) 11:00 Maria Dora Roman (D) 10th Aniv p/p Su hija Ceci Mon. Mar. 23rd 8:30 Denise Diacomanolis Healing Prayers Req. by Barbara Zelenko Tue. Mar. 24th 8:30 Sabino B. Cepeda (D) Aniv. Req. by His sister Helen Thur. Mar. 26th 8:30 Lynn LaSala Living Intensions Req. by Barbara Zelenko Fri. Mar. 27th 8:30 Marion Zelenko in memory Req. by Her Daughter Barbara Zelenko Sat. Mar. 28th 8:30 5:30 Peter, Lucy & Betty McDonough (D) Req. by Peggy White Cannon IT WAS A GREAT SUCCESS THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE ST. PATRICK/ST. JOSEPH BRUNCH. EVERYONE HAD A GREAT TIME AND IT WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL. THERE WERE 119 TICKETS SOLD FOR A TOTAL OF $1,776.00, A $5.00 DONATION AND $325.00 FROM THE 50/50 FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $2,106.00. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MARGARET CASEY FOR BOTH PROVIDING THE CORN BEEF AND CABBAGE AND COOKING IT. THANKS ALSO TO ALL THE FOOD AND PASTRYDONORS COURT PASTRY, COSTCO AND GIARDINI GOURMET PIZZA & RESTAURANT. Sun. Mar. 22nd 9:15 Ruth Tricoma (D) 7th Anniversary Req. by Her Son & Daughter Stephen & Doreen 9:15 Raffaele & Michele Nocerino (D) Req. by Tina 11:00 12:30 Los Feligreses de la Parroquia San Pablo y Santa Inés 12:30 In memory of the Reilly Family (D) Wed. Mar. 25th 8:30 Veronica Sarchipone (D) Irene Fallon Sat. Mar. 28th 4:00 Carmelo Collazo (D) Birthday Req. by His Wife Frances & Daughters Wine & Host at St. Agnes for the week of Mar ch 22nd wer e donated by Pablo and Rosana Acosta. COLLECTION ST PAUL SAT. 5:30PM SUN. 7:45AM 11:00 AM TOTAL ST. AGNES SAT. 4:00PM SUN. 9:15AM 11:00AM 12:30PM TOTAL PARISH TOTAL Childrens’ Tithes Coin Banks $ 995.95 $ 506.00 $ 725.00 $ 2,226.95 $ 1,689.00 $ 1,326.25 $ 92.00 $ 387.00 $3,494.25 $5,721.20 $ 141.75 $ 106.58 THE EXPENSES BILLS FOR THE WEEK WEEKLY PAYROLL WEEKLY EXPENSES $ 2,671.04* $ 3,041.16 $ 5,712.20 *$1,806.03 to National Grid for heating at St. Paul. COMMUNITY CONCERT SERIES ALTAR SOCIETY Father Nugent would like to establish an Altar Society to maintain the altars at both churches. The volunteers’ responsibility would be to maintain the linen, tend to the flowers and keep the altar in general good condition. If you are interested especially in volunteering at St. Paul please call and speak to Father. BROOKLYN CATHOLIC YOUTH DAY Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day for youth ages 13-17 is on April 18, 2015, from 9am to 4pm in St. Joseph Co-Cathedral, 856 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY. For more information contact Christian Branch 917-402-2381, [email protected] The French American Choir of New York, a r enown ed in ternational group of amateur singers is thrilled to bring its choral repertoire to Saint Agnes Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn on Sunday, March 29th at 4:00pm. General Admission $25.00 Seniors (64 and above) $15.00 Students (School ID) $15.00 Children (between 12-18) $10.00 Children (under 12) FREE Tickets are available at both parish offices and on the Internet at Tickets are also available at the door. RECEPTION TO FOLLOW PRAY FOR OUR SICK Norma Matos, Aurelio Almazar, Cristina Justino, Bernardo Rodríguez, Elizabeth Henríquez, Mark Lites, María Elena Rosa, Víctor Soto, Altagracia Almanzar, Christopher Benson, Milton Piedra, William Torres, Juanita Martínez ,Marilyn Glynn, Felicita Pedraza, Vincent Biscaino, María “Cookie” Borio, Marilyn Basora, Bobby Perry, Nick Lupo, Federico Rodríguez, Cheryl Rennie Smith, Ita Toranzo, Yolanda Torres, Mildred Lewis, Kathy Appel, Alex Avitabile MESSE EN FRANÇAIS IL Y AURA UNE MESSE EN FRANÇAIS CÉLÉBRÉE À ST. AGNES 22 Mar. À 11 STATIONS OF THE CROSS During the Lenten season we will have Stations of the Cross in St. Agnes, Wednesday after the 8:30 am Mass and in St. Paul Friday after the 8:30am Mass. ST ANTHONY NOVENA There is an ongoing 13 week Novena for St. Anthony in St. Paul after the 8:30am Mass and at 12:00 noon this Tuesday, March 24th and lasting thr u Tuesday, J une 9th. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Our largest and least work Annual Fund Raiser is open. Our goal this year is $37,851.00. Please look for your invitation from Bishop DiMarzio in the mail-to help the Diocese provide services for those in need. Please respond as generously as possible. Remember, every penny over goal comes right back to us at St. Paul and St. Agnes. Pledge envelopes will be available in church. Please put a stamp on your return and mail it back in the envelope provided. If you are putting cash in the envelope, do not mail it . Put it in the pledge envelope and then in the basket on Sunday along with your tithes. YOUNG-AT-HEART The Young-At– Heart Senior Citizen gr oup will be meeting Wednesday, March 25th at the St. Agnes Parish Center, 433 Sackett Str eet fr om 1:00 to 3:00 . Come join us for some fun. ATLANTIC CITY HERE WE COME The Young at Heart is planning a trip to Atlantic City Tropicana Hotel for Wednesday, April 22nd. The price is $30.00 with a $25.00 give back from the hotel. Buses will leave at 9:00am from St. Agnes and 9:15am from St. Paul. Ticket will be on sale at both par ish offices and from Jeanne Nardiello who can be reached at 718-915-5991. THANK YOU We would like to Thank the St. Agnes The Legion of Mary for their contr ibution of $88.00 r aised dur ing their retreat on March 14th. HOLY TRIDUUM APRIL 2-APRIL 4 HOLY THURSDAY 7:30PM MASS ST. AGNES FOLLOWED BY REPOSITORY UNTIL 11:00PM GOOD FRIDAY 12:00 NOON PROCESSION & STATIONS OF THE CROSS BEGINNING AT ST. AGNES ENDING AT ST. PAUL 4:00PM LITURGY OF THE PASSION /HOLY COMMUNION AT ST. AGNES-ENGLISH 7:30PM LITURGY OF THE PASSION & HOLY COMMUNION AT ST. PAULSPANISH HOLY SATURDAY 7:30PM EASTER VIGIL ST. AGNES EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5 7:45 AM ST. PAUL ENGLISH 9:15 AM ST. AGNES ENGLISH 11:00 AM ST. PAUL SPANISH 11:00 AM ST. AGNES FRENCH SPECIAL REQUEST IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A CABINET AT ST PAUL PUT YOUR NAME ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CABINET. ANY CABINET WITH NO NAME WILL BE OPENED AND THE CONTENTS REMOVED. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS BE CARRIED OUT IMMEDIATELY. EN ESPANOL VIA CRUCES Durante la Cuaresma tendremos la vía cruces en Sta. Inés, los miércoles después de la misa de las 8:30 am y en San. Pablo los viernes después de la misa de las 8:30 am. Los Viernes por la noche a las 7pm en La Iglesia de San Pablo. CAMPANA CATOLICA ANUAL La campana nuestra más grande y más fácil Campaña Católica Anual está abier ta. Nuestr a meto este año es $37,851.00. Por favor, busque su invitación del Obispo DiMarzio en el correo-para ayudar a servicios para aquellos en necesidad. Por favor responda tan generosamente como sea posible. Recuerde, cada centavo sobre meta vuelve a nosotros en La Parroquia de San Pablo y Santa Inés. Sobres estarán disponibles en la iglesia. Por favor, ponga un sello en su declaración y envíela en el sobre provisto. Si va a poner efectivo en el sobre, ponga el sobre en la colecta el domingo junto con sus diezmos. No lo envié por correo. GRACIAS Nos gustaría dar las gracias a la Legión de María de Santa Inés por su contribución de $88.00 recogida durante su retirada el 14 de marzo. PETICIÓN ESPECIAL SI TIENE UN GABINETE EN SAN PABLO PONGA SU NOMBRE EN EL EXTERIOR DEL GABINETE. LOS GABINETE SIN NOMBRE SE ABRIRÁN Y EL CONTENIDO ELIMINADO. ES IMPORTANTE QUE ÉSTO SEA LLEVADA A CABO INMEDIATAMENTE. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Paul and St. Agnes Parish #002266 234 Congress Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 TELEPHONE 718 624-3425 CONTACT PERSON Nova/Fr. Joseph Nugent SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 3:00 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 22, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THORUGH 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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